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单词 remains
释义 Word family  noun the remainder remainder remains adjective remaining verb remain  Related topics: Deathre·mains /rɪˈmeɪnz/ ●●○ W3 noun [plural]  1  REMAIN/BE LEFTthe parts of something that are left after the rest has been destroyed or has disappeared 剩余部分;遗迹remains of On the table were the remains of the evening meal. 桌子上是晚餐的剩菜。 extensive Roman remains (=of ancient buildings) at Arles 阿尔勒的一大片古罗马遗迹2  MXBODYthe body of someone who has died 遗体 Her remains are buried in Westminster. 她的遗体葬在威斯敏斯特。Examples from the Corpusremains• These rocks contain the fossilised remains of extinct animals.• A plastic bag containing some of his remains was found two weeks later at Reigate.• This facial reconstruction is used by police when they're trying to identify human remains.• They also direct preparation and shipment of remains for out-of-State burial.• The architect's remains are interred in St Paul's cathedral.• A special chapel was built to house Spencer's remains.• In shallow marine sediments from anywhere on the present Earth one might expect to find the skeletal remains and teeth of sharks.• They found the remains of a young woman under the floor boards.• Before me were the remains of an impromptu wedding·mains nounChineseSyllable  left rest of the something Corpus parts that the are after




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