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单词 send
释义  Related topics: Computerssend /send/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tense and past participle sent /sent/)  1  by post etc 通过邮政等 [transitive]SEND to arrange for something to go or be taken to another place, especially by post 送出,发出;〔尤指通过邮政系统〕寄出 Lyn sent some pictures of the wedding. 琳恩寄了几张婚礼照片。send somebody something We sent Mom flowers for Mother’s Day. 我们在母亲节给妈妈送去了一些花。 We sent her a letter of apology. 我们给她寄去了一封道歉信。send something to somebody/something I’ll send a copy to you. 我会寄给你一份。send something back/up/over etc He ordered coffee to be sent up. 他要了份咖啡送上去。send something by post/sea/air etc Monday is the last day to send cards by post to arrive by Christmas. 要让贺卡在圣诞节之前收到,最晚必须于星期一寄出去。2  radio/computer etc 收音机/计算机等 [transitive] to make a message, electronic signal etc go somewhere, using radio equipment, computers etc 发送,发出〔信息、电子信号等〕send somebody something I sent her an email yesterday. 昨天我给她发了封电子邮件。 Radio signals were sent into deep space. 无线电信号被发送到深邃的太空。3  person to place 人到某处 a) [transitive]SEND to ask or tell someone to go somewhere, especially so that they can do something for you there 派遣,打发 The United Nations is sending troops. 联合国正在派遣军队。send somebody to something A police officer was sent to Ryan’s home. 一名警官被派到瑞安的家中。send somebody back/away/over/home etc Many of the refugees were sent back to Vietnam. 许多难民被遣送回越南。 When Frank came, I told him I was ill and sent him away. 弗兰克来时,我告诉他我病了,把他打发走了。 They sent me down to talk to Mr Strachan. 他们派我去和斯特罗恩先生谈话。 Mr Ellison is here. Shall I send him in (=tell him to enter the room)? 埃利森先生来了,要不要我去叫他进来?send somebody to do something The US offered to send ships to help in the rescue operation. 美国提出派船去为营救行动提供帮助。 b) [transitive always + adverb/preposition]SEND to arrange for someone to go to a place such as a school, prison, or hospital and spend some time there 安排〔某人〕去,将〔某人〕送往send somebody to something I can’t afford to send my kid to private school. 我无力供孩子上私立学校。 He was sent to prison for five years. 他被判入狱五年。send somebody away/off I was sent away to school at the age of six. 我六岁时被送去上学。send somebody on something New employees are sent on a training course. 新雇员被送去参加培训课程。4  send (somebody) a message/signal if something that someone does or says sends a particular message, it has that meaning 传递(给某人)一个信息/信号 Advertising sends the message that you have to be thin to be successful. 广告传递的信息是,要想成功就得瘦。5  send your love/regards/best wishes etc SEND spoken to ask someone to give your greetings, good wishes etc to someone else 送上问候/祝愿等 Mother sends her love. 母亲向你问好。6  cause to move 使移动 [transitive always + adverb/preposition] to make something move from one place to another 使移动send something through/to/over etc something The blaze sent smoke over much of the city. 大火产生的浓烟扩散到市内的很多地区。7  send somebody/something flying/sprawling/reeling etc THROWto make someone or something move quickly through the air or across something 使某人/某物乱飞/趴倒在地/摇晃等 The explosion sent glass flying everywhere. 爆炸使玻璃四处乱飞。8  affect 影响 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]EFFECT/INFLUENCE to make someone or something start to be in a particular state 使进入〔某种状态〕 His lectures always send me to sleep. 他讲课总是让我昏昏欲睡。send somebody/something into something The tail broke apart, sending the plane into a dive. 机尾断裂,飞机一头栽了下去。9  send word formalTELL to tell someone something by sending them a letter or message 捎信,传话send word (to somebody) that/of something They sent word to the king of their arrival. 他们叫人传话给国王说他们到了。10  send shivers/chills up (and down) your spine to make you feel very frightened or excited 使人脊骨发凉,令人毛骨悚然;令人十分兴奋 The eerie howl of the siren sent chills up her spine. 怪异恐怖的汽笛声使她感到毛骨悚然。11  send somebody packing informalLEAVE A PLACE to tell someone who is not wanted that they must leave at once 叫某人立即离开,撵走某人 After his four years as governor, the voters sent him packing. 他当了四年州长之后,选民叫他滚蛋了。 PHRASAL VERBS12 send away for something phrasal verb ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingto send a letter to a company or organization asking them to send something to you 写信去索取,寄信去索要 Send away for a free recipe booklet. 写信索取免费的烹饪小册子。13 send down phrasal verb a) send something ↔ downREDUCE to make something lose value 使〔价值〕下跌 The company’s bad figures sent its share price down. 公司业绩不佳使其股票价格下跌。b) send somebody down British English informalSCJ to send someone to prison 送某人进监狱send somebody down for He was sent down for possession of cocaine. 他因藏有可卡因而被判入狱。c) be sent down British English old-fashionedSEC to be told to leave a university because of bad behaviour 〔大学生因行为不检〕被开除,被勒令退学14 send for somebody/something phrasal verb a) ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO somethingTELL/ORDER somebody TO DO somethingto ask or order that something be brought or sent to you, especially by writing a letter or by telephone 〔尤指通过写信或电话〕索取 Send for your free sample today! 今天就来索取免费样品!b) ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something old-fashioned to ask or tell someone to come to you by sending them a message 派人去叫[请] Charlie said he’d find a place to live and then send for me. 查利说他会找一个住处,然后就派人来接我。 Get back into bed. I’ll send for the doctor. 回到床上去,我让人去请医生来。 I’ve sent for help. 我已经去请人帮忙了。15 send something/somebody ↔ in phrasal verb a) TCMSENDto send something, usually by post, to a place where it can be dealt with 寄去,〔邮寄〕递交 I sent in a few job applications last week. 上星期我寄出了几封求职信。b) SENDto send soldiers, police etc somewhere to deal with a difficult or dangerous situation 派遣〔军队、警察等〕 British troops were sent in as part of the peace-keeping force. 英国军队被派往那里加入维和部队。16 send off phrasal verb a) send something ↔ offTCMSEND to send something somewhere by post 邮寄出某物 I sent off the letter this morning. 我今天早上把信寄出去了。b) send off for somethingTCMASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to send a letter to a company or organization asking them to post something to you 写信索取某物;函索某物 I sent off for a copy of the photograph. 我写信去要一张这种照片。c) send somebody ↔ off British EnglishDS to order a sports player to leave the field because they have broken the rules 罚〔犯规的运动员〕出场 One of Dundee’s players was sent off for punching another player. 邓迪队的一名球员因拳打另一名球员而被罚出场。17 send something ↔ on phrasal verb a) especially British EnglishTCMSEND to send someone’s letters or possessions to their new address from their old address 把〔信件等〕转寄到新地址 SYN forward My flatmate said she’d send on all my post. 原来和我合租公寓的朋友说她会把我的全部邮件转寄给我。b) SENDto send something that has been received to another place so that it can be dealt with 把〔收到的东西〕转送〔到另一处〕 to The data is then sent on to the Census Bureau. 那些数据随后又转送到人口调查局。18 send out phrasal verb a) send something/somebody ↔ outSEND to make a person or a group of people or things go from one place to various other places 发出某物;派出某人 Information was sent out to interested students. 信息发送给了感兴趣的学生。 Search parties were sent out to look for survivors. 派出了搜救队去寻找幸存者。b) send something ↔ outSEND to broadcast or produce a signal, light, sound etc 广播;发出〔信号、光、声音等〕 The ship is sending out an SOS signal. 那艘船正在发出呼救信号。c) send out for somethingDFASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to ask a restaurant or food shop to deliver food to you at home or at work 叫外卖 We sent out for sandwiches. 我们叫了三明治外卖。19 send something/somebody ↔ up phrasal verb a) VALUEto make something increase in value 使〔价值〕上升 The oil shortage is bound to send prices up. 石油短缺必定会造成价格上升。b) British English informalMAKE FUN OF to make someone or something seem silly by copying them in a funny way 〔通过滑稽模仿〕使显得可笑,取笑,嘲弄 The film hilariously sends up Hollywood disaster movies. 这部电影把好莱坞的灾难片嘲弄了一番,令人捧腹大笑。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussend• How many Christmas cards did you send?• Send a cheque for £50 with your order.• The ship sent a distress call.• He sent a dozen red roses to his girlfriend on her birthday.• There are no plans to send British troops to the area.• She sent him a furious email.• Perhaps I should send him a note of apology.• Nero sends his luv, you know he's coming over here to give us a turn this winter.• He travelled all over the world, but decided to send his son to school in England.• Each publisher had sent it back, in a packet addressed to Currer Bell.• A fiber optic system can send its signals greater distances and with less signal degradation than can the traditional coaxial system.• Kristen sent some pictures from the party.• He sent the children out of the room so we could talk.• Having founded Fort Victoria in 1843, he was sent there as chief factor in 1849.• After his death, Dolly discovered he had sent two songs to a recording label.• Who sent you?send somebody something• You should send Pat some flowers to say thank you.send somebody to something• They send people to jail for doing stuff like that.• Last summer my mom sent me to tennis camp.send ... to sleep• However, the new research opens up the prospect of a far more effective treatment that simply sends the cancers to sleep.• It was also brief because, as explained above, it simply sends me to sleep.• The endless incomprehensible stream of language was sending Alan to sleep on his feet.• To send them to sleep, she said.From Longman Business Dictionarysendsend /send/ verb (past tense and past participle sent) /sent/ [transitive]1to arrange for something to go to another placeThe computer network cansend data at very high speeds.send something to somebodyHesent a memo to board members criticizing his boss.send somebody somethingThe companysent her a letter apologizing for the oversight.2to tell someone to go somewhere, usually in order to do a particular tasksend somebody to do somethingThe Institute sent 43 engineers to work in Japanese laboratories.3FINANCEif something sends prices, profits, costs etc to a different level, it makes them go to that levelThe labor dispute at a copper mine in Chile sent futures prices lower.The newssent bond prices tumbling. → send away for something → send something → back → send in → send off for something → send something → on → send something → out→ See Verb tableOrigin send Old English sendansend verb →PHRASAL VERBS1Chinese  to to Corpus arrange Business something for or go




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