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单词 Money supply
1. They see a direct link between the money supply and prices.
2. That does not automatically mean, however, that the money supply has been curbed, and there is considerable evidence to the contrary.
3. A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.
4. Money supply has been swollen by a large capital inflow.
5. There's a close relationship between increased money supply and inflation.
6. Price rises have matched rises in the money supply with a lag of two or three months.
7. They believed that controlling the money supply would reduce inflation.
8. The money supply will thus increase.
9. This means controlling the money supply to control inflation.
10. Here, the recorded money supply falls while spending increases.
11. Now let us assume that the money supply increases.
12. In February every measure of the money supply slowed.
13. All the other measures of money supply only include sterling.
14. Any increase in the money supply, they argue,(http:///money supply.html) will simply lead to higher prices and a lower exchange rate.
15. He also warned that a slowdown in money supply growth this summer could threaten the recovery at just the wrong moment.
16. In fact money supply grew rapidly and by 1989 inflation was over 8 percent.
17. The system would probably need strict control of money supply too, keeping its growth in line with national wealth.
18. The flow-of-funds equation All these effects on money supply can be summarized using a flow-of-funds equation.
19. In the ACCs, the money supply began to accelerate at the beginning of 1970.
20. It also meant allowing money supply to contract, or grow less rapidly, when deflationary fiscal policies were pursued.
21. The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply.
22. Readers should ascertain how their own central bank defines money supply.
23. Therefore, are we not wise in being extremely cautious before we hand over our money supply to a third party?
24. In this case, the equilibrium level of income is unaffected by the increase in the real value of the money supply.
25. Open-market operations are more likely to be effective in reducing the money supply, therefore, when conducted in the bond market.
26. Bundesbank officials have predicated another cut in the discount rate on the pace of money supply growth.
27. Thus the monetarists recommend a steady growth in the money supply.
28. What are the limitations on these methods of controlling the money supply?
29. Generally, politicians believe that central bank officials are too stingy with the money supply and too concerned about inflation.
30. The high drama at the Fed involves its decisions on interest rates and the money supply.
1. They see a direct link between the money supply and prices.
2. The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply.
3. Money supply has been swollen by a large capital inflow.
31. Since it does this without increasing the money supply, it is raising the velocity of the existing stock.
32. In all three approaches, we have examined the effects on money national income of changes in the money supply.
33. A policy of targeting money supply is also criticized by Keynesians for similar reasons.
34. At that rate the flow of bank lending is, and the money supply is expanding at a corresponding rate.
35. Tomorrow, revised November industrial production and December money supply figures are released.
36. This facility is a crucial ingredient in the process whereby the money supply expands.
37. The sum involved represented more than half of the federal government's planned increase in the money supply for 1991.
38. This is where the monetarist assumption of an exogenous money supply plays such a vital role.
39. Loan restrictions have helped cut the inflation rate in part by curbing money supply.
40. That was the lowest rate of increase since March 1971, but was still faster than the growth in money supply.
41. This assertion leads directly to the proposition that money national income and the nominal money supply must be directly correlated with each other.
42. With the exception of M0, all the definitions of money supply include bank deposits as the major item.
43. Likewise,(http:///money supply.html) the Fed can shrink the money supply by selling the public a bond.
44. Control of the money supply should occupy centre stage in the conduct of macroeconomic policy.
45. But sometimes unscrupulous leaders added coins to the money supply by minting new coins that contained less gold and silver.
46. If inflation is to be controlled, they maintain, then the money supply must be controlled.
47. If the Bank wishes to reduce the money supply it will sell securities through its broker on the open market.
48. Future gold production might be used as a regulator for the Soviet money supply.
49. As this happens, the demand for money increases and eventually becomes equal to the money supply again.
50. Since this is a money and banking book we focus on what happens to the interest rate when the money supply changes.
51. Incidentally, these money supply figures have nothing to do with gold.
52. The easy money regime focused attention on monetary policy and contributed to the significance accorded to the money supply in later years.
53. Further, in a currency union no government of a member country can manipulate the money supply growth rate for electoral purposes.
54. A stable economy is best achieved by ensuring a steady and low rate of growth in the money supply. 4.
55. Changes in money supply affect aggregate demand in three stages: 1.
56. To talk about controlling the money supply is too vague.
57. There will be inflation, an increase in the money supply and, especially, house price inflation.
58. With a given money supply, an increase in the demand for money will also raise the equilibrium rate of interest.
59. With financial innovation, traditional instruments may become obsolete in influencing the money supply.
60. What is the relationship between money supply and aggregate demand?
61. It would only shift if the government chose to alter the money supply.
62. The regulation of money supply may be used by governments to achieve specific economic objectives, e.g. full employment or price stability.
63. In other words, the realized change in the money supply is fully anticipated and hence.
64. Expansion of the money supply in these circumstances may lead to no additional expenditure, only additional idle balances.
65. It has been suggested that the methods of controlling the money supply were at fault.
66. In fact the main component of a country's money supply is not cash but deposits in banks and other financial institutions.
67. The authorities should adopt a rule for the rate of growth of the money supply and should stick by it.
68. There is a further reason why it is difficult to restrain the growth of the money supply over the longer term.
69. It had been found difficult to control money supply and to keep it within target ranges.
70. This increases the money supply in the same way as does a balance of payments surplus.
71. So the only way to squeeze the money supply is to reduce the public's savings.
72. In other words, money supply growth is the main cause of inflation.
73. Council member Helmut Hesse said the Bundesbank is likely to cut interest rates again if money supply growth fails to pick up.
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74. For equilibrium, where is the rate of change of the nominal money supply set by the monetary authorities.
75. This will not affect money supply since it involves no sterling transactions and hence will not affect banks' sterling deposits.
76. Indirect transmission mechanisms An indirect transmission mechanism is where a change in money supply first affects some intermediate variable.
77. In the extreme case where the aggregate supply curve is vertical, the increased money supply will simply lead to higher prices.
78. Pavlov's allegations contradicted earlier official statements which portrayed the currency confiscation as an attack on black marketeers and excess money supply.
79. The money supply can be reduced directly by using open market operations.
80. These instruments can be directed at the two monetary targets, the money supply and interest rates.
81. Though the Fed pumped money into the banks, the money supply seemed not to budge much.
82. How changes in money supply affect aggregate demand is a highly controversial issue.
83. Inflation was caused by excess money supply and too low interest rates in 1987-8.
84. International trading patterns, debasement and changing money supply, demographic and climatic change may all influence the behaviour of prices.
85. Thus an increase in money supply will lower interest rates.
86. The money supply is unchanged and banks still have the original deposit.
87. Should it adopt a target for money supply growth, say, and stick to it come what may?
88. Yano's whole money supply is convertible into gold.
89. Decisions of the Federal Reserve Board regarding money supply.
90. High interest rates increased the effective money supply.
91. It is not a conservative and passive policy, still less a policy to retrench money supply.
92. A decrease in the money supply, causing a sharp fall in prices.
93. The rapid increasing of foreign exchange reserve results in geminate growing of money supply which enhance inflation burden and make a great challenge to our economic development.
94. Money supply growth ( ) the economy and consumer price index a far broader margin.
95. In some economies the authorities use the money supply as a target or instrument of monetary policy.
96. Monetary Policy Decisions of the Federal Reserve Board regarding money supply.
97. Routine intervention by central banks in financial markets, usually by means of sale or purchase of securities in order to influence money supply or credit amount in economy.
98. The core content of current sound monetary policy contains moderate increase in money supply, central bank's credit policy and effective transmission of commercial banks.
99. EXAMPLE: The infinite capacity of central banks depends on the intervention being unsterilised, in other words the extra currency is added to the nation's money supply.
100. The central bank uses monetary policy including reserve requirement system to regulate the money supply of a country.
101. More fundamentally, many nations have been relatively loose in the creation of money supply.
102. Major central banks have recently ventured into quantitative easing, or direct expansion of the money supply, as a way to reflate sagging economies.
103. Changes in the money supply affect the short - term nominal interest rate.
104. Moreover, the money supply fell by the same percentage between 1839 and 1843 that it did between 1929 and 1933(http://), but robust increases in real consumption and real GNP followed.
105. From Japan's past experience, the deficit financing of measures can indeed significantly increase the base money supply, lowering short-term and long-term interest rates.
106. Activities by the Federal Reserve Bank to regulate money supply.
107. The central bank can change the legal reserve to influence the rate of money supply and interest rates.
108. With constant velocity, the money supply determines the value of nominal output in the short run.
109. The zero interest rates and the loose money supply had been used to control Japan's deflation.
110. The up - regulating of required reserve ratio will deflate money supply.
111. Liquidity traps can vitiate it on the downside, but when inflation threatens, tightening the money supply and raising interest rates will discourage spending.
112. The point is that the broadest measures of the money supply (M2 and M3) vastly overstate how much "real money" actually exists in the system.
113. Monetary measures are meant to solve the problems of insufficiency in money supply and the continuous slowing down of currency circulation.
114. The Fed, under Chairman Marriner Eccles, reversed course again and started to expand the money supply.
115. A nation's money supply is based on either the production of a commodity or governmental fiat.
116. Public debt held by banks would set the money supply.
117. The nation's total money supply at any one time is the total standard money (Federal Reserve Notes) plus deposits in the hands of the public.
118. Once the decision is made to link to gold, the ECB would use the same technique as before: if the euro's value is too low compared to its gold parity, then the euro base money supply is contracted.
119. So in the past few weeks, money supply has dropped at a rate fast enough to derail the recovery, and the velocity of money has remained stuck at the slow speed of a financial crisis.
120. Only if the rate of growth of the money supply exceeds the rate of growth of production will a general increase in prices ensue.
121. In 2007 liquidity was tight, with the M2 measure of money supply growing more slowly than nominal GDP. Today excess liquidity (money growth minus GDP growth) is growing at its fastest pace on record.
122. Under the background of pegged exchange rate and imperfect sterilized intervention, the significant accumulation of China's foreign exchange reserves have further enhanced the endogenous money supply.
123. The report calls for stronger macro-control policies concerning the property market. These include more measures to tighten money supply, improve social welfare, and curb speculative buying.
124. In a brief period of time, about a couple of weeks, the entire banking system will have expanded credit and the money supply another $9 billion, up to an increased money stock of $10 billion.
125. The open market operation refers to the buying and selling of government securities by a central bank in order to control the money supply.
126. The superabundance of money supply is an important reason in price increase.
127. The central bank of China can take advantage of money supply t...
128. Under the different buying-selling exchange mechanism forms, the fluctuation of international indebtedness will have different impact on money supply of a country.
129. So the money supply shouldn't adapt the demand, but lessen the money sediment and increase the fluidness.
130. In a fractional reserve banking system, a loan that can't be repaid reduces the money supply by as much as $1 million.
131. This figure reflects the "M2" definition of the money supply comprising paper currency and coin-plus-checking accounts, short-term savings accounts and small certificates of deposit.
132. So the nominal price stickiness makes the money supply influence the output in the second link.
133. As virtual currencies take over more and more purchasing power, control over the effective money supply shifts from the central bank to the game developers.
133. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
134. That is roughly on par with the M 1 money supply, which quantifies liquid money in circulation.
135. The country's broad money supply (M2), which includes currency and a variety of bank deposits, grew by 15.7% in the year to February, slower than expected.
136. In this paper, we consider an endogenetic money supply system to review the relation bet ween fiscal policy and consumption demand.
137. Half of all transaction deposits do not appear in M1 [the money supply] due to retail deposit sweeping.
138. If nominal income is constant, monetary velocity will determine money supply. The changes of monetary velocity should be considered when monetary policy is worked out.
139. Therefore, if we want to study reserve requirement system, we must have a profound understanding of China's money supply mechanism.
140. Raising required reserve ratio is concrete manifestation of reserve requirement system, and the People's Bank of China aims at regulating China's money supply through this vehicle.
141. Open Market Operations Activities by the Federal Reserve Bank to regulate money supply.
142. Foreign exchange reserve; Base currency; Money supply; Excess liquidity; Monetary policy.
143. But in China the velocity of money fell sharply at the same time M2 rose, effectively neutralizing most of the increase in money supply.
144. Since 1993 nominal money supply M2 has exceeded nominal GDP in both absolute amount and growth rate.
145. The money supply expanded by 14.6 per cent in the year to September.
146. Third, buying stocks and "derivatives" on margin allows a further pyramiding of financial assets on top the already multiplied money supply.
147. The liabilities of banks form a large part of the accepted definitions of the money supply.
148. The central bank of China can take advantage of money supply to control the market flexibly.
149. The best-known monetarist, Dr. Milton Friedman, says the Fed should expand the money supply at three to five percent a year, the actual figure being less important than the absence of fluctuations.
150. Macroeconomics discusses how the money supply relates to goods and bonds and work.
151. Money multiplier has two basic types: multiplier of deposit and multiplier of money supply. Both of them base on fractional reserve system .
152. Notwithstanding official worries about deflation, Federal Reserve money supply figures reveal that the money stock has already inflated at a noticeably higher rate.
153. If you annualize this increase, we are talking about a 6.1% increase in the M2 money supply.
154. We analyze money supply, monetary base, money multiplier, reserve requirement ratio, excess reserve ratio, currency ratio, and demand deposit ratio.
155. Another way to increase the money supply is to lower margin reserve requirements.
156. Credit capital efficiency has declined continuously and loan of financial institution and money supply has extended greatly in China.
157. Three requirements contribute to a stable economy: the rational ranking of basic rates, the price determination and the correct money supply.
158. The nature of excess liquidity is that the money supply is much more than the money demand goods, services or assets require for the transaction.
159. The East, particularly the industrial sector, suffered from a cripplingly tight money supply.
160. First, this paper reviews the research on endogenous money supply theories.
161. Then the author builds a model of money divisor and analyzes the process of the endogenous creation of money supply.
162. Moreover, Chapter Three analyzes the effects of the foreign reserve on the money supply empirically through the cointegration theory and vector autoregression model.
163. At the beginning, this paper reviewed the creating process of the modern credit money, analyzed the channel of money supply.




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