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单词 skyrocket
释义  sky·rock·et /ˈskaɪˌrɒkɪt $ -ˌrɑː-/ verb [intransitive] informal  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTif a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly 急升,猛升,激增,激涨 The trade deficit has skyrocketed. 贸易逆差已经急剧增长。 skyrocketing inflation 飙升的通货膨胀率→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusskyrocket• As the civil war intensified and the Communist armies neared Canton, prices for food and other necessities skyrocketed.• But opponents say it will almost double the population of little Deadwood, sending property prices skyrocketing.• Neither has changed since 1987, but the price for other entertainment has skyrocketed.• Pleasanton built a business park that ignited a commercial exodus from several Bay Area cities and sent its real estate skyrocketing.• It quickly proved profitable, but during the late 1970s the Silicon Valley explosion occurred and the land skyrocketed in value.• Combined output during the next few years is projected to skyrocket to more than 500,000 barrels daily.• But its effect on spot oil prices - which skyrocketed - was used by the producers to justify a general price rise.From Longman Business Dictionaryskyrocketsky‧rock‧et /ˈskaɪˌrɒkət-ˌrɑː-/ verb [intransitive, transitive] to increase quickly and suddenlySYN ROCKETThe Middle East crisis caused oil prices to skyrocket.The government’s tough market-oriented reforms that have sent prices skyrocketing.→ See Verb tablesky·rock·et verbChineseSyllable   Business price very a it greatly or if skyrockets, increases an Corpus amount




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