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单词 Fertilization
1. Immediately after fertilization, the cells of the egg divide.
2. The sex of the embryo is predetermined at fertilization.
3. In humans, fertilization is more likely to occur at certain times of the month.
4. The average length of time from fertilization until birth is about 266 days.
5. If a Y-chromosome combines with an X-chromosome during fertilization, a male baby will result.
6. In short, fertilization enhanced neither the build-up of biological materials nor the capture of nutrients by it.
7. London also will oversee laws governing abortion, human fertilization and genetics.
8. In vitro fertilization can restore fertility to women who ovulate but can not conceive because their Fallopian tubes are blocked.
9. We have already seen in vitro fertilization of both a panda and a gorilla.
10. After fertilization one or both of the parents may look after and help to rear the offspring.
11. Amplification of this energy promotes fertilization of the surrounding area via underground water-courses.
12. Autogamy Self - fertilization in plants.
13. Especially GRTS oviduct through liquid and artificial fertilization.
14. But ammonium fertilization may have to be increased.
15. Allogamy Cross - fertilization in plants.
16. Fertilization is external, producing free - living planula larva.
17. Gestation extends from fertilization to birth.
18. The fertilization of Mahonia leveilleana Schneid.
19. The product of fertilization is the zygote.
20. The double fertilization is the type of Premitotic syngamy.
21. Fertilization requires special attention when growing angelica.
22. At fertilization, when the haploid gametes fuse, the diploid number of chromosomes is restored.
23. We focused on several key events during fertilization from membrane fusion to karyogamy of sperm cells and egg cells.
24. Oocyte retrieval rate, maturation rate, fertilization rate and cleavage rate in follicular aspiration group were greatly higher than those in control group.
25. In this paper, soil and water and fertilization management of young macadamia tree in Yingjiang was introduced, and some techniques involved in tree and disease and pest management as well.
26. The sperm fuses with the egg to begin the process of fertilization.
27. This pathway is fully operational in germ cells, where it has been implicated in both fertilization and early development.
28. The soft new mud automatically eliminated the need for plowing and fertilization.
28. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
29. Studies on sea urchin eggs seem to argue against a role for InsP 3 in fertilization.
30. Glycoprotein structures allow the human egg to identify the human sperm, thus making fertilization possible.
31. In the first hours after fertilization, this cell divides into identical totipotent cells.
32. Blastula and gastrulae arrived 1 and 4 d after fertilization.
33. Sperm must be diluted and treated during artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.
34. Fertilization didn't significantly affect fine root diameter for Manchurian ash and Davurian larch fine root.
35. The changes and functions of mitochondria during the process of fertilization membrane(Fm) formation in Scylla paramamosain were investigated by transmission electron microscope.
36. The day of full opening of the flower very likely is the day of fertilization.
37. For instance, technologies such as test-tube baby, artificial fertilization and in vitro fertilization, and cloning have drawn a lot of attention.
38. The objective of this study was to explore a method to increase the fertilization rate of bovine oocytes matured in vitro by the microinjection of a single immotile spermatozoon.
39. The study on effect of hybrid Pennisetum with different fertilization treatments pulped and fed to fattening pigs was conducted by 4 treatments, each with 3 replications.
40. In vitro, the acrosome reaction of sperm does not influence the ovum fertilization rate.
41. Biological Defense fertilization, organic bio - fertilizer, bio - bacterial manure production sales.
42. During the process of fertilization a zygote with the diploid set is produced.
43. This paper deals with the ultrastructural changes in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. ) embryo sacs before and after fertilization with particular emphasis on the wall change events.
44. This last division and the expulsion of the second polar body occur only after fertilization.
45. These data indicated that the effect of antisera to the zona pellucida would mainly block fertilization and interfere early embryo development, but exists individual differences.
46. A preliminary observation on the double fertilization and post - fertilization development of Ypsilandra thibetica Franch.
47. A control lever runs through a lower fertilizer passage below the fertilization box, with the upper end provided with a raised head which reaches an exit inside the fertilization box.
48. The special formation of fertilization cone and the cortical reaction occurring immediately after the sperm penetration into matured egg support the effective and reliable barrier for the monospermy.
49. Conclusion The first polar body position does not significant influence the normal fertilization and embryo development.
50. In the plots of chemical fertilization, rice-duck farming, and the control, Theridiidae, Clubionidae and Salticidae shared the highest niche width, respectively, with a value of over 0.80.
51. The turf characters of carpet grass (Axonopus compressus (Sw. ) Beauv) in winter were studied under different irrigation and fertilization treatments.
52. A pot experiment in greenhouse was conducted to study on influence of N, P and K fertilization on young citrus tree growth and fruit yield and quality during 1999 to 2001.
53. Approximately four days after fertilization and after several cycles of cell division, these totipotent cells begin to specialize.
54. " Micromanipulation of Sperm" uses microscopic instruments to guide the sperm into the egg to increase the chances of fertilization.
55. This paper describes the phase characteristic of soil organic matter and fertilization system in the salt-affected area of Quzhou Experimental Field.
56. This paper studied the fertilization of the hybrid between autotetraploid sorghum and Johnson grass and the genetic characters of the hybrid generation.
57. Cortexes possess cortical alveoli. Cortical reactions have taken place after fertilization.
58. It controlled the watering irrigation, fertilization, ventilation, volume, operation of curtain in greenhouse under the relevant control devices.
58. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
59. This paper dealed with the effects of P fertilization and ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculation on productivity and nutrient accumulation of Eucalyptus globulus plantation in Chuxiong, Yunnan.
60. Gametophytic self - incompatibility ( GSI ) is a widespread mechanism in flowering plants , which prevents self - fertilization and promotes outcrossing.
61. Fertilization obviously increased the amount of fungi and decreased the amount of actinomycetes and nitrogen-fixing bacteria in different soil layers.
62. The results provided scientific basis for the research on the fertilization and special fertilizers of Pogostemon cablin.
63. The occurrence of sperms in the genital tract, thus disrupting normal sperm transport and fertilization i. e. lower conception rate of interspecies crossing in the yak.
64. However , plots receiving higher fertilization recorded higher yield of green gram after rice in sequence.
65. Objective: To evaluate the effect of hydrosalpinx on in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF - ET).
66. Zona pellucida protein surrounding to oocyte is important in the proc ess of fertilization.
67. We hope the reader is aspersion of this plant new young plant, fertilization sincerely, let it spend again and again of numerous Xie Mao, fructification.
68. Objective: To explore the influence of polyspermy on IVF outcomes in in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF ET).
69. Her analysis included nearly 2,500 women who received acupuncture in hopes of boosting their chance of pregnancy after in vitro fertilization - the procedure known as test-tube baby treatment.
70. Fertilization response and yield increase potential in the bamboo forest with common year is better than the forest with rich and poor year.
71. The formation of such leaf was also affected by variety, leaf position, fertilization and loading density.
72. Under different fertilization conditions, both growing status and N_2O emission rate of spring wheat are different and the excess fertilization rasults in a higher N_2O emission rate.
73. Porogamy The usual method of fertilization in angiosperms in which the pollen tube enters the ovule by the micropyle. Compare chalazogamy.
74. With artificial fertilization, the morphological responses of experimental clonal populations of Glechoma longituba on different nutrient supply conditions were studied.
75. Robert Edwards, working in the United Kingdom, began his fundamental research on the biology of fertilization during the 1950s.
76. The objectives of this thesis are to enhance the phytoremediation efficiency of heavy metal contaminated soils by Sedum alfredii Hance through fertilization practice.
77. It has been known that the self - sterility of conifers results from embryo collapse after self - fertilization.
78. Nitrogen fertilizer applied at winter wheat season had the obvious after-effect and after-effect and mineralization of soil nitrogen should be fully considered in summer maize season fertilization.
79. Sexual reproduction also occurs. Most flatworms are hermaphrodite and, in tapeworms, self - fertilization usually takes place.
80. The fertilization of Tamarix chinensis was observed by means of conventional paraffin sectioning.
81. After the egg fertilized, it Underwent cortical reaction and formed fertilization membrane.
82. A new corn zero tillage seeder with deep loosening and fertilization function, which can be used to seed corn in wheat corn plantation area, was developed.
83. Fertilization shows no significant effects on the activities of catalase and sucrase.
84. Different fertilization levels had no effect on the prophase yield of Dolichos lablab L.
85. After fertilization membrane was lifted, the secondary egg emitted the second polar body into the perivitelline space.
86. Although relative response to N by legume species may differ, N fertilization will reduce nodulation and BNF by legumes.
87. Cycling meiosis and fertilization events produces a series of transitions between alternating haploid and diploid states.
88. A field experiment was conducted in 1999 to investigate differences of adaxial and abaxial surface reflectance of rice leaves under 5 levels of nitrogen fertilization.
89. Linsuanyian , Linsuaneran, of Hefei, the mixed fat, calcium superphosphate, salt fertilization manufacture[Sentence dictionary], marketing.
90. Phosphorylase gene expression was localized in tissue sections of rice pistils before and after fertilization by in situ RNA hybridization.
91. Fertilization and embryo development toxicity in gravidity mice female offspring exposed to lead acetate was studied.
92. Fertilization failure , pregnancy, and live birth rates did not differ between IVF and ICSI.
93. Embryology The study of the development of embryos, usually from fertilization.
94. The effects of fertilization and sowing rate on the seed productivity of turf type perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) were studied using the split plot experiment design.
95. Different species had different respondence to irrigation and fertilization treatments.
96. Phyllostachys shoot grown from seed were sprayed by lanthanon multiple fertilization, naphthalin acetic acid, GGR and KH_2PO_4 with random group sample method.
97. In Beijing area the double fertilization of Actinidia chinensis occurred 30 - 72 ho - urs after pollination.
98. Effect of the desertified soil and fertilization in the gray-brown desert soil is also studied.
99. After fertilization, GSH plays an active role in the formation of the male pronucleus, and has a beneficial effect on early embryogenesis.
100. Most flatworms are hermaphrodite and, in tapeworms, self - fertilization usually takes place.
101. There were no statistical differences in fertilization and degeneration of oocytes, and abnormality of 2 cell embryos in the mouse between the two PCB congeners.
102. For Elymus nutans and Festuca ovina, the plants tended to allocate more biomass to below-ground than to above-ground as for the limited fertilization.
103. Androgenetic diploid cloning fishes were induced by thermal shock after fertilization of inactivated Crucican carp eggs with the mature spermatozoas of Singuo red carp .
104. In order to obtain factual information about self - fertilization, empirical measurements must be made.
105. Objective To compare the effects on the oocyte retrieval operation and oocyte retrieval rate under two different anesthetic techniques for in vitro fertilization.
106. Applying 5 kg N and skg P2O5 Per mu as seed manure and 5kg N at the stage of three leaves is the technology of economic high - yield fertilization to realize the yield 300 kg per mu on alluvial soil.
107. Affirmatory fertilizer uses an amount, the fertilization that measure land still is important step.
108. The results showed that long-term K fertilization had greater effects on the K fixation capacity of soils with lower hydromica content.
109. Proembryo A young plant after fertilization but before differentiation into embryo and suspensor tissue.
110. Certain seeding and fertilization devices are added to this product so as to achieve the goals of plough and fertilized seeding compound operation.
111. The hatching membrane which was composed of chorion and fertilization membrane was the primary egg membrane, and protected the embryo development from harm material till the larva hatched.
112. Benefit cost ratio under balanced fertilization regimes exceeded 2.5 for oil palm in Thailand and 7 for food crops in Indonesia.
113. This paper introduced the methods. problems and the present situation at home and abroad about spermatophore obtainment, spermatophore implantation and artificial external fertilization in shrimp.
114. Introduced an electronic monitor which monitor the state of seeding and fertilization of the large air-attracted precise seeding-machine .
115. The nitrate form commonly dominates where liberal nitrogen fertilization is practiced.
116. Treatment choice of ICSI was not associated with fertilization, pregnancy, or live birth rates.
117. The pollination and fertilization of 'Banndainiitaka' were systematically examined by fluorescence microscopy and paraffin sectioning.
118. She is also the first person ever to be conceived by in vitro fertilization: the world's first test-tube baby.
119. Intrauterine insemination,[http:///fertilization.html] in vitro fertilization and gamete intrafallopian transfer ( GIFT ) are additional options.
120. This example focuses on the design seeder platoon of vehicles , fertilization devices , trenching vehicles structure.
121. Double fertilization is the type of the Premitotic syngamy .
122. Objective To investigate the effect of the first polar body position during the intracytoplasmic sperm injection on fertilization and embryo development.
123. An equation is established for the calculation of the increase in fetal body weight to fertilization age.
124. The linear correlation regression equation of fetal weight, CR length and fertilization age were set up.
125. In order to accelerate close canopy of new plantation Phyllostachys nuda forest, fertilization experiment on new growing bamboo was carried.
126. Effects of vegetation and fertilization on black soil labile organic carbon and carbon management index(ICM) were studied in a long-term fertilization experiment.
127. By using soil nutrient state system study method, balancing soil fertilization have been adopted after the soil nutrient limitation factors had been made clear.
128. Appling molybdenum fertilizer could remarkably reduce accumulation of nitrate in lettuce and you-mai vegetable no matter which pattern of fertilization, basal-dressing and top-dressing.
129. The results of experiments showed that fertilization could promote nodule formation and increase nitrogenase activity and the amounts of N_2-fixed by root nodules.
130. Dizygotic twins - Twins born from the simultaneous fertilization of two different eggs by two different sperm.
131. Impacts of fertilization and sampling position on soil moisture and aboveground biomass of Medicago sativa were studied in a long term, in situ experiment.
132. After fertilization through the micropyle, the zygote turned into dormancy status without certain time phase.
133. Traditionally, doctors use gestational age, the number of weeks from fertilization to birth, to determine whether a preemie should receive invasive care.
134. Annuals, as a general rule , are very responsive to phosphorus fertilization.
135. Conclusion: Results suggest that proper parameter of micropipette , phases of collecting eggs and selected medium were closely related to percentage of fertilization during ICSI course.
136. Objective To examine the expression of uncoupling protein-2(UCP2) in the granular cell of women undergoing in vitro fertilization(IVF) and explore its role in embryo development.
137. Conclusion Puncturing follicles fertilization on infertility from anovulation is feasible, and clinical pregnancy rate is high(), the rate of OHSS is low.
138. These mean that there are relationship between polyspermy and oocyte number, fertilization rate but not between insemination sperm concentration and time.
139. The oocytes release from the MII arrest complete the meiotic division till fertilization or parthenogenetic activation.
140. After Fe - Chelate fertilization rinse the leafs with water.
141. Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of mannose ligand receptor(MR) and the physiological state of human spermatozoa in fertilization.
142. The shadow price and the analysis of sensibility can supply effective help for making and adjusting the fertilization.
143. The pollen is shed directly on the stigma, resulting in a high percentage of self fertilization.
144. The effects of some agronomical measures, such as fertilization, irrigation and chemical control, on improving the quality of strong-gluten wheat were studied.
145. Second-degree polynomials equation of maize(Zea Mays L. ) grain yield with both planting density and nitrogen fertilization was established by means of regression analysis.
146. The double fertilization is the type of the premitotic syngamy.
147. Grain GBSS activity, which increased by potassium fertilization, is the enzymology basis for K enhancing grain amylose contents.
148. It was very important to take the corresponding fertilization methods according to different forages, because of different characteristics among gramineous grass,[http:///fertilization.html] leguminous grass and mixed grasses.
149. Gametes may develop without fertilization, or meiosis may substantially precede gamete formation.
150. Methods:The facilitation ovulation was carried out in 81 cases of infertility. The sperm and mature ovum were transplanted into uterine cavity for the fertilization and nidation.
151. Fertilization: Only one sperm cell penetrates the outer layer of the cell.
152. The sulfur nutrient was significantly affected by fertilization system. The nitrogen fertilization could improve the quantities of ammonification bacteria in soil.
153. Seed development in most instances commences following fertilization of the ovule.
154. The 3 antipodal cells disappeared as the process of double fertilization.
155. Objective To investigate the fertilization ability of spermatozoa derived from neonatal mouse testes grafted into immunodeficient mice by intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI).
156. This article summarized the progress of study on pedology, fertilization technology, physiology, heredity, culture and ecology about potassium nutrition of tobacco in china.
157. The main factors influencing the wheat yield in downland were initial nitrogenous dressing, the amount of nitrogenous fertilizer applied for different leaf age and close fertilization.
158. Objective To study the effect of artificial fertilization on infertility from anovulation.
159. The results of 12-year located fertilization in grey desert soil of Xinjiang showed that treatments of N, NP , NK, NPK could improve the grain quality in some indexes compared with CK.
160. Originally from the southern region of Andalucia, the woman had previously undergone in vitro fertilization abroad, the official said.
161. Self - pollination, and subsequently self - fertilization, in orchards always takes place to some extent.
162. Reproduction: gonads are aggregations of developing gametes. Fertilization is external, producing free-living planula larvae. Asexual budding is common.
163. But the increased production amounts differ each other by applying different fertilization measures.
164. In conclusion, yak are able to crossbreed with Bos taurus, but the rates of cleavage and blastocyst development of resultant hybrid embryos were different between different fertilization combinations.
165. The paper reviews the constitution, molecular structure, biological function and application of zona pellucida in male fertilization.
166. To investigate the impact of antithyroid antibody on miscarriage rate of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) pregnancy.
167. The cytology changes in the cross0fertilized eggs 10 to 180 minutes after fertilization between Bufo raddei(female)and Bufo bufo (male)was investigated.
168. The yield of grass could be obviously increased by taking measures of fertilization, irrigation, plough and scarification to the retrogressive Leymus grassland.
169. Increased motility, zona binding and oolemma fusion capacities are also acquired within the epididymis and are necessary for those cells that finally arrive at the site of fertilization.
170. Based on field survey, it is identified that the non-point sources of Wuli Lake are from urban roads, residential areas, agriculture, and fertilization of greensward.
171. When B. napus was used as maternal parent, the fertilization frequency and siliqua setting rate were lower and the number of hybrid seeds and plants were higher than that of reciprocal cross.
172. The amniotic epithelial cells ( AEC ) are formed from epiblasts on the 8 th day after fertilization.
173. Results showed that regulative fertilization changed agronomical properties compared with conventional fertilization and increased significantly grain weight of one spike and grain yield.
174. Fertilization is an important measure to increase the production of natural rubber.
175. Many plants have a self-incompatibility system stopping self fertilization, but others are self-fertile.
176. Aim To study the toxicity of the lead acetate on the fertilization ability of sperm and the development of early embryo in mice.
177. As the male gametophyte, pollen delivers sperm to the sac for fertilization by pollen - tube polarized growth.
178. Chemical fertilizer is hurtless . The problem of the fertilization comes from unreasonable use.
179. The result could be theoretical fundament for optimizing fertilization and improving of yield and quality of beet sugar.
180. At the same type of gametes and meet with the special-shaped gametes fertilization methods, cells have flagella ,[] the fusion of two gametes in the water swimming meet and achieve fertilization.
181. A method for preparation of bull sperm chromosome using interspecific in vitro fertilization with free zona golden hamster eggs was reported.
182. Results: As the decreasing score of the oocyte, the maturation rate, fertilization rate, cleavage rate and the quality of embryos decreased, meanwhile the apoptosis rate of granulose cells increased.
183. In the paper, we discussed the effect of fertilization on soil organic carbon pools indicated by the C pool management index (CPMI).
184. All the work are done by children themselves including scarification, semination, fertilization and watering etc... In free time everyday, pieces of plots become the children's favorites.




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