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单词 Participating
1. Flags of all the participating countries are flying outside the stadium.
2. They enjoy participating in a wide variety of activities, both locally and further afield.
3. How many countries will be participating ?
4. During this period all the students were actively participating.
5. The importance of participating in the life of the country cannot be overestimated.
6. They believe that participating in fights toughens boys and shows them how to be men.
7. It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown.
8. He will see that he is participating in all the decisions of the collective.
9. They believed they were participating in an insurance scam, not a murder.
10. Many more firms are participating in the growth of demand on the world markets.
11. They barred her participating.
12. The views of participating optometrists were also sought.
13. Being a spectator wasn't as enjoyable as participating.
14. This mechanism, mineral deposition, is one factor participating in the process of bone remodeling.
15. The government, when it was not actually participating, turned a blind eye.
16. Each participating State will provide appropriate legal and administrative procedures to protect the rights of all its forces personnel.
17. At participating resorts, guests also receive free extras such as breakfast or golf clinics.
18. If the model democratic citizen is active, participating, and influential,[http://] is this what the ordinary man aspires to be?
19. The participating States should have the possibility to obtain such information.
20. How does Social Security provision work against women participating in work or training? 3.
21. Now women participating in the liberation struggle are finding new roles.
22. Organising or participating in a march in breach of any such condition constitutes an offence.
23. Many of them try to enrich their social and healthy life by participating in a number of interesting outdoor activities, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.
24. As a child he was very much an outsider, never participating in the games other children played.
25. The event is held on a rotational basis in each of the participating countries.
26. Children love to spend time in the kitchen, watching and participating in the preparation of food.
27. It was exciting, as there were more than 900 shooters from 90 countries participating in these World Cup shoots.
28. Differences here clearly warrant further investigation, and when revealed to the participating teams provoked considerable discussion.
29. In their statements, these organizations contributed ideas and raised issues of concern for participating States to take into consideration.
30. The scheme, launched yesterday, is expected to provide each participating chemical firm with around £5 million to meet claims.
1. Flags of all the participating countries are flying outside the stadium.
2. They enjoy participating in a wide variety of activities, both locally and further afield.
3. During this period all the students were actively participating.
4. Many more firms are participating in the growth of demand on the world markets.
31. The test yielded a mean score of just over 50 percent for all pupils participating.
32. Course dates, formats, and registration procedures etc vary considerably among the participating organisations.
33. The participating States welcome the international efforts to improve protection of the rights of persons belonging to national minorities.
34. Personally, I was excited at the prospect of participating in a real blood-and-guts battle against a prohibitive odds-on favorite.
35. The participating States remain convinced of the need to preserve the national scientific potential of countries in transition.
36. Participating independent retailers have an identifying symbol, in addition to their customary title.
37. The partnership purchases workers' compensation and liability insurance, which reduces the bureaucratic burden on participating companies.
38. And more people are participating more of the time; if this keeps up, they may even vote.
39. The participating States recognize the importance of co-operation in a number of areas in the economic integration process.
40. This doctrine is illustrated by a New York case where a student teacher was injured while participating in a donkey basketball game.
41. People wishing to enroll in the study should request a referral from their doctors or call the nearest participating hospital.
42. All policyholders with a stake in the participating with-profits fund will receive a special bonus if they vote for the Aegon deal.
43. Will Compacts encourage students to leave school at sixteen instead of participating in further education?
44. Company pension schemes About 11 million people, roughly half the employed population, are now participating in company schemes.
45. Rogue troops are even suspected of participating in the car bombing at the Jakarta stock exchange in September that killed 15 people.
46. Participating hotels pay a subscription starting at £175 a year, up to a ceiling of £575.
47. Informed consent was obtained from all patients and the study protocol approved by the Research Ethical Committees of the participating centres.
48. Each participating State will provide for its legislative approval of defence expenditures.
49. No participating State will attempt to impose military domination over any other participating State. 14.
50. The participating States will not tolerate or support forces that are not accountable to or controlled by their constitutionally established authorities.
51. But Diem, aware of his weakness, had no intention of participating in elections.
52. Document the costs and benefits of participating in school-to-work, rather than treating it solely as a charitable contribution.
53. However, all malignancies must be suspected of participating in hypercalcemia.
54. Her husband, Webb, just began participating in it, after doctors detected a precancerous polyp.
55. HEPnet is managed by the HEPnet Technical Committee, which is composed of representatives from each participating country.
56. Those participating will receive up to 20 percent discount on car insurance rates from the charity's insurance brokers.
57. Today there are 32 states participating in pediatric nutrition surveillance, encompassing approximately 1 million records of clients per year.
58. The participating States will reflect in their laws or other relevant documents the rights and duties of armed forces personnel.
59. First steps in cooperation will include the exchange of acquisition lists and publications, and visits among participating centres.
60. The programme aims to increase inspection reliability and to standardise the inspection procedures of all the participating manufacturers.
61. The bill also kept telephone companies from participating in the television and cable business.
62. The participating States stress that the Economic Forum remains the main venue for discussion of economic dimension issues.
63. The participating States reaffirm that freedom of expression is a human right and a basic component of a democratic society.
64. We are participating in a number of oil and motor industry programmes that are addressing key environmental issues in our markets.
65. Since 1997, participating countries have been attending annual meetings to decide on the rules for implementing Kyoto.
66. Women, who had up to 1945 been barred from participating in elections, changed the political landscape by becoming voters.
67. However we are keen to see employees participating in their companies through share ownership.
68. I also now coach my sons in the art of participating in discussions.
69. If requested, a participating State will provide appropriate clarification regarding its implementation of the Code.
70. The scheme offers special membership benefits to participating firms, including referrals of new clients from over 3,000 business advice centres nationwide.
71. Of the two hundred groups participating, only a few were extreme in their politics.
72. By success, Wendt means that children feel good about participating in the activity and that they experience more success than frustration.
73. Dole passed on participating in a televised debate last Friday in Dallas.
74. Additionally, an open house for those interested in participating in the training class is planned for sometime in late spring.
75. The unit was one of dozens participating in the Kernel Blitz 97 biennial war game at Camp Pendleton.
76. Those participating had the opportunity to meet with top government and industry officials in the host nations.
77. The participating States also envisage holding future seminars on topics of mutual interest.
78. Many companies participating in Compacts will use a variety of testing procedures in order to select appropriate candidates for jobs.
79. For a variety of reasons,[] our team will not be participating.
80. But the question still rankles: Can a participating Olympic athlete be openly gay today?
81. Homework exercises may include making eye contact with a stranger, initiating a one-minute conversation or participating in a group activity.
82. There is a membership of 2,000 with 200 members actively participating over the course of a year.
83. The three participating high schools had made minimal changes in curriculum or instruction.
84. Participating mortgages, formerly thought to be unenforceable, can now be used.
85. The organisation recommends that participating nations establish home offices to arouse public interest and collect contributions.
86. Fitness Mate is designed to keep track of several athletes participating in many sports, tracking their achievements in each.
87. What is needed are reassurances that your research will respect the rights of those human beings participating in the study.
88. Attempts are made to improve existing courses, either as a result of personal observations, or from discussions with participating students.
89. From the remainder, patients representing 12 times the number of participating general practitioners in the practice were selected randomly.
90. Users typically download free software that allows them to search for files on the computers of other participating users.
91. Recent evidence has shown that the expression of enzymes participating in biotransformation may play a part in tumour drug-resistance.
92. Each participating State will provide controls to ensure that such authorities fulfil their constitutional and legal responsibilities.
93. By participating at an early stage, we hoped to have some influence on the national agenda.
94. Not only do women participate in sport less than men, but also among sports participants they spend less time participating.
95. Those with children have to make provision for those children while they are participating in a struggle for their own empowerment.
96. Even Gorbachev proclaimed the Soviet Unions' interest in participating in the management of the world market economy.
97. Just knowing that one is participating in a study of the menstrual cycle can increase reports of negative symptoms by 80 percent.
98. Where there is a museum education officer, pupils will often be offered sessions handling objects, or participating in other activities.
99. The association already had a history of participating in workforce development efforts.
100. That gives a voting advantage to the largest bureaus, many of which already are participating in the test.
101. It had been further modified to include in its membership all four university resident tutors and six education officers from participating LEAs.
102. Clerical Medical is a mutual office which has no shareholders and all distributable profits are available to participating policyholders.
103. Their individual and social identities were informed by participating in rituals and traditions rather than by reflection.
104. This provides a constant source of attention and makes sure that the child realizes that the parent is fully participating.
105. Of the participating builders in the survey, 66 percent said they turned a profit in 1993.
106. Thus disability relates to things people can not do such as going to work, cooking or participating in sporting activities.
107. In the past several months federal agents have arrested at least four women accused of participating in the scheme, Scalzo said.
108. A computer looks at the phone number and decides whether any of the participating fax machines cover the destination.
109. Teams are here to stay[http:///participating.html], and participating in them is the only option.
110. It will meet in Vienna and be composed of the permanent representatives of the participating States. 19.
111. Will those members interested in participating please contact Co-Ordinator Zachary Taylor as soon as possible.
112. Even the newly arrived probationer needs managerial skills - for working with colleagues and participating constructively in meetings, for example.
113. The revised law laid down strict rules on the issuing of permits for demonstrations and forbade government and party officials from participating.
114. The core of the prosecution case was composed of detailed confessions in which the three accused admitted participating in the rape.
115. Grants are not given into the control of women participating in the projects being funded.
116. Some will be working for the reward of participating in a historic event.
117. The three governments have agreed that the missile projects will include the free transfer of all appropriate technology amongst the participating companies.
118. Both are accused of inciting and participating in the massacre of hundreds of Tutsis in Kibungo in 1994.
119. Participating in a procession and knowingly failing to comply with a condition imposed, or inciting another to do so. 4.
120. Ensuring that patients participating in drug trials give fully informed consent will need careful handling.
121. As usual, the show was heavily weighted with modern and contemporary dealers, with only five Old Master dealers participating.
122. The full details of the scheme will be announced annually to individual participating employees.
123. The justification for participating in international arrangements is that they are mutually beneficial to all participants.
124. Rescue crews are participating in a simulation of a major traffic accident.
125. Can teachers be prohibited from encouraging or participating in demonstrations?
126. The firms participating in this new company are among the main contributors to Conservative Party funds.
127. The participating States reconfirm their commitments in the Copenhagen and Moscow Documents concerning the question of capital punishment.
128. Each participating State will provide and maintain measures to guard against accidental or unauthorized use of military means. 25.
129. Management agreed to pay the participating workers for six hours of the training.
130. Participating organisations will receive modest sums to defray recruiting, training and reporting costs.
131. The participating States will increase their efforts to implement his / her recommendations. 22.
132. Can you think of a political reason why the government would prevent him from participating?
133. The participating banks collectively provide the bulk of the funds.
134. That made people feel that their least effort was rewarded and they looked forward to participating in the next organizational improvement.
135. Instead, participating farmers will get guaranteed but declining federal payments.
136. In Fennell a father sought to secure the release of his son who had been arrested for participating in an affray.
137. The participating States will make widely available in their respective countries the international humanitarian law of war.
138. Most people caring for diabetic patients realise the importance of the patient actively participating in the very first injection of insulin.
138. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
139. Pupils in schools who want the opportunity of participating in that discourse will have to learn how to do it.
140. Both sides were scrupulously polite, as if participating in a chess tournament.
141. The park is participating in an international breeding programme with several other zoological collections, to help save the race from extinction.
142. Participating in the videos are real doctors and patients sharing their experiences.
143. If anything like this is offered, most people would benefit greatly from participating.
144. This allows users to communicate in various ways with others on participating network systems.
145. In behavioural terms this usually occurs when people participating in the meeting get locked into an information loop.
146. The increasing number of units participating in the system also indicates an interest in the management awareness profiles.
147. Joyce became a part-time tutor at a creamer's, while still participating in the social life of his peers.
148. If nervousness prevents you from participating in events, you may feel isolated and mistrusted by others.
149. Most governments play either participating or regulatory roles in their economies.
150. She'd blanked herself off, not caring about anything, barely participating in the life around her.
151. Maastricht makes exchange-rate stability a precondition for participating in monetary union.
152. Both rounds were marked by a very low turnout, with only 20.87 percent of the electorate participating in the second round.
153. The results are sent to the agency which then provides a statistical analysis of all results to each participating laboratory.
154. Who like singing can participating in the chorus team.
155. Responsibilities 1 . Participating to organize and compile budget estimate for projects . 2.
156. This World Expo Shanghai Participating Nations' Pavilions Sextuple Silver-plated Medallion Set is made by authorization of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination.
157. In conjunction with Lockheed Martin, Lakota and other participating small businesses are working on Defense Department-funded programs under the Small Business Innovation Research program.
158. Someone who has a history of unethically (perhaps even illegally) abusing the system in which he or she is participating for personal gain.
159. We are committed to promoting and participating in South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue.
160. The tab for collection, processing and storage can run to $2,500 but is being split by the government and the participating banks.
161. A dream about me participating in a basketball tournament representing my country, Brunei.
162. School officials say adding Double Dutch to the calendar should get hundreds of students participating in an enjoyable aerobic activity.
163. Some discussion arose as to participating effectively in the final battle.
164. At Beijing University, the authorities have forbidden students from overtly participating in Earth Hour.
165. The companies involved in the sale belong to the U.S. Foreign Military Sales Program, which obligate participating companies to provide arms and weapons system to U.S. allies.
166. It increases the energy levels of participating molecules, and hence raises their reactivity, often by raising electrons to an excited state.
167. Participating banks should have the benefit of the capital provided by the program in determining their capitalization at the outset of the program.
168. Dr. Wendy Hazel Oddy of the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research in Perth and colleagues looked at 1, 803 children and their mothers participating in a large pregnancy study.
168. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
169. Participating transnational enterprises and some big domestic companies say they will tailor new products for the rural market, as well as expand access to quality farm produce.
170. Secondly, it introduced the basic procedure about SPT participating in asset-securitization, including the meaning of the SPT.
171. This World Expo Shanghai Participating Nations' Pavilions Commemorative Plate Set Collection Album (Fine Silver Version) is made by authorization of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination.
172. The article mainly narrated the signification and approach of document delivery participating in constructing literature resource, emphasized that it was essential to comply copyright law.
173. Graph of changed scope of compliance about renal participating in compensatory adjustment were drawn out in chronic respiratory acidosis and alkalosis separately.
174. They're likely to hang back and watch before participating in a social situation.
175. Most of the participating artists into Shanghai Fresh Art Exhibition were born in around the 80's, and were accepted as excellent young artists of Neozoic era at home.
176. She says frame-up trials against her are taking place uninterrupted and will continue until the next parliamentary elections to prevent her from participating in politics and from helping people.
177. Kg will wind up replaced by the collective weight of participating artists, a farcical mathematical game.
178. Nothing, we have been told these years, is more educative than participating in or listening to an exchange of opinion.
179. Quality Department: Participating subcontractor audit process, leading subcontractor quality system evaluation and subcontract parts quality inspection and verification.
180. Ensure SHE compliance during design and construction phase and participating in desk and Hazop reviews.
181. The player's incapacitated him for participating in the football match.
182. The doctors take turns at participating in the mobile medical team.
183. It is one of the most important problems needed to be considered further that the relationship between accession to WTO and participating in international division of labour.
184. The criminal litigants jus dispodendi can be found in the process of starting procedure, selecting and changing procedure and participating in procedure .
185. So far, the two participating banks have approved 320 loans involving HK $ 484 million.
186. So, I hope you young elite from all walks of life in Xialu District concentrate to study and work, strive to be a disseminator of scientific spirit by participating in this activity.
187. People just are not participating in this, " said Robert Pavlik, chief market strategist at Banyan Partners, of the soft volume figures.
188. Risk lunwen114Management participating banks value creation, culture and technology for the credit card industry to create more new opportunities.
189. Then we supposed and proved the price leader -follower's competition pattern, this is a unapparent way of participating the competition through transmitting the price signal.
190. His community activities include chartering and presiding over the Alhambra Lions Club, participating in and sponsoring community events and hosting three Chinese radio shows dealing with the law.
191. According to the Pentagon, five nations including the United States, France, Britain, Canada and Italy are participating in the strikes, and the coalition has 25 ships in the Mediterranean.
192. These functions include protecting the chromosome ends, initiating the homologue alignment in meiosis, and participating the mechanism of DNA repairing, etc.
193. Be entitled to develop, in the name of this company, building construction operations such as project business liaison, participating in project tender, etc. in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
194. The drugs they took were frequently enervating and prevented them from participating in the community and accessing the help and support needed for a full, active and satisfying life.
195. With Oxfam Hong Kong's support, COSE will be participating at Food Expo 2009, one of the largest food fairs in Hong Kong.
196. Since end of 1960 s EC has been participating international activities in humanit arianism aid.
197. Participating families can also enjoy a sumptuous lunch buffet at Coffee Mill to celebrate an unforgettable Father's Day.
198. The game was very popular and women were also participating./participating.html
199. Chinese banks are barred from participating in private equity, either as limited or general partners.
200. How many countries will be participating ( in the Olympic Games )?
201. These results indicate that SPATA4 gene could be a candidate participating organismal aging.
202. I was nevertheless participating my intention in the customary exodus from Watts.
203. All the rest of the house was filled with non - participating scholars.
204. In any synchronization scenario each participating data store will fall into one of four categories.
205. A presiding or participating employee may at any time disqualify himself.
206. As Figure 1 shows, this functionality is represented by a switch, which enables efficient packet communication among the participating endpoints.
207. Only participating students are allowed to be inside the work area.
208. Please contact us by telephone to ask for the contract form and map of participating place.
209. Church founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon, a self-proclaimed messiah, offered blessings for the participating couples gathered at Sun Moon University, the school he founded in Asan, south of Seoul.
210. -- Actively participating in and promoting international cooperation in drug control.
211. The player's injury incapacitated him for participating in the football match.
212. Strictly prohibit from not participating in the idea exercising person here , carrying go against again here!
213. This World Expo Shanghai Participating Nations' Pavilions Quinary Silver Medallion Set is made by authorization of the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination.
214. It is obvious theof participating ports activity is a kind of voluntary assumption of risks.
215. A about me participating in a basketball tournament representing my country, Brunei.
216. Will you be participating in our luminarias program this year?




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