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单词 shrew
释义  Related topics: Animalsshrew /ʃruː/ noun [countable]  1. HBAa very small animal like a mouse with a long pointed nose 鼩鼱2. old-fashionedUNPLEASANT an unpleasant woman who always argues and disagrees with people 泼妇,悍妇Examples from the Corpusshrew• Matilda has the reputation of being a shrew - do you think she will stay tamely in Anjou?• Her hat was an aggressively red felt and she peered out from under its big brim like a shrew ready to attack.• They placed a shrew into a social confrontation with another shrew.• The girls became shrews and harridans: they screamed at the help and they smothered their children.• I became attuned to the high-toned squeaking of shrews, which appeared to be engaged in conflict.• You have to listen and to know, to hear the shrews at all.• The very first mammals were small insectivores, probably very similar to this modern tree shrew.Origin shrew Old English screawashrew nounChinese  like mouse a Corpus animal a small a with very




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