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单词 throat
释义  Related topics: Humanthroat /θrəʊt $ θroʊt/ ●●● S3 W3 noun [countable]  1  HBHthe passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes that go down to your lungs and stomach 喉咙,咽喉 The singer complained of a sore throat after Wednesday’s show. 星期三演出后,这位歌手说喉咙痛。 →4  See picture of 见图 HUMAN 1 →5 see picture at 见图 human12  HBHthe front of your neck 喉部,颈前部 She fingered the pearls at her throat. 她用手指拨弄脖子上的珍珠。3. clear your throat HBHto make a noise in your throat, especially before you speak, or in order to get someone’s attention 〔尤指说话前或为引人注意而〕清清嗓子4. force/ram/shove something down somebody’s throat informalFORCE somebody TO DO something to force someone to accept or listen to your ideas and opinions 强迫某人接受自己的意见5. be at each other’s throats ARGUEif two people are at each other’s throats, they are fighting or arguing 互相打斗;激烈争吵6. cut your own throat HARM/BE BAD FORto behave in a way that is certain to harm you, especially because you are proud or angry 〔尤指因骄傲或发怒而〕自己害自己,自寻死路 → a lump in/to somebody’s throat at lump1(4), → have a frog in your throat at frog(2), → jump down somebody’s throat at jump1(13), → stick in somebody’s throat at stick1(12)Examples from the Corpusthroat• Miriam cowered in terror, her hand up to her throat.• She held it with one hand while the other went to her throat, as Nellie's face appeared at the door.• He became vast and covered me, covered my face, his hideous throat working.• Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks about the occasion.• I opened my mouth and felt the scalds on the mucous membrane inside my throat.• The attacker grabbed Siegel by the throat and refused to let go.• The sedative effects of alcohol cause the throat muscle to relax too much and also interfere with the involuntary awakening mechanisms.• Their throats had been punctured and their blood drained.• Does your throat hurt?sore throat• You may also have a dry irritating cough, a sore throat and a runny, itchy nose.• He swallowed, checking for a sore throat, his ears.• Performances had to be canceled when she had a sore throat.• If you have a sore throat, are you blocking communication?• He was 15 and had gone to the doctor with a sore throat.• This remedy may come up after a Belladonna sore throat has gone down on the chest.• If you've got a cold or sore throat, they can advise which over-the-counter medicines to take.• Severe sore throats persisting more than a day or two in a young child without signs of improvement.Origin throat Old English throtethroat nounChinese  the Corpus from to of the back mouth passage your




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