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单词 beg
释义  Related topics: Petsbeg /beɡ/ ●●○ verb (begged, begging)  1  ask 请求 [intransitive, transitive] to ask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very much 乞求,恳求,哀求 She begged and pleaded with them until they finally agreed. 她一再恳求,后来他们终于同意了。 She fought back the sudden urge to run to him and beg his forgiveness. 她突然很想冲上去请求他原谅,但是她忍住了。beg to do something The children begged to come with us. 孩子们央求着要和我们一起来。beg somebody to do something I begged Helen to stay, but she wouldn’t listen. 我恳求海伦留下来,可她就是不听。beg (somebody) for something She ran to the nearest house and begged for help. 她跑到最近的一户人家那里恳求帮助。 We could hear the prisoners begging for mercy. 我们听到囚犯在恳求宽恕。I beg of you formal (=please) 求求你 Listen, I beg of you. 听我说,我求你了。beg leave to do something formal (=ask permission to do something) 请求获准做某事► see thesaurus at ask2  money/food 钱/食物 [intransitive, transitive]ASK FOR something/ASK somebody TO DO something to ask people to give you food, money etc, usually because you are very poor 行乞;乞讨beg (something) from somebody a ragged child begging from passing shoppers 向过路的购物者行乞的衣衫褴褛的孩子beg for The old man went from door to door begging for food. 那老人挨家挨户地讨饭。 a begging letter (=a letter asking for money) 〔讨钱的〕求助信3. animal 动物 [intransitive]DHP if a dog begs, it sits up with its front legs off the ground 〔狗〕用后腿站立,举起前腿4  I beg your pardon spoken a) REPEATused to ask someone to repeat what they have just said 你说什么,请再说一遍 ‘The meeting’s on Wednesday.’ ‘I beg your pardon?’ ‘I said the meeting’s on Wednesday.’ “会议星期三开。”“你说什么?”“我说会议星期三开。” b) SORRY/APOLOGIZEused to say sorry when you have made a mistake, or said something wrong or embarrassing 请原谅,对不起 Oh, I beg your pardon. I thought you said 15 pence, not 50. 噢,对不起,我以为你说的是15便士,不是50便士呢。 c) DISAGREEused to show that you strongly disagree with something that someone has said, or think it is unacceptable 你说什么〔表示强烈反对某人说的话,或认为其让人无法接受〕 ‘Chicago’s an awful place.’ ‘I beg your pardon, that’s where I’m from!’ “芝加哥是个很糟糕的地方。”“你说什么,我就是芝加哥人!”5  I beg to differ spoken formalDISAGREE used to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said 恕我不敢苟同 I must beg to differ on this point. 在这点上,恕我不敢苟同。6  beg the question a) to make you want to ask a question that has not yet been answered 引出问题beg the question of This proposal begs the question of who is going to pay for the new building. 这个提议让人不禁要问: 谁来出资兴建新的大楼? b) to treat an idea as though it were true or had been proved, when this may not be the case 想当然地认为7  be going begging British English spokenAVAILABLE if something is going begging, it is available for anyone who wants it 可以取用;没人要 There’s a beer going begging, if anyone’s interested. 如果谁想要啤酒,这里有一瓶可以拿去。8  beg, borrow, or stealborrow, or steal beg to do whatever you must in order to get what you want – often used humorously 去讨去借去偷〔常为幽默用法,表示为了得到某物什么都肯做〕 She’d beg, borrow, or steal the money for those shoes. 她哪怕是去讨去借去偷也要弄到钱买那双鞋子。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbeg• All right, all right, I'll come! Just stop begging.• Things got so bad that at one point she thought she'd have to go out and beg.• Benji, stop begging.• Chad was begging and pleading.• He begged for a letter by return.• He might as well have gotten down on his hands and knees and begged for it.• The prisoner was in so much pain all he could do was scream and beg for mercy.• Just a few years ago, Tanya was homeless and begging for money in front of the supermarket.• Sad looking men of all ages beg from tourists at the corner of the square.• It's the same old story - one night he beats her up, and the next day he begs her for forgiveness.• We all begged him not to drive in the storm, but he wouldn't listen to us.• Beppe overhears her plans and when he confronts her, she begs him not to tell Roy.• He said he wouldn't give me the money unless I got down on my knees and begged him.• He says that the police were right behind them - he begged his brother to stop.• He begged his parents for lessons and began piano studies at age five.• Children were begging in the streets.• Such measures, of course, beg the question in many ways.• The plan begs the question of whether the development is actually needed.beg ... forgiveness• At the end of the play, Derikson receives a letter from Frederica, whom he had thought dead, begging forgiveness.• I was too proud to follow him and beg forgiveness.• If the evil characters are not punished per se they admit their guilt and often beg forgiveness.• Then he humbly begged her forgiveness.• Could Woodhead admit the affair, beg forgiveness and keep his job?• The courage to leave her and beg public forgiveness for his desertion of his cause and his friends.• C., to beg forgiveness for the way black men had mistreated their women and neglected their families.begging letter• She has hundreds of begging letters.• There were begging letters, midnight telephone calls.Origin beg (1200-1300) Probably from Old English bedecianbeg verbChinese  anxious to for something an in ask Corpus




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