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单词 retrospective
释义  Related topics: Lawret·ro·spec·tive1 /ˌretrəˈspektɪv◂/ adjective [usually before noun]  1  PASTrelated to or thinking about the past 涉及以往的;回顾的 a retrospective study of 110 patients 对110名病人进行的回溯研究2  SCLPG British English a law or decision that is retrospective is effective from a particular date in the past 〔法律或判决〕有追溯效力的 SYN retroactive retrospective legislation 有追溯效力的法规 Teachers settled for a 4.2% pay rise with retrospective effect from 1 April. 教师最后接受了4.2%的加薪幅度,追溯到4月1日生效。 —retrospectively adverb The new rule will be applied retrospectively. 新的规定将具有追溯效力。Examples from the Corpusretrospective• Every artist should be allowed to design the retrospective box set that will define a lifetime, as has Santana.• But it was thirty-one years later and recent scholarship has questioned whether the anecdote might not have been a retrospective invention.• a retrospective look at the 1974 election• It adds some retrospective poignancy to our story, I think, and possibly some connection to Emerson's universe.• But now we see that even the absence of law is no guarantee against the possibility of retrospective regulation.• Perpetrators are almost exclusively male, though a few women are reported, particularly in retrospective studies.with retrospective effect• The Association of University Teachers settled for 4.2% this autumn, with retrospective effect from 1 April 1992.• Companies come into existence by registration with retrospective effect to the date of the contract.Related topics: Visualretrospective2 noun [countable]  AVa show of the work of an artist, actor, film-maker etc that includes examples of all the kinds of work they have done 〔画家、演员、电影制作人等作品的〕回顾展 a Hitchcock retrospective 希区柯克电影回顾展retrospective of a retrospective of painter Hans Hofmann 画家汉斯·霍夫曼作品回顾展Examples from the Corpusretrospective• The retrospective includes 10 of the 12 films written and directed by Sturges.• He exhibited at Betty Parson's gallery and wo Whitney retrospectives of his work were held in 1963 and 1974.From Longman Business Dictionaryretrospectiveret‧ro‧spec‧tive /ˌretrəˈspektɪv◂/ adjectiveLAW a law or decision that is retrospective is effective from a particular date in the pastSYN RETROACTIVEThe bank tried to persuade the government to enact retrospective legislation to legalize the contracts. —retrospectively adverbret·ro·spec·tive1 adjectiveretrospective2 nounChineseSyllable  the thinking past related or Business Corpus about to




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