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单词 signal
释义 Word family  noun sign signal signatory signature signing signaller adjective signed ≠ unsigned verb sign signal adverb signally  Related topics: Broadcasting, Trains & railwayssig·nal1 /ˈsɪɡnəl/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countable]  1  SIGN/GESTUREa sound or an action that you make in order to give information to someone or tell them to do something 信号;暗号signal (for somebody) to do something When she got up from the table, it was obviously the signal for us to leave. 她从桌边站起来,这显然是要我们离开。 At a prearranged signal the lights went out. 预定的信号一发出,灯就全灭了。 → smoke signal► see thesaurus at sign2  SIGN/INDICATIONan event or action that shows what someone feels, what exists, or what is likely to happen 信号;标志;预示signal (that) These results are a signal that the child may need special help. 这些结果表明这个孩子可能需要特别的帮助。signal of The opinion poll is a clear signal of people’s dissatisfaction with the government. 此次民意调查清楚地表明了民众对政府的不满。 the danger signals of a heart attack 心脏病发作的危险信号send/give out a signal 发出信号 We don't want to give out the wrong signal to investors. 我们不想向投资者发出错误的信号。3  TCBa series of light waves, sound waves etc that carry an image, sound, or message, for example in radio or television 〔无线电、电视等的〕信号send/transmit a signal This new pay-TV channel sends signals via satellite to cable companies. 这个新的付费电视频道通过卫星把信号发送到有线电视公司。receive/pick up/detect a signal 接收信号 a small antenna which can receive radio signals 可以接收无线电信号的小型天线 The coastguard picked up a distress signal from a freighter 50 miles out at sea. 海岸警卫队接收到一艘离海岸 50 英里的货船发来的求救信号。4  TTTa piece of equipment with coloured lights, used on a railway to tell train drivers whether they can continue or must stop 〔铁路的〕信号灯,指示灯 a stop signal 停车信号灯 a signal failure (=when these lights do not work) 信号灯故障 → busy signal at busy1(4) COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: an event or action that shows what someone feels, what exists, or what is likely to happen 信号;标志;预示ADJECTIVES/NOUN + signala clear/strong signal 明确的信号My body was giving me a clear signal that something was wrong. 身体向我发出明确信号,我的健康出问题了。a warning/danger/alarm signal (=a signal showing that there is danger) 警告/危险/报警信号Managers should keep a watchful eye open for the danger signals. 管理人员应时刻警惕危险信号。the wrong signals (=ones that do not give a true account of a situation) 错误信号nReducing the penalty for marijuana use perhaps sends the wrong signal to teenagers.nmixed signals (=ones that are confusing because they seem to show two different things)Our culture gives girls mixed messages about food, with skinny models and fast-food commercials competing for attention. verbssend/give out a signal 发出信号The use of the army sends out a clear signal to protesters that their actions will not be tolerated. 动用军队是向抗议者发出明确信号,他们的行为是不能容忍的。read the signals (=to understand signals correctly) 读懂信号President Nixon read the signals and decided it was time to resign. 尼克松总统读懂了信号,认为应该辞职了。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: a series of light waves, sound waves etc that carry an image, sound, or message, for example in radio or television 〔无线电、电视等的〕信号verbssend (out)/transmit a signal 发送信号The signals are transmitted via satellites. 这些信号通过卫星传送。emit a signal (=sends one out) 发出信号The device emits a signal which can be picked up by a submarine. 该设备发出一个信号,可以被潜水艇接收。receive/pick up a signal 接收信号The antenna that will pick up the signals is a 12-metre dish. 接收这些信号的天线是一个直径 12 米的碟形装置。carry a signal (=allow it to travel along or through something) 传输信号nCopper wires carry the electrical signal travels (=goes across space, along a wire etc)The signal travels over the cable network.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + signalstrong 强的I can’t use my phone because the signal isn’t strong enough here. 我的手机不能用,因为这里信号不够强。weak/faint 弱的The signals were too weak for the receiver to pick up. 信号太弱,接收器收不到。a radio/electrical/radar signal 无线电/电/雷达信号nA transmitter connected to the door bell sends radio signals to a portable receiver.a digital signal 数字信号nDigital signals can be compressed to take up less space.Examples from the Corpussignal• This ability to adjust signals is a mechanism for learning.• The telephone changes sound waves into electrical signals.• Moma Parsheen had sent the exterminatus signal just over a week earlier.• Stock brokers use roughly 300 hand signals on the trading floor.• The biggest surprise was the sudden reappearance of the radio signals.• As humans we can transmit messages to each other by speaking, writing, morse code, semaphore and smoke signals.• During mating season, female butterflies respond to subtle signals from the males.• We just sat there, waiting for the signal to turn green.• The soldiers were waiting for the signal to start firing.• Don't start yet - wait until I give the signal.• When the insect is ready to mature, juvenile hormone secretion must stop and allatostatin provides the signal.• When I nod my head, that's the signal for you to start playing the music.• It can fine-tune the signal the receptors pass on, and it can change the number of receptors.• That was the signal for us to leave.• The signals just get louder and louder.signal (for somebody) to do something• He tapped Oliver's arm and signalled him to follow.• Your negative attitude may be the best signal you have to begin rebuilding a relationship before it is too late.• The footmen looked relieved to see me, and I immediately signalled them to get to their positions.• She signalled the nomes to follow her.• Echoes of the signal alert them to possible prey, at ranges up to 80-90 metres in shallow waters.• That was the signal for us to leave.• These signals falsely indicated to the on board systems that the spacecraft was safely on the surface.• The best early warning signal is to be aware of your own attitude.signal (that)• The unemployment figures are a signal that the economy is improving.• Then he became instrumental in a signal deliverance for his country.• For the hopeful, increased use of leave signals social progress, greater sharing by fathers.• The current cell state determines the response rather than the particular signal.• You of course have your own list of physical signals.• This is to ensure that you saw the signal.• Many analysts fault Oxygen's decision to charge cable operators to carry their signals for its failure to take off.• This signal can be either excitatory or inhibitory.• George Salem of Prudential Securities is one who signals caution, however.signal failure• A signalling failure is believed to have been the cause.• Driver training should emphasise signal failures and their reporting.signal2 ●○○ verb (signalled, signalling British English, signaled, signaling American English)  1  [intransitive, transitive]SIGN/GESTURE to make a sound or an action in order to give information or tell someone to do something 发信号,打信号;示意 She signalled, and the waiter brought the bill. 她打了个手势,侍者就拿来了账单。 The whistle signalled the end of the match. 哨声吹响,示意比赛结束。signal at Mary signalled wildly at them, but they didn’t notice. 玛丽拼命向他们做手势,但他们没注意到。signal to The judge signaled to a police officer and the man was led away. 法官向一名警察示意,于是那个人就被带走了。signal for He pushed his plate away and signalled for coffee. 他把盘子推开,示意要杯咖啡。signal (to) somebody to do something She signalled to the children to come inside. 她示意孩子们进来。signal that The bell signaled that school was over. 铃声响起表示放学。2  [transitive]CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTAND to make something clear by what you say or do – used in news reports 〔用语言或行动〕表明,表示〔用于新闻报道〕 Both sides have signaled their willingness to start negotiations. 双方都表示了启动谈判的意愿。 British sources last night signalled their readiness to talk. 英国方面昨晚表示愿意对话。signal (that) The prime minister’s speech today signals that there will be a shakeup in the cabinet. 首相今天的讲话表明内阁将进行改组。3  [transitive]SHOW/BE A SIGN OF to be a sign that something is going to happen 标志着,预示signal the start/beginning/end of something the lengthening days that signal the end of winter 白昼变长标志着冬天的结束4  [intransitive] to show the direction you intend to turn in a vehicle, using the lights 〔车辆转向时〕打灯示意 SYN American English indicate Signal before you pull out. 驶离路边时先要打灯示意。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussignal• The fires burned through the night, signalling across the forest that the era of the rajathuk was at an end.• Slowly he inched around the corner, signalling for the others to follow.• He'd been signaling his desire to leave for over a year.• The driver in front of us was signaling left, but he didn't turn off.• But three recent cases are piquing our interest, and analysts say they may signal new and more venal form of corruption.• The threshold is achieved on both input processing elements, so both elements fire and pass signals on to the middle layer.• For the hopeful, increased use of leave signals social progress, greater sharing by fathers.• An official signalled that it was time for the race to begin.• Again and again Cheryl signalled the message, hoping desperately that Angela would read it.• But he admits that his self-control snapped sufficiently for him to signal the score, 3-1 to West Ham.• The melting of the ice on the lake signals the start of spring.• The display will flash "L, " signaling the user to change the batteries.• Most of the processing would be done remotely, signalling to the lens via a radio link.• Graham finished his drink and signalled to the waiter.• A sailor began signalling with two flags.signal that• The beach community tightened law enforcement, signaling that college students weren't welcome during spring break.• Or did it signal that face time was being given credit over productivity?• Don instantly interprets such feelings as signals that he is dangerously abnormal.• Last week, Francis sent out the strongest possible signal that he won't settle for second best at Sheffield Wednesday.• That was the familiar signal that Hrudey was going in for struggling goalie Byron Dafoe.• Without this information, the controllers only see a radar screen with signals that indicate planes.• Again, the Brapid busy signal that meant no connection.• It also sent a signal that Mr Lamont sees his long-term future at the Treasury.• There were scattered signals that something was wrong, investigators say, but the system failed to respond.signal (that)• The current cell state determines the response rather than the particular signal.• This is to ensure that you saw the signal.• You of course have your own list of physical signals.• This signal can be either excitatory or inhibitory.• George Salem of Prudential Securities is one who signals caution, however.• Then he became instrumental in a signal deliverance for his country.• Many analysts fault Oxygen's decision to charge cable operators to carry their signals for its failure to take off.• For the hopeful, increased use of leave signals social progress, greater sharing by fathers.signal the start/beginning/end of something• But for thousands of serious-minded students across the country, the holiday signals the start of exam season.• He continued to box until 1910 when a deteriorating eye condition signalled the end of his active career.• In fact, it is the greed that serves to signal the start of his entrepreneurship.• Would the moment of conquest signal the end of his interest in her?• Postmodernism does not signal the end of politics or the creation of forms which are emptied of political content.• In a sense, it will signal the end of the centuries-old dominance of the printed word.• The peace is broken by the bell that signals the end of the day.signal3 adjective [only before noun] formal  IMPORTANTimportant 重要的signal achievement/success/failure etc The university has done me the signal honour of making me an Honorary Fellow. 这所大学授予我荣誉院士头衔,让我深感荣幸。Examples from the Corpussignal• Headlight controls are on the turn signal stalk, wiper controls on another stalk to the right of the steering wheel.• They may act as signal warning for developments in other fields.signal achievement/success/failure etc• She also conveyed the supreme values of the classical past with signal success.• Driver training should emphasise signal failures and their reporting.• A signalling failure is believed to have been the cause.Origin signal1 (1300-1400) Old French signale, from Medieval Latin, from Late Latin signalis “of a sign”, from Latin signum; → SIGN1 signal3 (1600-1700) French signalé, past participle of signaler “to show a difference between”, from Old Italian segnalare, from Medieval Latin signale; → SIGNAL1sig·nal1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2signal2 verbsignal3 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  you in a order that Corpus make or sound action an




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