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单词 brave new world
释义  ˌBrave New ˈWorld  an advanced society of the future, in which many people seem to have easy and pleasant lives but in fact nobody has any freedom. This type of society is described in the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The phrase was first used in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. 美丽新世界〔源于奥尔德斯·赫胥黎的同名小说,指未来的先进社会,其中许多人看似生活幸福,实则全无自由〕Examples from the Corpusbrave new world• It was a brave new world-but one which, a week later, came crashing down.• This isn't so much a brave new world, more a retrained version of the old one.• Opinion polls and focus groups are Stone Age implements in the brave new world of interactivity just down the communications superhighway.• This is the brave new world of remote work.• This may sound like the conventional wisdom on the brave new world of short-term, contingent jobs.• This brave new world of social engineering produces the opposite of community contact.• In the brave new world of the self-employed, homes should not be confused with offices.• The ascetic modernists' rejection of history in order to create a visionary brave New World was clearly incompatible with the historic pub.nbrave new worldna situation or a way of doing something that is new and exciting and meant to improve people’s lives the brave new world of digital television → braveˌBrave New ˈWorldbrave new worldLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus which society in of an future, advanced the




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