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单词 Execute
1. Deliberate before you begin, then execute with vigour. 
2. Deliberate slowly, execute promptly.
3. He asked his nephew to execute his will.
4. The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager.
5. I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. The decision to execute the two men has appalled many politicians.
7. The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
8. The Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
9. We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter.
10. Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking.
11. Brock's attorney has yet to execute the will.
12. He would never execute a pregnant woman, he said.
13. All her creditors were asked to execute the Debt of Trust, and agree to accept payment out of the Trust Estate.
14. The policy of Decius's successor Valerian was to execute bishops and senior clergy so as to leave the Church leaderless.
15. The South stated it would execute any black man caught fighting for the North.
16. We will not be able to execute the programs without more funding.
17. This makes it possible for the proxy to execute efficient caching of documents that are requested by a number of clients.
18. Pubic officers are the servats and agents of the people, to execute the laws which the people have made. 
19. Never once did I doubt that I would be able to execute my plan.
20. They want me to facilitate their efforts; to help them execute their marketing plans and personal growth objectives.
21. Thought they could stand up in full view in a club crammed with people, execute the man.
22. The program creates a copy of itself and causes it to execute; no user intervention is required.
23. It needed no bayonets to protect it, and required no military aid to execute its judgments.
24. Enhancements to the new release enhancements include Posix 1003.4 real-time extensions, which enable users to execute Ada code in Unix environments.
25. He had a nice touch, a good sense of how to execute his shots.
26. The Carter team feared that the remark and the attitude it conveyed would be an open invitation to execute Kim.
27. Their torturer, Maximian, took his own life in frustration when his at-tempts to execute the siblings failed.
28. In July 1662 he was appointed as one of seven commissioners to execute the Act for the Settlement of Ireland.
29. And the Constitution is neither silent nor equivocal about who shall make laws which the President is to execute.
30. He could carry out the intricate navigational corrections, and execute the necessary flight maneuvers when it was time to change course.
1. He asked his nephew to execute his will.
2. The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager.
3. Never once did I doubt that I would be able to execute my plan.
4. The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
5. The Windows allows a computer user to execute multiple programs simultaneously.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
31. The control unit then enters the execute phase, to carry out the operation decoded in the fetch phase.
32. The personnel policies are fundamentally about how we are to execute our jobs.
33. If the computer does not receive this message, it does not execute the program.
34. Schwab is reengineering its own business in one visionary leap that will require six years to execute.
35. It was plain that he was in no hurry to execute it.
35. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
36. The cat stance is an ideal stance from which to execute a front snap kick.
37. On 2 March 1988 two bailiffs attended to execute the warrant.
38. They were expected to plan strategy and execute programs for their work units.
39. Making it happen means involving the hearts and minds of those who have to execute and deliver.
40. It has been designed to execute most single-word instructions in a single clock cycle through a four-stage instruction pipeline.
41. There are about 247 things you need to do correctly to execute a proper golf swing.
42. It was not the Church's policy to execute the members of noble families retrieved from Jeopardy's clutches.
43. However, in March 1676, the King commanded them to execute these laws with renewed vigour.
44. It comes as news to many visitors that these artists do not themselves execute their works.
45. The directors make the decisions, but it's the managers who have to execute them.
46. This will execute a command in every subdirectory of a hard disk.
47. In one apocryphal story that circulated on trading floors years ago, Black once tried to execute several trades using his model.
48. One also learns how machines can be built that will execute these programs and actually exhibit the capacity written into them.
49. Not only does she execute embroideries, but designs them too - thereby encroaching on what had formerly been a male preserve.
50. The husband procured his wife to execute the charge by pressure that, the trial judge held, constituted undue influence.
51. Now go and try to execute them as precisely as drawn!
52. The goal of landing people on Mars will not be an easy one to execute.
53. It will execute these plans by planning a coordinated series of contracts with selected providers and will then monitor them.
54. In any event, surveying becomes a much more complicated business and much more difficult to execute satisfactorily.
55. It's surprising how many mistakes an otherwise intelligent person can make when left to execute a document unaided.
56. Only tap Enter to start a new paragraph, after a heading, or to execute a command.
57. Problem: OutsideIn binaries do not have execute permission.
58. Shipment cannot execute within period owing stevedore shortage.
59. Compile and execute new product process project plan.
60. event-driven applications execute code in response to event.
61. Execute trade distribution and complete sales target.
62. Learn flawlessly execute a trading system.
63. Establish a good operation procedure and execute stringently.
64. Execute a fire drill and report.
65. Execute the Work Order Control appropriate System.
66. Command processing is asynchronous; multiple commands can execute simultaneously.
67. Make the remote computer execute command, run program or open other files.
68. Five days after launch LCROSS and the attached Centaur will execute a fly-by of the Moon.
69. The dropper functionality contains code to install and execute all of the payload files.
70. Please execute the following order according to your quotation of Sep . 30 .
71. However, in choosing to use Jython, you are able to bring to bear the entire Python language and runtime against your problem of choosing which tests to execute.
72. It differs from a program when concurrent programming techniques are used for coding the program. In such a case many processes can execute a program or a part of a program.
73. Depending on how your application is designed, you may be forced to execute read operations outside the transaction's scope, even when the read operations are used for update intent.
74. Production artists work closely with the designer and art director to execute the design.
75. Hence, a 250 - megahertz, four - way superscalar microprocessor can execute a billion instructions per second.
76. Class to contain a conditional rule that is used to execute a loop for a particular number of times.
77. In effect, Beria's "question" was for approval to summarily execute as many as 34, 000 Polish prisoners of war.
78. For example, a trading partner may only execute simple event queries.
79. This server, similar in design to the display servers, accepts a command to kill existing programs and execute programs on the server.
80. For a convict sentenced to criminal detention, the detention house shall execute the sentence.
81. Some candy ass architectures won't allow EXECUTE instructions to address another EXECUTE instruction the target instruction.
82. Commonweal sex serves irrigation works to belong to pure enterprise property, execute budgetary management, finance burden.
83. I will make Pathros desolate, Set a fire in Zoan And execute judgments on Thebes.
84. Because the threads execute identical code, they should have similar dynamic priority adjustments and execute in a round-robin fashion from the same run-queues.
85. Execute the BIND PACKAGE with the COPY option against the target server using the routine and deploy options specified by the user in the Deploy wizard.
86. With the helicopter flying from right to left, start pirouetting , as the helicopter passes in front of the pilot, execute one (1) outside loop while pirouetting .
87. Residuals were achieved by comparing the output of neural network with the real state value. Fault detection rules were distilled from the residuals to execute actuator fault diagnosis.
88. You can execute both menu commands and commands that do not appear on any menu.
89. Support a current transaction, execute non - transactionally if none exists.
90. Cleaning out what execute on treasure is to be made reputably, merchant also can be in ground of product column freedom to write product specification.
91. Execute a multidimensional query on a cube in the workbench to display business names as labels of X-axis and Y-axis.
92. You can execute this utility prior to an FTP session to ensure the remote host FTP service is running before performing an upload or download.
93. HR Dept right to interpret the execute of this policy.
94. The client includes simulation application members, who execute their tasks by using related services.
95. You must, of course, execute the fuser command as root to be able to terminate processes that may be owned by other users, as shown in Listing 9.
95. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
96. The man's name is Tim Elliot, working in the same department as Ann, but he usually needs to execute tasks in various national parks, this week he was on duty in Arches national park.
97. If a label value equals expression, execute its accompanying statement list.
98. The system will execute each trade one trading unit at a time.
99. Specific planning was assigned to the departments which would have to execute the plans.
100. For the familiar evadable obstacle problem of robot, the actually execute process is completed by the designer, and isn't controlled by user.
101. Set up and execute procurement procedure base on chain store industry and needs of franchise development.
102. Contractors who are unaware of the more restrictive provisions in the professional liability policy may unknowingly execute waivers that jeopardize their professional liability insurance coverage.
103. At a minimum, it provides them with a platform into which they can package, deploy, and execute applications in a modular fashion to help them with dependency and version management.
104. Execute test plan seriously according to the operation instructions from Firmware Design Engineer, and carefully record all data with right format.
105. They round up all the villagers and execute them one by one.
106. The final chapter further discusses some urgent problems to be solved when trust companies execute the new trust accounting policy and some problems to be solved in the future development.
107. Windows XP supports no - execute memory protection which helps prevent malicious programs and can aid debugging.
108. You can execute the SQL by using the context-sensitive menus to execute either the entire file or just the highlighted text.
109. It will execute as soon as a user clicks and releases it with the mouse cursor.
110. Finally, the author discusses how to execute CHNG 's corporate strategy by adopting the Balanced Scorecard method.
111. How to set up and execute FRACAS with product teams and manage reliability growth?
112. Execute sales policy and strategy to accomplish the sales budget and target.
113. Please select a directory entry shape and then re - execute this command.
114. The awkward nature in which he attempted to execute the action seemed to encapsulate his lack of incisiveness, in stark contrast to the intelligence and skill of his strike partner Suarez.
115. In the first tier, the monitoring, administration, and control component typically consists of many concurrent tasks that must execute during NMS operations.
116. Execute and complete the company hospital channel sales plans including sales target, customer payment collection, etc.
117. Attempting to imprison, exile or execute an important character runs the risk of a civil war.
118. There is a extremeness, the firm contract with a few little profit projects because of competition, in order to exist, they gain income by venturing to execute quota system.
119. Secondly, deal cost can prevent borrower from optimal execute prepayment and default option, and increases the mortgage price, and protects the loaner's interest .
120. Study on how to execute quality metric to software product configuration components and control the quality of software product configuration components.
121. As the execute component of digital control system, stepping uniformity of stepping motor is always valued.
122. Then the IAB investigators will go and execute those arrest warrants with the hopes of gathering intelligence and using these people, if possible, as our operatives in an integrity test.
123. To execute Ashland's customer service standards, export order processing procedure, and support the implementation of SAP.
124. If the Leasee requires to add other sorts of risk, the Leasor may execute the formalities as an agent at the expense of the Leasee.
125. The four stages of the CPU processing cycle are fetch, decode, execute, and store.
125. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
126. Objective To assess the present status of precaution of vitamin D deficiency rachitis , and execute an intervene treatment to the existed diseases and evaluate the effect.
127. Make plan for holding over and career development, execute promotion and selection for talent storage in the new mall.
128. You'd have to execute that explain plan on the remote system to see what It'says.
129. Transaction rolled back. Could not execute trigger. Retry your transaction.
130. International human rights groups say that China is a police state in which the government has the power to bully, detain, or even execute citizens who step out of line.
131. If you make a mistake or need to add something to the command to execute(), simply click the Esc key to exit insert mode and switch back to command mode.
132. The execute method is the primary entry point whenever a user executes an action that requires them to submit the page.
133. To be, to execute the simple and original guardianship; to kill, to appease the unpeaceful miss and guilt inside.
134. The effect is shown graphically in Figure 3: A traditional program would execute the loop sequentially, whereas the OpenMP implementation creates threads to parallelize the for block.
135. National classics trade appoint change with body appoint execute to industrial business amalgamative or annex drafts a new regulation.
136. Execute should notice to prevent polarization by allocation of factor of production.
137. The execute part is made of relays, contactors, pneumatic components.
138. The individual signing this contract represents and warrants is duly authorized to execute this binding contract.
139. Secondly, it manages to retarget LCC to a new architecture "HCS12" which has few general purpose registers and 16-bit wide datapath. It execute many optimization methods on assembly level.
140. The government should execute orders and proclaim prohibitions to those practicing corruption.
141. Stumpage produces the commodity that becomes independent as to produce a course, completely possible, conditional execute forest valence.
142. The described operations may be implemented as code maintained in a "computer readable medium", where one or more processors may read and execute the code from one or more computer readable media.
143. The memory-diagnostic unit causes the second processor to execute a memory-diagnostic program to diagnose the main memory, and identifies a defective area in the main memory.
144. You can execute the query with the GNU Qexo library, which provides an XQuery component: $ java -jar kawa-1.9.1.jar --xquery --main simplerss.xql.
145. To execute a series of instructions in a loop until some exit condition is satisfied.
146. It differs from a program when concurrent programming techniques are used for coding the program. In such a case many processes can execute a program or a part of a program . program.
147. The cycle that the computer goes through to fetch and execute one instruction is called the machine cycle.
148. Well, you define an HTML file that instantiates the DOH, instantiates widgets, then defines the test functions to execute.
149. But in my opinion, in order to protect and transmit the Revolutionary - classic better in modem society, we must follow the market principle and execute popular transmission.
150. Use the Screen Customization wizard to customize the screen from Figure 4 and trigger the business logic AtomFeeds to execute.
151. The test result shows that SoftSwitch system designed in the paper can execute required Centrex service accurately, and reaches the expectant design requirements.
152. As I discussed in Part 1 " Classes and classloading," many classes are loaded before your main class even begins to execute.
153. WSCC is a free, portable program that allows you to install, update, execute and organize the utilities from various system utility suites.
154. Unless this happens, the transfer agent doesn't have the authority to remove the legend and execute the trade in the marketplace.
155. Next, want to execute democracy management,(http:///execute.html) main to credit agency controller by appoint make instead election.
156. Realize that the CLR-to-Running Program step only occurs when you execute a program.
157. To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob.
158. It should also implement the execute() method that contains the main command logic.
159. In their place is a pushbutton operation that can execute build tasks consistently every time, so product quality isn't placed in jeopardy.
160. Make and execute Safety measure and rule, keep Safety First.
161. Indeed, the time to fetch information from a repository -- be it a file or database server -- far exceeds the lapse required to compile and perhaps even execute a PHP program.
162. Function circuit executes any mode selected by the mode select section in response to the mode execute control signal generated by the controller.
163. If the Bank refuses to execute the aforesaid Electronic Messages, the Bank shall notify the Applicant of the result of non-execution.




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