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单词 Database
1 We planned to build an online database.
2 We're trying to create our own computerized database.
3 Such a database would be extremely costly to set up.
4 The database is updated monthly.
5 The new database contains 200,000 images.
6 Great trouble is taken to keep our database up-to-date.
7 I discovered some new information in the database.
8 Branch officials can access the central database.
9 The database will be protected by copyright .
10 The system came with a database software package.
11 The names are entered into a database.
12 Your details have been entered in our database.
13 I exited the database and switched off the computer.
14 Somebody hacked into the company's central database.
15 Our database is updated every quarter.
16 The database is updated hourly.
17 The information is stored on a large database.
18 We'll flag the records of interest in the database and then we can give you a print-out.
19 The database is fully hyperlinked both within the database and to thousands of external links.
20 We have an interesting new database program in the pipeline. It should be on sale early next year.
21 I need to import data from the database into my word processor.
22 We're linked to the on-line database at our head office.
23 The program has found an inconsistency in the database files.
24 Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.
25 Tape recordings of conversations are transcribed by typists and entered into the database.
26 They have access to up-to-date information through a computer database.
27 Customers can dial up the central computer from home and access the database.
28 The data entry terminal is connected to an online database while editing is taking place.
29 We received training on a number of spreadsheet and database applications.
30 The images are stored in a digital format within the database.
1 We planned to build an online database.
2 We're trying to create our own computerized database.
3 Such a database would be extremely costly to set up.
4 Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.
5 Tape recordings of conversations are transcribed by typists and entered into the database.
6 They have access to up-to-date information through a computer database.
7 I discovered some new information in the database.
31 The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges.
32 In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database.
33 They now have a database of information to back their hunches about customers' preferences.
34 You have to enter a password to access the database.
35 They maintain a database of hotels that cater for businesswomen.
36 It will be a lot easier when we have the database up and running.
37 Exam candidates are not allowed to use advanced calculators with database capability.
38 This will be a decision of the database administrator.
39 Specific device drivers are required for each relational database.
40 Word processing, spreadsheet and database applications in development.
41 The ambitious touring database proposals have been shelved.
42 The computers are linked to a central database.
43 An online database, the electronic equivalent of Biological Abstracts.
44 Database management systems are currently host-resident on conventional computers.
45 Then there's the mountain of existing database applications.
46 Some database programs, for example, allow use at the most basic level and produce the required results.
47 The use of such systems involves high costs for telecommunications, database royalties and CPU time.
48 The fee covers the costs of processing requests and maintaining the database.
49 The Centre maintains a documentary resources centre and has recently set up a national ethnic minority statistical database.
50 Researchers compared those estimates with the actual waiting times taken from a computerized database.
51 If it is, you have probably tried to create the new database twice,[] after an unsuccessful first attempt.
52 This will contribute to the design of a new database system for the Society from 1994/5.
53 In addition to this attribute database a cartographic database is also being developed.
54 This saves 50% of the work when inputting into a database and allows for less mistakes.
55 Pantox determines levels of 20 antioxidants including Vitamin E and compares them to its database of 4, 000 blood tests.
56 The Centre will develop scenarios on emerging international markets in services, establish a database and produce company cases recording best practice.
57 Suppose now that we wish to search the database for axes similar in shape to some given axe.
58 The Ingres relational database is no longer bundled, but is available as an option.
59 This is supplemented by the department's own financial analyses which it puts on to its own financial online database.
60 It supports a full complement of networking, interface, development and database environments.
61 The company, a maker of database software, said its customers were cancelling orders in fear of recession.
62 This could include word processing, a database, case management and optical character recognition.
63 It says it will extend the mechanism to support other database systems in future.
64 There is improved compatibility with Windows for Workgroups and Microsoft's new FoxPro 2.5 database.
65 Tables of lexicographers and of the group memberships of lexicographers are created and maintained by the database administrator.
66 Software packages commonly used by budget analysts include electronic spreadsheets and database and graphics software.
67 For the west Birmingham project a database of almost 8000 records has been assembled from nearly 200 site investigation reports.
68 This we have used to construct and maintain a database of management job evaluation results.
69 The finished book has been automatically generated and typeset directly from the database of paragraphs and link objects.
70 The research will involve the creation of a computer database of segmental information for 100 of the largest publicly quoted companies.
71 Our commitment to quality and to professionalism will ensure that this prototype database will stand comparison by international standards.
72 These procedures will also make the database available for the more intensive study of local communities.
73 Its key components include a graphical user interface builder, database access, reusable application framework and cross-platform portability(), it says.
74 If you have a computerised database or computerised accounting, search against the name of any potential defendant.
75 The screens are very well laid out which is essential for any database application.
76 Copy Database Working-Set Database Volumes are calculated on the following basis.
77 He has compiled all the disciplinary actions taken by each state and put them into one database.
78 We maintain a computerised database of potential acquirers against which we screen all opportunities that come to our attention.
79 The address book is an odd addition, given that the database is perfectly adequate for fulfilling this need.
80 All this makes the following statements promoting recent seminars on online database systems not only misguided, but silly!
80 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
81 Distributed Relational Database Architecture also makes information access, data modification and application development more manageable, the company claims.
82 The first implementation uses the Ingres relational database, but versions supporting other relational databases will be available in 1993.
83 President Clinton promptly announced a law to crack down on juvenile criminals and a new computer database to track gang activity.
84 L.P.E has many database functions for storing commonly used addresses and can automatically print a return address on each envelope if required.
85 The structural database has been interfaced with commercially available software and used to generate cleavage-transection maps.
86 Application of these methods to a large database consisting of career histories of employees working in the public sector.
87 It will also become a national database for information related to kidneys.
88 The analysts will have to adhere to the cultural norms of the organisation in order to be successful with their database project.
89 In the case of referral to a dietitian or chiropodist the database dispatches brief details to the relevant department.
90 Your new database program, for example, may not be able to directly read the format of your old database files.
91 This is an excellent database of medical knowledge that should be an asset to any household or office.
92 It is a huge, detailed, online database of construction products.
93 This followed investment in a national database two years ago.
94 The database contains failure history information and the graphics interface allows circuit diagrams and drawings to be displayed.
95 It works by checking the configuration of programs against a database showing the proper setup.
96 It isn't as though database applications aren't suited to the Windows environment.
97 Instances of religious content were entered into a computerized database and categorized.
98 Some 7 million catalogue records of their stock are available, as a potential national database.
99 The past two decades of database development have been rather boring.
100 Compatibility between components was ensured by using a structurally uniform global database, the blackboard.
101 A new geochemical relational database has been designed, based on entity relationship modelling and a full data analysis.
102 Any decisions must balance the needs and abilities of users with the type and quality of information to held in the database.
103 In addition, it maintains its own computerised database made up of literature summaries of potential interest.
104 How, then, will digital multimedia influence archiving and other database applications?
105 Your new addresses and details have been entered into our database and the process of analysing your reunion needs has begun.
106 The indexing language was added to during the construction of the database as more aspects were suggested by the materials.
107 SuperNova 3.1 includes new database interfaces and Unix System Labs' Tuxedo transaction processing monitor.
108 The former Hazardous Waste Inspectorate operated a large database on all sites, with details of permitted wastes, including allowable quantities.
109 The database of approximately 180 references include audiovisual and print materials held in the school library.
110 O2 is an object-oriented database that has yet to make its mark as a commercial success.
111 The Archive guarantees a secure database by a continuing programme of rigorous checks on the database's physical integrity.
112 DataCom relational database and Telon,[] its own application development environment.
113 All ledgers are kept on one database, and are automatically updated when new information is added.
114 The project is also incorporating existing machine-readable data files, relating to the nineteenth century, into its relational database.
115 Database development and a news archiving feature which may well appear as a separate product are also in the pipeline.
116 Patti noted that some of the information was incorrectly entered into the database, but that Abele later corrected the listing.
117 When analysed at this more fundamental level, the database will also give clear guidelines about overall corporate image.
118 Figure 9.2 shows what a very small part of a large database of axe shapes might look like.
119 Application hosting services that make business-focused software and database applications available to customers via the Internet.
120 The company has had to go back to its pre-poll tax database, known as the Historic Voters Roll.
121 It provides a set of user-accessible threads to accelerate input-output and concurrency, particularly for database applications.
122 The library's database can be accessed via workstations in the reference room.
123 In some circumstances the database administrator will be the project leader.
124 Of course, this batch file can be set in motion from within the database, if required.
125 As well as simplifying the relations, normalisation also reduces anomalies which may otherwise occur when manipulating the relations in a relational database.
126 Temporary failure of the database server.
127 Shows the file name of the database to attach.
128 It fetch up the shortage of ordinary information managements such as blueprints and common relational database.
129 We propose an effective algorithm for automatic key segment extraction based on the analysis of positive and negative samples of key segment extracted manually from a training database.
130 This is because virtual database abstraction in Slice follows a composite design pattern.
131 End-to-end performance is improved as there are no copies of the data made between the database (or other XML data source) and the middle tier.
132 I assembled an RDF representation such as that in Listing 2 from all the synsets in WordNet and performed a similar monolithic query of the resulting database.
133 The server sets these variables whenever the default database changes.
134 Jiangxi Hydrologic Database System (JHDBS) is a large hydrologic information management system using VAX-11 information management system software and host language FORTRAN.
135 You don't have any JPA entities yet, so you will generate entities from an existing database.
136 We try to prevent the blind trust among the distributed database sites by trust evaluation mechanism.
137 The second type of database configuration scoping is the application-scoped data source.
138 Attached is a built application, decompile it and develop its database.
139 On the basis of theoretic research, a collision solution support tool is developed based on relation database, and the tool can help solving collision in the distributed cooperation design course.
140 The OUT parameter returns the row number just inserted into the database.
140 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
141 Amazon RDS offloads from the customer's staff a number of routine MySQL maintenance operation tasks. It begins with hands-off database computing resources scalability, and performance monitoring.
142 In this paper, three approaches for Database access and their implementations are discussed based on ADO (Active Data Objects).
143 A database design and a sample set of member and order data and has also been provided.
144 Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma.
145 However, the motion graph method has its inherent fault which the efficiency and functional of generated movements subject to its original motion capture database.
146 The paper here presents a new approach of database publishing, which introduces the concept of the agent into the publishing system to automatize the process without any programming.
147 DB2 10 also includes a number of new database design capabilities, such as inline large objects (LOBs), hash access, and RELEASE(DEALLOCATE), that can improve performance and cut CPU usage.
148 It is better to consider the performance features of database design as soon as the user interface and the processing logic have been specified.
149 The Fault Analyzer task searches the database configured for Fault Report documents and determines whether or not the stack matches a crash that has already been seen by a user or server.
150 The goal of this project is to develop a modular SQL engine (JDBC driver) that can be grafted onto any raw database (such as a large flat ASCII file) through a database module API.
151 Many database query languages would fall under fourth - generation heading.
152 Oracle allows the middle tier to set up a number of lightweight user sessions within a single database connection, each of which uniquely identifies a connected user.
153 It is animportant task for system administrator to manage the Oracle database.
154 Sources: United Nations FAO Database; United Nations " Monthly Bulletin of Statistics " February 2001.
155 Make sure Chinese mire wetland metadata expresses form, create the metadatabase of the mire wetland spatial database.
156 All of the ultra - tricky details of transactions are handled by the underlying database.
157 The service application list could not be synchronized with the instance's application list in the database. The instance database may be unavailable.
158 Key techniques of database in knowledge based Engineering (KBE) is given. In this example, LIBRARY module of large CAD/CAM/CAE software CATIA is used as secondary development platform.
159 Since the connection is made using a standard interface (JDBC in this case), applications do not need to worry about database implementation.
160 XA-enabled databases supply a structure called the XA switch (xa_switch_t), through which an XA transaction manager accesses the various XA functions supported by that database.
161 In a three-tier system consisting of the Web tier, application tier, and database tier, the statefulness or statelessness can be a feature of each tier.
162 The purpose of a good database logical design is to eliminate data redundancy and insertion, deletion and update anomalies.
163 Sources: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ); Millennium Indicators Database.
164 Website and database will be published to your hosting provider or the provider from the host library's Web site select the building is compatible with your host provider.
165 Any decent database management system can keep its data in memory buffers called bufferpools to avoid physical I/O.
166 The database manager configuration parameter rqrioblk controls the size of the communication buffer between the federated system and the data sources.
167 Then, HSM domain ontology was described and expressed by Backus-Naur form (BNF) formulations, and was stored in relationship database.
168 The setup between IDS and any other type of database would follow the same basic procedure.
169 And the second, application program develop of foreground. The whole design require for a functional program with a complete database.
170 Methods: Electronic medication record management system based on hospital information system was developed and Oracle database.
170 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
171 This paper analyzes the characteristics of Retrospective Conversion Bibliographic Database (RCBD) in Library and introduces the WBS's definition, composition and method to be created.
172 Please provide permission to overwrite the content of that database.
173 In the Set Quotas dialog box, select the "Set database quota to" option and enter the quota value.
174 At the same time, the software deals with the real-time data by the means of memory database and uses the thread security class to maintain the data's integrity.
175 And then it has introduces the design of database in detail, and drawn entity relationship diagram.
176 Select Derby embedded from the Database Type pull-down menu, and click Next.
177 This technique works fine if you have a single database maintenance activity within the logical unit of work (LUW).
178 Principle and Realization of Web Database of Library and Information Science.
179 Using a viral database, the research team looked for parts of the Ebola and Marburg virus genes that resemble other viruses known to suppress the immune system.
180 The attribute weight and weighted support of default regular are defined by using the conditional entropy and a mining algorithm of default regulars are given for inconsistent database.
181 And thensolved key questions such as work flow design, heterogeneous database combination, network security etc.
182 Our vision is to manager 3D spatial objects by relational database management system and to manipulate the 0-dimensional object, 1 -dimensional, 2-dimensional, and 3 -dimensional in unifiable manner.
183 Furthermore, the concept design and logical design of the system's database are accomplished according to the E-R based model, and the results are given.
184 In this paper , a mine modeling technique based on mining feature database is put forward.
185 Additionally, statelessness can be difficult to achieve and can lead to multiple round trips to the database for information that is normally stored within the context of the session.
186 DB2 V9.5 removes this restriction and allows a user to create the database with an XML column in any code set.
187 By following this practice, you can control which teams or developers can add, modify, or delete code in the different sections of the database.
188 If you leave the Event condition for event type statement field empty, the DB2 statement event monitor is started for the whole monitored database.
189 This course teaches data collection and analysis in English. The students are expected to be familiar with accesses to database and basic methods of data analysis.
190 Pagination display of database query is realized by ADO accessing background database.
191 These tools better equip them to meet the needs of law enforcement and provide results that enhance their database and casework analysis while speeding up the overall process.
192 Once SQLProperties is prepared, we need to create an instance of XMLToSQL, which is used to insert, update, or delete rows in a database table using an XML document.




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