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单词 Sexuality
1) Her overt sexuality shocked cinema audiences.
2) He couldn't come to terms with his sexuality.
3) In Britain, the growing discussion of women's sexuality raised its own disquiet.
4) Parker's column on teenage sexuality is right on.
5) Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.
6) Melanie Griffith seems to smoulder with sexuality.
7) He was confused about his sexuality.
8) She oozes sexuality from every pore.
9) He's completed his doctorate on Victorian sexuality.
10) She was uncomfortably aware of her son's developing sexuality.
11) Attitudes towards sexuality have radically changed.
12) These latest findings support the thesis that sexuality is determined by nature rather than choice.
13) In Freud's theory, the two areas of sexuality and violence are interconnected.
14) Freud's views on sexuality set the agenda for much of the century .
15) But escalation is not usually associated with adult sexuality.
16) Their skin colour, sexuality or hair hue is irrelevant.
17) Many early religious cults revolved around sexuality.
18) Lesbian feminist psychologists' research focuses mainly on sexuality.
19) Dan's arrival had aroused all her dormant sexuality.
20) Right: the healthy, androgynous sexuality of Jamie Lee Curtis.
21) Max breathed out powerful male sexuality in every movement.
22) The heroine, Maryska, is the personification of female sexuality.
23) A dread of black male sexuality remains.
24) To say that sexuality exists in the brain simply begs the question.
25) He believes he has been discriminated against because of his sexuality.
26) He claims that prejudice against homosexuals would cease overnight if all the gay stars in the country were honest about their sexuality.
27) The play's interest lies in the questions it raises about sexuality.
28) In the last two chapters of the book,(http:///sexuality.html) she enters the murky waters of male sexuality.
29) She is denied the economy of representation that would reflect feminine desire and sexuality.
30) The foregoing paragraphs dispose, it is hoped, of some mistaken ideas as to the state and progress of sexuality in adulthood.
1) Her overt sexuality shocked cinema audiences.
2) He couldn't come to terms with his sexuality.
3) In Britain, the growing discussion of women's sexuality raised its own disquiet.
4) Victorian women were rarely allowed to express their sexuality.
5) He's completed his doctorate on Victorian sexuality.
31) No simple causative relationship between industrialisation and the organisation of sexuality is suggested.
32) Such questions are distasteful for a fastidious cleric who thinks of sexuality as a loss of self-control.
33) Over the next three decades, many theologians took a fresh look at the whole subject of human sexuality.
34) These were now crystallized in an expanded discourse on male and female sexuality.
35) This interest in lesbianism preserves the emphasis dominant discourses of femininity place on women's sexuality.
36) Sexuality affords us the opportunity of transgressing the barrier separating life from death.
37) The physical expression of female sexuality is her monthly period and its triumph lies in her giving birth.
38) The physical and emotional intimacy of adult sexuality in marriage recreates aspects of our early, and often unremembered, pasts.
39) Thus woman's sexuality is held to be her most important asset.
40) At its strongest, sexuality within holy matrimony was only justified as a necessary part of reproduction.
41) To mention infantile sexuality is now commonplace, although far from being fully acceptable or comprehensible to many people.
42) It also helped to keep condemned forms of sexuality alive by its perpetual writing and talking about them.
43) So insecure about her sexuality that she'd eaten too much and got fat.
44) Many gay men today cringe at the thought that this was a major component of the sexuality of our precursors.
45) For the Foucauldians sexuality is made meaningful through the discourses which shape it.
46) Since they had already risen from the dead, they were now to live like angels, transcending their sexuality.
47) It was female sexuality that constituted the social problem, because through it the race was perpetuated.
48) They seem fortunate to some because they are left to pursue young women without being caught in the coils of female sexuality.
49) The book also chronicles his personal charms, social clumsiness and confusion in his own sexuality.
50) It is not fully clear what are the elements on which these social constructs of sexuality play.
51) Reno apparently felt compelled to deny not just that she was a lesbian, but that she had any sexuality at all.
52) It was the Biblical apple with which man was seduced to forswear his innocence in order to gain knowledge and sexuality.
53) In the days of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, women were constrained from having any sexuality at all.
54) Male sexuality was defined as an instinctual force which, while needing constant medical supervision, was an essential attribute of masculinity.
55) What is strikingly absent in nineteenth-century thought is any concept of female sexuality which is independent of men's.
56) It was a defeat which was to have profound and far-reaching consequences for state medical regulation of sexuality.
57) The constitution guarantees freedom from persecution on grounds of race, sex, or sexuality.
58) She is in constant pursuit of ways in which to accentuate male sexuality and to provide men with comfortable clothes.
59) The 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act signalled a new, more coercive system of state intervention into the domain of sexuality.
60) Society is ambivalent about recognising that elderly people have a legitimate wish to continue to express their sexuality in physical ways.
61) But it was the dynamic sexuality of her act that grabbed the headlines and confirmed her arrival as a new musical siren.
62) The film explores alternative sexuality with coy eroticism and a brazen wit, but without resorting to degrading stereotypes.
63) On one level, the story of Snow White is about a mother's jealousy of her daughter's beauty and sexuality.
64) They told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the scandal amounted to an abuse of power, not sexuality.
65) Blackwell glossed reproduction in a highly original way, fusing it with claims for an active female sexuality.
66) The history of sexuality becomes, therefore, a history of our discourses about sexuality.
67) He was standing close, holding her breathless with his gaze, every inch of him exuding male sexuality.
68) My Aunt Naomi, like some latter-day Sleeping Beauty permanently imprisoned, never awakened to or acceded to adult sexuality.
69) What is ultimately of most significance in Foucault's work is this recognition of the constant struggles within the definitions of sexuality.
70) The question of sexuality further complicates racialized encounters, such as racial harassment and violence.
71) Rather than a brief performance, female sexuality is a long, unfolding process.
72) In the 1860s medical interventions into the contagious diseases debate polarized earlier representations of female sexuality.
73) This meant transforming Elizabeth into a type of divine principal whose sexuality was not directly addressed.
74) It was the language of purity which mobilized many women to develop a trenchant critique of male sexuality.
75) There are no hangups on sexuality, no bans on contraception, and very few barriers to changing behavior.
76) Do you think specific arts events should receive public funding, or are you unhappy about gay sexuality being publicised.
77) It is in this context that we must read the definitions and practices that constituted Victorian sexuality.
78) None of them ever enlivened maths lessons with a few handy hints about alternative sexuality.
79) Their dangerous,() uncontrolled sexuality is destined to be muted by the life-long practice of inhuman austerities and self-denial.
80) The answers come from a variety of professionals who deal with human development and sexuality.
81) Indeed, one may even say that sexuality was the theme linking the various items which comprise the matrix that is Orphism.
82) We don't see gays being beaten to death in our country because of their sexuality.
83) Second, there is the issue of the increase or decrease in overtly exploitative, degrading and violent forms of sexuality.
84) But it's the undertow of precocious sexuality, the child-woman come-on, that's more worrying.
85) They are sure to find something ambivalent about your sexuality and an unflattering anecdote about a nun.
86) The mystery of sexuality has caused much confusion in the history of the church.
87) She writes boldly about Latina sexuality(), challenging machismo in her ethnic community.
88) Political reporters received news releases about how sexuality should be expressed more freely in daily life.
89) But, in addition, they implied that O'Keeffe's work was a revelation of female sexuality.
90) Men must define and defend the larger dimensions of their sexuality by external activity.
91) The conspiracy of silence about teenage sexuality had many results.
92) Indeed, this intelligent and controlled female sexuality is what makes human communities possible.
93) The only area of difference between women which woman-centred feminists consistently address is that of sexuality.
94) A society that values freedom, sexuality, and human happiness can hardly balk at this inspiring fulfillment of its ideal.
95) Or even love, in so far as it is distinguished from sexuality.
96) Bell set out to catalog species according to their ecology and their sexuality.
97) It covers such ground as Education, Sexuality, Population and Possessions, using various statistics and polls.
98) Wasn't it possible that his sexuality was much more ambivalent than he had let on?
99) This is the guilt which plagues human happiness and interferes with the happiness of our sexuality.
100) Here participants were given a chance to discuss sexuality, health, relationships, self-esteem and abuse.
101) Blackwell's radical ideas point to the tentative beginnings of a discourse on active female sexuality.
102) Burman uses representations of the self to examine questions around race, gender and sexuality.
103) With their mix of male and female imagery, snakes are sexuality incarnate.
104) More plentiful adult material, about sexuality for the long haul, would have deepened the work.
105) Over a soundtrack of appropriate chart hits, unidentified teenagers talked about coming to terms with their own sexuality.
106) The quest for greater knowledge was underpinned by a highly gender-specific discourse on sexuality.
107) Sexuality has been used to spark the library card.
108) Magenta is associated with passion and sexuality.
109) He had an inferiority complex about his sexuality.
110) Clearly, hetero-anal sex has been part of human sexuality for centuries, but in the U.S.(), it was rarely mentioned until AIDS appeared.
111) That should have spelled the end of the convertible, except for one thing: The open car with its sun-baked, wind-blown passengers became a symbol of youth, freedom, and sexuality.
112) Besides, researcher also tries to understand how users interpret cybersex symbols and further perform the foreplay to satisfy their imagination and sexuality through text analysis and interviews.
113) A couple try to save their marriage, while their houseguest discovers her sexuality...
114) She declares that women, with a bracing sense of self, may develop a sexuality that is open and nonseductive and a form of mothering that is adult and unresentful.
115) But the landmark could quickly be overshadowed by divisions in the Church over the Bible and sexuality throughout world Anglicanism.
115) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
116) Only for cynic who has forgotten what the gift of human sexuality is all about.
117) The historicity of texts and the sexuality of history is the furthest basic characteristics of NewHistoricism.
118) In Don's Party, chauvinism, Rabelaisian humor, and drunken sexuality reflected by the male characters in the play are three typical "ocker" characteristics.
119) I already explained how kink lead me to porn, and now that I'm here, I have to say that pornography and my exhibitionist sexuality influence my feminism.
120) There is a very significant difference between interdictions about sexuality and other forms of interdiction.
121) "He tried touse my sexuality as a political weapon and that blew up in his face, " saysBradshaw, now the U.K.'s Minister of Culture.
122) Conclusion: The incidence of sexuality is high in minority nationality fe male college students and there exist the problem of promiscuity , pregnant and spread of STD.
123) All are commentaries on child sexual exploitation, but the titillating representations positioned these actors as sex symbols and reinforced the link between girls' sexuality and sex work.
124) At the end, a darker path and two hollow balls of boxwood: several episodes of prepubescent sexuality occurred here.
125) More than just steamy dance numbers, Peepshow tells a story of sexuality and empowerment that all women can relate to.
126) Betty is not just a great beauty, she also possesses provocative sexuality -- an attribute that undermines the purity and passivity of the original character.
127) The religious right organized, and sexuality, especially teen sexuality, became a political issue.
128) It's not uncommon for people who think poorly of their bodies to have problems in other areas of their lives, including sexuality, careers and relationships.
129) Expressions of sexuality are a major currency in everyday school life exchanges.
130) Chang, Hsiao-hung. (1995) Sexaul Imperialism: Gender, Race and Sexuality in the British (Post)Colonial Text. Taipei: Bookman .
131) Much of Giacometti's work of this time reflects a characteristically Surrealist interest in the unconscious world and dreams as well as the themes of sexuality and violence.
132) I want to integrate my sexuality with all the other weaves of my self: burn any architectural plans that mount my gayness above my race, ethnicity, and age.
133) Perhaps the trick to enjoying nudism is being able to separate nudity from sexuality. And being away from other people.
134) For this jaunt down sexual lane, we're wrapping our scientific hands around controversial notions of female sexuality.
135) The way of public management of sexuality perhaps will shift from mopping up to regulation.
136) Welcome to my blog! I'm swinginpixie and, as you might have already figured out, I am a bi-sexual woman who wants to express her sexuality.
137) A Greek word used by Ernest Jones in his discussion of female sexuality, aphanisis (Afaneesis) refers to the disappearance of sexual desire.
138) He also cited evidence of self-fellation in nonhuman primates to conclude that oral sex is "a biologically normal aspect of sexuality."
139) Among people, ambiguity in sexuality and indefinable emotions, cause them to drift afloat endlessly.
140) Forum participants focus on sexuality research and clinical sexology research technologies and new methods of communication and discussion.
141) We also invite intersex perspectives on controversial topics and issues such as sexuality, religion, politics and other issues.
142) "Sex is a great mode of exercise, " says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists.
143) In other words: Like so much else in human sexuality, intersexuality is a matter of degree, and it depends on various social and medical conventions where exactly one draws the diagnostic line.
144) Many feminists considered sexuality purely a matter ofpersonal desire, and the idea that lesbianism could be a politicaldecision was perceived as "cold-blooded".
145) The third chapter deals with exchange and trade of female sexuality.
146) She added that late-blooming sexuality was often wrongly dismissed as repressed lesbians finally coming to terms with their true feelings.
147) Sexual perversion is rather a stereotype of sexual psychological deviation than sexual psychological block, which is a distorted derivative of infantile sexuality, and is attributed to two causes.
148) Coming out is different for every gay or bisexual person since there are varying degrees of sexuality (see Kinsey Scale) and the circumstances that surround our lifestyles differ.
149) The false choice between intellectualism and sexuality in women has persisted through the ages. There was no more poignant victim of it than Marilyn Monroe.
150) Tantra transports your sexuality from the plane of doing to the place of being.
151) Hathor is the Goddess of love, pleasure, sexuality, music, dance and beauty, as well as the patroness of women, children, and the act of birth.
152) Furthermore, studies indicate that it's more prevalent in women than in men, according to Bonnie Zylbergold, assistant editor of American Sexuality, an online magazine.
153) Whether it's group sex, S/M, Tantric spiritual sex, or cross dressing, this part will help you explore and the diversity that makes each person's Sexuality unique.
154) It's basically to dissemble the idea that nudity equates to pornography and nudity equates to sexuality.
155) Kraepelin rejected the psychoanalytical theories that placed innate sexuality or early sexual experiences at the root of mental illness.
156) The last is the domain of sexology, the body of multidisciplinary inquiries into sex and sexuality, and the subject of this chapter.
157) It will discuss the influence of Japanese pop culture and animation fandom on Chinese concept of sexuality and queerness.
158) The false choice between intellectualism and sexuality in women has persisted through the ages.
159) The descriptions of genders, sexuality and generation, etc. in Manichean documents are very peculiar.
160) This conception seems to be sustained by the fact that as far as the emergence of sexuality in a so-called completed form is concerned, we are certainly dealing with an organic process.
161) It being self evident that the phallus occupies a central theme in the psychoanalytic theories of gender and sexuality, the course occupies a pivotal role in the Intercultural and Queer program.
162) Marlowe s Edward II is a history play which is concatenated sexuality and politics to portray Edward II s tragedy.
163) Despite her tiny body, she had a certain sexuality, flirting outrageously with my brother, David.
164) For example, having selected me as the only gay in the village, the programme makers had also recruited a family of Seventh-day Adventists, who would be likely to object to my sexuality.
165) Trying to control the shakiness of my voice, I asked for the Center on Sexuality and Disability.
166) Kate Chopin portrayed a collection of awakening women in her short stories, who experienced introspection and awakening at a different level concerning love, family, marriage as well as sexuality.
167) In sum, the concept of childhood sexuality is problematical for a variety of reasons.
168) And there is systematic, analytic thinking about sex and sexuality.
169) But in this sense, the researchers say(), Samoa's communitarian culture may be more -- not less -- representative of the environment in which male same-sex sexuality evolved eons ago.
170) However, since there is only one signifier of sexuality (the phallus), the Other signifier of the signifying chain must represent the absence of the phallus ( castration).
171) Schistosome is gonochorism rarely seen in trematode fluke, and sexuality differentiation plays important role in its growth and pathogenesis.
172) Ruan Fangfu:Ph D, Professor, Director of the Department of Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco, California, USA; Advisor, China Sexology Association.
173) Methods The data from 115 stroke patients who were evaluated by SAS and SDS, on age, course of disease, sexuality, stroke frequency and myodynamia, were analyzed statistically.
174) Kids and sexuality — those words strike fear into the hearts of many parents. But talking to kids about sex is an important part of parenting.
175) Racial references touch raw nerves when they allude to negative stereotypes about African Americans to do with laziness, criminality,( ) untrustworthiness or sexuality.
176) This theatre of war is bigger than the simple issue of being gay, just as the question of love swamps the question of mere sexuality.
177) Rossetti was an evangelical Christian, much more religious than her brother Dante Gabriel, and she spent most of her life denying her sexuality.
178) Few of us have benefited from a formal education in sexuality or sexual love.
179) The gay of ancient China was in top form in Ming and Chin Dynasties, so that the term gay become a synonym for homosexuality, and kept pace with the opposite sexuality.
180) Without clear-eyed, informed journalism about sexuality, the public runs the risk of seeing sex-related issues through a murky scrim of ignorance and biased attitudes.
181) On the otherhand, Internet sexuality shows that we're becoming more and more self-involved.
182) Details of which can be seen in several aspects, such as in its structure of love knots, expressions of womenfolk male-absence structure, self-examination and sexuality of womenfolk, etc.
183) But female always hold an error attitude of sexuality and they think it is dirty and shame to talk, due to the deep influence of feudalist ideology and the view that men are superior to women.
184) Portia de Rossi has penned 'Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain, ' an unflinching and bravely honest account of her battle with eating disorders and dealing with her sexuality.
185) "Sexuality" now meant more than maleness or femaleness , and it was not necessarily always related to male-female encounters or to reproduction.
186) Her role in 1990 s Henry & June showcased Uma with sexuality streaming out of pores.
187) These images expose a budding female sexuality, and call into question an idealized vision of femininity. 'Belle de Jour' was produced in 2002/2003.
188) Girard, the deputy mayor of Paris, knows severalelected officials who keep their sexuality private.




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