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单词 Loyal
1. We assured him of our loyal support.
2. I don't feel loyal to this company any longer.
3. They had remained loyal to the president.
4. He was loyal to his country friend, principles.
5. The army has remained loyal to the government.
6. Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.
7. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.
8. Loyal armed forces launched a counter-attack against the rebels.
9. Some of our formerly loyal members have fallen away.
10. The troops remained loyal to the president.
11. Ross was his most constant and loyal friend.
12. Troops loyal to the President crushed the revolt.
13. She is loyal and totally dependable.
14. He is a loyal friend.
15. The shop attracted a loyal following among the well-heeled.
16. The band has a fanatically loyal British following.
17. The shop has a small but loyal/devoted following.
18. I thanked them for their long and loyal service.
19. She has always remained loyal to her political principles.
20. The army remained loyal throughout.
21. He remained loyal to me through thick and thin.
22. They were unflinchingly loyal to their friends.
23. She's very loyal to her friends.
24. His politics were based on loyal partisanship.
25. I judge him to be loyal.
26. The people stayed loyal to their country.
27. He has 20 years of loyal service to Barclays Bank behind him.
28. He'd always been such a loyal friend to us all.
29. Friends are not books, yet books are friends. Friends may betray you, while books are always loyal.
30. When all her other friends deserted her, Steve remained loyal.
1. We assured him of our loyal support.
2. I don't feel loyal to this company any longer.
3. They had remained loyal to the president.
4. He was loyal to his country friend, principles.
5. The army has remained loyal to the government.
6. Jack has been a loyal worker in this company for almost 50 years.
7. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.
31. He seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.
32. The black vote is astonishingly loyal to the Democratic Party.
33. The company has built up a loyal customer base .
34. She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades.
35. They had lost by a wide margin, but their supporters gave them a defiant(), loyal ovation.
36. After years of loyal service, his boss gave him the shaft by firing him just before he would have qualified for a pension.
37. As an author she has a small but loyal readership.
38. He went back to Yorkshire to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.
39. He paraded himself as a loyal supporter of the party.
40. Some of their most loyal members have now fallen off.
41. My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic.
42. He's determined to remain loyal to the team whatever comes his way.
43. Loyal workers build long-term relationships with their customers.
44. But above all, this was a loyal speech.
45. There is no friend as loyal as a book. Ernest Hemingway 
46. Loyal to the last drop of blood.
47. That's bad news for loyal customers.
48. One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives. Euripides 
49. His loyal coterie of fans crowded the stage.
50. Men are only as loyal as their options. Bill Maher 
51. They were too loyal to their customers.
52. Loyal subjects of the Imperium always feared hulks.
53. The set was closed and the extras were loyal to Stroheim's oath of silence.
54. As kids, loyal pals, as men now, they justify the respect and high esteem given them.
55. Books are more than educational – they are the quiet friends, loyal companions, and untiring teachers. Dr T.P.Chia 
56. This loyal player, who turned down a contract with Ipswich Town to stay in the Province, deserves better treatment.
57. Tom Campbell has been a loyal and dutiful employee of this firm for 25 years.
58. They left telephone lines at the presidential palace intact, allowing Diem to appeal to loyal units to rescue him.
59. In 1421 they entered a contract to be loyal to each other without dissimulation or fraud.
60. The retail part of the business contains loyal customers with much repeat business.
61. The local store is rumoured to be considering Sunday closing after the loss of its most loyal customer!
62. Minor repercussions of the Paredes and Marquez revolts were successfully met by the loyal state governors and military leaders in various localities.
63. Along with his intensely loyal family he struggles hard to achieve downward mobility.
64. The Communists dutifully echoed his admission, disclosing that even loyal Vietminh veterans had been unjustly tried and executed.
65. In both states, O'Reilly has a loyal following among hard-line conservatives.
66. Klein prided himself on being a loyal subject who had served his adopted country with honour.
67. George Spachtholz has been a proud, card-carrying member of the Loyal Order of the Moose for 45 years.
68. He is loyal to a fault, even to his enemies.
69. It is also where she first met many of the people who have since become loyal and supportive friends.
70. Any program that can satisfy so many wants at such a bargain price is guaranteed a very loyal constituency.
71. But Dole will have the support of loyal, hard-core Republicans.
72. Moral involvement designates a high intensity of positive involvement - the loyal party member or church parishioner, for example.
73. Ben Loyal dominates the Kyle of Tongue and holds a magnetic attraction for many hillwalkers.
74. He was a Persian provincial governor, whose powers had few limits provided he stayed loyal.
75. Paul Alexandre, his loyal and sympathetic supporter, left Paris to serve in the army medical service.
76. I came here to be a good lord as well as the King's most loyal servant!
77. But while Corden thanked the loyal hard core,(sentence dictionary) he did not criticise the floating fans.
78. As rebel forces loyal to Nabiyev approached the capital, a state of emergency was imposed on Oct. 22.
79. He reaffirms his pleasure at once again seeing so many of his loyal friends.
80. At the same time, he was totally loyal to Franco and unlikely to seek Allied aid to bring back the monarchy.
81. You could be passing up the chance to obtain the most loving, loyal friend anyone could wish for.
82. If you are truly loyal to Ulster then rally behind the cry for independence.
83. Sjahrir was liberated by loyal troops and Tan Malaka rearrested.
84. There is a limit to the knocks loyal supporters can take.
85. To you, I'm an atheist. To God, I'm the loyal opposition. Woody Allen 
86. Luckily I have many loyal friends here - more, perhaps, than you do.
87. The Kamajor militia and other loyal forces have been put in army uniform and brought under its command.
88. Mosk, though a loyal liberal Democrat, demurred, citing the right of free political association.
89. Loyal party followers viewed Deri as a scapegoat in the scandal for both Likud Party operatives and the legal establishment.
90. The attempted coup was eventually suppressed by the loyal Army command.
91. The rebels gave themselves up to loyal officers later that day.
92. He prefers to serve as the objective analyst or loyal adviser rather than the final judgment maker.
93. He appealed to the army, still largely loyal to the Shah.
94. Luckily, she had an innate ability to quickly judge people-if they were honest, loyal, tricksters or leeches.
95. Tenants who refuse to accept leases are given notice to quit and find themselves on the streets after years of loyal service.
96. Employees are increasingly loyal to things other than the company.
97. When one of the fiercely loyal team is gunned down in the line of duty, the unit seems ready to collapse.
98. A decade later and it is still tackling the controversial issues and delighting its loyal audience.
99. The national guard of Jalisco, however, remained loyal to the government.
100. He reminisced how loyal he had been to his firm and how cruel he felt was his reward.
101. Independent grocery stores have used Nordstrom-style personal service for years to maintain loyal customer bases.
102. Ingrid and other loyal friends spent long hours burning the midnight oil with her when it came to the final typing.
103. I have to be loyal to my conscience and my good judgment.
104. The Reiksguard forms an elite core of highly trained, expensively-equipped troops who are loyal to the Emperor in person.
105. I don't know Ian, but I do know Joanna, and you couldn't have a more loyal friend.
106. The palace is guarded by elite troops loyal to the president.
107. His father's brother, Gloucester had hitherto been loyal to a fault./loyal.html
108. Nor had he wanted to have recourse to the services of an Astropath belonging to a pious and loyal fraternal organization.
109. Furthermore, by the time of the first appointment, the Volunteers had already formed strong in-group links and loyal. ties.
110. The rebellion was quickly crushed by forces loyal to the President.
111. They also rejected Mazowiecki's attempt to transform the civic committees into a single political party loyal to him.
112. At the same time, away from the competitive baize, she was a loyal and warm-hearted personality.
113. It's inconceivable that university officials would fire someone as talented and loyal as Professor Schultz.
114. Although loyal the good people of St Albans were somewhat concerned with the sudden influx of 20,000 people.
115. They will be less inclined to be loyal to Delhi.
116. Inclan and the people of Puebla remained loyal to Herrera and to constitutional order and refused to accede to his demands.
117. I have to be loyal to the decision of Parliament, which passed the War Crimes Act 1991.
118. Calm in the face of danger, President Herrera spoke to the troops and ordered them to remain loyal to the government.
119. Earnhardt's death seems to have spawned a touch of indifference among the legions of loyal stock car racing fans.
120. Even the most loyal officials found it increasingly difficult to defend serfdom on moral grounds.
121. Loyal, bonded silicon brains, hired for cheap and at your command, even if you were only 13.
122. That problem will increase, thereby penalising schools with the most experienced and loyal teaching staffs.
123. She is beautiful and benign and the embodiment of all the finest qualities of a loyal and loving wife.
124. Geaga was particularly concerned about the presence of fighters loyal to his arch-rival, Elie Hobeika.
125. Pursued there and besieged, they fled by night to raise a loyal army, but found it pitiful in numbers.
126. The following day General Ivanov was instructed to assemble loyal forces near the capital to restore order.
127. She was a stubborn, loyal Aries, the best kind of friend to have.
128. A person does not support his government because he is loyal but because the government has arranged special contingencies.
129. But the town remained steadfastly loyal to the Old King and shut its gates against him.
130. A multi-service approach keeps customers loyal, executives and analysts said.
131. Emap has an asset base of extremely strong brands, loyal high value customers and differentiated content in both B2C and B2B.
132. But shoppers are now more loyal to their local shops than to faceless behemoths like Philip Morris.
133. Until it was forced out, Super Star Video had relied on extremely loyal customers whom the Elgaens treated as friends.
134. He died in poverty, surrounded by a few loyal followers.
135. Gerry will be playing to hundreds of loyal fans at the Apollo theatre in Oxford tonight.
136. Often playing leading roles in productions her loyal and hardworking membership went back to her joining in 1947.
137. When you already believe something, how can you suddenly stop? When you are a loyal friend, how can you no longer be one? Amy Tan 
138. The holy passion of friendship is so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring in nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. Mark Twain 
139. David was loyal to a fault, and in his naive understanding quietly expected the same kind of loyalty in return.
140. And the unhappy customer base stayed loyal in enormous numbers so that the company is now reaping the benefit.
141. He more willingly identifies himself as Clinton's loyal lieutenant, ready to assume full command.
142. Just as his concessions were being broadcast, loyal contingents rolled into Saigon.
143. James was also tremendously loyal to people he cared about, and in him I found a true friend.
144. I met some now very loyal friends who have seen me through these last three and a half years.
145. Several executives argued against it, but Rice persuaded them it was possible because customers seemed loyal to Mega.
146. Blame it on the lightless conspiracy of bee life, a secret guarded by ten thousand fanatically loyal, armed soldiers.
147. They are resilient, honorable, loyal and unabashedly in love with their fighters, often serving as devoted father figures.
148. As an ex employee, he's loyal to the company, even though it made him redundant after 34 years.
149. The following recipe uses this blend to create a loyal, hearty, and enjoyable bread.
150. She was loyal and intelligent and she never gave up on anything.
151. The homeboys who should be amongst Dance Energy's most loyal followers diss him.
152. Dimon has been loyal to Weill in good times and bad.
153. And is his love so imperishable that, when others deal treacherously with us, he never fails to be loyal?
154. The government found it expedient to slacken the grip of censorship in order to encourage loyal expressions of support for the Emancipation programme.
155. But troops loyal to the general foiled the attempt and he emerged with his customary grin and triumphal air-punching.
156. Persecuting Nonconformists could have a knock-on effect in a community, hitting those who were loyal to the established Church.
157. Builders – calm, well-mannered, loyal and cautious.
158. Good friends should be loyal to each other.
159. She determined to be loyal to her leader.
160. Everyone must be loyal to his motherland.
161. He ceased to be loyal to his girlfriend.
162. You must, above all, be loyal to your country.
163. We should be loyal to our own country.
164. It can be said that they have the support of loyal fans, Jay's career will be more sun at high noon.
165. Lots of loyal customers mean stably increasing saleroom, low sale cost and continually ascending gains for enterprises.
166. That remark will probably get me hammered by Apple's intense, die-hard, unquestioningly loyal fans.
167. Leader should be kind to people , people should be loyal to leader.
167. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
168. It is my perception that a proactive approach to CSR promotes enhanced diversity, more satisfied customers, more loyal employees, stronger brands, risk minimisation , and a better environment.
169. They deserve freedom of assembly, so Iranians can gather and press for reform and a peaceful, loyal opposition can keep the government in check.
170. The Olympic oriflamme is soaring out on the Divine Lands, they're flags of peace and soundness in the Loyal Counties.
171. By showing that you care about them and vocalizing your appreciation, they will likely continue to perform well and stay loyal to you when the tide turns.
172. Takashi Kudo , the owner of a construction company here, said he remained a loyal supporter of Liberal Democratic lawmakers.
173. Here, the company join hands with the whole staff show loyal thanks to our old customers!
174. What sets it apart is Mr Allawi's angle of vision, as a thoughtful Shia Muslim intellectual, loyal to his community but determined to be fair-minded .
175. Libyan production has been largely shut down during the long conflict between rebel forces and troops loyal to Libya's leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.
176. When he was old, "his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David" (1 Kings 11:4).
177. As shown in several results, women today are a complex combination of altruistic and materialistic, vain and insecure, loyal and self-serving.
178. Rebel forces loyal to renegade leader Laurent Nkundu have made serious inroads into territory previously held by the Congolese army of President Joseph Kabila around the eastern town of Goma.
179. President Ramos-Horta almost died when he was shot by gunmen loyal to rebel leader Alfredo Reinado, who died in the ambush.
180. From the standpoint of politics for instance, if you want loyal people in a political campaign, do not pay them.
181. Stormtroopers were the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire, loyal and answerable directly to Emperor Palpatine.
182. "What the real leaders in this space have figured out is that you can re-humanize businesses and create loyal communities using these kinds of tools, " Brogan says.
183. For a long time I could not understand how someone of his caliber could remain so intractably loyal to such an undeserving employer.
184. Libya's diplomatic service abroad has fractured into those calling for Mr Gaddafi to go and those loyal to the regime.
185. I am a talkative, loyal, gentle, smart, and charming and bluffness woman.
186. The idea that the future will be composed of brand loyal customers, unbranded shoppers and "Facebook travelers" was addressed by Craig Hewett, founder and chief commercial officer, Wego.
187. She vowed that he would be loyal to the king.
188. Be loyal to your employees, if you expect the same.
189. For the next decade, Radcliffe plays the boy wizard/hero Harry Potter, Watson is smarty-pants Hermione Granger, and Grint is insecure but loyal Ron Weasley.
190. Although Mr Allawi has complained about harassment and victimisation of his followers by forces loyal to his chief rival –the incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
191. Some pirates were not loyal to any country and lived on the Barbary Coast which was along the North African coast.
192. This, as coalition troops remain poised to take Baghdad, said to be protected by rings of Saddam Hussein's best trained and most loyal Republican Guard fighters.
193. "The Apple ecosystem, in my mind, drives this industry," said CEO Kirk Feller. "Now that we are 'in,' there's a loyal following and we love Apple users.
194. If it cut off all contact with the Cambridge ring and it later turned out that its agents were genuinely loyal to the USSR, then the KGB would be blamed.
195. As the second in command, he pretends to be loyal to MEGATRON, but is always looking for an opportunity to weaken his leader's rule and take control of the DECEPTICONS.
196. In China, Lion is a symbol of power, magnificent, and loyal guardian. Stone lions outside temples are usually treated as a tutelary god.
197. In this great war we shall have loyal allies in the peoples of Europe and America(), including German people who are enslaved by Hitlerite despots.
198. He taught his loyal subjects saying, "People of Benares wholesomeness begins with giving up the five unwholesome actions once and for all."
199. The gentle method requires more patience in the early stages, but produces a cheerful, good-tempered elephant who will give many years of loyal service.
200. That of a domestic dog. Like a loyal dog, even when the Guru ridicules, irritates or ignores one, one never responds with anger.
201. The loyal soldiers were ready to go through fire and water for their king.
202. Dr. Roquefort's eyes strafed the group and zeroed tight on the few he thought absolutely loyal.
203. By his deceit he shall make some who were disloyal to the covenant apostatize ; but those who remain loyal to their God shall take strong action.
204. I will not have this regiment torn asunder by such cowardly prattle. Somewhere in the Province of Massachusetts Bay there is a loyal countryman in whose farmhouse we can tarry for a night.
205. These users are extremely loyal to YouTube, and, according to this report, the majority of this demographic believes that it is a good thing that brands use YouTube.
206. "I've been loyal to Arch Gunnard for a long time now, " Lonnie said. "I'd hate to haul off and leave him like that. "
207. Giving away older games, which have effectively reached the end of their time as a going commercial concern can be a great way to recruit loyal players who will buy your next game.
208. I'm loyal reader of GAM for over 20 years and enjoy getting your e - letter e -GAM but I frequently encounter problems when I click on links.
209. Special forces troops loyal to Mr Gbagbo fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a UN armoured personnel carrier, seriously wounding four peacekeepers carrying out a humanitarian mission, the UN said.
210. Far from unquestioningly loyal, he once remarked to Cocteau of the communists: "I have joined a family, and like all families, it's full of shit, " Richardson reports.
211. The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa, an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan.
212. De Burgh, who has a loyal following in Iran, visited for the first time in May, and said he hoped the authorities would give him permission to perform.




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