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单词 reconcile
释义  rec·on·cile /ˈrekənsaɪl/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive]UNITE if you reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts, you find a way in which they can both be true or acceptable 使和谐一致;调和;协调 The possibility remains that the two theories may be reconciled. 这两种理论仍是有可能协调的。reconcile something with something Bevan tried to reconcile British socialism with a wider international vision. 比万试图用更广阔的国际视野来协调英国的社会主义。2  be reconciled (with somebody) ARGUEto have a good relationship again with someone after you have quarrelled with them (与某人)和解,(与某人)和好 Jonah and his youngest son were, on the surface at least, reconciled. 乔纳和他小儿子和好了,至少表面上如此。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that two people make up rather than saying that they are reconciled: 在日常英语中,表示两人和好一般说 make up,而不说 be reconciledThey had a fight, but they seem to have made up now. 他们吵过一架,不过现在似乎和好了。3 reconcile somebody to something phrasal verb ACCEPTto make someone able to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation 使接受〔困难或不愉快的情况〕 He tried to reconcile his father to the idea of the wedding. 他试图让父亲接受他对婚礼的打算。reconcile yourself to something Henry had more or less reconciled himself to Don’s death. 亨利差不多已经接受了唐的死亡。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreconcile• How is the position to be reconciled?• They dance the next dance together, reconciled again.• Senate and House members are trying to reconcile different versions of the transportation bill.• Demeter, however, refuses to reconcile Herself.• Within our immediate group we can learn to reconcile personal and group differences to the point of rejecting personal values and beliefs.• The most powerful culture is that which reconciles the goals of the individual with those of the collective.• Many people have a hard time reconciling the wedding of their dreams with realistic costs.• He's quite reconciled to it all.• Yet this wave of social legislation could not easily be reconciled with the tenets of classical liberalism.reconcile something with something• How do people reconcile a belief in God with the suffering of innocent people?From Longman Business Dictionaryreconcilerec‧on‧cile /ˈrekənsaɪl/ verb [transitive]ACCOUNTING to make two accounts or statements agree or add up to the same totalThis hurried attempt to reconcile the books was a mistake.→ See Verb tableOrigin reconcile (1300-1400) French réconcilier, from Latin conciliare; → CONCILIATErec·on·cile verb →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  two reconcile situations, or you if ideas, Corpus facts, Business




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