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单词 Suitable
1. He hasn't any suitable shoes for the wedding.
2. He was just not suitable for the job.
3. The exercise-with-answer-key format makes the book suitable for self-study.
4. Some soils are not suitable for farming.
5. Cotton is suitable for wear in summer.
6. It is a suitable location for a new school.
7. Grant payments will be made to suitable applicants.
8. We are hoping to find a suitable school.
9. In my estimation, he's the more suitable candidate.
10. This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.
11. Do you think this present is suitable for a little boy?
12. The film is not suitable for people of a nervous disposition.
13. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.
14. The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.
15. Mr. Smith is a most suitable candidate for such negotiator since his tact and quickness of mind are equal to the occasion.
16. The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula.
17. With suitable software you can use your PC as a word processor.
18. He wanted to change over to a more suitable job.
19. I feel hopeful that we'll find a suitable house very soon.
20. I haven't found a suitable job yet, but I still live in hope.
21. Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.
22. Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job.
23. The agency will let you know if they have any suitable vacancies.
24. When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable boots.
25. The operation will go ahead as soon as a suitable donor can be found.
26. There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women.
27. I spent the day traipsing round the shops, but found nothing suitable for her.
28. It took Vikram Seth three years to write his 1,349-page novel 'A Suitable Boy'.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. Her family began to scour the countryside for a suitable house.
30. The weather in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable clothing.
1. He was just not suitable for the job.
2. The exercise-with-answer-key format makes the book suitable for self-study.
3. Some soils are not suitable for farming.
4. It is a suitable location for a new school.
5. Grant payments will be made to suitable applicants.
6. We are hoping to find a suitable school.
7. This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.
8. Employers usually decide within five minutes whether someone is suitable for the job.
9. The agency will let you know if they have any suitable vacancies.
10. Do you think this present is suitable for a little boy?
11. When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable boots.
12. The film is not suitable for people of a nervous disposition.
13. The operation will go ahead as soon as a suitable donor can be found.
14. The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.
15. There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women.
16. I spent the day traipsing round the shops, but found nothing suitable for her.
17. The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula.
18. With suitable software you can use your PC as a word processor.
19. It took Vikram Seth three years to write his 1,349-page novel 'A Suitable Boy'.
20. Her family began to scour the countryside for a suitable house.
21. I feel hopeful that we'll find a suitable house very soon.
22. The weather in the hills can change very quickly, so take suitable clothing.
23. Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose.
24. They don't think this article is suitable for publication.
25. The girl always complains about lacking suitable raiment.
26. The machine will print out the results of the calculation and the names of suitable books on this subject.
27. This is not a suitable time for launching forth on a new business undertaking.
31. Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose.
32. Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage.
33. These properties are considered especially suitable for older people.
34. These toys are not suitable for children under five.
35. Woods is eminently suitable for the job.
36. He expressed suitable penitence for what he had done.
37. None of the actresses we've auditioned is suitable.
38. This type of microphone is suitable for general use.
39. This piece of music is suitable to strut.
40. Some patients die before a suitable donor is found.
41. The hunt is on for a suitable candidate.
42. This wine is not suitable to my taste.
43. We don't consider her suitable for the job.
44. This isn't a suitable place to unload the van.
45. A suitable transplant donor has been found.
46. The movie is suitable family fare .
47. She seems eminently suitable for the job.
48. The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.
49. This indicates whether remedies are suitable for children.
50. I was delegated to find a suitable conference venue.
51. All our cheeses are suitable for vegetarians.
52. This programme is not suitable for children.
53. The course is suitable for classroom or home study.
54. None of the actresses we have auditioned is suitable.
55. The walk is suitable for all the family.
56. There were no suitable candidates for the position.
57. Tomorrow will be quite suitable.
58. It was difficult to find a suitable location.
58. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
59. Is the emergency exit suitable for wheelchairs?
60. It was only suitable for children.
61. Ask your doctor to recommend a suitable therapist.
62. They don't think this article is suitable for publication.
63. The girl always complains about lacking suitable raiment.
64. This toy is not suitable for young children.
65. This holiday is not really suitable for wheelchair users.
66. All the bugs were spotted at their suitable positions.
67. Some countries lack a suitable economic infrastructure.
68. The mascara is suitable for contact lens wearers.
69. Location of a suitable site may take some time.
70. The film is not suitable for children under 12.
71. These films are suitable for adults only.
72. By this criterion, very few people are suitable.
73. The film is suitable for children.
74. It is sometimes difficult to find suitable foster parents.
75. What I'm saying, I suppose, is that she's not really suitable for the job.
76. They have pitched upon the most suitable man for the job.
77. Several candidates seemed suitable on paper but failed the interview.
78. The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions.
79. He and I dissented from each other in choosing a suitable candidate.
80. He found a suitable place, scraped a hole and buried the bag in it.
81. A suitable answer has already been put forward by the chairman.
82. The pilot set the aircraft up for a diversion to the nearest suitable airfield.
83. The house is not really suitable for a large family.
84. In the end the choice was narrowed down to three people who might be suitable for the job.
85. Smith is a most suitable candidate for such negotiator since his tact and quickness of mind are equal to the occasion.
86. Its design makes it suitable for the computerphobe who just wants to type and see something come out looking right.
87. Would now be a suitable moment to show the slides?
88. Colin apart, not one of them seems suitable for the job.
88. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
89. I'll raise the subject when a suitable occasion offers itself.
90. In a stroke of luck, a suitable organ donor became available.
91. She took me up sharply when I suggested that the job was only suitable for a man.
92. This film is not suitable for children under 12 as it contains strong language.
93. The machine will print out the results of the calculation and the names of suitable books on this subject.
94. We haven't yet managed to find new premises that are suitable for our purposes.
95. Which paint is suitable for the inside of a house?
96. These crayons are not suitable to use in very hot weather.
97. Long slow cooking is more suitable for cheaper cuts of meat.
98. It is an antiseptic cream suitable for minor skin irritations.
99. They'd soon be penniless and homeless if she couldn't find suitable work.
100. My mother doesn't like me wearing short skirts to church - she doesn't think they're suitable.
101. The old idea that this type of work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable.
102. The local shops have been marked in on this map so that people can choose a house in a suitable area.
103. We regret that latecomers cannot be admitted until a suitable break in the performance.
104. I don't think I should be suitable for the post.
105. Your suggestion will be brought before the committee at a suitable date.
106. Many of the problems were caused by the unavailability of suitable equipment.
107. The heart transplant will take place as soon as a suitable donor can be found.
108. Given that a prospective student is bombarded by prospectuses, selecting a suitable course is not easy.
109. Our kind of travel is definitely not suitable for people who expect to be cosseted.
110. The agent had no suitable properties on his books but promised to keep an ear to the ground for us.
111. I was looking for a birthday present for my mother but I didn't find anything suitable.
112. The international court of justice might be a suitable place to adjudicate claims.
113. She was asked to draw up a register of suitable sites.
114. We bought the cupboard on the understanding that we could return it if it wasn't suitable.
115. She asked if /whether I wanted a drink., although whether sounds more natural with particular verbs such as discuss, consider and decide. When a choice is offered between alternatives if or whether can be used:He didn't know if /whether we should write or phone. In this last type of sentence, whether is usually considered more formal and more suitable for written English.
116. The agency tries to match single people with suitable partners.
117. We'll be there at about 7.30, provided/providing there's a suitable train.
118. It wasn't a very suitable conversation for the dinner table.
119. I don't have anything suitable to wear for the party.
120. Three years had passed by before she finally found a suitable job.
121. We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job.
122. Her private secretary has carefully trawled the West End for a suitable show.
123. I'm trying to match up this wallpaper with some suitable curtain material.
124. Putting aside the fact that the man has been in prison for one year,he would seem to be a suitable worker for the job.
125. It was hard to find a suitable location for the desert scenes.
126. She had carte blanche to produce a film suitable for children.
127. If you persevere at your search for a job, you are sure to find something suitable in the end.
128. Is drug abuse a suitable topic for a school debate?
129. Please advise me on the most suitable colour print film and some dos and don'ts.
130. There are many other training courses that would be equally suitable.
131. Unfortunately they were unable to find a suitable person to fill the post .
132. We haven't yet been able to locate a suitable site.
133. The document contains sensitive information and is not suitable for free distribution.
134. The authority must make suitable accommodation available to the family.
135. Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report?
136. In my day, young women were not allowed out without a suitable escort.
137. Many families with children are finding suitable housing beyond their grasp.
138. A family doctor will be able to advise on suitable birth control.
139. We've skimmed off the six people who seem to be the most suitable for the job.
140. We spent the morning trudging around the mall looking for a suitable gift.
141. The starred dishes on the menu are suitable for vegetarians.
142. A suitable answer has already been put forward by the chairwoman.
143. A quick trawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts.
144. The director is looking for a suitable locale for his new film.
145. I spent all morning looking for a suitable present(), but came home empty-handed.
146. Latecomers will be admitted at a suitable break in the performance.
147. We marked down the spot as a suitable place for camping.
148. This is not a suitable time for launching forth on a new business undertaking.
149. The course is also suitable for those in the caring professions.
150. This is a suitable moment to ask for the afternoon off.
151. Ask her about it when a suitable moment offers itself.
152. The book is not suitable for students below degree level.
153. Recruiting suitable candidates is a delicate business.
154. If not, could anyone suggest a suitable candidate?
155. There is no suitable airfield near enough.
156. Suitable for beginners but basic computer skills necessary.
157. Spray with a suitable insecticide or use biological control.
158. You should find suitable non-sexist alternatives for them.
159. A programme of suitable artistes has been arranged.
160. Its demands probably do exclude some otherwise suitable candidates.
161. Suitable applications range from new build to restoration projects.
162. Again, acidifying old water is not suitable.
163. The classes are suitable for complete beginners.
164. A voracious appetite, omnivorous, suitable for a bear.
165. After dinner the Colonel gave all the officers tasks, such as playing bridge, winding up the gramophone or reading suitable books.
166. The event is suitable for all the family and added attractions will include craft, food and collector's fairs.
167. Males compete with other males for the attentions of females; females then choose the most suitable males.
168. At present I require assistance to help me to choose the most suitable occupation.
169. There are a number of other butterflyfish suitable for the home aquarium.
170. Many techniques are available with acrylic paints, so there is not one type of brush suitable for all acrylic techniques.
171. It is obvious, argues Cutler, how suitable these characteristics are for the needs of bourgeois society.
172. Some follies, however, do not provide suitable accommodation or are simply too small.
173. Use your own container for this if you wish - details of suitable ones will be sent with your booking form.
174. The choice of suitable premises in Newport at the height of the property boom was not large.
175. By curious coincidence, the suitable candidates are somehow always chaps.
176. Soccer is all very well as a game for rough girls, but is hardly suitable for delicate boys. Oscar Wilde 
177. A notice board placed in a suitable part of the ward is useful for presenting learning material.
178. The walk is suitable for all the family and places must be booked in advance.
178. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
179. The usual mixture suitable for most aquatic plants, i.e. clay or sand and peat will be most suitable.
180. After assessment by the child care officer or reception centre, the child is placed in a suitable substitute home.
181. A new consumer product must be introduced with a suitable advertising campaign to arouse an interest in it.
182. Consideration should be given to the provision of health authority transport where no suitable alternatives are available.
183. A residents' petition called for the venture to be shelved until a more suitable access route was devised.
184. Suitable 80VA mains transformers should be stocked by most of our components advertisers.
185. It was a large, first-floor apartment which had been furnished as a suitable setting for an up-and-coming superstar.
186. A suitable relocation compensation and benefits package also needs to be provided.
187. This judgment has to be made before the executive act of securing the suitable accommodation for the applicant can be performed.
188. A brisk walk, combined with exercise for suppleness, is more suitable.
189. Suitable for all ages this is sure to be one of the most popular adventure games this month.
190. A more suitable location was in the dining area adjoining the lounge, which might also allow a larger tank.
191. Nathan thought bitterly about how it was only his abnormality that made him suitable for Leila's purposes.
192. Try and pick out the aspects of your background which make you especially suitable for the job you have applied for.
193. It favors species better adapted to their environments and kills off those less suitable.
194. The little bottles with a brush on the end of them are also suitable for this job.
195. Set up a biological filter and circulate your pondwater through it about once every two hours with a suitable pump.
196. This is a flexible and user-friendly system suitable for beginners and advanced users alike.
197. No suitable material came to hand for the box hedges.
198. The developer may follow a number of different avenues in his pursuit for suitable land.
199. She has a 131 canvas bag, so perhaps there's something more suitable in that.
200. A suitable compromise is for completion to be conditional on the results of an environmental audit.
201. Jack was offered voluntary redundancy in late August and it was confirmed that there was suitable accommodation at the Kings Lodge base.
202. The group arranges transport and pushers, works out a suitable route and tries to arrange a pub lunch and tea.
203. This requires suitable systems and procedures, and is absolutely vital at a time of considerable change.
204. If you have a family, you should have organised suitable long-term accommodation before bringing them with you to Edinburgh.
205. This fat guide reviews 300 places suitable for skaters with ratings for scenic beauty and pavement quality.
206. And work out a suitable figure to be paid in back tax from 1952.
207. Home Office administrators have already surveyed former camps and found only one suitable.
208. Applicants with suitable experience in industry may qualify for special awards.
208. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
209. Staff can help with the issue of application forms, shortlisting suitable candidates and interviewing facilities can be provided.
210. They are fit for any tank and, not being sensitive even to temperature variations, are suitable plants for beginners.
211. But, in the absence of anyone more suitable, he transferred his attachment to the unlikely figure of yours truly.
212. She addressed her young guest with civilities suitable for a personage of advanced years and uncertain appetite.
213. The planners felt that online services are not suitable for browsing for general ideas.
214. First, that it detects the affected or at-risk groups, and second that these can then be referred for suitable treatment.
215. It drapes beautifully and is consequently most suitable for curtains, with the added advantage that it is not affected by sunlight.
216. He suggested a shuttle service may be suitable for people wishing to attend at Marton.
217. This species is extremely attractive but suitable only for large tanks where the leaves coil decoratively under water.
218. Particular difficulties with regard to finding suitable accommodation at the right price, have been experienced by married students arriving with their families.
219. If the area concerned is not suitable, you should try to distract their attention elsewhere.
220. Early steam engines were not very suitable for powering canal boats because of their large size.
221. There is nothing specific about the ball bearings: nothing that makes them more suitable to one situation rather than another.
222. It might seem that a suitable algorithm could be found which would not generate synonyms.
223. The League says Swindon's football has earned them widespread admiration this season and Hoddle is a suitable and exciting choice.
224. Of course, integrated programmes are less suitable for part-time attendees and those who want to do parts of a modular programme.
225. Football is all right as a game for rough girls but is hardly suitable for delicate boys. Oscar Wilde 
226. These modules will be suitable for students employed within the travel and tourism industry, especially if they intend working abroad.
227. Failure to select a suitable candidate because of age is often a covert form of racial and gender discrimination.
228. Regrettably the customer's daughter died following unsuccessful attempts to find a suitable donor for a heart-lung transplant.
229. Careful thought must be given to the requirements of the plants and livestock and suitable accommodation provided.
230. Recently Kelly explained how her parents carry a special bleeper which would go off when a suitable transplant donor was found.
231. There may appear to be only one suitable candidate for the job.
232. The above-mentioned species are all suitable for the heated tank, but their supplies are irregular.
233. He was seeking advice with regard to the Council's refusal to rehouse him in suitable ground floor accommodation.
234. These can be minimised by writing the bond under a suitable trust provided by the insurance company.
235. Curry is an acquired taste and heavily spiced food is surely not suitable for the stomachs of very young children.
236. They are suitable aquarium plants and are cultivated like Cryptocoryne species in a medium-rich substratum and water that is not too acid.
237. Employers' duties under the Regulations include assessment of suitable equipment, maintenance information, instruction and training.
238. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans it is available from £2.25 to £3.50 at larger Boots stores.
239. Fitting a 3.5 inch drive to a 5.25 inch bay requires an adapter that is suitable for the particular drive.
240. They can also advise on the most suitable training for your needs or refer you to other specialist agencies.
241. Organisational house style - it is anticipated that each centre will devise a suitable house style which takes account of keyboarding conventions.
242. As the debate continued, it was decided to hold a competition to find a suitable and generally agreed plan.
243. I quote it to the Head whenever suitable occasions arise.
244. For people who are nervous about the stock market an advisory service may be more suitable.
245. It is one of the most suitable plants for the beginner.
246. It is for employers to set up suitable pension arrangements for their employees.
247. The diet must contain a suitable range of proteins and amino acids.
248. It takes much time and effort to find recorded music that is suitable as movement accompaniment.
249. This possibility is worth suggesting to more experienced pilots, but, of course, is not suitable for a beginner.
250. Perhaps harmonies such as these could form a suitable accompaniment to a horror film, but normally one would avoid such cacophony.
251. The accommodation is currently divided into three apartments and there is a large area suitable for conversion.
252. At the same time they serve as a suitable spawning medium for many species of aquarium fish.
253. The group's merchant banking adviser, Kleinwort Benson, is searching for suitable partners.
254. Made from rust-proof aluminium, it will retain heat and is suitable for both gas and charcoal barbecues.
255. This can be easily assembled on a suitable board or piece of stripboard and will provide an output of about 8V.
256. We have found it particularly important to develop candidate materials to explain the additional assessment in language suitable for our trainees.
257. A search for a suitable bone marrow or umbilical cord donor for Garrett is under way.
258. Opportunities for joint supervision with members of staff from these bodies are available when suitable candidates with appropriate research topics present themselves.
259. Doctors should insist on suitable procedures for medical audit as a precondition for collaboration.
260. However, other supports such as acrylic primed canvas or board are also perfectly suitable.
261. Prices do not apply to Public Holiday periods unless otherwise stated, and are subject to availability of suitable accommodation.
262. This method is particularly suitable for removing minor bumps in the landscape, the new level blending naturally in with the surroundings.
263. Ritu had been chosen on account of her suitable family background and her fair complexion.
264. Could you please advise me as to the most suitable type of wood for this?
265. Through the scheme the client group will be put in touch with a suitable academic researcher if they have not themselves nominated one.
266. He heard confessions of sins by his parishioners and gave absolution as he saw fit, enjoining a suitable penance.
267. A prospectus was drawn up and students with suitable qualifications were invited to attend the first course in 1977.
268. The department is accordingly a highly suitable base for postgraduate students seeking to pursue research or advanced study in comparative law.
268. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
269. It is this, primarily, because suitable cover is afforded for protection and food is plentiful for the young fishes.
270. It took nearly a year of searching as far afield as Slough to find suitable premises for the nursery.




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