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单词 Character
1. Wealth is the test of a man’s character
2. Education has for its object the formation of character
3. A man's actions show his character
4. It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive. 
5. A man's own manner and character is what most becomes. 
6. If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself. 
7. Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street. Elbert Hubbard 
8. The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that,Its use is for life, Its aim is not beauty but goodness. 
9. The measure of a man's real character is what he would do ifhe knew he would never be found out. 
10. Genius is formed in quiet, character in the strenm of life. 
11. It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 
12. Genius is formed in quiet, character in the stream of life. 
13. Greeley says he's a genuinely reformed character .
14. He is internationally famous as a character actor.
15. Generosity is part of the American character.
16. The character of the neighbourhood hasn't changed at all.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. He's an odd character and no mistake!
18. He is a very difficult character. He manipulates people.
19. It well assorts with her character.
20. She is a shrewd judge of character.
21. There is a streak of cruelty in his character.
22. The hotel is full of charm and character.
23. I'm a poor judge of character.
24. This village still retains its old world character.
25. Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.
26. His character is a combination of wit and kindness.
27. There's a nasty streak in her character.
28. The situation assumed a threatening character.
29. Education commences at the mother's knee, andevery word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character
30. As fruit needs not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it, so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it. 
1. Greeley says he's a genuinely reformed character .
2. He is internationally famous as a character actor.
3. Generosity is part of the American character.
4. The character of the neighbourhood hasn't changed at all.
5. He is a very difficult character. He manipulates people.
6. She is a shrewd judge of character.
7. The hotel is full of charm and character.
8. I'm a poor judge of character.
9. Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.
10. His character is a combination of wit and kindness.
11. There's a nasty streak in her character.
12. Her pleasant manner belied her true character.
13. He has a cheerful but quiet character.
14. I'm a good judge of character.
15. She has a strong but gentle character.
16. I have a good eye for character.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. He was a bit of a dodgy character.
18. The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.
19. The character of the pine and cypress is shown in frigid winter ; the sincerity of one's friend is shown in adverse circumstances.
20. The main character in her latest novel is a composite of several public figures of that era.
21. The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.
22. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.
23. The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair's character.
24. This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.
25. His wife was the direct inspiration for the main character in the book.
26. He was behaving like a character in a Victorian melodrama.
27. He is an eccentric character who likes wearing a beret and dark glasses.
28. A great man can dominate others by force of character.
29. The island's ruggedness symbolises our history and the character of the people.
30. He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.
31. Her pleasant manner belied her true character.
32. He has a cheerful but quiet character.
33. I'm a good judge of character.
34. She has a strong but gentle character.
35. Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.
36. The comments cast a slur on her character.
37. I have a good eye for character.
38. What does her handwriting tell you about her character?
39. He was a bit of a dodgy character.
40. He has a tough character.
41. She damned his character for a few faults.
42. The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village.
43. The central character is a malevolent witch out for revenge.
44. The character of the pine and cypress is shown in frigid winter ; the sincerity of one's friend is shown in adverse circumstances.
45. The main character in her latest novel is a composite of several public figures of that era.
46. The writer clearly intends his readers to identify with the main character.
47. We may not be white is not pro but can be very character.
48. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and temperament.
49. Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.
50. A person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys victory, but rather how he or she endures defeat.
51. The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair's character.
52. Action is character. If we never did anything, we wouldn't be anybody.
53. His handling of the crisis attested to his strength of character.
54. This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.
55. His wife was the direct inspiration for the main character in the book.
56. They indulge their child too much; it's bad for his character.
57. He was behaving like a character in a Victorian melodrama.
58. Your job as a supporting actor is to play np to the leading character.
59. He is an eccentric character who likes wearing a beret and dark glasses.
60. Character is the first and last word in the success circle.
31. A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
32. Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.
33. An actor has to build a character and extend his own emotional repertoire.
34. . She could tear a character to pieces in three minutes with her sharp tongue.
35. In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.
36. He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way.
37. We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.
38. Edwards was a dangerously volatile character.
39. It's difficult to gauge one's character.
40. The houses are Mediterranean in character.
41. Beyton is an admirable character.
42. He is a dubious character.
43. The predominant feature of his character was pride.
44. We estimated his character highly.
45. She has a forceful character.
46. Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.
47. We identify sportsmanship with good character.
48. He approaches to the character of the ablest statesman.
49. John is on equal terms with Dick, either in ability or in character.
50. The character is intrinsic.
51. The brilliant career of the great French footballer Eric Cantona , and the unruly nature of his character, together present a bewildering picture.
52. Any resemblance of a character in this book to a living person is purely incidental.
53. Marxism possesses the theoretical character of keeping pace with the times.
54. He is good at masking his real character behind an assumed manner.
55. I can testify to this man's veracity and good character.
56. Push against temptation and you will get muscle in your character.
57. She has resilient character and will soon be cheerful again.
61. A great man can dominate others by force of character.
62. The island's ruggedness symbolises our history and the character of the people.
63. He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.
64. A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
65. Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.
66. An actor has to build a character and extend his own emotional repertoire.
67. The catastrophe of a tragedy usually brings death or ruin to the leading character.
68. . She could tear a character to pieces in three minutes with her sharp tongue.
69. I would rather loan a million dollars on character than on any other collateral in the world.
70. In the film she's depicted as a very cold and calculating character.
71. He has something in his character that draws people to him.
72. There is no end to knowledge.There is no end to perfect character.
73. He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way.
74. Drinking too much alcoholic liquor often depraves a person's character.
75. We want to preserve the character of the town while improving the facilities.
76. Several witnesses can attest to her good character.
77. She shares several character traits with her father.
78. Her behaviour last night was quite out of character.
79. He was a straight-faced[http://], humourless character.
80. The work is congruous to his character.
81. His cowardice reflects on his character.
82. It's difficult to gauge one's character.
83. I'm considered a reformed character these days .
84. He'll be sadly missed. He was a real character.
85. 'Oh, he's quite a character,' Sean replied.
86. She dominated the meeting by sheer force of character.
87. He swore, which was out of character for him.
88. The houses are Mediterranean in character.
89. He is suing for defamation of character.
90. Mr Bartman was a man of good character.
91. She sued the magazine for defamation of her character.
92. His character is a combination of strength and kindness.
93. They named their son Isaac after the biblical character.
94. She differs from her brother in character.
95. His face has character?I'll say that for it.
96. There's a marked contrast between his character and hers.
97. His scruffy appearance does not reflect his character.
98. We made a careful analysis of his character.
99. How dare you cast aspersions on my wife's character!
100. She sounds a most sympathetic character.
101. A slight question mark against her character remains.
102. I can certify to his good character.
103. There is something lacking in his character.
104. Linda was something of a character.
105. Honesty is engrafted in her character.
106. She is different from her sister in character.
107. Mr Wetherby wrote him a character reference .
108. The main character narrates the story.
109. Her nobility of character made her much admired.
110. Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character.
111. The story gives a new slant to his character.
112. She's a good judge of character.
113. The southern state became more nationalist in character.
114. I believe in his good character.
115. School helps to form a child's character.
116. Success and wealth transformed his character.
117. He sued the newspaper for defamation of character .
118. I'm glad she has become such a stable character.
119. She had enormous strength of character .
120. The struggle fetched out his true character.
121. Your remarks are a reflection on me/my character.
122. He said all five were men of unimpeachable character.
123. She has such strength of character.
124. The main character had five costume changes.
125. She was a victim of character assassination .
126. The child's character is as yet unformed.
127. Candida is the most interesting character in the play.
128. The predominant feature of his character was pride.
129. Your handwriting has a character of its own.
130. His defence called several people as character witnesses .
131. He has a strong but gentle character.
132. He was a man of questionable character.
133. The character has been blown upon.
134. Her character matured during these years.
135. His character/reputation is without blemish.
136. The whole character of the school has changed.
137. It is not easy to traduce his character.
138. She's undergone a complete character change since her promotion.
139. What a sad character that Nigel is.
140. He libeled against her character in an article.
141. Sandra's a very good judge of character.
142. Her behaviour last night was completely out of character.
143. Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.
144. We identify sportsmanship with good character.
145. I count him a good judge of character.
146. The hero appears as a larger-than-life character.
147. Each character requires one byte of storage space.
148. His character acquired him a good name.
149. The state farms were semi-military in character.
150. Food in Italy has a distinct regional character.
151. People adore him for his noble character.
152. The restaurant is cheap and full of character.
153. Each house in the street has its own distinctive character.
154. She had Mickey Mouse or some other cartoon/Disney character on her sweater.
155. Each of London's districts had a distinct character that marked it off from its neighbours.
156. Schools were created to teach reading and mathematics, not moral character.
157. This building, more than any other, proclaims the character of the town.
158. It takes strength of character to admit you are wrong.
159. He used to go out every night, but now he's a reformed character.
160. Christine, the play's bullying main character, wouldn't last a minute in the real world.
161. John is on equal terms with Dick, either in ability or in character.
162. The film is autobiographical and the central character is played by Collard himself.
163. The child's character was a composite of two girls I knew.
164. The defence lawyer attempted a character assassination of the witness .
165. No person of a strong character likes to be dictated to.
166. A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.
167. She played a character who was the personification of evil.
168. He left the court without a stain on his character.
169. She's a curious character - I don't really know what to think of her.
170. Casey Stengel was probably the most colorful character in baseball.
171. Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to.
172. An ugly shopping centre stands across from one of the few buildings with character.
173. The two boys were like their father in character, but Louise took after her mother.
174. The new buildings have changed the character of the village.
175. The author characterized the leading character in the novel as a dauntless hero.
176. As you move north, the landscape takes on a different character.
177. I'd prefer an old place with a bit of character.
178. The study seems to show that nurture is more important than nature in shaping a child's character and future prospects.
179. The jury must take into account any mitigating circumstances presented by the defense, such as previous good character.
180. If anyone can do it, he can. He's a battler and has a strong character.
181. Playing a character so different from herself was a challenge.
182. The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road.
183. The character of this country has been formed by immigration.
184. He has this theory that suffering can ennoble a person's character.
185. Robert De Niro has been a faithful exponent of 'the Method', immersing himself totally in his roles and notorious for gaining and losing whatever weight has been necessary to convey the character.
186. He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident.
187. It's that kind of courage and determination that makes him such a remarkable character.
188. He showed great strength of character when he refused to accept the bribes.
189. The two boys were like their mother in character(), but Louise took after her father.
190. The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety.
191. She was known for being somewhat of a strange character.
192. The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.
193. The lawyer argued that his client's violent behaviour was out of character.
194. Children grow up with a mixture of character traits from both sides of their family.
195. He is the most sharply etched character in the movie.
196. The writers killed off her character when she wanted to leave the soap.
197. The town centre has lost much of its original character.
198. The area where I grew up has been all modernized and gentrified,[] and has lost all its old character.
199. She dresses like a character out of a 19th century novel.
200. It's the basil that gives the sauce its essential character.
201. These were manifestations of the darker side of his character.
202. Just press the button to see your favourite character in action.
203. The older, cynical character in the play is the perfect foil for the innocent William.
204. She could hardly expect her employer to provide her with testimonials to her character and ability.
205. The character provides a peg to hang the writer's political ideas on.
206. I'm not making it up. The character exists in real life.
207. Marxism possesses the theoretical character of keeping pace with the times.
208. These qualities adorn the character of Portia , and these go to accomplish a perfect woman.
209. He hacked away at the story, eliminating one character entirely.
210. The financial concessions granted to British Aerospace were, he said, of a precarious character.
211. The idea was to modernize various aspects of the house without changing its essential character.
212. I can testify to this man's veracity and good character.
213. You need to sketch in his character a little more.
214. The writer made this historical character live in his book.
215. The play offers some illuminating insights into the King's character.
216. The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.
217. He's quite a character/a real character, is Ted - he's seventy now and still riding that motorbike.
218. Push against temptation and you will get muscle in your character.
219. The prosecution tried to cast doubt on her character as a witness.
220. One of the joys of being a parent is watching the child's character develop.
221. The character of the original house is very much intact.
222. The whole character of the village has changed since I was last here.
223. There is always a flaw in the character of a tragic hero.
224. This scandal raises new questions about the president's private comportment and true character.
225. The father in the film is portrayed as a fairly unpleasant character.
226. It is a deliberate,() nasty and vicious attack on a young man's character.
226. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
227. She had dared to cast a slur on his character.
228. The article about the theatre gave us a few sidelights on the character of its owner.
229. The development detracts from the rural character of the area.
230. Lord Fletcher, said the Bishop, was a man of unimpeachable integrity and character.
231. A many-sided character, he wrote poetry and was a keen cricketer and cook.
232. Upbringing plays an important part in determining a person's character.
233. The match with Dundee is a real test of character for us.
234. Her actions were marked with the lineaments of her character.
235. He seems quiet but reveals his true character on the football field. You can also use either word to talk about an example of something that has all the important qualities it should have:She was his first real girlfriend.
236. Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character.
237. I've always thought he was a bit of a suspect character.
238. Michelle, for the uninitiated, is the central female character in ITV's latest comedy series.
239. The film company sued them over their appropriation of a cartoon character.
240. Perhaps there is a negative side to his character that you haven't seen yet.
241. He brought a legal action against the magazine for defamation of character.
242. We were anxious to preserve the original character of the house.
243. She emerges as a full, three-dimensional character in a way that few horror genre heroines ever do.
244. Applicants were required to obtain character references before being considered for the work.
245. My teacher agreed to be a character witness for me in court.
246. She has resilient character and will soon be cheerful again.
247. When Angie was written out of 'Eastenders' her character went to Spain to open a bar.
248. Throughout his career he's always been a larger than life character.
249. The actors remained in character to answer questions from the audience.
250. His character has been moulded more by his experiences in life than by his education.
251. The cries of the seagulls gave this part of the harbour a fascinating character all of its own.
252. The old town is full of colour, character and attractions.
253. It was entirely in character for Rachel to put her baby first.
254. Their quiet neighbour turned out to be a Walter Mitty character, running a huge drug-smuggling business from his garage.
255. The campaign was accused of character assassination because of its negative ads.
256. The central character is a bad man who shoots people and gets his comeuppance.
257. The town has been careful not to buy prosperity at the expense of its character.
258. In an ironic twist , the most trustworthy character in the film turned out to be the thief.
259. The main character is a journalist in flight from a failed marriage.
260. Gradually she began to notice one or two little imperfections in his character.
261. It's very tasteful, their house, but I can't help thinking it lacks a little character.
262. She showed real character in her attempts to win over the crowd.
263. The team showed great character in coming back to win.
264. One of the parents was a most obnoxious character. No-one liked him.
265. Her ability is not at issue — it's her character I'm worried about.




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