单词 | Involving |
例句 | 1. A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned. 2. Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior executives. 3. A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. 4. An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane. 5. Wind and ice were blamed for the collision involving up to 12 vehicles. 6. Counter-intelligence officers uncovered a spy ring involving twenty agents. 7. There have been four accidents involving Forest Service planes. 8. All cases involving children are treated as urgent. 9. Harsher penalties are being imposed for crimes involving firearms. 10. There was some financial scandal involving one of the ministers but it was all hushed up. 11. I think any sport involving animals where the animals do not have a choice is barbaric and uncivilized. 12. He said a full-scale dispute involving strikes would be criminal. 12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday! 13. Putting on an opera is a tremendous enterprise involving literally hundreds of people. 14. The football managers agreed on swap deals involving their star players. 15. There was a serious incident involving a group of youths. 16. He shouldn't palter with a decision involving life and death. 17. He was badly hurt in an accident involving two cars and a lorry. 18. Court trials involving famous people are the daily fare of newspapers. 19. More serious leaks, possibly involving national security, are likely to be investigated by the police. 20. The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence. 21. Research involving the use of biological warfare agents will be used for defensive purposes. 22. It should always be used for calculations involving temperature. 23. You can re- create a rundown play involving four different defensive players and still have ample opportunity to observe the next pitch. 24. The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio. 25. They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people. 26. Yesterday there was a four-mile tailback on the main road into the city after a crash involving a truck and a car. 27. Measures were introduced to cut down the number of road accidents involving children. 28. Most adults do not feel competent to deal with a medical emergency involving a child. 29. Its use subsequently spread to other public sector analyses involving a comparison of costs and benefits over time. 30. More recently, however, interest in the left and right brain is due to work involving split-brain patients. 1. A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned. 2. Police are investigating allegations of corruption involving senior executives. 3. A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. 4. An accident involving over ten vehicles has occurred in the east-bound lane. 5. The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio. 6. Wind and ice were blamed for the collision involving up to 12 vehicles. 7. They inadvertently got mixed up in a free fight involving some 20 people. 8. The majority of Scots favour an autonomous Scotland involving devolution or complete independence. 31. It was a combined operation involving troops from the US and Europe. 32. This study exemplifies the combined use of human and mouse genetics to dissect human genetic diseases involving multiple genes and complex phenotypes. 33. One of the aims of this proposal would be to reduce the number of accidents at work involving young people. 34. Complex cases Obviously, a host of more complex cases might arise, involving changes in both supply and demand. 35. Changes have certainly taken place, often dramatic and painful changes, involving exploitations and deprivations. 36. The Peace Corps goes to considerable expense to provide training programs involving the best qualified lecturers available. 37. And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market. 38. A 47-year-old man died after an accident involving a 17-ton loading shovel at the Redland Aggregates site at Barham. 39. Delighted Bangor principal Professor Eric Sunderland said the money would be used for two projects involving quality and collaborative research initiatives. 40. A case involving the intensely competitive newspaper industry demonstrates what may happen. 41. A democratic-minded civilian should be put in charge of security matters involving the two countries. 42. Police recognized Moll and arrested him as a suspect in two grocery store robberies, also involving getaway cabs.http:// 43. Businessure is aimed at businesses with a turnover of up to £1m and generally involving premiums of up to £5,000 perannum. 44. He faced 18 charges of theft and three charges of deception involving a total of £4,560. 45. A negotiated agreement involving the removal of settlements will not end the conflict. 46. That clause limits the domestic lawmaking power of Congress to issues involving interstate commerce. 47. He was arrested after a cloak-and-dagger operation involving the CIA and MI6. 48. The school is part of a joint venture involving Silicon Valley businesses aimed at preparing students for high-tech jobs. 49. Most people would be willing to pay such a price to remove the anomalies involving the ability to pay. 50. Detectives arrested the suspect at his home in Toxteth after a lengthy cat-and-mouse game involving surveillance experts. 51. There have emerged alternative views of what accountability entails, involving different answers to both the substance and form of the account. 52. And I defy any of you to think of an amusing sign-off joke involving Nick Cave and badminton. 53. An influential minority report by Derek Senior advocated a map involving solely two-tier regional authorities, 35 in number. 54. This may help to explain the difficulty faced in involving small businesses in partnership activities. 55. Labelling is acknowledged as a complex process involving social norms and values. 56. Forty-five percent of fatal road accidents involving young people are alcohol-linked, and so are drowning and deaths from accidental overdose. 57. One involving, for example, relationships between classes or between men and women as they are socially constructed? 58. It would hear appeals involving assessments, chaired by a lawyer, and decisions would be legally binding. 59. Leasehold properties - flats in particular are often leasehold, involving detailed terms and conditions which a solicitor will check. 60. But the court subsequently found two specific breaches involving officers of the union and held the union guilty of contempt. 61. Scientific studies involving humans have a statistical threshold for causing harm to participants, and if passed they are discontinued. 62. When considering bids, preference will be given to bids involving significant employee participation. 63. The charges arise from an alleged incident involving a boy aged four in Walton at the weekend. 64. In November another dispute arose involving Chalerm when he criticized the Army's seizure of a mobile radio unit. 65. However, ozone also participates in complex chemical reactions involving trace substances in the stratosphere. 66. It is also defined as premeditated and involving a level of danger or personal injury. 67. He worked at church carnivals to set up booths and helped out in nighttime activities involving kids, Flesher said. 68. Government intervention, usually involving the direct buying or selling of domestic and foreign currencies by central banks. 69. Most disputes were of this kind, involving traditional sources of conflict: land and water rights or personal injury. 70. Numerous experiments have been conducted involving different variations of the principles. 71. The study is being conducted on past, present and future incidents involving crowds in and around Sheffield. 72. Dyslexia may be caused by a brain abnormality involving the sense of sight. 73. But Night Trap could not be exempted because it depicted violent actions involving realistic images of human beings rather than straight forward computer graphics. 74. Two other such joint exercises, involving marine and amphibious forces, were already scheduled to start on Aug. 3. 75. It is all a game involving scientific computations which in no way affect the musical instruments or diminish their essential mystery. 76. In the case of electrical installations, or procedures involving hazards, preliminary safety actions and final safety checks are needed. 77. The Bennis case was the first civil forfeiture case on record involving prostitution in Wayne County, where Detroit is located. 78. William Bird's wife Jean had been killed five years before in an horrific road accident involving a drunken driver. 79. The principles are equally applicable in many other therapeutic situations, not just those involving patients who have taken overdoses. 80. He had denied committing the offences involving children between the ages of four and 14 between January 1989 and June 1992. 81. Human machines everywhere are built up from mechanisms involving combinations of motion in a straight line and motion in a circle. 82. Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture. 83. Frequently our younger engineers had leisure activities involving strenuous physical activity. 84. The dispute centred on proposals involving the closure of lead-zinc mines, posing a threat to jobs. 85. One person died in the crash involving 30 vehicles on the southbound carriageway at junction 30, near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. 86. Involving users directly in the needs assessment process, thus ensuring them a voice in assistance provided to them. 3. 87. The characteristic feature of Brindley's canals was their winding routes, following contours as far as possible without involving major earthworks. 88. Alternatively, indirect effects involving the regulation of epithelial cell function by mesenchyme are also possible. 89. It was the first fatal accident involving ValuJet since the bargain airline began operations in October 1993. 90. Trials are currently being carried out in 12 areas involving 62,000 properties to assess its effects. 91. Bond enthalpies can also be used to calculate the enthalpies of reactions involving covalent molecules. 92. Ocean racing is big business involving vast amounts of money. 93. Read in studio A teenager has appeared in court after a schoolgirl was killed in a crash involving a stolen car. 94. They will also be concerned with more immediate issues involving the well-being of the party or other organization providing their political base. 95. Reported near collisions involving military and civilian aircraft have dropped dramatically in the 1990s. 96. There will also be a number of analytic papers, some involving international comparisons. 97. Only 6 percent could consistently solve relatively complex problems involving geometric relationships, algebra, or functions. 98. The security alert, involving five hundred people, cost ten thousand pounds. 99. Other examples are generally far less elaborate, involving only a single carriageway. 100. In nature, the elements form stable chemical compounds with each other, usually involving oxygen. 101. He admitted a further 17 charges involving the breach of computer software and video copyright law. 102. Printed circuit boards can now be completed in a single pass with assembly involving only two board components. 103. That is,[] a question involving calculation was deemed to be practical only if it involved a real-life situation. 104. As assistant commissioner, Smith oversees marketing programs involving livestock, horticulture, fiber and international marketing. 105. There have been a number of court cases involving the question of whether videotaping constitutes fair use. 106. He was called in at short notice due to the unfortunate motor accident involving Design Director, Bill Naysmith. 107. One way it can start is through a childhood trauma - a sudden unpleasant shock involving a cat or a kitten. 108. Academics will work with theatre companies to find ways of involving the public in social research. 109. He goes on to relate many other such stories, mainly involving apparitions on the mission field. 110. Data from more than thirty clinical trials involving more than 10, 000 pain patients unequivocally support this conclusion. 111. Analysis of accidents involving bus passengers in future years will be undertaken. 112. This was narrowly avoided by producing a new programming scheme, involving local sponsorship as the future funders of individual exhibitions. 113. My second example, although involving a very different animal, raises the same kind of questions. 114. But the big talking point was the first half bust-up involving the rivals managers and team officials. 115. Suggest a set of sequences of assignment statements, which you would expect to be typical of programs involving arithmetic calculation. 116. In 1994, a major trial involving bribes paid by subsidiaries of Ferruzzi Finanziaria SpA in 1990 led to numerous convictions. 117. We will also insure you in the same way following an accident involving any trailer while attached to your motor cycle. 118. Some governing bodies have been sensitive to this danger and have established committees and structures involving teachers other than the teacher-governors. 119. Police were called to a house at Eddleston, near Peebles, early yesterday after an incident allegedly involving a knife. 120. In 1998 the federal government settled 220 claims involving priests and nuns who had been convicted of criminal abuse. 121. In addition to all those new factors, several alternative proposals - including some involving King's Cross - have emerged. 122. Working Model Working Model is award-winning desktop based software for analysing and solving engineering problems involving 2D and 3D motion and mechanisms. 123. Involving professional services, these two sectors represent particular challenges in managing change. 124. And this afternoon there was another crash, this time involving four lorries and one car. 125. For example, consider an application involving an interactive video system. 126. Public goods are indivisible, involving such large units that they can not be sold to individual buyers. 127. The area of involving parents in assessment of the development and progress of their young children is a growing one. 128. By the mid-sixteenth century it had emerged as a distinct species of case involving four allegations. 129. The second area is located around the development of information systems involving considerations such as meaningfulness, accuracy and accessibility of data. 130. In Brixton consultative machinery involving the police and community leaders had ceased to function. 131. Garang had called for a constitutional conference, involving all political parties. 132. Apart from drugs,[] detectives believe money is laundered from a variety of black market deals involving arms and high technology. 133. Two separate operations are needed to normalise this sentence, one involving closed set items: 8a. 134. In all, there are 15 combat missions involving both subs and surface vessels. 135. Over time, coexistence was inevitable, involving compromise and limited mutual tolerance. 136. Criticism by many research workers has led to the development of ancillary measures, involving more sophisticated techniques. 137. Social interaction involving dialogue and argument over ideas, by its very nature, is an important source of disequilibrium. 138. The mayor, Pietro Giubilo, had to quit in the face of corruption allegations involving companies linked to Communion and Liberation. 139. These activities are performed to solve problems involving complexity, uncertainty and/or ambiguity that require intelligence and decision-making. 140. Asked about how issues involving patient confidentiality were best dealt with, one doctor replied: below. 141. What experience have you had of women in positions of authority? or in jobs involving caring for people? 2. 142. Fone is charged with three offences of theft involving a total of more than £40(),000 and two offences of false accounting. 143. A narrowly avoided divorce scandal involving a prominent Member of Parliament. 144. It is a total exercise programme involving the very latest scientific breakthroughs in the field of muscular development. 145. In their study, three-to five-year-old children observed causal sequences involving a Jack-in-the-box with two runways into the box. 146. Her exercising and her diets, involving theories about food combinations, had irritated me for months. 147. Daily protests involving hundreds of arrests were made as blacks tried to block the trucks. 148. That report showed there were more suspects arrested in 1999 on charges involving marijuana than for powder or crack cocaine. 149. Accidents and injuries involving blood or other body fluids were widely believed to be under-reported. 150. The report contained details of the poison gas and cited examples of accidents involving it. 151. Boys will be boys and in spite of warnings at least one fatal accident occurred involving local lads, and several were injured. 152. Members of the council agreed to set up a joint initiative involving all public agencies. 153. The second policy issue will focus on the continuing saga of involving clinicians in management. 154. The Bell-Szekeres solution Bell and Szekeres have considered a very simple situation involving a collision of two step electromagnetic waves. 155. Questions involving the environment are particularly prone to uncertainty. 156. He was perpetually involving himself in this long lawsuit. 157. Studies of botanical ecology generally advanced more rapidly than those involving animals. 158. 455, 000 cases involving non - lawsuit legal matters, an increase of 0.8 percent. 159. The Dartmouth Atlas project has scrutinised variations in health outcomes and spending involving Medicare. 160. Electronic business transaction security involving confidentiality,[] integrity indefensibility and identity conformity. 161. Before too long he started involving me in the more confidential aspects of the job. 162. Each motion must be delicate and precise, involving tiny movements. 163. Two cases involving SEC " no - action letters " illustrate these difficulties. 164. A process involving many calculations and often requiring high utilization of the CPU. 165. He strongly requested the avoidance of incidents involving Cambodian lives. 166. Instead, it referred to the prior cases as involving " essentially ad hoc, factual inquiries ". 167. Peace talks involving other rebel leaders and government representatives broke up without agreement last week, but are due to resume shortly. 168. Two of the cases involving toxic water pollution are particularly interesting. |
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