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单词 Have difficulty
1. The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.
2. Women who do not ovulate regularly have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
3. If you have difficulty sleeping at night, avoid taking catnaps during the day.
4. Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves.
5. People with asthma have difficulty in breathing.
6. Young children have difficulty grasping the finality of death.
7. I sometimes have difficulty distinguishing Spanish from Portuguese.
8. Young children often have difficulty expressing themselves.
9. Older women often have difficulty conceiving.
10. I have difficulty dealing with the abstract - let's discuss particular cases.
11. The patient was perceived to have difficulty in standing and walking.
12. Many men still have difficulty accepting a woman as a business partner.
13. If you have difficulty sitting like this[/have difficulty.html], prop up your back against a wall.
14. Less profitable business operations will have difficulty in finding financial support.
15. You may have difficulty with this book at first, but you'll find it easier as you go along.
16. Many people have difficulty in rebuilding their lives when they come out of prison.
17. Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.
18. Work-inhibited children often have difficulty engaging in competitive play.
19. Some have difficulty in writing and spelling.
20. McCarthy might well have difficulty raising the money.
21. Such pupils may also have difficulty with writing.
22. Does she have difficulty carrying out complex motor patterns?
23. Youngsters may have difficulty applying the paint because of its thin consistency.
24. I have difficulty in accepting that submission without some qualification.
25. Even outstanding teachers have difficulty getting these students to engage in the work of school.
26. Grandparents have difficulty paying for medical care for the children because insurance policies often require legal guardianship.
27. These were necessary because most special education students have difficulty in concentrating and have generally limited attention spans.
28. The demand for such babies is so high that some adoption agencies have difficulty meeting even a fraction of it.
29. The union had judged that if our raft was tied up inside the harbour the local fishing boats would have difficulty manoeuvring.
30. In addition to helping children use ideas, parents sometimes have difficulty fostering self-observation.
1. The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing.
2. If you have difficulty sleeping at night, avoid taking catnaps during the day.
31. I have difficulty believing that the former is remotely possible.
32. With a less than honorable discharge, Smith may have difficulty obtaining employment.
33. I asked a young friend to read to me because I have difficulty in reading.
34. The YCs often have difficulty in persuading their members to agree to perform administrative offices.
35. People on commissions or working for themselves often have difficulty maintaining monthly payments.
36. I have difficulty believing we can climb it in relative safety without ropes and gear.
36. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
37. A space in which you can do some simple exercises may also be useful if you have difficulty getting exercise out-of-doors.
38. Hungry children are four times as likely to suffer from fatigue and to have difficulty concentrating.
39. For example, communes have difficulty in coping with adolescent children.
40. If an order was cancelled we would have difficulty finding another buyer. So it seems fair not to return the deposit.
41. In addition, local authorities may have difficulty in knowing which old people need help and of getting help to them in time.
42. A casual observer on Van Ness the other day saw even younger adults have difficulty.
43. On this early evidence, Durham will have difficulty in bowling out other counties and success will devolve on fourth-innings run chases.
44. Thus, although these pupils generally have difficulty with reading, this does not mean that written tests should be ruled out.
45. They have difficulty in feeling or expressing their own emotions and in making successful relationships.
46. So the vicious cycle continues: we create daughters who have difficulty articulating their own needs and perceptions.
47. Rather, a spoiled child is the product of parents who have difficulty saying no and meaning it.
48. And however well endowed he was with these qualities, he might still have difficulty on some points.
49. Doctors say the children have difficulty bonding because they have never formed an attachment to one caregiver.
50. He seems to have difficulty relating to others and expressing his feelings.
51. Sometimes children who are very rigid also have difficulty using emotional ideas.
52. If you do have difficulty you can always contact the local Family Health Service Authority.
53. Nurses frequently have difficulty in conveying the exact meaning of messages to patients and relatives.
54. The first step is to collect solid data that define which students have difficulty completing school assignments.
55. Whatever the cause, attention-deficit children have difficulty concentrating or sitting still.
56. Not all teachers today use a single standard textbook as their staple material and many schools have difficulty affording class sets.
57. Our results suggest that the second is true: women with high waist-hip ratio have difficulty in becoming pregnant.
58. But the crown prince is 71 himself, and, having only half-brothers within the royal family, may have difficulty ruling.
59. Indeed, we ourselves often have difficulty in finding new examples for our corpus, unless we are specifically looking for them.
60. Many children have difficulty adjusting to a full day away from home.
61. The market will have difficulty in mopping this all up.
62. We have difficulty making even the most obvious connections between human activities and their environmental consequences.
63. The activity was sustained for quite a long time by pupils who, according to their label, have difficulty sustaining anything.
64. If an order was cancelled we would have difficulty finding another buyer.
65. If the target time is protracted the operative may have difficulty in pacing and measuring output, and lose enthusiasm.
66. Without flexible models they have difficulty communicating, particularly with those not trained to work with the models.
66. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
67. What happens if I have difficulty in continuing to make payments?
68. If you have difficulty locating a particular book, please ask one of the librarians for assistance.
69. It is a mistake to think that only people with hearing loss have difficulty in hearing at meetings.
70. As she gets older; she may have difficulty comprehending abstract concepts that are communicated through what she hears.
71. When we deal with constituents at our surgeries we have difficulty understanding the complexities.
72. Even so they may also have difficulty in covering the full range of literature suggested, though not in understanding or enjoying it.
73. Many beginners have difficulty in bending the knee, and I don't mean to their art tutor!
74. The other approach has been to argue that rats have difficulty with passive avoidance because they can not remember recent events.
75. These children may be passive and have difficulty taking charge of their social life.
76. In addition, he says, a number of self-employed people and staff on contract work also have difficulty in getting credit.
77. Those companies that do rely on large numbers of assembly-line workers are beginning to have difficulty finding them.
78. Species and biological communities have difficulty adapting to change.
79. One may have difficulty understanding the text when he doesn't have or can not activate the proper schemata in his semantic memory.
80. Glare, halos and double vision. After surgery you may have difficulty seeing at night.
81. Meanwhile, others may have fairly normal language skills but may have difficulty maintaining a conversation.
82. Users who have difficulty using a mouse or other pointing device can navigate and use the desktop from the keyboard.
83. He often hel me with maths when I have difficulty in it.
84. RSA cryptosystem, a public-key cryptosystem that being used widely today, seems to have difficulty to meet the user's need of higher security.
85. Patients with epilepsy or bipolar disorder can have difficulty swallowing tablets.
86. Deaf and hearing-impaired customers either cannot hear, or have difficulty hearing, auditory alerts and multimedia presentations.
87. A child will have difficulty focusing his or her attention, if the proprioceptive system is not fully formed or integrated yet.
88. If you have difficulty balancing, exercise within reach of a grab bar or rail.
89. They also have difficulty with stairs and descend feet-first. However, researchers also report seeing quadrupeds 'running', moving agilely over rough terrain and travelling long distances.
90. Consumers have difficulty in distinguishing so many forged goods with copycat packaging in the market.
91. Some products have difficulty importing the multifile format, although support is improving.
92. I get phlegm in my throat and have difficulty in breath ing.
93. Visitors have difficulty in finding hotel accommodation during the summer.
94. There is evidence that certain persons may have difficulty metabolizing BHA and BHT, resulting in health and behavior changes.
95. These are maximums because the clustered environment may have difficulty outperforming the single application, due to backend resource limitations.
96. Do your families jointly own the right of property inheritance and you all have difficulty in reaching an agreement to develop, manage and dispose real estate properties?
97. You will have difficulty ( in ) finding a good lodging house in the city.
98. You will have difficulty listening to the Crab's nagging and negativity.
99. Teams that do not have a requirements change control process must field change requests from all quarters and often have difficulty saying "no."
100. Do you have difficulty breathing? Do you feel short - winded?
101. Some art historians have difficulty fitting Edgar Degas into a more narrowly conceived definition of Impressionism.
102. This is where teams have difficulty in self-organizing – because conflict is always incipient and can break out at a moment's notice[sentence dictionary], leading to chaos and failure.
103. Conventional optimization techniques have difficulty in dealing with complex constraints and often result in dimension disaster.
104. Blinder understands the benefits of free trade but worries that the new wave of offshoring is so big and fast that Western societies will have difficulty adjusting.




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