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单词 Brussels sprout
释义  Related topics: Food, dish, PlantsBrus·sels sprout /ˌbrʌsəlz ˈspraʊt/ noun [countable]   DFFHBPa small round green vegetable that looks like a very small cabbage 球芽甘蓝(菜),抱子甘蓝 →5 see picture at 见图 vegetable1Examples from the CorpusBrussels sprout• We were going to have an 80-foot Brussels sprout flying above Battersea Power Station - and it nearly happened!• Lettuce is particularly good for intercropping among young Brussels sprout and broccoli plants.Origin brussels sprout (1600-1700) Brussels, where it was first grownBrus·sels sprout nounChineseSyllable   Corpus looks like that green vegetable round a small




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