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单词 sender
释义  Related topics: Mailsend·er /ˈsendə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  TCMthe person who sent a particular letter, package, message etc 〔信件、包裹、信息等的〕发送者,寄件人 a package marked ‘return to sender’ 标有“退回寄件人”字样的包裹Examples from the Corpussender• A sender transmits information through a communication channel to a receiver.• And instead of being from Media Hotline, it identified Food Lion as the sender.• Copy posted into a basket could no longer be altered be the sender, only the recipient.• Success in communication depends as much upon the receiver as on the sender.• We have no information on the sender yet.• The sender and receiver have different expectations.• The sender has a choice of means.• The sender pays the postage if the recipient sends them back.return to sender• Most unsolicited scripts and script proposals get summarily returned to sender.From Longman Business Dictionarysendersend‧er /ˈsendə-ər/ noun [countable] the person who sends a message, letter, parcel etcEach incoming message has a code that identifies the sender.send·er nounChineseSyllable  the a sent etc Corpus who Business message particular package, letter, person




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