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单词 impotent
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityim·po·tent /ˈɪmpətənt/ adjective  1  CAN'Tunable to take effective action because you do not have enough power, strength, or control 无影响力的,无能为力的 Emergency services seem impotent in the face of such a disaster. 面对这种灾难,应急服务机构似乎无能为力。 impotent rage 于事无补的狂怒2. MIa man who is impotent is unable to have sex because he cannot get an erection 〔男子〕性无能的,阳痿的 —impotently adverb —impotence noun [uncountable] political impotence 政治上的无能为力Examples from the Corpusimpotent• A society, apparently working well, can stand impotent before its most domestic and external threats and important opportunities.• Herta sometimes looks as though she could do with the odd impotent interlude.• A female caged with an impotent male produced clutches at roughly one month intervals.• At one time such excluded or impotent minorities tended to be religious.• Clearly, not all legislatures are impotent or dying institutions.• The U.S. seems impotent to influence events in the region.• At this point, economic incentives and bureaucratic rules alone are impotent to make him a useful·po·tent adjectiveChineseSyllable  take unable because to do you action effective Corpus




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