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单词 Dickensian
释义  Dic·ken·si·an /dɪˈkenziən/ adjective  POOROLD-FASHIONEDDickensian buildings, living conditions etc are poor, dirty, and unpleasant 像狄更斯笔下的〔指建筑物、生活条件等脏乱差〕 a single mother living in a Dickensian block of flats 住在狄更斯小说中那种肮脏公寓楼里的单身母亲Examples from the CorpusDickensian• The working conditions in the factory were positively Dickensian.• They had a Dickensian air with enormous dormitories and little privacy.• They were living in a Dickensian apartment block without proper heating or running water.• A Dickensian Christmas; a setting sun; a dainty damsel.• In Dickensian days Fagin had his thieves' kitchen in London, where he taught youngsters to pick pockets.• And for no better reason than this Dickensian Government will not provide the cash.• He describes his childhood as Dickensian in its poverty and hardship.• Despite her bleak background and threadbare, Dickensian sartorial habits, she certainly transmits an aura of elegance and gentility.• Seeking vengeance, he employs two Dickensian thugs, with startling and bleakly hilarious results.• In his coat, Winchell looks like a Dickensian undertaker; he embarrasses me.• The Dickensian workhouse mentality still exists, but you don't need to subscribe to it.Dic·ken·si·an adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc buildings, conditions Dickensian living are Corpus poor,




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