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单词 Culminating
1. Implementation would take at least six months, culminating in fully operational work-unit teams.
2. The emergence of stratified societies culminating in states increased conspicuous consumption of precious substances.
3. Sunday dinner was always a special one, culminating in Auntie's home-grown fruit, stewed and covered in thick Cornish cream.
4. The intense zeal on both sides is culminating in a sort of end-of-the-century holy war.
5. The sun reaches the culminating point at noon.
6. Wellington held the village and the culminating plain; Ney had only the crest and the slope.
7. Their success continued unabated throughout the '70s, culminating with the year-and-a-half-long Worldwide Texas Tour.
8. Wherever he is satisfied with what he does, he has reached his culminating point--he will progress no more. 
9. Slowly but inevitably they had drifted back into a loving relationship, culminating three months ago in their engagement.
10. Throughout 1954 there were a number of anti-Hashemite demonstrations, culminating in serious riots in Jerusalem, Ramallah and even Amman.
11. Dulles's role will be considered further in the light of developments in the month of June 1950 culminating in the outbreak of war.
12. However, there has been a delay in completing the deal culminating in court proceedings being taken.
13. This piece of work demanded a bio-psychosocial approach and social care planning finally culminating in a family meeting.
14. The brand might be no mark of honour at all - but a culminating cruel humiliating jape.
15. Caltrain runs commuter trains to both destinations and to other Silicon Valley cities, culminating in San Francisco.
16. Bruises on Maria were pronounced and regular proof of assaults, culminating in the broken collar bone of the previous October.
17. Skills developed are extended to produce projects based on business scenarios culminating in integrated business documents.
18. One patient with pelvic sepsis developed a pouch-vaginal fistula and ileoanal stenosis culminating in pouch excision.
19. Response to this criticism was a spate of reports and committees culminating in radical reform and reorganization of the system.
20. Any solution would have to involve explicit negotiation between sovereign states, culminating in an international treaty.
21. Intense negotiation followed, then shortly afterwards legal threats from Harvard, culminating in a bizarre series of scurrilous allegations and counter-allegations.
22. Late in the summer of 2006, I started having some unusual symptoms, culminating jaundice.
23. In conclusion, deducing the point of view that concept is culminating of behavior.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. Discrimination and violence against Jews increases under Nazi rule culminating in the holocaust.
25. He suffered from manic depression, which gradually got worse, culminating in his suicide when Katherine was 46.
26. The most horrible thing is to quit and deserted , culminating in a seemingly sanctimonious pseudo - scholars.
27. Anti - Chinese riots broke out in several cities, culminating in arson and bloodshed.
28. The milestone is being celebrated with events over three days, culminating Saturday with the inaugural address of the Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture.
29. Late in the summer of 2006, I started having some unusual symptoms, culminating with jaudice.
30. She then had a very successful dog breeding program culminating in winning Winners Dog at a National.
31. The culminating point of the performance was the break dance in the end.
32. Culminating property right is the ultimate ownership that points to pair of agricultural economy resource.
33. As the night wore on, the awards became slightly more American -- culminating in the documentary awards presentation by the all-American Tom Hanks with U.S. service personnel abroad.
34. Follow Kenny as he takes every septic challenge that comes his way, culminating in a pilgrimage to that Mecca of waste management, the International Pumper and Cleaner Expo in Nashville, Tennessee.
35. But it followed a three - week rally culminating in a record high on Monday.
36. This is the process that is culminating in our age.
37. Trends culminating in the mix of investors are seen as evolutionary, a one - way street.
38. The disciple reminds his master that "organicism is a theory of harmony culminating in the great cosmic harmony of the absolute."
39. Use reward systems (star charts culminating in a lucky dip or favourite outing) to motivate preschool and school-age kids, especially if they are getting out of bed or coming into your bed at night.
40. It led Karl Marx, who had already completed “The Communist Manifesto” with Friedrich Engels, to start his studies over again, culminating in “Das Kapital”.
41. The system of Auguste Comte designed to supersede theology and metaphysics and depending on a hierarchy of the sciences, beginning with mathematics and culminating in sociology.
42. Sun storms are affecting Earth, culminating in tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes.
43. a few Euros dropped into a gypsy's outstretched palm at the foot of the Ponte Vecchio, culminating in my husband signing away the title to a beautiful old farmhouse, our vacation home.
44. There was a sequence of pharaohs culminating around 2615 BC, with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thing, the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu.
45. The economy lurched between boom and bust, culminating in near - bankruptcy in 2001.
46. Civil War hero George Armstrong Custer through his life and military exploits, culminating in the controversial battle that took his life along with the 200 soldiers he led.
47. Livermore has been pursuing the idea ever since with a succession of bigger and bigger lasers, culminating in the National Ignition Facility.
48. Their anger burns so hot, it lights to fire, culminating in a sudden burst of fury.
49. This is a college - level course culminating in the required Advanced Placement Exam.
50. A conclusion that concept is culminating of behavior has been drawn by analyzing the phenomena.




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