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单词 Ideology
1. The ideology has great influence in the world.
2. The party had a Marxist ideology.
3. Chomsky's review is entitled "Psychology and Ideology".
4. We hate to face the challenge of ideology.
5. His pop genius was ruined by idiotic hippy ideology.
6. Revolutionary language and ideology had largely reappeared.
7. Minimum government intervention was the new ideology.
8. The ideology of egalitarianism is still very much alive.
8. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
9. Golden Age: Ideology and cultural history.
10. Ideology does not enter the equation, and never has.
11. And Right-to-Life ideology has filled the vacuum.
12. Skepticism is part and parcel of the capitalist ideology.
13. Eventually the ancient traditions began to dilute the ideology.
14. In other words, the dominant ideology carries the day. 4.
15. The cornerstone of that ideology is the doctrine of judicial independence, to which we now turn.
16. However limited its immediate effects, the ideology of Enlightened Despotism was important in the long term.
17. Characteristically, the patriarchy thesis generates a revolutionary ideology rather than a fatalistic acceptance of determinism and relativism.
18. Here the interrelation between ideology and action is particularly complex.
19. But without a unifying ideology, once the outside threat goes away unity quickly disappears.
20. The party's policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.
21. Some parents were critical of attempts to indoctrinate children in green ideology.
22. Such an approach accords with the principles of socialist ideology.
23. He attributed the party's lack of success to an overemphasis on ideology and ideas.
24. They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.
25. To add spice to the debate, they disagreed about method and ideology.
26. These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.
27. Increasingly, the town planning movement came to be dominated by an institutionalized professional ideology.
28. First, the basic assumptions of such ideas in altered form were later developed into the ideology of the National Front.
29. There is considerable evidence from the eighteenth century of a new concern with childhood in middle-class ideology and practice.
30. As the school curriculum is usually determined by the dominant ideology in society at present, a multicultural approach has low status.
1. The ideology has great influence in the world.
2. The party's policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.
3. Some parents were critical of attempts to indoctrinate children in green ideology.
31. At another level this also happens when we commit ourselves to a particular religion or ideology.
32. He must not only distinguish behaviour from ideology, he must also take careful note of just how they are interrelated.
33. The underlying premise of the global market ideology is that every country will earn most of its income from exports.
34. Something about the ideology of the cancer cell, wasn't it?
35. The central committee ideology department accused Kharchev of unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of churches and of financial indiscipline.
36. This was indeed the origin of the concept of ideology and the thesis of social determination.
37. Its historical importance in the development of modern ideology has come from its unique claim to explain experience, however eccentrically.
38. But on the other hand[/ideology.html], this respectable ideology was deeply rooted in the general experience of working-class life.
39. The decreasing leverage of the state allowed capital greater influence over production, credit and ideology.
40. Likewise she argued that the feminist versions of Althusserian concepts of ideology overemphasised textuality at the expense of social and economic analysis.
41. Religion or ideology is not morality. Morality resides in human conscience and spiritual feelings. Dr T.P.Chia 
42. It is at least likely that they did in fact fail to keep their ideology to themselves.
43. He, and the leaders of the extremist parties in coalition with him, are motivated primarily by ideology.
44. Fourthly, ideology legitimizes social relations and covers over contradictions in the material relations of social being.
45. For them, too, it is simply ideology and false consciousness.
46. In this sense, the ideology allows for the possibility of an implicit, internalized dialectic.
47. He thus diagnoses a crisis of legal ideology and democratic theory.
48. There was a clear link with past practices of fitting the ideology to the needs of the state rather than its constituent members.
49. Both the bourgeois ideology and the proletarian false consciousness are products of particular social relations present in capitalism.
50. In its triumphant heyday, the Thatcher coalition was held together both by ideology and by interest.
51. Paradoxically(), community councils are an insidious form of planning since they stem indirectly from the dominant ideology.
52. Their purpose is to activate local debate but on terms laid down by the dominant ideology.
53. To last for very long any social system needs to be buttressed by a powerful integrating ideology.
54. Royal Ideology Gregory was not greatly impressed by most of the sons and grandsons of Clovis, but there were exceptions.
55. The agendas of the press and the Republican electorate diverge dramatically during primary season, but not because of ideology.
56. The revolutionary Marxist ideology adopted by the intelligentsia began to merge with the working-class movement.
57. At the congress the party formally abandoned its Marxist-Leninist ideology and endorsed a multiparty democratic system.
58. Art schools have been forced into the commercial ideology of Toryism.
59. Poulantzas' explanation gives a key role to the relation between the capitalist state and capitalist ideology.
60. The issue at stake is the relationship between literature and ideology.
61. The link between ideology and material and social relations is an important feature of the theory of ideology.
62. Science and technology performed within a particular social order reflect the norms and ideology of that order.
63. There are significantly different variations within the ideology of socialism.
64. It describes a possibility, endemic to the social form of ideology, that determination is not total and mechanistic.
65. This is obviously not the case in Britain, where the ideology of the white middle classes dominates.
66. Again, there is a vast discrepancy between the top and bottom that is erased within this ideology of flexibility.
67. But it also reflects a tension within post-Thatcherite ideology between conservatism and neo-liberalism.
68. But this ideology, though revolutionary in content, in fact sustained capitalist relations of production in general and big business in particular.
68. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
69. An ideology is simply the elevation of a particular set of perceptions, assumptions, and analyses to a normative belief system.
70. Many of them had no connection with the Cold War, or with political or religious ideology.
71. It is not surprising that the total reversal of the ideology of the past is having its effect on Soviet pupils.
72. Regional policy recommended closure only on the last criterion but there is a discrepancy between national ideology and local educational policy.
73. As an ideology it thinly veneered our often brutal economic exploitation.
74. That of the Ottos' was, at least in its ideology, universal and feudal.
75. The ideology of merit had elevated the grammar school above technical schools, technical schools above secondary moderns.
76. But panslavism had little practical effect on policy: it was a matter of popular mood rather than of official ideology.
77. The medium is the message because the message, the culture and ideology of consumerism, has engulfed the medium.
78. We have also seen that these collectivities have a considerable pertinence within popular ideology.
79. The problem is that New Historicism refuses or only very reluctantly foregrounds its own historicity and position within an ideology.
80. His theory of public law was also influenced by a particular outlook or political ideology.
81. This ideology relating to gender roles underpins the structure of sociology much as it does the structure of social life.
82. Several factors contributed to the appeal of the new ideology.
83. Or to put it another way, the analysis lacks both a sense of humanism and a theory of ideology.
84. Still, many social conservatives in Colorado Springs are less concerned with party ideology than defeating Clinton.
85. These are key ideas in the dominant ideology of patriarchy which have much wider currency and impact than in penology.
86. But how would this disparate, lateral movement fit into a linear ideology?
87. The ideology of the global market is built on the assumption that every country will earn most of its income from exports.
88. Nation usually speaks louder than ideology; as a result, the generally accepted notions of government and opposition break down.
89. Similarly, the ideology of socialism in its Marxist-Leninist form is quite distinct from its democratic socialist form.
90. These studies concentrated on images of women, a type of criticism which views films as cultural forms imbued with sexist ideology.
91. However, Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system.
92. Ideology pulling hither and thither - sometimes resulting in apparent loss of direction - has not helped.
93. A political ideology, then, should be viewed as an abridgement of a particular tradition.
94. When state department analysts are asked for their opinions, however, pragmatism will probably trump ideology.
95. Belief is a kind of ideology that influences and shapes our thoughts, choices, decisions and actions. Dr T.P.Chia 
96. By comparison, functionalism has often been interpreted as a form of ruling class ideology.
97. The social ideology of the United States and of Great Britain has been built on contract law.
98. It has often been argued that Marxism is largely based on a utopian ideology, functionalism on a ruling ideology.
98. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
99. When ideology is backed up with money and resources, you spend it to carry out that ideology.
100. It was a key element in the dominant ideology of the nineteenth century in all the major capitalist countries.
101. Ideology can be seen as a set of beliefs and values which express the interests of a particular social group.
102. Three points might clarify the different ways in which the term political ideology is used.
103. Secondly, ideology is a social production and those who dominate social production also dominate ideological production.
104. Perhaps only by attacking the dominant ideology can it be transformed since action groups may stimulate a rethinking of the situation.
105. If the arguments are correct, then involving oneself with correctionalism is an act of commitment to pro-capitalist, conservative ideology.
106. Even with stringent controls for partisanship and ideology, multiple regression analyses show that the press had a significant influence on preferences.
107. The term ideology is often used to suggest a distortion, a false picture of reality.
108. In such cases the citizens often dream of reunification, even when their governments and ideology differ fundamentally.
109. They are, in short, a fusion of ideology and aesthetics in a constantly evolving revolutionary synthesis.
110. However, any relatively complete bundle of political beliefs could be termed a political ideology.
111. In this sense ideology is a viewpoint which distorts reality and justifies and legitimates the position of a social group.
112. To a large extent that ideology looked to the Roman past.
113. These forces intersected at that crucial site for modern ideology, the family, which they both helped to build and sustain.
114. Equally it is to be welcomed that two major attempts have been made to address the general nature of Conservative ideology.
115. The ideology of royal power was already widely diffused in Charles's kingdom after centuries of Merovingian rule.
116. Such a general belief system can be termed a political ideology.
117. Underground churches and unorthodox sects are gaining in popularity as Communist ideology loses its appeal.
118. He suggested that each family type is linked to particular ideology.
119. A second major variation within socialist ideology is democratic socialism.
120. They do not fit in readily with any contemporary ideology or with the manifesto of any established political party.
121. Will his ideology make him close the border, or will economic self-interest keep it open, at least for a time?
122. The difference between the two factions touches on basic questions of the National Front's ideology.
123. There is a further problem of distinction inherent in Marx's concept of ideology.
124. Ideology is not the main reason for the division within the political establishment.
125. This latter ideology is in fact one which runs through most of the liberal adult education tradition in Britain.
126. Economics, on this showing, has more practical use as ideology than as prescriptive science.
127. The problem raised by the theory of ideology is the analysis of knowledge as true or false, according to its social determination.
128. This, then is a micro-reductive version of the dominant ideology thesis.
128. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
129. At this point the discussion shifts to the question of ideology in assessing the importance of soil erosion.
130. During his stints as a Red Guard and a soldier, however, Wei became disillusioned with the one-party socialist ideology.
131. But it is hard to see it making much headway against the ideology that now pervades academic institutions.
132. The Left Book Club was serving to publicize Communist ideology.
133. There could be a war or there could be the epidemic spread of a new ideology.
134. It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology.
135. Quebec's resistance to a national agency is provincialist ideology.
136. Not all popular writers were the old fogy of the feudalist society and many of them were influenced by Western ideology and some of them were even revolutionaries.
137. Secondly, it briefly analyzes some major inadequateness of ideology and morality presently existing in the rural youth, which incorporates the two parts of daily lives and public lives.
138. More than anything else, our modern neoliberal ideology contends that competition and a culture of winners and losers assures us all our freedom.
139. Western traditional ideology, the representative of which is christianism , believes that man's death is the death of body, but the soul is immortal.
140. Marcuse's aesthetic ideology has an important place in the history of modern west aesthetics.
141. However, ideology permeates in our social life, language and interactive behaviour, from which we cannot escape.
142. The principle of total management is one of the most important guiding ideology for establishing and operating the OHSMS. The other principles are briefly explained too.
143. Principal-part participation is a behavior with tendentiousness and devotion as well as a guiding ideology of all teaching strategies.
144. Enterprise personnel file is a document which reflects the staff's personal experience, political ideology, professional or technical skill, performance of work, alternation of work and so on.
145. According to Kryshtanovskaya, Putinist Russian doesn't have an ideology as such - beyond what she dubs a "chauvinistic nationalism".
146. To define ideology as"false consciousness"was not an accidental error made by Engels as said by some scholars, but the consistent idea possessed by both Marx and Engels self.
147. To put things in order organizationally requires our first doing so ideologically, our launching a struggle of proletarian ideology against non-proletarian ideology .
148. In him in that broad and profound ideology, economic thought has all in all position.
149. Along with it, the overtop structure, the ideology also inevitably must change.
150. On the one hand, nationality and internationality in cinematic art are contradictory, as films are full of ideology, and the national psychological paradigm of aesthetics is exclusive.
151. The researcher employed the in - depth interview method to explore male experiences under the patriarchal ideology.
152. This paper undertakes an analysis of the three cognitive roles of traditional aesthetics, namely, the roles of episteme, metaphysics, and ideology.
153. As a new ideology and principle, Integrated Ecosystem Management (IEM) is of great significance in theory and practice, in the direction, advance and improvement of legislation on wetlands.
154. It holds that "one paper open-book examination" not only changes the form of exam, but also stimulates the innovation of examination concept and education ideology.
155. On the one hand, the precious ideology of industrial and commercial capital came into being as a sign of the new trend of social development.
156. The logical atomism discussed in this article is the major philosophical ideology of Bertrand Russell after the year of 1899 and of Ludwig Wittgenstein's early stage.
157. The "anti-art" tendency of Adorno and Zhuang Tzu is closely related with their philosophy and their views on social reality and ideology.
158. The first, in respect of ideology, jump out inherent regulation,[] and treat a question from the angle of WTO.
159. Tribal chiefs no longer had the respect they once had – and were easy victims for aggressive young leaders for whom extremist jihadi ideology was a useful way of legitimising brutality and theft.
160. In modern ideology, the academe pays much attention to the rise and spread of "Neo-Obscurantism".
161. This paper discusses the composition of the poem Kubla Khan by the English poet Coleridge, its revision and its meaning, especially its ideology.
162. He thinks the talk is motivated by blinkered ideology, not a rational assessment of natural change.
163. The design ideology, exploring environment, the function flowing of the real time alarm process computer aided system and it' s application in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station are introduced.
164. Fifth, Iranian economic guiding ideology and development mode has been gradually in line with the dynasty after Iran-Iraq war.
165. In this paper, we design an optical space mode converter which is used in light wave band, And it realize a specific mode transformation from the ideology of computer optical element.
166. As the result of the joint function with economy change, desalinate of culture ideology and the rapid development of electronic intermediate, mass culture has sprung up.
167. Macherey regards literature as a productive activity with ideology as its raw material.
168. The origin is the "Hebdomad Reiteration" in ZhouYi and Zen Ideology of Buddhism.
169. In de Man's opinion, language has an ideological function, so allegoric reading way of texts can also be used in ideology, which provides a new perspective for learning the essence of ideology.
170. But in western society, the idea of equal love is always connected with justice, equality, universal love, freedom, law-governing values, and widely permeates the ideology and politics and law system.
171. Moreover, property company itself some jobholder's ideology some lags, does not have the long term plan, to market economy understanding insufficiency.
172. Stephen Spruiell at the NRO noted the absurdity of Krugman's complaint that bloggers might use the same responses to rebut Krugman's repeated statements of the same ideology.
173. The second chapter gives analysis to the guiding ideology of his social activities, including his objection to land privite ownership, single tax theory, social criticism, and free trade.
174. Short term, middle term and longterm development strategy guiding ideology of agricultural resources was discussed. The strategic target and development prospect were analysed.
175. The Eurocentric ideology exists in almost all the commonwealth literary works, in which the East is represented biasedly and the Eastern people are marginalized.
176. Because I have mentioned in the previous chapter that ideology is just a type of function, soul does not exist.
177. After such an idealized process, dandy became the 19th century bourgeois ideology, anti-intellectual image of the most representative.
178. The vital sign in this period seems to transform to aesthetic standard of daily life with restructuring the quality of daily life and the ideology of value as its core.
179. In the side of civil rights, Tan Shitong' s advocation raised the curtain of a fierce competition between bourgeoisie ideology of democratic rights and the monarchism.
180. Discipline faith includes lots of acceptance and bona fides conviction on the knowledge tradition, ideology category, behavior rule, idolization, etc. in a discipline.
181. Finally, it attempts to construct a configuration and arrangement of the PRC's geostrategy in the new century from the perspectives of PRC's economical benefits, sovereignty, and ideology.
182. The reasons for this shift from a fringe ideology that could spark warfare among programmers to an accepted, everyday part of hi-tech life are complex.
183. The purpose of the this doctorial dissertation was to objectively research the ideology and practice about the freedom of press in...
184. Thereupon, for the wise Hakka people, it is no surprise that the Eight Diagrams ideology was used in the design and construction of earth building from the perspective of the security.
185. Automatic Code Generation author's ideology is based on the MDA, but it is targeted toward specific areas, specific model under specific language study.
186. The difference on ideology is no longer a subject matter in international exchange.
187. There are two reasons for it, one is personal psychology of parading his status, the other is social reconcilement function from ideology.
188. "In this day and age you should have a point of view, but not necessarily one that's rooted in knee-jerk ideology," he says.
188. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
189. But to a certain extent, the government can control and handle the media too. They interdepend with each other, and they have the same ideology, values and interests substantially.
190. The creating of a painting, as a kind of action painting combining skills with idea-expressing, has been given a growing amount of realistic ideology.
191. The spirit of communalism, separatism, of belonging to a particular class or ideology, to a religion, does ultimately create conflict and antagonism between human beings.
192. National Socialist ideology and reflects the recognition by the international art arena with the delicate relations between the Chinese avantgarde art.
193. The ethics depend on the state of knowledge it reflects the moral conditions of life and its moral life as a theoretical response to the ideology or methodology.
194. We will not enter into alliance with any big power or bloc of countries, nor will we handle state-to-state relations under the influence of making ideology or social system the criteria.
195. The Chinese ideology of living is not in a city, but to live in the embracement of delicate natural landscape, with deepest mountain views and water flows (Shan Shui).
196. Secondly, the ideology of Sufi clan were influenced by the Buddhism, and they were used prayer beads to cultivate themselves according to the Moslem doctorine.
197. Diplomatic ideology is an important part of Deng's theory and the diplomatic strategies of good-neighbourliness also occupy key position in Deng's theoretical system.
198. The arrogation of ideology illustrates that the neutrality and non-neutrality will inevitably integrated in social sciences.
199. While sexology is the science of sex, by contrast, the ideology of sex is sexosophy, a set of principles and propositions that constitute a moral, religious(), and legal philosophy of sex.
200. In German Ideology, Marx and Engels point out that occasionality unveils the passivism of subject.
201. MAO's thought of remoulding society by morality is the most resplendent part of his early ideology, and reflects his moralism and voluntarism inclination.
202. In the process of understanding, the realization of socialist ideology and understanding of the leap from the utopian socialism into a science.
203. Westerns always use their social model to predict what will happen in China in far east asia. This ideology is already proved to be wrong for many times.
204. If we want to built this credendum , it is necessary for us to believe the democracy is a ideology of "humanistic subject" confirmedly.
205. Jihadist ideology has also been facing what may prove to be bigger threats than those posed by military setbacks or defections.
206. The press campaign personnel are the ideology political works inventor, the practitioner, the disseminator, the pusher.
207. The Confucianists ideology and culture permeate through pattern, prison of building also, one that is to warder choose and ...
208. With an extensive development of the movement of Islamic revivalism, Islamism being an important ideology, has since the 1970s made its way into the Turkish political life.
209. In village H's development, bequeathal collectivistic ideology affects its developing route, and furthermore, village party committee inherits powerful mobilizing abilities and leads the development.
210. The management process control system (MPCS) presented in this paper applies the ideology of workflow to the lower management supporting layer.
211. "Untethered market forces lead to bad things, " said Mr. Bernstein of the Economic Policy Institute. "You simply can't run an economy as complicated as ours on ideology alone."
212. Engels s thought on Marxist theoretical education is of critical characteristic, which reflects on its criticism to capitalism, to ideology and self-criticism.
213. In Chinas modernization drive, the misunderstanding on "Middlebrow" is not beneficial to the understanding and the promotion of the core ideology of Chinas traditional culture.
214. Ideology could not be allowed to obstruct his party's historic duty to hold office.
215. However, on one hand, most of the custom laws is institutionally based on the main ideology of the society and takes the official laws to maintain its own existence.
216. This paper makes efforts to analyze with full and accurate examples how ideology, poetics, value and religion affect Lin Shu and induce his cultural mistranslation .
217. Russia's own national identity has been in flux since the collapse of the USSR, along with its ideology and multi-ethnic empire.
218. But they say they take the group's claim at face value and see it as another example of the "twisted ideology" of the militant Islamic group.
219. So it is necessary for us to perfect the civil protest system in such respects as the guiding ideology,[] procedures of prosecutorial protest and adjudicatory supervision procedure.
220. Stressed the ERP core management ideology of the whole supply chain management.
221. Through self-selection, cooperation, and other types of work practices designed help the students to lead into new learning styles, learn how to learn, give ideology and moral lesson vitalities.
222. The US was driven by Cold War concerns about the spread of communism, particularly "domino theory" ?the idea that if one Asian nation fell to the leftist ideology, others would quickly follow.




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