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单词 Linking
1. The hotel has a private lift linking it to the beach.
2. He walked with her, linking arms .
3. He denied reports linking him to Colombian drug dealers.
4. Linking the proposals in a single package did have a certain logic.
5. Arrangements were well advanced for linking up this newly operated length with the Lancaster bypass.
6. The information superhighway embraces computers, telephones and TVs, linking consumers with services and with each other across the globe.
7. She stayed with them, linking arms with the two girls, joking with the boys.
8. There was a mass of circumstantial evidence linking Watson to the murder.
9. The pontoon bridge linking Balzac to Joyce.
10. The linking commentary is often otiose and always plonking.
11. The linking midfield role still needed to be filled.
12. Classification as a linking device or pivot.
13. He walked between us,() linking arms.
14. As well as linking branches of a company, WANs offer the opportunity to transact business electronically with other companies.
15. A government spokesman declined to comment upon reports linking the resignation with the Ursus bankruptcy.
16. Validation before linking showed that 92% of fatal cancers known to the clinic were also known to the registry.
17. Topic work Certain common linking topics or themes may be chosen for humanities-driven work.
18. There is an underwater telephone cable linking the two islands.
19. The third section will review the published research linking participation and effectiveness in social work and other human welfare interventions and programmes.
20. Aside from linking the curriculum together, there are two additional benefits from altering the usual schedule of the high school day.
21. The White House sidestepped questions about linking the gas tax repeal with the minimum wage.
22. In 'She became angry', the verb 'became' is a linking verb.
23. Some people still claim that there is no firm evidence linking smoking with lung cancer.
24. In the sentence 'My bags weigh 45kg', 'weigh' is a linking verb.
25. Police are revealing few details about the fifth victim, who at this stage they are not linking definitely with the others.
26. Yet dozens of independent scientists around the world have provided firm evidence linking OPs with similar symptoms.
27. Meanwhile, studies published in the Western Journal of Medicine found no evidence linking implants with connective tissue diseases.
28. Retail and restaurant units are also planned on the pedestrian routes linking Gresham Street and Cheapside.
29. But Commission officials conceded Britain's case that the evidence linking big bikes to accidents was not convincing.
30. Their denial was unconvincing in view of the physical evidence linking them to the bombing.
1. The hotel has a private lift linking it to the beach.
2. Arrangements were well advanced for linking up this newly operated length with the Lancaster bypass.
31. The linking of alcohol and hard drugs confuses health education messages.
32. However, a more realistic approach is to see trips as forming a chain, linking activities through the day.
33. The satellite and more than 12 miles of tether linking it to Columbia snapped on Feb. 25.
34. SunLink Point-to-Point Protocol is designed to let small companies do away with dedicated routers when linking their local area networks.
35. This linking should be possible on a stand-alone desktop or across a network.
36. However, bearing in mind these constraints; what is the current evidence linking diabetic control and platelet function?
37. Another line of research linking alcohol and serotonin involves rats bred for their avid preference for alcohol.
38. Henry Fielding in 1751 saw the matter from the perspective of a London magistrate, linking vagrancy to crime.
39. A chain linking her handcuffs was tied to a bar above her, and Sams warned there were boulders over her head.
40. That paper found no hard evidence linking predatory pricing and negligent auditing.
41. And indeed, linking these three proposals did have a certain logic.
42. Police are linking the availability of alcohol and a recent rise in the number of teenage arrests.
43. Still, he said physical evidence linking Ray to the crime is overwhelming.
44. Linking Disney World together is a network of monorail trains, buses, river steamers and launches.
45. See figure 2. linking performance measures via the balanced scorecard.
46. In addition to examining ways to generate resources it would act as a consultative group linking potential donors and beneficiaries.
47. The lines are understood locally as tracks linking holy sites.
48. TSMDesk is a Helpdesk management system, linking users and information support staff, and third party support agencies if required.
49. This week, health officials are linking the death of a 3-week-old boy in Indiana to the pet iguana.
50. The volatility and their non-guaranteed status do not sit comfortably with the official line linking the two benefits.
51. It was, in fact, two of the bandsmen who extricated me by linking their hands under my armpits.
52. Unix International says Application Linking capabilities will significantly enhance the attractiveness of Unix-based applications in general-use environments.
53. They were just having a peaceful protest, sitting there and linking arms: no threats or fear of violence.
54. Important families grew out of brewing, for example, linking agricultural production to the financial system which channelled the profits.
55. Using 20, 000 volunteers, it succeeded in linking 3, 500 schools in the state to the global computer network.
56. In the lab and in the courtroom, the evidence linking implants and disease is lacking.
57. Linking their changes to a digital world will be difficult.
58. Detectives are linking it with a series of recent armed robberies, and warn the men could inflict serious injury.
59. If it disappears when an intervening variable is controlled, the mechanism linking the two variables has been interpreted.
60. In objectification, the artefact appears to be instrumental in linking these major processes of abstraction and specificity.
61. A move further towards the end-user is being forged by linking the chlorine, hypochlorite and electrochemical technology businesses.
62. The relational devices such as word order and function words are explicit ways of linking ideas.
63. Steven Paterson denies helping Bailey try to destroy evidence linking him to the crime and the trial is continuing.
64. Firstly, it fails to explain the mechanisms linking an economic imperative with a penal practice.
65. The law of parallelism was a means of linking comparative embryology into the search for a unifying pattern in the organic world.
66. Document preparation systems have structural components such as paragraphs, and hypertext systems have additional structural components concerned with linking.
67. Your man, Saibol ole Saitoti, is linking this incident to Mademoiselle Cohn-Casson.
68. That's a pity, since we lose a linking passage which contains delectable music.
69. Identifying such scars may prove as difficult as linking tsunami deposits unambiguously to impacts.
70. Busy traffic very soon humanized these inland seas, linking their coasts, their civilizations and their history.
71. Jimmy Goddard has made a creative leap in linking the sites corresponding to the elements through the medium of sound.
72. It is reached by stepping stones over the lawn and a small bridge crossing the bog garden and two linking fish pools.
73. Relatively few people incur a capital gains tax bill because of index linking and the offsetting effect of the personal tax allowance.
74. We believe that it is educationally wrong to teach a subject in isolation without linking it to the outside world.
75. Such deformation can be minimised by linking suspension cables to tensioning cables, converting them into a series of straight lengths.
76. The coastal road to the A259 linking the town with the Cross Channel Ports.
77. So far, no other study linking obesity to ill health has factored in the subjects' fitness level.
78. The road, linking Gateshead to the Tyne Bridge, needs repairs totalling £700,000.
79. The tanker's brakes failed as it approached a police checkpoint on a highway linking the towns of Ife and Ibadan.
80. The government is considering linking the old-age pension to earnings.
81. Those that were traded over wide geographical areas, though, can be useful in linking the dating frameworks of different regions.
82. Newby is a quiet village between the busy A65 and the old road linking Ingleton and Clapham with road access to both.
83. He was considered an original thinker, linking the old twelfth-century theological ideas with the new interests of the thirteenth.
84. Community Linking is direct people to people contact which leads to equal, mutually beneficial relationships across cultures.
85. Thus, there are serious grounds for linking nuclear power production with the potential for proliferation of nuclear weapons.
86. The animal kingdom does not display a linear pattern of species linking the lowest forms to humankind.
87. There are no studies in the literature to date linking miners with an increased risk of developing gastric H pylori infection.
88. Evidence linking vitamin antioxidants and cancer obtained from epidemiological studies is conflicting.
89. The proposition linking external factors to workshop behaviour rested on the first three studies.
90. More important, the modern approach can lead to explanations at the molecular level thus linking gene action to developmental process.
91. A new HK$350m seaport is also planned and there will be a second bridge linking Taipa with the Macao mainland.
92. As fewer homes today have a separate dining room, this month we're suggesting ways of linking dining and living areas.
93. Indeed, one may even say that sexuality was the theme linking the various items which comprise the matrix that is Orphism.
94. This can be assessed by linking class structure to income distribution figures.
95. There is nothing developmental linking the middle childhood years with fountain pens and mismatched socks.
96. They are created as firms seek new advantages by linking together markets and activities that previously were kept separate.
97. Soil temperature was not controlled in our study, and so the evidence linking temperature and root mortality is circumstantial.
98. The shuttle offers hourly flights linking New York and Washington.
99. Cuvier tried to evade one disturbing implication of extinction by linking the phenomenon to his theory of catastrophic geological changes.
100. It belongs to no particular approach but is a means of linking theory with empirical analysis to the betterment of theory.
101. The only constant linking it all is that it qualifies as, for lack of a better term, neat.
102. We paddled under a single track embankment linking North Uist with Benbecula, exchanging waves with the friendly local driving overhead.
103. PalmPilots can install software only by linking to a personal computer.
104. The homeward-bound ploughman roars his tractor across the flyover linking two fields bisected by the roar of the motorway beneath.
105. The optimum linking of the various stages is called the critical path.
106. She stole their golden hearts and gave the lakeside people garlands, linking their stilted arms like dancers.
107. They stood together for a moment in the doorway, linking arms proudly.
107. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
108. The other acts as a pickup coil producing a voltage proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux linking it.
109. This suggests that theories linking football hooliganism to changes in working-class community life are based on a somewhat dubious history.
110. The 1995 text addresses the science linking antioxidant nutrients found in plant foods with a potentially beneficial role in fighting disease.
111. While the evidence linking increased cell proliferation and colorectal cancer is good, the converse is less clear cut.
112. The canals linking the city to St Petersburg in the south were built by slave labour in Stalin's days.
113. They have quoted for linking the projector to our existing system.
114. The Labour Party wrestled with the problem by linking demands for disarmament with plans for legislation guaranteeing the Right to Work.
115. Mrs Thatcher's panel of advisers recommend against linking homes with optical fibres on the grounds of cost.
116. Scenes linking tobacco or spirits consumption with improved athletic performance or business success will in future be illegal.
117. The article charts how adverts, in the past and in the present, have succeeded in linking the cigarette with sophistication.
118. Dertouzos called for government regulation to prevent the linking of databases containing personal information without certain safeguards.
119. It would also take account of the fact that evidence linking hazardous waste with harm to human health is uncertain, at best.
120. I had written a learned book, Architrave and Archetype, a thesis linking human aspiration with human-designed structures, cathedrals in particular.
121. Secondly, the linking of form to function may help learners to orientate themselves within a discourse.
122. Praha Metro is also planning a fourth route linking the city centre and the southern suburbs.
123. Linking base pay to knowledge and skill rather than position 4.
124. There are business deals linking cable companies with entertainment providers, phone companies with movie studios, software publishers with hardware makers.
125. The two-minute video shows the protesters casually entering the office before linking arms through the tubes.
126. Reaching these wells will involve linking the drill to sophisticated sensing devices which can detect oil-bearing formations.
127. However, it is a remarkable piece of interdisciplinary thinking, linking fields as diverse as fluid dynamics and neurophysiology.
128. This linking of the human relations approach with scientific management targets will provide the recipe for effective performance.
129. The defense contends that linking those dots properly reveals a picture of Simpson as an innocent man wrongly accused.
130. There needs above all to be a consistency in the whole chain linking nature conservation policy with action on the ground.
131. Among them: Free everyone to dress casually because there are no credible studies linking job performance with attire.
132. The first step is to find the centre of the room by linking the mid-points of opposite walls with string lines.
133. It is a linking of the intangible with the tangible, which can only come about through conscious intention.
134. Particular attention should be paid to the section linking regional and national squad development where this is desired and appropriate.
135. A neighbourhood watch scheme has been established linking each home, where every door and gate is permanently locked against intruders.
136. I think it important linking up theory with practice.
137. We will require a completed linking report detailing.
137. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
138. A relocatable file holds code and data suitable for linking with other object files to create an executable or a shared object file.
139. This paper describes DLL ( Dynamic Linking Library ) , its basic concept and mechanism.
140. This add-on for Knoll Light Factory (2.5) in After Effects includes fantastic features like Edge flare-ups, color linking, Z-depth intensity, and full 3D obscuration.
141. An even more difficult problem is that of linking the exposure to plaintiff's injury.
142. A chemical bond or link created by cross - linking.
143. One use of the base address is to relocate the memory image of the program during dynamic linking.
144. The North has set it sights high, declaring last month the zone could one day become a worldwide trade and investment center linking Northeast Asia with Europe and North America.
145. Server refers to receive bedside monitoring devices, data devices, in-system. Monitoring System was carefully observed in the physical layer using RJ45 and five non-shielded cable way linking.
146. Sindell and related theories address the problem of linking the defendant to the chemical exposure.
147. The suspension system of claim 3, further including a torque rod linking said lower axle cap to a hanger on said chassis.
148. Some researchers are linking the pain relief of acupuncture to enkephalins.
149. In the early days there was an efficient electrified railway linking the settlements.
150. Ternana starlet Luis Jimenez has distanced himself from reports linking him with a move to Juventus.
151. So Merkel's sherpa argued that any mention of linking the so-called Robin Hood tax to aid should be removed from the text.
152. Methods: To find linking points with distance change and dilation technique.
153. Linking with the main electric properties of No. 1 aviation kerosene, here is related the basic principle of static electric charging and the major factors that affect liquid static electric charge.
154. The paper focuses on the programming logic, editing commands and the interface module linking the CEDT.
155. Methods Using the liquid paraffin as the oil phase, L-ascorbyl palmitate as the cross linking agent, and span-80 as the emulsifier.
156. In a power transformer the coils are on an iron core made of ferromagnetic material in order to confine the flux so that almost all of the flux linking any one coil links all the others.
157. The results show that cross linking reaction of LDPE film is inevitable during the grafting polymerization, and independent of the type of initiators.
158. As I think, majority of piano students worldwide is forced to realize legato by rather strongly tensed fingers' and palm's musculature that supposedly should help in PHYSICAL LINKING the sounds.
159. For the sake of strengthening the inner management and incorruptness, we have set the surveillant video system linking to the system software that can meets the demand of proposer.
160. The relations linking output and input are quantitative ones, capable of expression in mathematical form.
161. The pre - irradiation and co - irradiation induced cross - linking of cotton and silk with 2D resin and BTCA was studied. The electron accelerator was adopted as irradiation source.
162. This should include an initial section reviewing the site characteristics in some detail and linking this detail to the type of development, its size and use.
163. When linking an analysis process model with an executable process implementation, the clue is not to include too many of the sophisticated details of the analysis process notation in the diagram.
164. The Gotthard tunnel will exceed the 53.8-kilometer Seikan rail tunnel linking the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido and the world's longest road tunnel, the 24.5-kilometer Laerdal in Norway.
165. The suspension system of claim 1, further including an upper torque rod linking said axle to one of said cross frame members.
166. Via exposured, photochemical and make the cross - linking of Filmer aggregate compounding anti - alcohol.
167. I told you I have evidence cold linking this prick to Costello, right?
167. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
168. People need a way of linking their productive lives to society.
169. For years his statue stood by the motorway linking Budapest with Lake Balaton, and marked the city's boundaries.
170. Recent work linking these pathways in epithelial stem cell differentiation has come from studies analyzing the in vivo function of the nuclear receptor corepressor, Hairless (HR).
171. Biodegradable poly ( L - aspartic acid ) hydrogels were synthesized by a two step cross - linking reaction.
172. Great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice.
173. It provides hardware linking method, baud rate calculation and communication ports initialization.
174. From the social reproduction process, the logistics is an important process of reproduction of the basic link in the national economy in the various modules and linking role to play bridge.
175. Start by adding an else statement at the scope of the if that interrogated the request to see if the requests were linked through our peer.req linking scheme.
176. The study further strengthens the evidence linking smoking with early death.
177. This is more crucial for static linking than dynamic, because a non-static identifier will be globally visible.
178. This recyclable and self-contained nature is a legacy of Microsoft's earlier object oriented applications effort, the Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) standard.
179. The continuous education was conaidered asea linking point of sci - tech and economy.
180. In the digital world, the only thing linking these two concepts is our faulty thinking.
181. Low molecular weight heparin - chitosan - sodium carboxymethyl cellulose microcapsules were prepared by means of emulsion - dispersion cross - linking method.
182. We can put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb.
183. A former high-ranking official in the Homeland Security Dept. adds that he never ran across any classified material linking Huawei to espionage.
184. Based attack incidents ,[http:///linking.html] a method of network attack process analysis by dynamic vulnerability linking is designed.
185. A further study is made on the condition of adsorption, cross linking and elution of this molecular engram polymer as well as its adsorbability on TPT.
186. Upon discontinuing dexamethasone, cross - linking of the actin networks was reversible.
187. There are three important relations linking inflation, output, and unemployment.
188. A narrow suspension bridge point for the main trade route linking landlocked Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia.
189. The compatibility test of speed of linking to offset distance is done, followed by compatibility test of speed of link to roll rotation and correcting test.
190. As a result, all comments are moderated, and their aggregation of blogs linking to articles is a limited, proprietary system (Blogrunner).
191. Essentially, the United States was great sea power, he said, linking the two world oceans.
192. A non - formaldehyde self - cross - linking acrylate binder has been prepared by seed emulsion polymerization.
193. This agent consists of HG modified resin, cross linking agent and HS solid particles.
194. It most typically and clearly reflected the inwardness of integrating culture with commerce, linking culture with worldly life, making culture serve the commerce and worldly life.
195. A secondary constraint on labour mobility is the system of communication linking employer and worker.




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