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单词 Budget deficit
1 Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.
2 They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.
3 The budget deficit has ballooned to $25 billion.
4 You cannot cut a budget deficit simply by raising taxes.
5 There are many priorities, but reducing the budget deficit is paramount/is of paramount importance.
6 The state has a $14 billion budget deficit.
7 Clinton was cutting the budget deficit.
8 Texas faces a budget deficit of over $4 billion.
9 To keep the budget deficit down, the government proposed to sell off shares and property valued at around 1,000 million kroner.
10 He said any measures to tackle the budget deficit should be secondary to dealing with the recession.
11 We hope these reforms will shrink the nation's budget deficit.
12 But that raises a new problem: the federal budget deficit.
13 The budget deficit is no surprise, but the magnitude is.
14 The budget deficit quadrupled in the 1980s, and the public debt followed it into the stratosphere.
15 To recap briefly, an agreement negotiated to cut the budget deficit was rejected 10 days ago.
16 The government was forced to sell state-owned companies to fund the budget deficit.
17 President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country's budget deficit.
18 Tax was low and state spending was high, resulting in a budget deficit.
19 The luxury tax won't really do much to pare down the budget deficit.
20 Otherwise Congress would have to face the consequences of automatic across-the-board cuts under the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings budget deficit reduction law.
21 That and the high price of oil have rekindled inflation and widened the government's budget deficit.
22 The government treats asset receipts not as a means of financing the budget deficit, but instead as negative public expenditure.
23 Significant progress has been recorded only in respect of the budget deficit and manufactured export growth.
24 Most money managers are convinced President Clinton and congressional Republicans will strike a deal to eliminate the federal budget deficit.
25 As for this year, one-time items will reduce the 1996 budget deficit.
26 Analysts suggested that the revenue from the ports would provide much-needed resources to reduce the country's massive budget deficit.
27 They say it would be an inexpensive way to help slash the budget deficit.
28 They are divided for months over how to eliminate the budget deficit.
29 Many analysts had called for a more ambitious target in reducing the budget deficit.
30 Dole was largely supported by older and wealthier voters, who said the federal budget deficit was their top concern.
1 Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.
2 They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.
3 To recap briefly, an agreement negotiated to cut the budget deficit was rejected 10 days ago.
31 The expense of servicing the debt burden increased the budget deficit, which in turn stimulated inflation.
32 Nor can it be generated by easier fiscal policy because the budget deficit is already so high.
33 Whenever the government runs a budget deficit, it will have to finance that deficit by borrowing.
34 Given the burgeoning budget deficit, there is a very real likelihood of some form of tax increase in the Budget.
35 Voice over Mrs Blanchard's already told Mr Coombs of her plan for reducing the budget deficit.
36 Analysts say a hung parliament could hurt the economy by delaying progress on economic liberalization and reduction of the budget deficit.
37 Following a large budget deficit in 1990 the Minister of Finance and Commerce announced plans to reduce public spending.
38 But Mr Clinton will win plaudits from most economists if he carries through plans to cut the budget deficit.
39 He is suing the doctor for the equivalent of the U. S. budget deficit.
40 Finally, by reducing the budget deficit and government borrowing they hoped to bring interest rates down.
41 But pressure to eliminate the budget deficit, said Vest,() is likely to lead to diminished help from Washington.
42 With anticipated revenue of taka105,500 million, the budget deficit would be taka77,300 million.
43 Tax increases were introduced on a wide range of goods and services to help alleviate the projected budget deficit.
44 Next year, before privatisation receipts, the Red Book expects the Budget deficit to be £38 billion.
45 The budget deficit will probably overshoot its target of 5.8 percent of GDP.
46 The commitment also rules out any further fiscal stimulus, particularly as the budget deficit is already so high and rising fast.
47 The government devalued last year but has remained under pressure for its failure to cut the budget deficit.
48 The main cause of inflation was the overall public-sector budget deficit.
49 How does a government budget deficit affect the economy?
50 Its budget deficit is about one-half that of Greece.
51 Portugal a high budget deficit and is chronically uncompetitive.
52 He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.
53 Not only is the current budget deficit at that tiny 2.8% of GDP(), but the International Monetary Fund projects the country's accumulated gross debt at just 22% of 2010 GDP.
54 In the 2010 gubernatorial election, Mr Kasich defeated the Democratic incumbent by promising to address a large budget deficit and stem a tide of job losses.
55 The budget deficit is the excess of government expenditures over government spending.
56 The most significant detail is the cost of his plan and its impact on our long-term budget deficit, " he said.
57 In Spain the problem isn't the current debt load but where it's heading: Spain is saddled with a huge, 9.2% budget deficit.
58 At the same time, Wen indicated no roll-back in the fiscal stimulus that spurred a rebound: the government targeted a deeper budget deficit for 2010.
59 During recessions, the federal government runs a budget deficit to stimulate the economy.
60 This week President Obama said the obvious: that wealthy Americans, many of whom pay remarkably little in taxes, should bear part of the cost of reducing the long-run budget deficit.
61 Before the compassionate conservative lurched to the right on stem-cell research and gay marriage; before the budget deficit lurched out of control.
62 Last year, the world was worried about a dollar crisis as the ballooning U.S. budget deficit sparked fears the greenback may lose its status as the international reserve currency.
63 The cash-strapped Ministry of Defence is selling off millions of pounds of equipment at bargain basement prices to try to plug a budget deficit.
64 Malaysia has suggested it may cut state subsidies this year for petrol because it accounts for a large part of the government budget deficit.
65 Bill Clinton's first 100 days will be filled with momental battles over the budget deficit and health care reform.
66 The government's huge budget deficit also limits its room for fiscal easing.
67 China is a creditor country with large current account surpluses, a small budget deficit, much lower public debt as a share of G.D.P. than the United States, and solid growth.
68 Greece has said it would reduced the government budget deficit from 12.7 percent to 8.7 percent during the next nine months.
69 Separately, Britain posted the largest budget deficit for any August since records began in 1993 while in Portugal, the budget gap widened in the first eight months of the year.
70 Ireland is now running a current account surplus – so the foreign balance is not a drag on its economy and the government is able to finance its budget deficit domestically.
71 The Keynesian case for tolerating a budget deficit almost made itself.
71 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
72 Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit, the administration will ask congress for only $15 million this summer.
73 Step number one: reduce the trade deficit to 0. Step number two: create a stable and consistent TRADE SURPLUS. All other things being equal: check your budget deficit vs. your tax revenues.
74 This will have relatively little effect on the actual budget deficit but will both increase unemployment in the country concerned and reduce its demand for the exports of other countries.
75 The government budget deficit has been cut in 2010 and 2011.
76 Explain two ways in which a government budget deficit hurts a future worker.
77 New Chancellor George Osborne's budget was one of the toughest in generations, designed to tackle Britain's worst peace-time budget deficit with heavy spending cuts and increased sales taxes.
78 The pound came under heavy selling pressure on the foreign exchanges yesterday as fears that a hung parliament could delay action on Britain's budget deficit sent jitters through the markets.
79 The program aimed at reducing the government budget deficit from its 1991 level of 20 percent of GDP to 9 percent of GDP by the second half of 1992 and to 3 percent by 1993.
80 Personally I do not feel it makes much sense for the U. S. to blame China for our current account deficit when our government budget deficit is as large as it is.
81 I know this must seem like a blow, coming on heels of this morning's anouncement that our federal budget deficit has passed the 800 billion dollar mark.
82 This chapter explains that investment can be increased both by reducing taxes on private saving and by reducing the government budget deficit.
83 But the current budget deficit is five times larger than the deficit in 2003 when Orszag, Robert Rubin and others were warning that deficits threatened "financial and fiscal disarray."
84 Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, offered a ragbag of measures that offered various economic sweeteners but made little serious attempt to cut Britain's large budget deficit.
85 Obama Ma Xiangguo the new fiscal year will be submitted to the fourth consecutive year the government budget deficit exceeded 1 trillion mark.
86 That is why the budget deficit concern is uncalled for.
87 Obama's message is expected to add a compromise in the wording, including taking the necessary steps to reduce government budget deficit and national debt.
88 Opposition Republicans in Congress refuse to increase the debt ceiling unless the government budget deficit is reduced significantly.
89 The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on Tuesday gave updated projections on the likely U.S. budget deficit in fiscal 2009 and beyond.
90 The United States Congress and the President are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit.
91 A yawning budget deficit this year will require further generosity.
92 However, Obama acknowledged the short term this will further increase the U.S. government budget deficit.
93 Unfortunately, that is highly unlikely in the United States, where a bloated budget deficit has already become a major talking point for politicians looking to November's congressional elections.
94 President Obama also again signaled the urgent need to address the $1.3 trillion government budget deficit and long-term debt.
95 Save More And Export More: Striking a better balance at home means saving more and spending less, reforming our financial system, and reducing our long-term budget deficit.
96 According to OMB historical documents, the budget deficit averaged just under 2 percent of GDP during those three years.




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