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单词 silky
释义  silk·y /ˈsɪlki/ adjective  1  SHINYsoft, smooth, and shiny like silk 丝一般柔软光亮的 silky fur 柔滑的毛皮2  [only before noun] made of silk 丝制的,丝绸的 the silky fabric of her dress 她连衣裙的丝绸面料3. LOW SOUND OR VOICEa silky voice is gentle, and is used especially when trying to persuade someone to do something 〔声音〕柔和的,轻柔的〔尤指试图说服别人做某事时的话音〕 —silkily adverb —silkiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussilky• The treatment will leave your hair feeling soft and silky.• It was like a rug, that grass was, so springy and silky and deep.• His blond stubble was silky and made his mouth as exciting as an adolescent boy's.• It had a nice smell and my hair felt very silky and manageable after I'd rinsed it.• Her skirt and jacket were made of smooth, silky fabric.• The material is a 65% polyester 35% cotton mix called Finelight, which has a cool, silky feel without being delicate.• And, true, the foie gras was superb -- buttery, silky, fleshy -- just as it should be.• One arm went round his neck, her fingers tangling in the silky hair at his nape.• Yes, she told him, bending to nuzzle his silky hair.• You're so lucky to have such lovely, silky hair.• The wholesomeness of youth was enmeshed in her looks, silky smooth cocoa skin, and fresh·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  silk soft, shiny and Corpus smooth, like




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