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单词 Prosecution
1. The prosecution alleges she was driving carelessly.
2. Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.
3. Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.
4. The prosecution is (are) coming into court.
5. The prosecution lawyer cross-examined the defence witness.
6. The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder.
7. He faces possible prosecution.
8. His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case.
9. During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defence.
10. Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.
11. Yesterday the head of government called for the prosecution of those responsible for the deaths.
12. He threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.
13. Walters could face prosecution for his role in the robbery.
14. No one should be immune from prosecution.
15. The store did not follow through with the prosecution.
16. The onus of proof lies with the prosecution.
17. The spies were all granted immunity from prosecution.
18. The police brought a prosecution against the driver involved.
19. All prosecution witnesses were given police protection.
20. He was a witness for the prosecution.
21. The prosecution decided to drop the case.
22. The prosecution alleged that he murdered his wife.
23. The Smiths brought a prosecution against the organizers.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. Doctors guilty of neglect are liable to prosecution.
25. This afternoon the prosecution will call its star witness.
26. Then the prosecution wheeled in a surprise witness.
27. The prosecution accepted a plea of manslaughter.
28. Failureto pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
29. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
30. We intended from the very beginning to bog the prosecution down over who did this.
1. The prosecution alleges she was driving carelessly.
2. Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution.
3. Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.
4. The prosecution is (are) coming into court.
5. The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder.
6. He faces possible prosecution.
7. His testimony was an important element of the Prosecution case.
8. During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defence.
9. Prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.
10. Yesterday the head of government called for the prosecution of those responsible for the deaths.
11. He threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.
12. Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
13. We intended from the very beginning to bog the prosecution down over who did this.
14. Walters could face prosecution for his role in the robbery.
15. The Smiths brought a prosecution against the organizers.
16. The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution.
17. The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon.
18. He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.
19. Unions were granted immunity from prosecution for non - violent acts.
31. The prosecution was forced to drop the case.
32. The burden of proof is on the prosecution.
33. The prosecution was brought under the emergency act.
34. New evidence tipped the balance against the prosecution.
35. The defence accused the prosecution of withholding crucial evidence.
36. They were granted immunity from prosecution.
37. The prosecution provided corroboration for her allegation.
38. Mr Smith acted as counsel for the prosecution.
39. The law effectively grants the company immunity from prosecution.
40. The prosecution wanted more time to prepare their case.
41. The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution.
42. You can't shield this criminal from prosecution.
43. The prosecution has requested that all charges against Hodgkins are dropped.
44. Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.
45. Advertisers pretending to be private individuals will be liable to prosecution.
46. The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheld crucial evidence.
47. There was not enough evidence to bring a prosecution under the criminal law.
48. The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying.
49. His guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution.
50. The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon.
51. The key witness for the prosecution was offered police protection after she received death threats.
52. The prosecution did its best to undermine the credibility of the witness.
53. The onus is on the prosecution to provide proof of guilt.
53. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
54. In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance.
55. According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.
56. He was found not guilty because of holes in the prosecution case.
57. Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.
58. His plea of guilty to manslaughter was not accepted by the prosecution.
59. The prosecution lawyers have been trying to prejudice the jury against her.
60. counsel for the prosecution.
61. He has spent the past three months in Florida, ostensibly for medical treatment, but in actual fact to avoid prosecution for a series of notorious armed robberies.
62. He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.
63. The Government is being accused of double standards in the way it is so tough on law and order yet allows its own MPs to escape prosecution for fraud.
64. The loophole has allowed hundreds of drink-drivers to avoid prosecution.
65. Unions were granted immunity from prosecution for non - violent acts.
66. The district attorney said if McVeigh is given the death penalty and his conviction is upheld on appeal, the state prosecution would become moot.
67. The prosecution stated that intercourse had occurred on several occasions.
68. A famous lawyer has been asked to appear for the prosecution.
69. The burden of proof falls on the prosecution: the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty.
70. He was granted immunity from prosecution because he confessed the names of the other spies.
71. The evidence is not sufficient to bring a prosecution against him.
72. The newspaper claimed public interest immunity when threatened with prosecution for publishing the story .
73. Members of the Bundestag are immune from prosecution for corruption.
74. It is estimated that 60(),000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.
75. The trial collapsed after a key prosecution witness admitted lying.
76. The prosecution tried to cast doubt on her character as a witness.
77. The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the crime.
78. Colonel Pugh, for the prosecution, said that the offences occurred over a six-year period.
79. The prosecution and defense were bandying accusations back and forth.
80. Nobody was prepared to risk prosecution by actually naming names.
81. These scholars went abroad for the prosecution of their studies.
82. The prosecution in this case has no solid evidence .
83. She is basing the prosecution case on the evidence of two witnesses.
83. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
84. Failure to produce proof of identity could result in prosecution.
85. The prosecution alleged that he lured the officer to his death by making an emergency call.
86. The prosecution has / have failed to prove its / their case.
87. A number of the cases have resulted in successful prosecution.
88. The prosecution alleged that the man had been responsible for an act of terrorism.
89. The Supreme Court lifted the company's immunity from criminal prosecution.
90. Her lawyer accused the prosecution of founding its case on insufficient evidence.
91. The case was the first prosecution under Section 3A of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
92. The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists.
93. The prosecution based their case on the evidence of two witnesses.
94. In extreme cases you could even face prosecution.
95. Undertakers who breach these rules risk prosecution.
96. Motorsists seen tail-gating risk prosecution for reckless driving.
97. This leaves criminal prosecution as the only viable option.
98. Both prosecution and defence lawyers gave eloquent closing speeches.
99. After the defense finishes its closing argument, the prosecution will have the opportunity to reply.
100. That would put a lighter burden on the prosecution, and improve the chances of convicting an offender.
101. Since an exchange's rules are a civil contract, the prosecution only needs to meet the civil law standard of proof.
102. The prosecution alleges that Gilfoyle killed her and tried to make it look like suicide.
103. Ron Sykes has been reported to the Crown Prosecution Service who will decide whether to charge him with traffic offences.
104. After the last prosecution witness had given his statement, Kesselring's defence counsel rose to give his opening address.
105. The prosecution is expected to start its closing speech today.
106. Despite holding political appointments, in all matters of criminal prosecution they must act independently of the interests of government.
107. The prosecution decides who to charge and with what offences.
108. The prosecution had claimed that the furniture factory boss resolved to kill his second wife Helen when she walked out on him.
109. The fact that a parent is at risk of criminal prosecution for an offence against the child will not justify exclusion.
110. The large number of court cases in which the complainant dropped the prosecution is an indication that many cases were settled informally.
111. Their preliminary report on this matter has been received and is under consideration by the Crown prosecution service.
112. However, evidence submitted by the prosecution, appearing to support the defence claims, was admitted.
113. The power to stop a prosecution arises only when it is an abuse of the process of the court.
113. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
114. The judges will have to pore over the 22 volumes of evidence already accumulated and hear the 66 witnesses for the prosecution.
115. Without access to specific facts a criminal prosecution may be totally frustrated.
116. I agree that the Crown Prosecution Service can not be bound against their wishes.
117. Matsch will take up other defense challenges to prosecution witnesses next week.
118. There was evidentially speaking a head-on collision between the appellant and the principal prosecution witness.
119. In a series of unprecedented government moves, the state defence council has taken an active role in helping the prosecution.
120. The couple held hands, the hearing officer remembered, and seemed intent on resolving the issue short of a criminal prosecution.
121. Six parliamentary deputies faced criminal prosecution once their parliamentary immunity had been removed.
122. Its work force buckles under the 90, 000-prisoner caseload, as about 150 prosecution investigators struggle with some 600 cases each.
123. Failure to comply with these conditions could result in prosecution.
124. The Crown Prosecution Service decided there was insufficient evidence to secure a conviction.
125. However, there are no reported cases of a criminal prosecution for failure to report a case of child abuse or neglect.
126. The legal rights of children are emphasized, as are the prosecution and punishment of negligent or abusive parents.
127. This is to enable the prosecution to find and charge the other person.
128. Mahmoud was responsible for collecting the evidence, deciding whether there was a case, and then carrying through prosecution.
129. The prosecution alleges that Allitt injected Kayley with air and possibly another substance.
130. For the prosecution case to stand, it will be necessary to prove that Lenny McLean struck the fatal blow.
131. To his right was a heavy curtain behind which prosecution witnesses could be concealed.
132. Manning said Las Vegas police never recommended a prosecution in the hotel beating because Anderson declined to press charges.
133. The prosecution dropped the charges in 1976, announcing that the principal witness was too ill to ever testify.
134. He went further and said that the prosecution bore that burden whenever the issue of prejudice through delay was raised.
135. At Gloucester Prison while on remand awaiting trial the prosecution say Gardiner made threats against White.
136. The prosecution sought to adduce in evidence documents which contained statements made by the defendant in the earlier bankruptcy proceedings.
137. This would only be effective if it were accompanied by changes in policing practice and prosecution policy.
138. They changed the subject by noting their prosecution of some highly publicized cases against the Klan and other white supremacist organizations.
139. The court dismissed the charge against him when the prosecution offered no evidence.
140. Five members of the network pleaded guilty, and agreed to cooperate with the prosecution.
141. In many cases, it will be hard for the prosecution to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is lying.
142. Combs said he did not see a man throwing money at him, an incident that the prosecution says sparked the clash.
143. The prosecution alleges Hammond attacked the girl with his hands, fists(), a ruler and the flex from an electric kettle.
144. The prosecution does not have to show that the weapon of offence was intended to be used during the burglary.
145. Davis later returned and moved her cadaver to the Cloverdale spot, according to the prosecution theory.
146. Sir Joh, however, challenging the prosecution to mount a retrial, insisted that no Queensland jury would ever convict him.
147. Failure to observe that enforcement notice can result in a prosecution in the local magistrates' court.
148. Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
149. The prosecution said the demonstrators had committed a criminal act.
150. One of these is to improve prosecution and conviction rates.
151. But criminal prosecution requires proof beyond reasonable doubt that the person charged committed the offence.
152. The prosecution alleged that on the day of the murder in September 1991 Bartman had been in a bad mood.
153. The defence and prosecution experts starkly disagreed about the forensic findings in relation to the firearm.
154. During the trial, several prosecution witnesses reportedly retracted incriminating statements they had earlier made against the defendants.
155. The prosecution no longer has to establish that the complainant resisted.
156. The prosecution alleges that he stabbed her more than 90 times.
157. The magistrate gave Mr Smith a conditional discharge on each count, but he was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £1800.
158. In the criminal trial, the prosecution did not have the luxury of depositions.
159. Purchasers seeking clearance and other parties submitting information to the regulatory authorities face prosecution if they supply false or misleading information.
160. The shares were then sold and the proceeds used by Maxwell, the prosecution alleged.
161. Then in an appropriate case the public authority may be able to secure the institution of a prosecution for criminal libel.
162. In any trial(), the prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the material is obscene.
163. But Mr Kostunica is suggesting, with characteristic caution, that any such prosecution await reforms of the legal system.
164. But the Crown Prosecution Service has dropped the case after four post mortems failed to establish a cause of death.
165. Once the issue is validly raised, the prosecution has the burden of disproving it beyond reasonable doubt.
166. Neither the prosecution nor the defense team could be reached for comment late Friday regarding the development.
167. Now his firm has been axed from school duties in Swansea and faces prosecution.
168. Now a further prosecution is pending after a local businessman agreed to act as a prosecution witness.
169. The prosecution alleges this links them with the 3 lorry attacks.
170. The prosecution can not prove the case beyond reasonable doubt against either one of them.
171. When there was evidence, the prosecution had no compunction about strengthening it with lies.
172. The prosecution could open a can of worms, since Mr Shalabai who has denied any wrongdoing had connections at every level.
173. So far, not a single person has faced prosecution or disciplinary action over the case.
173. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
174. A large number of works with low effluent quality do not face prosecution.
175. Against ample evidence for the prosecution the accused offered no real defence and were all condemned and sentenced to hang.
176. Lawyers said the prosecution was allowed to present evidence, but that there was no mention of any defence evidence.
177. The President asked for opinions as to the likelihood of criminal prosecution of Poindexter and North.
178. The prosecution alleges Laing killed them both for the sake of stealing a car the family had advertised.
179. Jane Griffin outlines the case for the prosecution and the defence Is cholesterol good or bad for runners?
180. There is also no dispute that du Pont suffers from mental illness, as even the prosecution has acknowledged.
181. Criminal Law is actionable officially by the prosecution of offenders.
182. A Braintree man was cleared of an affray charge yesterday when the prosecution offered no further evidence against him.
183. If it ever comes to a war crimes tribunal for him, our town can provide a few witnesses for the prosecution.
184. The prosecution say Kelly was the second running man, but the police took a calculated risk.
185. During his court-martial, prosecution witnesses testified Sgt.
186. According to the latest news, an Russian prosecution said, the firing order was released by Russian Federal Security Service.
187. The latter camp included George Bush, who denounced it as a "foreign court" where "our troops and officials" would be in danger of malicious prosecution.
188. To improve the situation, plea bargain has become a common practice for the prosecution and defense.
189. Under the doctrine of prosecution disclaimer, a patentee may limit the meaning of a claim term by making a clear and unmistakable disavowal of scope during prosecution.
190. During the stage of investigation and arrest and the stage of investigation and prosecution, the people's procuratorate shall make a decision within the legal time limit.
191. Procuratory powers include the powers of arresting , prosecuting, inspecting and supervising of the prosecution.
192. A learner's permit is a legal document that allows a teenager to terrorize a parent without fear of prosecution.
193. Advocacy and campaign to reduce prosecution of sex workers and further to decriminalize sex work in China.
194. The petit jury listens to the evidence offered by the prosecution and the defense (if it chooses to offer any) during a criminal trial and returns a verdict of guilty or not guilty.
195. Therefore, due measures should be taken in practice to integrate the legitimacy and justifiability of the Deferred Prosecution.




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