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单词 Faintly
1. The place felt faintly familiar to me.
2. She found the whole concept faintly absurd.
3. The moon glimmered faintly through the mists.
4. From the slope below, the wild goats bleated faintly.
5. The smell of lavender lingered faintly in the room.
6. A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else.
7. The sun shone faintly through the clouds.
8. Calypso music played faintly in the distance.
9. One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon.
10. He smelled faintly of sweat.
11. The tea tasted faintly of chrysanthemum.
12. The water was shining faintly in the moonlight.
13. She looked faintly surprised at my remark.
14. The fish tasted faintly of garlic.
15. He seemed faintly bored by the whole process.
16. She could see the house faintly through the gloom.
17. The teacher took faintly against the student.
18. His voice grew faintly suspicious.
19. John smiled faintly and shook his head.
20. His tone was faintly mocking.
21. The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish.
22. Everyone looked faintly surprised.
23. A beginning beard faintly shadowed his chin and lean cheeks.
24. He is a faintly comical figure who fears being made fun of.
25. She could faintly hear voices as she began to regain consciousness .
26. She looked faintly amused.
27. He looked faintly embarrassed.
28. He gave a faintly malicious smile at her furious expression.
29. One red light came on faintly.
30. He was already asleep in the bed,(/faintly.html) which smelled faintly of mildew.
1. The place felt faintly familiar to me.
2. She found the whole concept faintly absurd.
3. The moon glimmered faintly through the mists.
4. From the slope below, the wild goats bleated faintly.
5. The smell of lavender lingered faintly in the room.
6. A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else.
7. A beginning beard faintly shadowed his chin and lean cheeks.
8. He is a faintly comical figure who fears being made fun of.
9. She looked faintly amused.
31. It glistens, pinky-brown, faintly obscene, on her finger.
32. Jess felt faintly indignant at the remark.
33. She blushed faintly and gazed back.
34. Underneath, faintly, was the stench of sewage.
35. The man nodded, smiling faintly.
36. Her voice was faintly mocking.
37. Jean-Pierre felt faintly disoriented by it.
38. People just look faintly embarrassed at this bad taste.
39. The company was demoralized and faintly musty.
40. In times of war and similar threats we are acutely sensitive of anything that is faintly seditious.
41. His face, faintly freckled, is rigid(sentence dictionary), his eyes fixed on the road.
42. This is partly a humid, faintly Graham Greene-like love story, partly a conundrum about opaque and enigmatic behaviour.
43. The prisoner nodded faintly at the array of somber faces.
44. She had a good idea of what the envelope would contain, and she was already feeling faintly irritated.
45. They don't find it counterintuitive, and faintly disgusting, as I do.
46. Their skin feels like day-after-death skin, cold and hard though still faintly pliant.
47. The girl was now writhing and moaning faintly, barely conscious of what was happening to her.
48. She starts to cough and there's faintly green foam around her mouth.
49. Then he heard, faintly but distinctly, the jingle of a bridle.
50. The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
51. He had very fine, fair hair and pale skin, faintly pitted by smallpox.
52. He gave me a faintly hurt look then, smiled and said, you must leave me some loophole.
53. Faintly bluish spots may develop at the site of a louse bite and persist for several days.
54. She felt faintly ridiculous.
55. My method throughout was to begin faintly, after which I progressed to more definite drawing in a suitable colour or tone.
56. His mouth twitches almost imperceptibly. I dare say that mine, under the cover of my beard, twitches faintly back.
57. An old woman, lying on the pallet nearest me, was naked, as still as wood and looking faintly dehydrated.
58. His expression was calculating, perhaps cruel. Under his gaze, Lucien no longer felt even faintly human.
59. A faintly comical figure, he fears ridicule above all else.
60. The overall effect was grandfatherly-a gentleman of the old school, fusty, faintly absentminded, and deeply courteous.
61. It faintly illuminated the interior wall paintings that surrounded them.
62. With a single look she had made him feel faintly ridiculous.
63. The stars showed the way, but faintly, like lamps along a road for ghosts.
64. The silvered glass was faintly green in places and speckled black where the silver had flaked off the back.
65. The reader begins by being faintly amused at their sheer improbability; but after a time the response turns into pained embarrassment.
66. The flour gives a faintly sweet taste to the crust.
67. The statement, sympathetic but faintly condescending, was suited to an era of comity already long past.
67. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
68. He could faintly smell her sweat, and also the lavender of the garland she wore in her hair.
69. It had a faintly woolly look to it, like a poodle.
70. Her smile had been faintly wicked, as though she had been wondering what might be his reaction.
71. For all his talent, his faintly sinister appearance ruled him out.
72. Franco gave them a look which might have been faintly disapproving.
73. A faintly discolored portrait of John F.. Kennedy hung on the wall above the desk.
74. Her face looked grey(), and her eyes were still faintly bloodshot.
75. She said something I found so odd that my vision of the world faintly changed and my despair lessened.
76. And that part of my mind seemed to whine faintly and go very cold and still.
77. It was not a cry of contest with any game it was a faintly choking cry.
78. He heard the library clock faintly chiming the hour over towards the Butts Estate and sighed a deep and heartfelt sigh.
79. Urban dwellers might find that the bright city lights will wash out the faintly glowing comet tail.
80. On the mainland, the small beaches were faintly visible, the surf like a tiny ruffle of white lace.
81. The block, whatever it was, lay still before her, lipped by the faintly phosphorescent rim of shallow water.
82. The smells lingered faintly to enchant the air even at this time of year, but the mystery of childhood had vanished.
83. The man seated at the next table looked faintly familiar.
84. To say that the men were in good spirits would but faintly express their good humor and hilarity.
85. I dare say that mine, under the cover of my beard, twitches faintly back.
86. I could faintly hear the distant rumble of commuter traffic from my bedroom - a reminder of what I had temporarily escaped.
87. The day was faintly foggy; lights were on on the tall hazy meccano sculptures of oil rigs moored in the Firth.
88. He rolls away from Marjorie, who, now lying on her back, begins to snore faintly.
89. She picked up a barely touched bottle of whisky from the dining-room table, frowning faintly as she studied its label.
90. Nobility could be found anywhere, and Charity allowed herself to feel faintly optimistic about her future as a cocktail waitress.
91. His head was cocked a little to one side, his lips faintly smiling.
92. And with a faintly questioning intonation that fitzAlan would have to be deaf to miss.
93. Stripped to the waist, the contours of their musculature were faintly graven with decades-old surgical scars.
94. He laid upon the table a drawstring purse of soft leather, that chinked faintly as it shifted and settled.
95. Her Uncle lay quite still, eyes closed and breathing so faintly that the bedclothes hardly stirred.
96. Faintly he can smell soup, and taste radishes and wine.
97. Faintly, through the closed window, I could hear the barking of Angus.
98. Of course it was faintly possible that masons unused to waterproofing could nevertheless carry out the architects' detailed instructions effectively.
99. She noticed his collarless shirt was faintly grimy and there was a button missing.
100. Faintly disappointed, she emptied her lungs and resumed the walk which would bring her to the main gate.
101. Still grinning faintly at such unaccustomed fancies, he grasped the iron handle and carefully pushed the gate open.
102. The boy smiled faintly, and then bit hard on his lips and gnawed the smile away.
103. For those who know Portishead, the idea that this modest spot is to be made famous twice is faintly ridiculous.
104. The voice was the same: clear and authoritative, sure of itself, although faintly slurred by alcohol.
105. She was dry-eyed but her expression just faintly betrayed a struggle against the pain of her injury.
106. She looked up, and became aware of the vault of faintly luminous sky over them, and the silence.
107. Her eyes were dark and luminous and her faintly olive skin normally carried a dusting of colour, high on her cheekbones.
108. The bottom was pebbles, the water was sun-warmed; she ducked her head under and came up feeling faintly sick.
109. My parents still live there and my father loves it and shares its faintly ridiculous pride.
110. Echo might add a slightly too-short tie with a faintly prep-school crest to a nylon parka and camouflage trousers.
111. Is not Mao, even now, widely seen as a benign or at least a faintly comic figure?
112. Faintly like the drowned from the bottom of a pool.
113. She leaned back on both elbows, smiling at me faintly down the length of her long, frail legs.
114. It was still very early and the village of Axe was quiet, but morning sounds drifted faintly to her ears.
115. Most censorship decisions appear faintly ridiculous in the light of day.
116. Perversely, Tess adores this faintly sinister patriarch, and hopes to wheedle her way into his affections.
117. She was a dark-haired woman of medium height with a faintly Asiatic cast to her brow and complexion.
118. The leaf, with a faintly serrated edge, has a distinct brownish-green or dark brown midrib.
119. As he had expected, Grigoriev's skin was tinted faintly golden, the result of prolonged use of Longivex.
120. The woman moaned faintly but made no intelligible response.
121. The hole shines with a faintly bright blue light.
122. Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies.
123. She could faintly discern faces, and that was all.
124. The horns of Elfland faintly blowing!
125. Some of the recollections are faintly ironic or gloating.
126. He stroked his beautiful white beard, and smiled faintly.
127. On Exmoor, hedge banks faintly trace the far hill.
128. Especially his whole body there is no a grain of button on snow-white breadth tunic and use a rose just in the collar don't live, fine latch bone faintly discernable stirring fancy.
129. There still faintly beamed from the woman's features theand even the prettiness, of her youth.
130. On one of those ugly nights, which we have faintly hinted at, but forborne to picture forth, the minister started from his chair.
131. Faintly bemused and uneasily open - ended about the whole horrible business ( Charles Michener ).
132. Now that darkness was falling, only their silhouettes were outlined against the faintly glimmering sky.
133. To some, it hasa faintly eugenic air: educated Chinese will often claim that peasantsuzhi is lower than that of people in the cities.
134. Almost immediately , " All aboard, " resounded faintly from the outside, and the train started.
135. Then with his hand trembling faintly he took off the telephone receiver and called a number.
136. I remembered faintly that my first picture was praised by the teacher(), in which there was a lovely and flocky bird.
137. The myelin was harder to see a faintly undulating fringe on the edge of the neurons.
138. And then, she underwent FDG PET scan for restaging, which revealed a faintly hypermetabolic lesion in liver and primary HCC was more favored than metastasis.
139. The feeling seems to be that he is a force of nature, a noble primitive, raw, untarnished and smelling faintly of peat and bog water.
140. Now , it was growing darker and darker, and the reeds and the willows were rustling faintly.
141. Of course, the shapes are cosmic dust clouds faintly visible in dimly reflected starlight.
142. A gong, clashing faintly in the distance, seemed to be in another world.
143. The boys'refrain came faintly up to Wilson like a nursery rhyme.
144. Faintly, I hear the woman saying "Ay, Dios, " again and again, and I catch glimpses of her towering over us as we fight.
145. Howells was, despite his faintly old-maidish quality , the most professional of writers, and the most generously sympathetic of critics.
146. Streep has the basilisk stare; the tilted, faintly predatory posture.
147. I hear faintly the sound of bell and drum , ho , mingling with soft flute and fife.
148. He was a blond, spiritless man, anaemic, and faintly handsome.
149. For, if your wish is even faintly fulfillable, you'll make progress with it.
150. Ventral luminous organ rather large, situated between pelvic bases and connected with black periproct by narrow naked groove; lens faintly visible on photophore.
151. She spoke in a mild sweet voice with a British accent, faintly Germanic in intonation.
152. The air of faintly mocking gallantry with which he habitually treated mother ( Louis Auchincloss ).
153. Her face hung just under his, yielded and worshiping, her swollen lips parted and faintly red.
154. She smiled and faintly dismissive, gesturing to the robe on his arm.
155. We later collaborated on a script for a faintly icky TV show that was going to be shot overseas, and then he sent me a screenplay that was in need of an English version for foreign investment.
156. Mrs Veneering faintly remarks.
157. Synopsis :The murky street, the faintly headlight, a pair of migration's canvas shoe,(/faintly.html) all of them make the night unpeaceful and turbulent.
158. From the hall the clock calling out the quarter hour, then a moment of stillness - time stalling - before, faintly, the clock in her study responded.
159. He was a blond , spiritless man , anemic, and faintly handsome.
160. Men lay down to sleep where they could see the rails gleaming faintly in the starlight.
161. They have a penetrating, faintly garlicky aroma, with an intense flavour.
162. I have never quite got over the fact that I thought, and I'm afraid I still do think, that 'acting' for a man — a really proper man — is sissified and faintly ridiculous.
163. On PDA medium and half-combined PDA medium, hyphae with thick colonies, dense, white, villiform to flocky, grow very well, but aerial hyphae grow faintly and loosely on MEA medium.
164. Her insignificance in the presence of so much magnificence faintly affected her.
165. He enunciated, quietly, but in something like his usual modulated and faintly histrionic tone.
166. Everything was slack , grooved , comfortable , and faintly civilian.
167. Their eyes are heavy - lidded and their lips are pursed in faintly discernible smiles.
168. " Arthur Dimmesdale !'she said, faintly at first; then louder, but hoarsely: " Arthur Dimmesdale! "
169. " Brace up,' said Rhett, and there was a hard , faintly jeering note in his voice.
170. He chose instead a form of diluted Neo - Classicism with faintly absurd, occasionally even Surrealist overtones.
171. We already faintly conscious of the fact that this a smallish island country.
172. A sensuous and faintly exotic scent based on pomegranate found in the Garden of Eden, the exotic Tahitian tiare flower, and rizzi balsam from ancient Egypt.
173. As the terrain became progressively more hilly the engine note began to sound faintly ragged.
174. From the safety of the woods, she had seemed more or less the same as all adult humans, but in person, she assumed a singu-lar tenderness, though she smelled faintly sour, a perfume of milk and yeast.
175. If he orated on the silver screen he would be faintly ridiculous.
176. She had been conscious of something faintly maternal in her efforts to guide and uplift him.
177. Abruzzi still stares at the corner of his cell where a faintly discernable image continues to captivate his attention.
178. "said the family practitioner faintly: bowing at the same time to the Doctor, as much as to say, "Excuse my putting in a word, but this is a valuable connexion."
179. One glance at her, and both Hurstwood and Drouet saw plainly that she also was weak-kneed. She came faintly across the stage, saying.
180. She watched him confidingly and without any fear, faintly wagging her tail.
181. The hymn followed him faintly as he crossed the fields.
182. His skin was brown and faintly glistening from the summer.




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