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单词 Monetary policy
1. Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.
2. The current monetary policy is strangling the economy.
3. We need a more supple monetary policy.
4. Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.
5. U.S. authorities have not yet indicated their monetary policy plans.
6. There would be no subsidiarity in monetary policy.
7. The Bundesbank tightened monetary policy sharply in 1965.
8. An expansionary monetary policy is even less reliable.
9. The project assesses the impact of monetary policy on the changing structure of the banking industry on both prices and incomes.
10. This has often led him to tighten monetary policy while everybody around was urging him to ease.
11. No attempt should be made to use monetary policy to offset any disturbances which may occur from time to time.
12. Keynesian and monetarist attitudes towards monetary policy Keynesians and monetarists give very different answers to these questions.
13. Environmental laws may also slow the effect of monetary policy by lengthening construction periods. 5.
14. Government attitudes towards monetary policy have undergone enormous changes since 1945.
15. Monetary policy was relegated to the fairly minor role of preventing excessive fluctuations in interest rates.
16. Monetary policy is now geared to the exchange rate, not to domestic demand.
17. Monetary policy was eased in order to avoid a downturn or recession.
18. For in practice, the shift in the focus of monetary policy meant that interest rates would swing wildly.
19. Throughout this period, an increasing emphasis was placed on tight monetary policy in an attempt to eradicate inflation.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. The Bundesbank central council meets tomorrow to debate interest-rate and monetary policy.
21. Some one will object that this worry is illusory because the Federal Reserve can always rescue us with easier monetary policy.
22. The great decline in velocity from 1980 to 1986 may seem to support those who say that monetary policy had little influence.
23. Normally a Federal Reserve faced with such a situation would tighten monetary policy.
24. The issuing of bonds and bills will also depend on the government's monetary policy.
25. Gallons of ink have been spilled in academic journals and in newspapers over monetary policy.
26. The Bundesbank central council will meet Thursday to debate interest-rate and monetary policy.
27. At points this chapter steps outside the traditional boundaries of economics, and discusses some psychological problems in making monetary policy.
28. Thus if it is aggregate demand that requires controlling, monetary policy is a poor weapon to do this.
29. Short-term monetary control: what should governments attempt to control? Monetary policy may be off target.
30. Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy.
31. It handles similar subjects to his - monetary policy, delicate decisions affecting the money markets.
32. Consequently, there is little need to prevent cheating by making the government's announced monetary policy constitutionally binding.
33. The primary task of monetary policy is to fight inflation, keeping it to an acceptable level.
34. The administration lag should not be as long for monetary policy since formal Parliamentary approval is not required.
35. Real convergence Despite the relatively good progress on fiscal and monetary policy, progress on real convergence has been poor.
36. However, inflation broke rank in the mid-1980s, when monetary policy was allowed to become too loose.
37. The easy money regime focused attention on monetary policy and contributed to the significance accorded to the money supply in later years.
38. The rise of monetarism was accompanied by increased importance being attached to monetary policy.
39. Eventually, a contractionary monetary policy of this form must work.
40. The Fed sets monetary policy by controlling short-term inter-est rates and by trying to control the supply of money.
41. Given such economic momentum, said the story, the Federal Reserve could run a more stimulative monetary policy without risking inflation.
42. Alternatively, the government may wish to alter its monetary policy.
43. In practice, governments can also use monetary policy and exchange rate policy to influence the level of aggregate demand.
44. All 12 participate in Fed discussions on monetary policy, but only five cast votes at any one time.
45. As we will discuss in the next chapter, few countries are eager to give up control over their monetary policy.
46. This cavalier treatment of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy is one of the least attractive features of the new classical approach.
47. Monetary policy Base interest rates reached their highest level when they were increased on Dec. 26 to 14.75 percent.
48. In some other countries central banks are more independent of the government and can take much more initiative in deciding monetary policy.
49. Anyway, as elections approached it was not always politically desirable to have a tight monetary policy.
49. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
50. Monetary policy hasn't been working because interest rates have been reduced to almost zero without stimulating the economy.
51. This relationship should be borne in mind when we examine monetary policy in the next two chapters.
52. Touches on the economic tiller were to be reserved for monetary policy - and changes in interest rates in particular.
53. Where does monetary policy fit into the total package of macroeconomic policies?
54. High hopes are riding on the Chancellor's annual speech on monetary policy at the Mansion House next Thursday.
55. But the government was forced to tighten monetary policy in 1995 and last year; the boom slowed.
56. That is, membership of an exchange rate union is incompatible with the pursuit of an independent monetary policy.
57. They may also do so if they anticipate that their liquid assets may soon be squeezed by government monetary policy.
58. Bank officials remain opposed to loosening monetary policy by printing money.
59. In this context, special interest is attached to the role of fiscal and monetary policy in the generation of cycles.
60. A hyperactive monetary policy may sometimes be harmful.
61. Should monetary policy uses long-term rate?
62. A less jerky monetary policy makes for greater stability.
63. Can China's monetary policy transmission mechanism operate well?
64. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy includes two segments.
65. Stimulative monetary policy is not black magic.
66. It induced the central bank' s monetary policy function.
67. However, theoretically dollarization cannot guarantee that the stable exchange rate and the free capital flow can be implemented by the abandoning of independent monetary policy.
68. The required reserve ratio is one of traditional important monetary policy tools.
69. The short cycle will subside once technocratic dominance of monetary policy effectively chokes off inflationary pressures and growth looks vulnerable, likely in late 2011 or early 2012.
70. Such being the case, to enhance the effects and efficiency of monetary policy, it is necessary to keep on liberalizing the interest rates in order to solve the blocks in monetary transmission channel.
71. Therefore, we must have a sound monetary policy transmission mechanism.
72. The Federal Reserve will thus be able to ease monetary policy then to offset the fiscal drag.
73. He says that fixed rates, independent monetary policy, and free capital markets cannot exist together.
74. Dropping the commitment would be tantamount to a tightening of monetary policy as bond yields rise in anticipation of short-term rate hikes.
75. Fourth part analyzes monetary policy transmission mechanism of the capital market.
76. We need to preserve the independence of the Fed from efforts to politicize monetary policy and to limit the Fed's ability to regulate financial firms.
77. China official pointed out the need to strengthen monetary policy, credit policy and industrial policy coordination.
78. The Bank of Canada released its Monetary Policy Report today and reiterated comments from its statement yesterday that a strong Canadian dollar is negatively impacting exports.
79. We will improve financial regulation by flexibly using a variety of monetary policy instruments.
80. Unless policymakers blunder unforgivably—by letting "systemic" institutions fail or by keeping monetary policy too tight—there is no need for today's misery to turn into a new Depression.
81. Making monetary policy by megaphone never leads to good results.
82. Deposit reserves(), rediscount and open-market operation are generally known as the three most effective instruments of monetary policy.
83. Monetary policy is an important instrument of macroeconomic management of government.
84. Compared with traditional reserve requirements, it is more simple and effective in implementing monetary policy for greater elasticity of monetary multiplicator.
85. In some economies the authorities use the money supply as a target or instrument of monetary policy.
86. Of economic cycle phase different, orientation of finance monetary policy is different also.
87. Monetary Policy Decisions of the Federal Reserve Board regarding money supply.
88. The core content of current sound monetary policy contains moderate increase in money supply, central bank's credit policy and effective transmission of commercial banks.
89. This credit transfer that monetary policy transmission in China is still the main channel. Transmission of interest rates and asset prices is blocked.
90. Additionally, the task of monetary policy is also complicated by the nation's balance of payments difficulties.
91. The central bank uses monetary policy including reserve requirement system to regulate the money supply of a country.
92. In the future, the composite transmission mechanism which is composed of interest rates, non-monetary asset prices and exchange rate channels will become the main way of monetary policy transmission.
93. Bond market is the fundamental market of open market operation which acts as one of the three monetary policy instruments.
94. This clear monetary policy objective is achieved through the linked exchange rate system.
95. He expanded on this theory, known as monetarism, by studying years of American monetary policy.
96. Central bankers can conduct monetary policy by changing either the price of money, ie, interest rates, or its quantity.
97. In China, the original credit transmission channel did not completely lose its important role , monetary policy transmission mechanism mainly relies on credit channel.
98. Monetary policy transmission is the most complicated and realistic problem in the financial adjustment in China, it is related with macro and micro economic elements and the choice of monetary policy.
99. It is the characteristic of imbalanced productive structure that determine the necessity that the monetary policy should exert certain function to adjust the structure of economy.
100. Aggressive monetary policy and deficit spending have, for the time being, averted that danger.
101. Domestic inflation pressures, hot money inflow as well as the obligation to maintain exchange rate stability of China's monetary policy implementation more difficult.
102. CPI high, predicts the future policy of controlling inflation and inflation expectations will continue to. 16.6% M2 growth, reflecting ample liquidity still, monetary policy space continue to exist.
103. "They are A) too young to have any inflation experience or B) they have put faith in monetary policy regimes that have proliferated since the early 90s," he said.
104. This semester Mr. Krugman is teaching a small graduate-level course on international monetary policy and theory, covering such timely subjects as international liquidity crises.
105. With loose monetary policy, more and more money, this time on lack of fire policy.
106. a one-size-fits-all monetary policy.
107. With free capital flows, monetary policy could be directed either at stabilising an exchange rate or controlling inflation, but not both.
108. Raising the Yuan against the Dollar will cure the stagflation disease of the skin, but hawkish fiscal and monetary policy will cure the stagflation disease of the heart.
109. The price channel of monetary policy lead us adjust our assets makeup through its influence on the relative price of assets.
109. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
110. Its Federal Open Market Committee, led by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, makes monetary policy. It makes decisions that affect the cost of money and credit in the economy.
111. The Singapore dollar is used instead of interest rates to conduct monetary policy.
112. The rise of Eurocurrency markets does not pose any clear threat the power of monetary policy.
113. The current monetary policy stance therefore remains appropriate. The historically low interest rates lend support to economic activity.
114. As an important means of government macrocosmic adjustments in china, now as a result of many problems, monetary policy is obviously restricted in the course of adjusting and controlling economy.
115. "Over time, more exchange rate flexibility can enable China to have a monetary policy independent from US cyclical conditions, which is increasingly necessary," the report said.
116. The sovereign debt crisis has exposed the ineffectiveness of a one-size-fits-all monetary policy for a continent with significantly disparate economies.
117. In other words, similar to the reserve ratio down - easy monetary policy may still be introduced.
118. As for monetary policy tools, it impairs the strength of reserve requirement and functions of rediscount policy.
119. Generally, how the monetary policy functions is based on the transmission mechanism.
120. The European Central Bank ( ECB ) is endowed with price stability as the core of its monetary policy strategy.
121. The main policy tool is manipulating the level of aggregate demand through fiscal or monetary policy.
122. Subordinating monetary policy to exchange rate policy would be painful for institutions like the ECB.
123. The failure of the Yuan dynasty's monetary policy in turn quickened the dynasty's perdition.
124. Krugman is teaching a small graduate-level course on international monetary policy and theory, covering such timely subjects as international liquidity crises.
125. In theory, the transmission of monetary policy may bring into effect by interest rate mechanism, asset price mechanism, credit mechanism and foreign exchange mechanism.
126. It would be a fully - fledged financial stability agency as well as a monetary policy agency.
127. Hong Kong's linked exchange rate system virtually deprives it of its autonomy in operating monetary policy.
128. The paper gives a description of Philips Curve in the process of China's economic operation aiming to put forward suggestions for the choice of China's monetary policy objectives.
129. SYDNEY (Reuters) - The dollar skidded to a 15-year low against the yen on Monday, hurt by stop-loss selling and expectations of further easing in U.S. monetary policy.
130. Capital controls were put in place to pursue monetary policy under more flexible exchange rates.
131. Making monetary policy has a key assumption which requires a stabile relationship between monetary aggregate and its determinants such as gross income, interest rate or inflation.
132. It has long wanted to "normalise" monetary policy, raising rates to somewhere near 2.5-3%, but darkening economic clouds abroad and at home keep conspiring to prevent that.
133. Financial policy and monetary policy should match and coordinate each other.
134. Better control network: tight monetary policy can deter market fluctuate?
135. Chinese officials have in recent months positioned themselves as sharp-eyed critics of U. S. fiscal deficits and unconventional monetary policy.
136. Two aspects are included in the issue of effectiveness of monetary policy.
137. As to macroeconomic policy, it is expected that monetary policy would remain stable and slightly tight, and credit scale control would still be the major tool.
138. United States, as a typical country with free capital flows and floating exchange rate, its loose monetary policy will bring adverse effects to the other countries.
139. The bank's monetary policy committee raised the borrowing cost to 2.25 percent in July amid solid growth prospects for the domestic economy and inflation concerns.
140. And that means rational tax policy and monetary policy by the host government.
141. He is seen as more interventionist and vocal on monetary policy than his predecessor Hirohisa Fujii, who mostly took a hands-off approach. Fujii stepped down last week for health problems.
142. Monetary policy is an important policy of macroscopic readjustment and control.
143. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy of the West includes four channels:interest channel, non money capital price channel, credit channel and stock market channel.
144. In effect, the sponsors want to audit all the Fed's monetary policy.
145. This largely reflects a less stimulative monetary policy, higher rates along the curve, and the start of fiscal drag in the US with the sunset of the Bush tax cuts in 2011 (unless policy changes).
146. The theory of bank credit channel, as one credit of monetary policy, stresses the lcanability of bank credit capital.
147. He will return later in the month to give his semiannual outlook for the economy and monetary policy.
148. However, China has its own special conditions and at present the reserve requirement system plays a great role in current monetary policy combination.
149. Many firms have already secured credit facilities for the rest of the year, so even if monetary policy is adjusted the impact on investment would not be dramatic.
150. We reinterpret the credit channel of monetary transmission and the nature of monetary policy from the perspective of credit rationing.
151. The day before the Fed's decision, the Bank of Japan kept its monetary policy unchanged.
152. Sachs blames the financial crisis on a disastrously bad monetary policy and disastrously poor financial regulation.
153. As one of the three major tools for monetary policy, required reserves policy is violent, time-delay and passive, etc in characteristics.
154. Tighter monetary policy aimed at curbing inflation then further choked domestic demand.
155. For investors uncoordinated monetary policy exIt'strategy could open up promising trades particularly in foreign - exchange markets.
156. One of basic functions of money market is monetary policy function.
157. China's current monetary policy should make a change, want to avoid historic error.
158. This risks entangling the Fed in attempts to influence credit allocation, thereby exposing monetary policy to political pressure.
159. The second chapter mainly discusses the relation between the early mercantilism and inflation, from the monetary policy during the reign of Henry VIII and Edward VI.
160. The strong wage stickiness ensures the effect of the monetary policy in the second segment.
161. More than half of the federal budget into the pentagon war machines, the U. S. fiscal and monetary policy space is restricted.
162. Open market operation, one of the basic tools of the monetary policy, have its predominance over other tools. It's the most important and effective means for financial regulating and controlling.
163. With these economies at different stages of cyclical recovery, monetary policy stances are also in contrast.
164. Analysts continue to mull over how and what the BoJ can deploy in terms monetary policy to calm the Yen's rise of late.
165. It is the role of the government, through its counterbalancing fiscal and monetary policy, to maintain full employment.
166. We credibly promise an expansionary monetary policy that will persist for years into the future.
167. "Monetary policy is no instrument of cyclical economic policymaking, " Bundesbank head Ernst Welteke said.
168. The Fed has two main goals for its monetary policy: the highest possible employment rates and stable prices.
169. By leaving monetary policy to market forces we would have normal recessions and minor booms that would be totally self-regulating.
170. The bank un-stabilization which comes from asset price fluctuation impact macro-economic that mainly embody on influencing monetary policy, finance and foreign department.
171. Given the decoupling of monetary policy from long-term mortgage rates, accelerating the path of monetary tightening that the Fed pursued in 2004-2005 could not have 'prevented' the housing bubble.
172. But currently, the major obstacle to ensuring the validity of China's monetary policy lies in the credit contraction mechanism that still operates within its bank-dominated financial system.
173. But we should not delude ourselves into thinking that monetary policy can save the world.
174. Monetary policy, continue to cut deposit and lending rates and deposit reserve ratio may have.
175. Voices in the City of London are also backing even looser monetary policy.
176. Obviously, the property price effect of monetary policy conduction is strengthening.
177. However, monetary policy credit transmission mechanism has special meanings in China, which is the transmission mechanism.
178. Now the utility of the fiscal policy has diminished and the function of monetary policy has been limited by the imperfect market conduction and credit system .
179. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Federal Reserve responsibility for setting monetary policy.
180. The yen's strength drew warnings from Japanese officials of possible action to stem its rise and nudged the Bank of Japan closer to a further easing in monetary policy.
181. Monetary policy goals are to aid and abet solid economic growth along with rising living standards.
182. International monetary policy coordination (IMPC) will eliminate the policy contradiction and reduce the conflict of interest.
183. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy includes the ways of credit ratio, interest rate and exchange rate.
184. Fisher is the Fed's monetary policy - making body of the U.S. Federal Open Market Committee.
185. From 2003 to 2007, the monetary policy has been tigtened in order to help address changes in economic development, including rapid growth in credit extension, investment and foreign exchange reserves.
186. Franco Modigliani (1985) was one of the first Keynesians to endorse an expansionary monetary policy like this under conditions of high unemployment.
187. The first part expounds the basic theory of intermediate targets in monetary policy system. The theory includes basic theory of Keynesianism, monetarism as well as others.
188. Economic reform seems to have stalled and European Central Bank monetary policy is on semi - permanent hold.
189. Dollar bloc countries have slavishly mimicked expansionary US monetary policy, even in regions such as the Middle East, where rapid growth is putting huge upward pressure on inflation.
190. The monetary policy, interest rates, reserve rates have room for a downward adjustment.
191. This paper empirically analysis that the China stock market and the fluctuation of stock price effect on the monetary policy, and give some suggestion to the decision about monetary policy.
192. The empirical tests on the real estate bubble of fictitious economic determinism include real estate prices and monetary policy, interest rate policy, credit and price fluctuations.
193. Coordinated currency interventions are helpful and decisive signal of a monetary policy change, but aren't required.
194. The objectives of monetary policy are the same as those of fiscal policy.
195. From the angles of the indicator of monetary policy stance and the inflation monitoring, the central bank of China should pay attention to the monetary conditions index and regularly promulgate it.
196. The markets suspect ultra-loose monetary policy may yet get even looser.
197. This is another reason why China is loath to revalue, their source of power comes from holding USD's that are overvalued, which actually makes Chinese monetary policy defacto set by the US Treasury.
198. Further rationalize the monetary policy transmission mechanism, to secure funding channels.
199. As a traditional tool, the effect of legal reserve requirement on monetary policy has been researched and cared for a long time.
200. The inflation control target is at the heart of Canadian monetary policy that the Bank and the Government have established.
201. The paper empirically analyzes the regional effects of monetary policy among China's eight regions by SVAR model and IRF.
202. There is no guarantee that using CPI as the rule of thumb for monetary policy will arrest the gradual decline in the current account balance maintained at the Bank.
203. In officialese, monetary policy has shifted from "proactive" to "prudent", while fiscal policy remains "proactive".
204. Chinese monetary policy has recently emerged in the headlines, as America and several other major economies have been pushing for the reevaluation of the yuan.
205. Even so, the monetary policy still plays the role of restraining commercial housing price from jack-up and its impact gradually appears.
206. If nominal income is constant, monetary velocity will determine money supply. The changes of monetary velocity should be considered when monetary policy is worked out.
207. Monetary policy is conducted by the Federal Open Market Committee.
208. "Once you learn about the broken monetary policy, there is no other way, " said Ronnie Paul, a retired engineer at Dow Chemical in nearby Freeport.
209. Monetary policy transmission mechanism is very important to policy makers with one country's monetary authority.
210. He said a "much more flexible, market-driven" exchange rate and a "more nimble, self-determined" monetary policy must be an essential part of this effort.
211. But unless and until they do so, the burden on monetary policy will be that much bigger and there seems little to lose by cutting by the full 100 basis points next week.
212. The fourth chapter empirically analyses the influence of China's stock market on monetary policy.
213. The futures index has been the early-warning indicator of inflation in foreign countries. It is important for the central bank to make and adjust the Monetary Policy.
214. Dynamic fine - tuning of monetary policy may have an impact on the movement of hot money.
215. The second method is to unclog our current monetary policy transmission channel.
216. High worldwide demand, supply bottlenecks and international monetary policy all help push up oil prices.
217. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy is the important guarantee of the monetary policys effectualness.
218. He cited the Japanese scholars suggested that the first Asian countries to imitate the euro or the construction of the Asian currency unit(), then the coordination of monetary policy.
219. For the banks, the monetary policy adjustment will greatly reduce the bank's net profit margin.
220. The reversible, self-financing and immediately applicable nature of the above monetary policy plan should reduce these fears.
221. The People"s Bank of China has cancelled the loan scale control, In January, 1998 This Indicated the China monetary policy entered a new stage."
222. As a monetary policy instrument, the central banks rediscount business has played a vital role in transmitting monetary policy.
223. The effect of monetary policy is influenced by anticipation, the manner of monetary policy, the work in with other control measures and so on.
224. Monetary policy function is the core function of the central bank, which brings out effect only based upon the independent status of the central bank.
225. Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart said the U.S. central bank could ease monetary policy further and should not rule out any policy options if economic conditions deteriorate.
226. The structuralists'assertion of the complete impotence of monetary policy is surely excessive.
227. Foreign exchange reserve; Base currency; Money supply; Excess liquidity; Monetary policy.
228. In addition, the foreign exchange policy always results in conflicts with monetary policy.
229. As the European Monetary System is consisted of different central banks of member states,(/monetary policy.html) the monetary policy should try to fulfill different need from member states while maintaining price stability.
230. At present, adjustment of positive financial policy, monetary policy and corresponding income policy aimed at expanding the domestic residents' consumption to stimulate the output and employment.
231. The key of monetary policy is to establish an effective transmission mechanism.
232. The intermediary and operating goals of monetary policy are amount of currency supply, aggregate amount of credit, inter-bank offered rate and bank provision rate.
233. The Federal Open Market Committee makes monetary policy so it's decentralized and long terms.
234. Third, monetary policy provided stimulus despite continued disarray in the banking system.
235. To promote moderate loose monetary policy implementation, and maintenance of financial security, services for financial reform goals, continuously strengthen the financial audit .
236. The PBC would not have to change its operational approach to monetary policy.
237. It's really the exercise of monetary policy which becomes the overriding objective.
238. Monetary policy, the statutory deposit reserve ratio and benchmark lending interest rates could still dropped.
239. To strengthen monetary policy, credit policy and industrial policy coordination.
240. I'll be doing another town hall up in the St. Cloud area in September and we'll do that on monetary policy.
241. The Bank of England's monetary policy committee lifts interest rates.
242. If fiscal policy as a left- wing economic take-off , then monetary policy is no doubt that it is the right - wing.
243. The strong stickiness ensures the effect of the monetary policy in the second segment.
244. The theory of bank credit channel, as one credit of monetary policy, stresses the loanability of bank credit capital.
245. Policy-mix-wise, the normal procedure would be to support a somewhat tighter management of fiscal policy with somewhat looser reins on monetary policy.
246. When investors generally expect that long - term monetary policy will deflate, they can positively shorten investing duration.
247. The Federal Open Market Committee meets about every six weeks or so and they decide on monetary policy.
248. So they agreed to auction off it's a little bit different than a it's a little different from an ordinary monetary policy.
249. Transmission mechanism of monetary policy is a key issue in macroeconomics.
250. A managed float would provide the PBoC most leeway to conduct independent monetary policy.
251. In international monetary policy(Sentence dictionary), the issue has been the exchange rate.
252. Based on the forward-looking interest rule, using IS-PC-AP model and GMM, it estimates Chinese monetary policy function considering stock prices.
253. The free fall of the dollar in the late 1970s forced the US to tighten monetary policy and address its budget deficits, commencing the correction of double-digit inflation.
254. Third, we will improve the mechanism for transmitting monetary policy and guarantee the smooth flow of funds.
255. Traditional points referred that the monetary policy should have consistency results. This point ignores the non-equilibrium of the economy in the same country (currency areas).
256. Based on the reviewing essays about regional effects of monetary policy, this paper has verified that there exist manifest regional effects of monetary policy in our country, with VAR model and IRF.
257. China's current major instruments of monetary policy include open market operation, interest management, reserve regime, sub-loans and sub-discount.
258. We now know the cost of this libertarian approach to monetary policy.
259. Chapter four describes the impact of electronic money on monetary policy on our country.
260. The government expects the Bank of Japan to support the economy through appropriate and flexible monetary policy management in line with such government measures.
261. Monetary policy is performed by the central bank using reserve requirement and rediscount and open market operation.
262. A monetary policy expansionary enough to stabilize NGDP growth may be politically infeasible.
263. We found that monetary policy was more powerful with flexible exchange rates.
264. New research of monetary policy transition mechanism suggests th at monetary policy function mainly via investment, consumption and international trade.
265. The key change in monetary policy is from moderately loose to steady, which means tight monetary policy and loose financial policy is the heart of Chinese macroeconomy in 2011.




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