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单词 shell-shocked
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityˈshell-shocked adjective  1. informalCONFUSED feeling tired, confused, or anxious because of a recent difficult experience 疲劳的;慌乱的,焦虑的2. MI old-fashioned mentally ill because of the terrible experiences of war 〔因战争的可怕经历而〕患炮弹休克的Examples from the Corpusshell-shocked• Ireland must have left Twickenham shell-shocked.• Perhaps all three universities in the league were still shell-shocked after being well beaten by the top Pizza clubs last Saturday.• Cindy looked a little shell-shocked after her driving test.• The other night I woke in panic, shell-shocked from the Gulf War.• He watched as Gilbert exchanged a look with an equally shell-shocked Frye ... and then hurried quickly towards the reception door.• It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.• In shell-shocked silence she sat, huddled in her seat as they drove away from the hospital.ˈshell-shocked adjectiveChineseSyllable  tired, Corpus confused, of because or anxious feeling




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