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单词 Black-and-white
1. He has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs.
2. This is not a black-and-white decision .
3. The demand for black-and-white television has tapered.
4. Disarmament isn't a black-and-white issue for me.
5. Printing a black-and-white negative on to colour paper produces a similar monochrome effect.
6. Deanne Sokolin creates abstract, mournfully poetic black-and-white images of wrapped objects.
7. The black-and-white photos throughout are windows into another time.
8. There are three black-and-white photographs of the ocean.
9. Black-and-white photo on the front.
10. The corridor is devoted to old black-and-white photographs showing, in chronological order, the construction of the house.
11. Black-and-white pictures that are closer to exalted family snapshots than art photography open the exhibition.
12. Inside the funeral program was a black-and-white photograph of the gnarled hands of an elderly man.
13. To prove this, a photographer took a black-and-white picture of a chair in an empty room.
14. We all crowded in one, where a black-and-white television was broadcasting a programme in Urdu.
15. A man offered Marina a cigarette from a black-and-white case.
16. Roehler's direction, and Hagen Bogdanski's black-and-white cinematography depict the nightmarish, ruined landscape of Hanna's hopes.
17. Pockets of live vegetation dot the otherwise black-and-white landscape, places randomly spared by arbitrary shifts of wind and fire.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Poetic, evocative, black-and-white footage alternates with a more pragmatic, colorful picture of the family today.
19. The exhibit features 20 color and 10 black-and-white photos shot between 1959 and 1971.
20. Black-and-white photos of slums were starkly juxtaposed with colour images of children taking part in the Shell Olympics and musical events.
21. Each section is preceded by a full page black-and-white design, its title written in Minton's characterful script.
22. Perhaps unsurprisingly among fifteen hundred people making black-and-white film, there was talk about zebras.
23. Flocks of large black-and-white birds shifted in unison across the middle of the roundabouts and along roadside verges, probing for worms.
24. All are printed in platinum, an expensive and painstaking process that yields black-and-white prints of great textual richness.
25. Hazel squatted on his haunches and stared at the orderly forest of small, glaucous trees with their columns of black-and-white bloom.
26. A visitor to Vadinamia is greeted, just outside territorial space, by the black-and-white gunships.
27. They need contrast, which brings them back to the black-and-white woodcuts of some one like Escher.
28. New World archaeological projects now routinely use the commercially available and cost-effective black-and-white aerial photographs.
29. Bottomless shadows lurk in every corner of this artfully arranged, black-and-white nightmare, hinting at horrors left unseen.
30. Jim Feng pushes aside a bottle of soy sauce and slides a black-and-white photograph across the table.
31. It is certainly less idealized, and less given to black-and-white distinctions.
32. I stare at the screen while they show a grainy old black-and-white photo of me, younger, with longer hair.
33. The Fu family's house is large, with brick walls, electricity and a black-and-white television.
34. I saw and heard several myrtle warblers, along with the first pine, black-and-white, and Nashville warblers.
35. They both knew where I lived. The whole thing was like watching snooker on a black-and-white telly.
36. And never underestimate the graphic power of black-and-white, especially with a pair of red-patent pumps and sunglasses.
37. Any image, black-and-white or colour, was always worsted in this optical smorgasbord.
38. I hunt black-and-white fish as they dart through red coral reef, when suddenly I am wrenched from be-hind.
39. Without you the Sunday Times colour supplement would come out black-and-white.
40. Inside were over a dozen large black-and-white photographs of Dolly in various street situations.
41. She was wearing high-heeled pumps with a black-and-white checkerboard pattern worked into the leather.
42. And not just because the black-and-white car he drives sports a red light and siren.
43. The blazing summer sun can turn their black-and-white Ford Broncos into wheeled ovens.
44. The PaperPort is a black-and-white scanner, which is fine if you deal primarily with documents instead of images.
45. The space is dominated by a spellbinding black-and-white photomural.
46. One could still watch black-and-white films from the liberal pre-Nasser era on television and find ancient taxi drivers nostalgically crooning songs by Umm Kulthum or Abdel Halim Hafez.
47. In the black-and-white photo, Bruni is stark-naked and covering her modesty with her hands.
48. A wrasse cleans the skin of a wrought iron butterflyfish, whose black-and-white motif reminds Japanese of a samurai's kimono pattern.
49. It is the black-and-white indri, largest of the lemurs — a type of small primate found only in Madagascar.
50. There is also another species of ruffed lemur that is similar to the red ruffed lemur; the black-and-white ruffed lemur.
51. Lab scientists can reconstruct simple black-and-white images the subject is viewing by analyzing the blood flow in the brain's visual cortex.
52. His backlit black-and-white photos captured musicians on stage and off, transforming them into luminous figures against their dimly lit surroundings.
53. Now that Apple iPad has paved the way, e-reader makers could also be re-evaluating the LCD as an alternative to the bistable, low-power but black-and-white E Ink display.
54. At the junctions of the Microsoft Corp, Motorola Inc and Intel Corp booths -- arguably the biggest concentration of global tech names -- promoters in black-and-white sweaters talked to each other.
55. black-and-white North American wood warbler having an orange-and-black head and throat.
56. Fake colour: Simulation of the effect of four-colour process printings by manual or electronic modification of black-anD-white originals.
57. Habits: May be found in pairs along swift mountain streams. Switches its black-and-white tail back and forth.
58. Unlike the escapist movies that Rosenberg had seen at his father's cinemas, the grainy black-and-white images had the blunt force of unscripted narrative.
59. You can make your own spiffy pots out of black-and-white newspaper.
60. The size of a chicken, it had arm feathers with black-and-white portions, creating the spangled pattern you might see on a prize rooster at a county fair. On its head it wore a gaudy rufous crown.
61. The Tang dynasty Is well knows for Its trIcolored glazed pottery and black-and-whIte porcelaIn. I would lIke to know theIr artIstIc features.
62. The second is that your emotional life will become richer. You may find that you had been experiencing emotions in black-and-white, and now you’re in HD technicolour.
63. From the black-and-white creepiness of early silent films to the campy kitsch of television series today, these bloodsuckers are so diffuse in popular culture that they might as well be real.
64. Living in Three Centuries: The Face of Age is the working title for this black-and-white photographic portrait project by Mark Story.
65. The image is two photos — if you pull back, you can see her holding over her own face a same-scale, torn black-and-white photo of her, whose only color is in her blood-red lips.
66. BEIJING - A dozen pint-size patients laugh and shout when the man with a red plastic nose waves a magic wand and turns black-and-white drawings to color.
67. In these stories, there may be beautiful costumes and expensive sets, or grainy black-and-white shots that are decades out of date.
68. Plant-eating animals tend to have longer intestines to aid in digesting fibrous material, a trait the black-and-white bears lack.
69. Strategy: A television ad with this tag line features a map of China over opponent Portman's name, as well as a slightly sinister black-and-white shot of Chinese factory workers.
70. After cramming as much bamboo into their mouths as possible, the black-and-white bears were then seen slumped on a specially-made climbing frame, seemingly exhausted by their efforts.
71. Jack met Obama, she recalls, through a friend of a friend who thought he'd make a good subject for her black-and-white portraits.
72. There are no black-and-white answers, which is why such a multitude of competing and complementary techniques exists.
73. In one, an antique black-and-white television balances on the wall below a life-size poster of a pixilated Japanese warrior.
74. We alternate between black-and-white and color, forward movement and back, truth and lies. Leonard doesn't know whom to trust ... and neither do we.
75. "There is an endemic bird species, the Kabobo apalis, and a subspecies of black-and-white colobus [monkey] only from this forest, " Plumptre said.
76. Yet The Tree of Life's only real competition came from The Artist, a beautiful black-and-white silent film about the end of the silent movie era in Hollywood.
77. He was sitting at a three-legged table, hunched over a cup of coffee like a dog guarding a hard-won bone,(http://) staring into the snowy screen of a black-and-white television.
78. The photos include a black-and-white headshot of the future Monroe wearing a jaunty beret, another of her in a halter top and a color picture of her smiling in a striped bikini on the sand.
79. Designers seem to be in the habit of draw inspiration from yellowed photos and black-and-white memory.
80. At night long lines of taxis wait outside the city nightclubs , as in black-and-white movies, and ought to be driven by refugee White Russian dukes.
81. Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill.
82. Dressed in a green felt trilby, white winkle pickers, drainpipe jeans, and a black-and-white jacket with shoulder pads, La Roux cuts a striking figure.
83. This is the definitive guide to every recording session done by the Beatles at EMI's Abbey Road recording studio. 150 full-color, 100 duotone, and 100 black-and-white photographs.
84. That is, until fossil excavations determined that the cousin of the black-and-white panda once lived in the ancient forests of Tennessee.
85. The photograph was made between mid-December 2009 and mid-June 2010 with a pinhole camera—in this case a punctured black-plastic film canister, aluminum foil, and black-and-white film.
86. Result: The focus under the 2-dimentional black-and-white ultrasound was shown as several belt-like no echo zones.
87. There was the wonder I felt when I saw a brace of mountain like, spotted, black-and-white horses clopping down a dusty road through clouds of powdered clay.
88. The general recommendation is that no one strip should take more than 8 kilobytes uncompressed, which, with black-and-white images limits you to 65,536 pixels in a single strip.
89. One year later, Samsung started to make black-and-white television sets for domestic and OEM (original equipment manufacturer) markets in its factory in Suwon, about 40 km south of Seoul.
90. The phrase 'barcode' comes from the computer-readable black-and-white parallel lines that are printed on product packaging.
91. The carefully staged black-and-white Steichen pictures that delighted prewar readers of Vogue mostly gave way to color and spontaneity.
92. With the cash from his mother, he bought a couple of plastic molding machines and started making channel-changing knobs for black-and-white televisions.
93. A sea bird (Alca torda) of the northern Atlantic, having black-and-white plumage and a white-ringed, flattened bill.
94. Taylor, Berlin was a consummate telly-don, always available for a word-perfect interview in grainy black-and-white with Bernard Levin or Bryan Magee on the meaning of life or the way of the world.
95. The text has been capably illustrated in a complex process utilizing original drawings, black-and-white scratchboard, and a computer program for color.
96. Mammography produces mammograms — black-and-white images of your breast tissue on X-ray film.




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