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单词 indulgence
释义  Related topics: Christianityin·dul·gence /ɪnˈdʌldʒəns/ noun  1. [uncountable]ENJOY/LIKE DOING somethingDO the habit of allowing yourself to do or have whatever you want, or allowing someone else to do or have whatever they want 沉溺;放纵;纵容 → self-indulgence at self-indulgent2  [countable]ENJOY/LIKE DOING something something that you do or have for pleasure, not because you need it 嗜好,爱好 An occasional glass of wine was his only indulgence. 偶尔喝杯葡萄酒是他唯一的嗜好。3  [uncountable] formal willingness to ignore someone’s faults or weaknesses 宽容,包涵 a spirit of indulgence and forgiveness 包容和宽恕的精神4. [countable]RRC a promise of freedom from punishment by God, sold by priests in the Middle Ages 〔欧洲中世纪由神父出售的〕赎罪券,赦罪符Examples from the Corpusindulgence• Swiss chocolate is my only·dul·gence nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or allowing the do habit have yourself to whatever of




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