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单词 undertow
释义  Related topics: Oceanographyun·der·tow /ˈʌndətəʊ $ -dərtoʊ/ noun [singular]  1  HEOthe water current under the surface of the sea, that pulls away from the land when a wave comes onto the shore 〔海浪冲上岸后退回去时形成的〕回流,退浪 The dangerous undertow means that swimming is not allowed. 危险的逆流意味着不允许游泳。2  a tendency or feeling that seems weak, but in fact has a strong effect 潜在的倾向[特质]undertow of The humour of the novel cannot hide an undertow of sadness. 小说的幽默掩盖不住暗藏的悲伤。Examples from the Corpusundertow• The wave had a great deal of undertow.• Sylvie had raved, raved with that undertow of intensity which always made her seem to be speaking the truth.• Regardless of the undertow of danger, Johnnie would not give back the diaphragm case.• But it's the undertow of precocious sexuality, the child-woman come-on, that's more worrying.un·der·tow nounChineseSyllable  surface Corpus of the current under the water




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