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单词 Hence
1. I fell off my bike yesterday hence the bruises.
2. The sports meet will be held three days hence.
3. His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca.
4. It is very late; hence you must go to bed.
5. He worked in a garage?hence his nickname "Spanner".
6. We suspect they are trying to hide something, hence the need for an independent inquiry.
7. Hence, she is considered to share the blame.
8. It's handmade and hence expensive.
9. Hence, the blessing of bread on her feast day.
10. They reduce uncertainty and hence anxiety about the future.
10. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. Hence the amount of Business Rate each local authority receives will bear no relation to the amount actually collected in each area.
12. Hence social contracts may bind, not all members of a society, but members of some group within society.
13. Hence, the commander had to beg, cajole, and browbeat authorities of three nations to get what he needed.
14. This would attract industry and commerce, and hence bring about the creation of jobs.
15. So an alternative explanation had to be found, hence the idea of Meehan and Griffiths as a follow-up team.
16. Hence the great caution shown by medical staff, and the precautions taken during burial.
17. Hence it is called ideographic. in contradistinction from the phonographic or alphabetical system of writing.
18. Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things, and hence its importance. 
19. The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 1990. Hence a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
20. Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently / Hence he knows very little about it.
21. You can customise the behavior of the Asynchronous Server and hence re - brand it by defining your own command set for ...
22. Peter's leaving at the end of this week - hence his anxiety to get his work finished.
23. The project will be completed at the end of the decade, two years hence.
24. The true consequences will only be known several years hence.
25. You can customize the behavior of the Asynchronous Server and hence re-brand it by defining your own command set for invoking services.
26. The Julian calendar was introduced by Julius Caesar and hence carries his name.
27. The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence.
28. The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry. Hence factory location is an important consideration.
29. You can customise the behavior of the Asynchronous Server and hence re-brand it by defining your own command set for invoking services.
30. However, A displays more curvature than B at that point, and hence more risk aversion.
1. His mother was Italian, hence his name - Luca.
2. It is very late; hence you must go to bed.
3. The trade imbalance is likely to rise again in 1990. Hence a new set of policy actions will be required soon.
4. You can customise the behavior of the Asynchronous Server and hence re - brand it by defining your own command set for ...
31. Cocaine production requires large amounts of water, hence factories are nearly always built by streams.
32. Highly selective vagotomy was introduced about 20 years ago and hence any cancer risk should become apparent in the next few years.
33. Hence the prospect of an energy related and integrated physical geography including geomorphological processes may not be too far beyond the horizon.
34. Hence we present the Baumol model only in the appendix to this chapter.
35. Hence, figure 8. 2 reflects a classification system similar to ones used by biologists for plants and animals.
36. It is said that pregnant women were assured a smooth delivery when they drank from his cup, hence his patronage.
37. Hence the meeting with her bank manager earlier this afternoon!
38. Hence the complete and utter mental breakdown of whoever contracts the disease.
39. Hence the importance of directing part of the control process to the implementation of appropriate corrective action. 4.
40. The internal affairs of a member state are no business of the union,[] hence the reticence in Brussels.
41. Hence, we may reasonably expect a resultative flavour when an adverbal adjective is combined with a change-of-state verb.
42. Hence the longing for an alternative policy, and the determined claims that one does not exist.
43. By stripping concrete objects of their less essential features, they become less involved and hence more amenable to mathematical treatment.
44. They are large, and hence the chances of recovering complete specimens from all boreholes is relatively low.
45. Hence, many public sector operating statements do not only show actuals but also budgets and comparisons of actuals with budgets.
46. Hence their punishment was to be achieved through persuading them to repentance and guilt.
47. Ramsey-optimal prices are not concerned with alternative means of supply: hence they are in principle susceptible to competitive entry.
48. Hence, interest was slight and sporadic, and the works were not assimilated into mainstream western art history.
49. Hence there are actors other than the state, and their precise role in international society depends on the interests of international capital.
50. Hence non-decision making must be part of the research agenda into community power.
51. Elizabeth Fry had to struggle hard to prove that women could be rehabilitated, hence the wonder at her achievements in Newgate.
52. Trade creation induces a rise in imports and hence induces a deficit in the balance of trade.
53. Hence, the scale of the meter can be calibrated directly in terms of PCO2.
54. Hence Phoenix always keeps at least two of its garbage districts in public hands-so it will always have the capacity to compete.
55. The market ensures that the price equals the marginal benefit and the marginal cost, and hence equates the two.
56. Hence began the campaign to enable the President to stand for a second term of office.
57. But let us assume that all of them do and hence must be memorized.
58. This process often involved the compulsory acquisition of firms and hence their potential closure.
59. Hence the ubiquity of testing, and evaluation schemes which involve the assessment of teacher or student performances.
60. Hence the shift in emphasis from the finished work to the actual process of creation of the Action painters and others.
61. Hence, head office attracts the power brokers skilled in the politics of resource allocation.
62. Hence the number of discarded lines after any bout - another very good reason for balancing cost against breaking strain and thickness!
63. Hence he attaches importance to spending more of the government's research cash in industry as opposed to within the government's own establishments.
64. The output from a character recogniser requires further processing to reduce the ambiguity and hence increase the accuracy of recognition.
65. The Laws family ran a bakery in Northgate hence the nickname Teacakes.
66. Hence the audit process was entirely medically controlled, participation was voluntary, standards set locally and the results kept absolutely confidential.
67. Hence, many projects benefit a relatively narrow group of people and impose costs on all taxpayers.
68. Hence we have the Law of Similars which is very ancient and predates the formulation of Homoeopathy in the eighteenth century.
69. The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor. War is a way of shattering to pieces, or pouring into the stratosphere, or sinking in the depths of the sea, materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable, and hence, in the long run, too intelligent. George Orwell 
70. Hence the importance of audits by competent and independent auditors - to which we turn in the next chapter.
71. Hence partners must inform the other partners of all personal profits which have accrued to them by virtue of their being partners.
72. The repression can be total in adult women,[http:///hence.html] hence their frigidity.
73. One characteristic of modern industry is that it is capital-intensive rather than labour-intensive and hence does not provide much employment.
74. Hence each person was assigned to a liability class based on age.
75. Hence sustainable agriculture could replace unsustainable agriculture, reducing the impact of erosion and flooding on downstream agricultural areas.
76. According to the ancients, seven planets circle the sun, hence the seven dwarfs.
77. Hence medicine under capitalism has a dual function, both liberating and controlling.
78. New words can not be added to this class - hence its name.
79. Hence the double bind attached to being appropriately feminine rears its ugly head again.
80. Hence, there is a need to use some automated technique for rigorously incorporating new knowledge into the existing knowledge base.
81. For several months hence, Harvard dealers were reluctant to use employment agencies.
82. Hence his reluctance to start painting before he had mastered the incredibly difficult art of drawing - and drawing the figure especially.
83. It was also concerned with the effect of nationalized industry deficits on public borrowing and hence on inflation and interest rates.
84. Both hormones are antagonistic to insulin and hence increase blood glucose.
85. Hence I have no mercy or compassion in me for a society that will crush people, and then penalize them for not being able to stand up under the weight. Malcolm X 
86. Hence identification of antigenic determinants of IgA response may lead us towards antibody responses likely to be important in parasite clearance.
87. Hence, it is necessary to achieve a balanced view of Duck and the poets who followed him.
88. This usually means effects on the processes of embryonic development and hence on bodily form and behaviour.
89. Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness. Erich Fromm 
90. Hence the Chicago human capital school comes closest to diffusing economic inequality as an issue.
91. James transformed into a stag, hence the name Prongs.
92. Whatever is hidden is harmful (hence revelation equals security).
93. Hence, a stewardship is a dispensation.
94. Hence, Kunlun-servant has the eternal value of cognition and aest...
95. Hence a wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy.
96. Hence, in the West, the aim of the Christian is justification, but in the East, it is rather communion with God and deification .
97. Add a network, and you can have a roleplaying game. Hence the popularity of MUDs.
98. Hence, some scholars would rather abandon political official career and content being a recluse.
99. Hence, English company law has made the doctrine of ultra vires otiose by means of an express general clause.
100. Introversive thinking has exerted profound and far-reaching influences upon traditional Chinese artistic theory, hence its clear-cut subject spirit.
101. Hence, Beijing Olympic Games'stimulant event total already achieved 9 examples.
102. Hence, is that columbarium set up by the government or private?
103. Hence, the loan processing or whatsoever, it goes at a speed which is unparallel .
104. Hence, we propose a reference model for referential RFID impacts.
105. Hence the need for a flexible interpretation of the guidelines to INDIVIDUALISE therapy to suit the circumstances of each patient.
106. Hence, while the influence of orthodox Christianity upon the Koran has been slight, apocryphal and heretical Christian legends, on the other hand, are one of the original sources of Koranic faith.
107. Such premisses contain no explicit reference to education, and hence do not belong specifically to the philosophy of education but to other branches of philosophy, to science, or to theology.
108. Hence, an isolated piece of tissue removed from an organism—for example, the eye of a sea slug—will maintain its own daily rhythm but will quickly adopt that of the whole organism when restored to it.
109. Hence, the aporia of aesthetic myth writing derived from Gnosticism 's dualism, which was represented in western aesthetic history of Prometheus myth writings.
110. The trace of the development of coextrusion can be obtained from it. Hence, this paper provides bases for our further studies.
111. Hence, Subramanian argues, poor countries must make common cause with the US and other advanced economies in pressuring China to alter its currency policies.
112. The turnover ratios can reflect the firms' speed of fund turnover and time of operating cycle, hence indicate the liquidity.
113. However, if these factors are neglected, misunderstandings will destroy communication. Hence communications cannot go on wheels.
114. Hence the Beijing Olympics starting time of 8 p.m. on Aug. 8, 2008.
115. Hence how to keep continuous innovation of rural power service quality is a key for rural power supply enterprise to successfully face power market.
116. Hence disturbances tend to grow, giving rise to the formation of a shock wave.
117. Hence slackening is not a concession in principle but is called for by the circumstances.
118. Hence his famous assertion that " no one does wrong willingly ".
119. Hence we infer that there is dark matter in the Universe.
120. The enclosing left parenthesis is second from left; hence, $matches[2] is 123.
121. Hence, what we should pay close attention to is whether and how trust pattern works properly for the enterprise annuity fund—which is the starting point and the foothold of the thesis as well.
122. Original paragraph: The feelings of the lower-status party may be discounted in two ways: by considering them rational but unimportant or by considering them irrational and hence dismissible.
123. Hence, mechanisms which quickly resize individual images should be used.
124. Hence, research showbiz's special language method of the animation becomes a meaningful affair.
125. Confronting sin, Arthur struggles against the conflict of humanity and godhood, and finally comes to confess his sin and repent in the call of God's grace, hence attaining atonement in his death.
126. Hence, everything in the Universe will reunify to achieve its Ultimate Harmony.
127. Hence they are full of the most valuable materials for the enlightenment of the working class.
128. Hence luxury in all its forms; delicate food, the use of tobacco and opium, spirituous liquors, fine clothes, and the thousand and one things than he considers necessary to his existence.
129. Hence, if you are going to spend $1 million on license and maintenance over a 36-month period, then you should budget an additional $2 million for implementation costs.
130. People who deceive others and hence feel duper's delight often cannot hide their feelings.
131. Hence, Nokia asserts it can " reshape the Internet. "
132. Hence the containment booms , the skimmer boats - and the volleys of dispersants.
133. Hemp is the male plant and it grows like a weed, hence the slang term.
134. After the gray transformation and the histogram equalization, these images were filtered by a frequency-domain homomorphic filter, hence noises in the images were greatly reduced.
135. Hence, Ganesha figures are most commonly seen with four hands which signify their divinity.
136. Hence, een those laws that bear social public functions ultimately sere given political purposes.
137. Hence find the negative root of the equation correct to 1 decimal place.
138. Hence, potentially viable embryos will be discarded upon screening a single blastomere.
139. It might be argued that breasts are a private part, like the genitals, and hence should not be exposed in public.
140. Hence it would be better to adopt the term of relative arbitrariness in these fields.
141. Hence[], the income tax accounting of non-cash assets evaluation rising in value can be accounted according to the c...
142. Hence, two people of brothers take broom and dustpan, arriving veranda uping to sweep sunlight.
143. Hence , following Scriptural counsel can help you to be successful in training your children.
144. This and other new information will make it possible to build more reliable computer models of how the streams might behave centuries hence.
145. Keep cool: it will be all one a hundred years hence.
146. In many natural populations carrying capacity ( and hence population size ) fluctuates seasonally.
147. University records is a part of chorography , a branch of educational records, so it is the intergrated subject of the two. Hence, it is an important culture project.
148. As with jihadi ideology, it is precisely the non-rational elements of fascism that give it emotive, and hence political, power.
149. Due to the dramatic increase of meter reading task after the reformation of rural power network, automatic meter reading is hence necessary.
150. Key selection often depends on the specific communication channel and hence requires connection or host information.
151. Efficiency wage theory holds that higher-than-market-rate wage payment may imply less total costs and hence greater profit to the business firm.
152. Hence, a slew of firms have in recent months launched products custom-made for the Chinese.
153. Such a surface would reflect no radiant energy, and hence would appear black in color.
154. Hence, boxing, swordsmanship and archery of wushu developed and were widely practiced.
155. Hence, anyone try to press on the pictures of self-help arts by some ideological sphere will be politics appendant .
156. It is a flood-basin of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang); hence the lake's size depends on the season.
157. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
158. Hence, the wisdom of the common law's stress on the crucial distinction between misfeasance and nonfeasance, between a wrongful aggression against someone's rights, and leaving that person alone.
159. Hence, this paper reduces the complexity of coding by using effective parity-check matrix, and realizes the encoding device for LDPC code by use of large-scale integrated circuits.
160. Hence, many scholars have continually been proposing some graphical analysis charts which can simultaneously monitor all quality status for a product with multiple characteristics.
161. Because the stream's input comes from a character array, there is no actual limit; hence this argument is ignored.
162. Sticking to the original text too much makes their translation obscure, and hence the aim of cultural communication and cultural schema translation is hard to achieve.
163. Hence, this method provides useful informations for identification of plant species and verification of new species. It is a development for application of GC in sample analysis of complex components.
164. Hence, in "Das Wesen des Christenthums", he regards the theoretical attitude as the only genuinely human attitude, while practice is conceived and fixed only in its dirty- judaical manifestation.
165. After weighing over the problem of translating "meaning", the author tries to show that the "meaning" of the original is conveyable, hence an integral notion of e...
166. Cystadenoma adenoma tissue as a result of glandular secretions of siltation, glandular cavity gradually integrating into the expansion and size of cysts, hence the name.
167. Hence, personal hygiene and cleaning our handswill bethe most effective ways of combating this disease.
168. Hence, a refutation of Acheson may benefit many Chinese by widening their horizon.
169. Because of the real data does not obtain from normal incidence, hence, the radius formula of Fresnel zone for non-zero incidence angle was derived.
170. Hence, law reflects only the will of a ruling class.
171. Hence, this research provided some meaning results, which should be a potential reference for restoration and rehabilitation of submerged macrophytes in Taihu Lake.
172. Hence it had the important theoretical and practical meanings to discuss internal relation between dissolved oxygen and organic evolution.




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