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单词 Spore
1. A spore can quickly spread and form a mould.
2. If that spore contained the mutant gene, all the cells of the new plant will contain the mutant gene.
3. Its life-cycle starts with a spore, of which there are countless millions in the atmosphere.
4. Say you see a spore in the moss; every day it could be different if you look closely.
5. The allergenic has properties of fungal spore.
6. Is spore silk bacterium ill which are medicable ?
7. Title Spore morphology of Formosan Pteridaceae.
8. Sunkens and Spore Colonies will not expand the creep.
9. Zoospore An asexual motile spore produced by a zoosporangium.
10. The cation penetrates the spore.
11. The spore is oval and has a warty surface.
12. Studies in the spore morphology of Vittaria Smith.
13. Heterospory The production of two different sizes of spore: microspores and megaspores.
14. Most strains of the single spore isolated from the same fruit body are identical with their parental heterokaryon in AFLP fingerprints.
15. The bacteria are anaerobic, gram - positive, spore - forming rods that produce a potent neurotoxin.
16. Spore : Creature Keeper, a standalone product aimed at the younger PC gamer.
17. In this paper37species wild medical spore medical plants from Jinyun Mountain was introuduced, including11species bryophyta plants and26species pteridophyta plants.
18. Inhibition of 10% Score to the hyphe growth(76.5%)and spore germination(54.4%)was obvious for B cinerea, the second was Chlorothalonil(60.6 and 50.7%).
19. At the beginning of your upkeep, put a spore counter on Pallid Mycoderm .
20. The effects of different concentrations of arsenic on spore germination and rhizoid and prothallium growth of Pteris vittata under aseptic condition were studied.
21. The spore morphology of Histiopteris and Pteris is very differential , put genus Histiopteris in family Pteridaceae is not suitable, according to the feature of spore morphology .
22. This moment of certainty lasts no longer than that; longer, perhaps, than the spore itself.
23. The synthetic result of this study indicated that Harness was the primary preemergence herbicide for the spore stroma of Osmunda japonica Thunb propagation,() and trifluralin was secondary.
24. Anthrax: Infectious disease of warm-blooded animals, caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that, in spore form, can retain its virulence in contaminated soil or other material for many years.
25. The head of the child seat in fungi contain ascus, ascus containing a spore.
26. Dextrose and maltose was the best carbon source, while asparagine (Asn)was the optimum nitrogen source for both hypha growth and spore bearing.
27. The fruiting test found that those who can fruiting single spore strains, the dense gas Health mycelium developed, fast growing and will be a large number of chlamydospore.
28. Disclosed are methods, probes, and nucleic acid sequences for the systematic identification of sporulation genes in spore forming bacteria.
29. Objective To probe the effecting on the sporulation and biosynthesis of spore of Bacillus subtilis by cell wall deficient.
30. The mycelia of Tremella fuciformis can be obtained by single spore isolation, mycelia isolation in medium or tissue isolation .
1. A spore can quickly spread and form a mould.
31. RESULTS The special spore of P. marneffei could be found by sodium hydroxide smear of the liquid of lymphonodus puncture and Gram staining.
32. Objective To compare the resistance of Bacillus anthracis spore and Bacillus pumilus spore to ionizing radiation.
33. Spore morphology of 2 species of genus Ceratopteris examined by SEM and TEM.
34. Sporopore The aerial spore - producing body of certain fungi, e . g . the mushroom of Agaricus.
35. Aneuspory The production of an unusual number of spores during meiosis of a spore mother cell.
36. Tests on spore germination indicated that the fermentation product of N18 had an inhabitation of 98.47% and 96.15% against Bipolaris sorokiniana and Cercospora sorghi, respectively.
37. The medicine for treating cancer is prepared with the alcohol and water extract of cherimoya seed and glossy ganoderma spore powder.
38. Wright's games have always been modular, allowing for lucrative expansion packs and spinoffs: SimFarm, Sims 2: Apartment Life, Spore: Galactic Adventures, et cetera.
39. At anaphase I and telophase I, chromosome nondisjunction and degenerated spindle formation resulted in multiple uneven spore production.
40. Phyllitis japonica could be available from spore propagation and. vegetative propagation.
41. Triterpenoids are the main efficacious ingredients in ganoderma spore lipids.
42. The air current dissemination funation of the spore of rice false smut, Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) Takahash, is confirmed by capturing air-bornetechnique.
43. The protective cap or hood covering the spore case of a mossor related plant.
44. The distribution of different yellow greenish spore balls of false smut on single panicle was observed.
45. The expression and crystal formation of insecticidal crystal proteins were related to spore development in Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).
46. Describes 3D reconstruction segmentation display and the analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin , head, cervical bone, cannon born and carpus.
47. Molds can be identified as to spore type and shape, type of sporangia , and type of mycelium, as shown in Figure 3 and Table 2.
48. A special arc or ring of cells in the sporangia of ferns that constitutes the mechanism for spore dispersal.
49. No spore was formed , and it was resistant to 0/129. It could utilize glucose, malt ose , mannite, sucrose and inositol, but could not utilize xylose, xyl ose, raffinose, sorbin and adonitol.
50. Fig. 4. Symptom of stem blight of horse-tail45 days after inoculated with spore suspension of Fusarium oxysporum. Left: uninoculated, right: inoculated.
51. The haploid pollen cells develop in the tapetal zone from spore mother cells.
52. Normally the feed system comprises a spore, runner and gate.
53. These are covered in the spore - bearing layer ( hymenium ).
53. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
54. Tricyclazole mostly control spore bourgeon and restrain accrete-spore formed, thereby effectively prevent germina inroad and reduce piricularia leaf spot of rice produce spore.
55. Mycorrhiza is one of the new technologies applied on ecological restoration of coal mine areas. Spore density is one of the standards to scale mycorrhizal ecology.
56. The obtained of a produce spore cellulose decomposing bacteria XN-13 is very important to industrialization and commodity of inocula .
57. Homokaryons isolated from single spore carry some of the AFLP fingerprints of heterokaryon.
58. Objectives To observe how cere spore bacilli resulted in swallowing infection.
59. The sea level changes of Holocene in Shanghai region are discussed in this paper based on the spore - pollen and microfossil analysis of Zhaoxiang core.
60. Two anoxic non - spore bacillus strains isolated from baby feces were identified as B. breve.
61. The release and aerosolization of the fungal spore on the surface of building materials are the key factors to investigate the bioaerosol exposure and harmful effects on human health.
62. Protonema ( pl . protonemata ) The young bryophyte gametophyte that develops following spore germination.
63. Conidium ( conidiospore ) ( pl . conidia ) An asexual spore of certain fungi Ascomycota and Fungi Anamorphici e . g.
64. Legionellae are aerobic, non - spore formingrod - shaped , typically flagellated, gram - negative bacteria.
65. Accessorial types such as fern and its spore, gymnosperm and its pollen appeared from Devonian to Jurassic.
66. Spore morphology of 5 species of genus Cryptogramma from China was examined by SEM.
67. Apospory, aposporous The development of a gametophyte directly from a sporophyte without the occurrence of meiosis or spore formation.
68. In this paper a simple and reliable method to determine the content of triterpenoids in ganoderma spore lipids by the thin-layer chromatography(TLC)-spectrophotometry was produced.
69. Aplanospore A nonmotile spore , characteristic of the pin molds and certain green algae of the phyla Clorophyta and Chrysomonada.
70. A white colony mutant, 1-40-271, was normal in sporulation and spore germination, but defective in appressorium development and totally lost in pathogenicity.
71. It mainly included the test of cold - tolerant bacteria, spore, thermophilic spore and UHT, aseptic filling technology.
72. Study on spore morphology of Polypodiaceae from northeast of China.
73. Spore mother cell A cell that gives rise to four haploid spores by meiosis.
74. Compared with gymnospermae pollen, the fern spore has a more closer relationship with soluble organism in the low-rank source rocks from the coal-bearing strata.
75. The encroach process includes conglutination, spore germination, penetration, growth and host death.
76. Zygospore A resistant sexual spore formed when a zygote develops a thick wall.
77. While on a diplomatic mission to Monor II, Mara was secretly infected with a coomb spore(), a deadly bio-engineered pathogen crafted by the Yuuzhan Vong.
78. Study on the Spore Morphology of Subfam. Polypodioideae (Polypodiaceae) in Yunnan, China. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 28(2): 139-144. 2006.
79. In addition, advancements in the life cycles of five microspora pathogenic to Bombyx mori, the dimorphism, the structure and function of polar tube, and the spore germination were also reviewed.
80. Results Cerea spore bacilli were detected from the bacterial cultivation.
81. Slide 1-18 The dark brown body (A) in this picture is a spore sac (ascocarp), called a cleistothecium .
82. Two anoxic non - spore bacillus strains isolated from baby feces were identified as B.
83. The protein have wide antifungal spectrum, which can inhibited spore germination and penetrated hyphae , dan cause transmogrification of hyphal shape also.
84. Spore Mines can no longer enter Ravener Tunnels and Webway Gates.
85. It is an asexual spore formed in a sporangium and is usually thick walled.
86. Spore morphology of 44 species of the genus Athyrium from China was examined by SEM.
87. Spore characters of 23 acrocarpous moss taxa in China are reported.
88. Results The mycelium or spore was found in the mildew blocks of all patients.
89. The whole isolation procedure only involved in some simple instruments and single spore was directly isolated from culture or disease sample under microscopic field using dissecting needle.
90. In 2005 and 2006, the resistance to spread and initial infection of Fusarium head blight was evaluated in 287 barley cultivars by using single floret injection and spore spaying.
91. The seminal design inspiration and mechanics of the type design stemmed from the Spore logotype, designed by Cinco.
92. The geological cause of the mixed layer and its distributing characters are defined by spore pollen analysis, scanning electron microscope and C14 isotope test in this paper.
93. The spore morphology of Pteris is stable, and the difference between species is distinct , but the features of spore and sporophyte are not related.
94. The above spore assemblage can be basically correlated with those of South China, Southwest China, West Qingling and associated countries and regions.
95. Among them, C hypha is more developing, compared with others, which can produce a great deal of branch spore directly The other 3 kinds of agent can become a few branch spores.
96. One inclusion was formed within the exosporium and remained with the spore after mother cell lysis.
97. The extract of Acacia catechu did not inhibit the growth of mycelium, but restrained the spore germination by 100%.
98. The spore germination needs light and is of the Osmunda type.
99. Meanwhile, 15% triadimefon WP and 77% copper hydroxide WP had a significant effect on mycelial growth, but no obvious effects on sporulation, spore germination and sporoduct growth.
100. Fungicide screen assays in lab were by the spore germination and the mycelium growth rate.
101. The empty cell membrane of the bacterium may separate off, like the hull of a seed, leaving the spore as a free. round or oval body.
102. As a result, this paper presents the 3D reconstruction segmentation display, and analysis results of pollen spore, chaperonin , head, cervical vertebra, tibia and carpale.
103. Remove three spore counters from Pallid Mycoderm : Put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token into play.
103. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
104. Since no multiplication take place as a result of the vegetative cell-spore-vegetative cell cycle, few bacteriologists accept the concept of the spore as a cell set apart for reproduction.
105. The sporogenesis and spore germination were not affected by light.
106. This paper covers spore germination and protonema development of 4 species of mosses from Mt.
107. Early fertile spore cabbage is a vegetable of leaflet coccus form.
108. Heterospory The production of two different sizes of spore: microspores and megaspores. The larger megaspores usually contain more food reserves. Compare homospory.
109. The development process and spore sterile culture of Pteris wallichiana Agardh.
110. The chemical treatments mentioned above were more significant to restrain spore from growth than to restrain mycelial , indicating that the control period should be during the spores spreading.
111. Ganoderma ( a kind of Chinese herb ) spore contains 13 kinds of amino acid and organic germanium.
112. BTH had no direct inhibition to the spore germination and mycelial growth.
113. Aspergillus flavus manifested stronger vitality than spore in the production of yellow rice wine.




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