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单词 Way out
1, Ambition never dies until there is no way out
2, Changing jobs is the only way out.
3, Sometimes there is no way out exlep.
4, We muscled our way out.
5, I bumped into him on the way out.
6, It seemed as if there was no way out.
7, Love a way out Do not make the cocoon since the stroke.
8, Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye.
9, Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.
10, Obtaining a good education was seen as a way out of the ruck.
11, Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.
12, Which is the way out?
13, Their forecast was way out .
14, Can you tell me the way out of here?
15, She dropped the report in on her way out.
16, Your guess was a long way out .
17, He could see no way out of the situation.
18, Your guess was way out , he's actually thirty-eight.
19, Is the royal family on the way out?
20, He's good at ad-libbing his way out of trouble.
21, She lives way out of town.
22, Is this the way out?
23, The rabbits wormed their way out of the cage.
24, I couldn't see any way out of the dilemma.
25, He lives way out in the boondocks.
26, The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.
27, He shot his way out of prison.
28, They handshook their way out of the church.
29, She's good at talking her way out of trouble.
30, He was in a dilemma,(http:///way out.html) and could see no way out.
1, Changing jobs is the only way out.
2, We muscled our way out.
3, I bumped into him on the way out.
4, He was in a dilemma, and could see no way out.
5, Obtaining a good education was seen as a way out of the ruck.
6, Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.
7, Is this the way out?
31, You're way out of line, lady.
32, We had to dig our way out.
33, Pick up your mail on the way out.
34, They live way out in the suburbs.
35, There's no way out! We're trapped!
36, Lock the door on your way out.
37, There has to be some kind of way out.
38, Don't despair! We'll find a way out!
39, You just keep quiet! You're way out of line.
40, The soldiers bayoneted their way out.
41, She couldn't find her way out of the building.
42, He had to wriggle his way out.
43, I see no way out of this impasse.
44, 'Is that the only way out of here?' he asked,[] jerking a thumb at the door.
45, Alcohol is not an acceptable way out of your problems.
46, Slowly, he clawed his way out from under the collapsed building.
47, She grabbed her camera and bag on her way out.
48, Can you find your own way out of the building?
49, The rocket could punch its way out of the atmosphere.
50, His mind raced, trying to think of a way out of the situation.
51, I'm sure we will twelve-step our way out of the difficulties.
52, He needed all his wits to find his way out.
53, London prices are way out of line with the rest of the country.
53, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
54, On the way out a boy of about ten came up on roller skates.
55, He took the easy way out and didn't go to the meeting.
56, The restaurant's supposed to be great but I don't feel like schlepping all the way out there.
57, I managed to talk my way out of having to give a speech.
58, You might be able to talk your way out of most things but you still have to clean the dishes!
59, I was in trouble and I could see no way out of the situation.
60, The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out.
61, It is one of the very few Michelangelos that have found their way out of Italy.
62, Short skirts are definitely on the way out now and longer ones are in again.
63, His wife's found out about everything! I'd like to see him talk his way out of this one!
64, Don't despair! We'll think of a way out of this.
65, It is the easy way out to blame others for our failure.
66, A house like that is way out of our league .
67, The governor is way out / over in left field.
68, I meant to leave earlier but I was waylaid on the way out of a meeting by my manager.
69, If I can think of some excuse to wangle my way out of going tonight I will do!
70, She has a seat-of-the-pants ability to find the best way out of a crisis.
71, We will eventually find a way out of the crisis.
72, I was desperate to find a way out of teaching so when this job came along I snatched at it.
73, He took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for him.
74, Steve wormed his way out of going to the meeting.
75, He perceived that there was no other way out of the crisis.
76, He's used to charming his way out of the troubles.
77, She saw marriage to him as a way out of the ruck.
78, There seems to be no way out of the current economic crisis.
79, There are encouraging signs that cold war attitudes are on the way out.
80, The old type of passport is on its way out.
81, The crowd was so thick that I had to fight my way out.
82, He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty.
83, He's one of those people who is very good at bluffing their way out of trouble.
84, The proposal offered both sides a way out of the diplomatic impasse.
85, I just took the easy way out and gave him some cash.
86, The gangster stole a gun and shot his way out of prison.
87, He was used to talking his way out of tight corners.
88, I negotiated my way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.
89, He was trapped in a collapsed building but managed to tunnel his way out.
90, The hotels are full up,( ) and the guests have had to go to this dinky little motel way out on Stewart Avenue.
91, He was used to having to talk his way out of tight corners.
92, Once you understand the mathematics of debt you can work your way out of it.
93, To manage your way out of recession, accentuate the positive.
94, It started on the aeroplane on the way out.
95, The opportunist was way out of line.
96, Michael lives way out in the middle of nowhere.
97, Fishwick, however, does not take the easy way out.
98, Sheila's ideas can be way out there sometimes.
99, I live way out in Laurel Canyon.
100, But drive-ins are on the way out.
101, Revue was on its way out.
102, Fortunately, a way out of this apparent paradox exists.
103, I took the back way out of town.
104, The best way out is always through. Robert Frost 
105, Platform shoes are on the way out.
106, Late on Sunday evening, we passed Giles on his way out of his hotel.
107, She said she knew of five acres of hardwood forest on a lake way out in the country.
108, Professor Cousins may be on his way out but he hadn't gone yet and still had hiring and firing power.
109, Funny to see it way out here, within sight of Stone Mountain.
110, Why did you invite me all the way out here from London to mastermind your publicity campaign, Roman?
111, This was the early-eighties and Britain was clawing its way out of recession on the back of a demand-led boom.
112, All were down on their luck, all had been drinking and all had decided on an easy way out.
113, Experts on the music business hold that New York and London are well on their way out as the world music towns.
114, Some people who manage to write their way out of the working class describe the classroom as an oasis of possibility.
115, Such an agreement may in political terms be the only way out of the impasse in which the teachers find themselves.
116, Drawing on his background as a spiritual director,(http:///way out.html) Jim had decided that Holy Trinity would discern its way out of trouble.
117, They took the NoS way out by setting up another committee - the product development committee - to keep Sutton in line.
118, They pass a stone doorway in the tunnel wall, but by-pass it in favour of a more obvious way out.
119, So Knapman, an indigent, is stuck at the hospital trying to figure a way out of the mess.
120, But it seemed such a peach of a way out of trouble.
121, On their way out they found it nose down in the field.
122, We don't need to take Wittgenstein's way out here; or at least, we don't need to yet.
123, The only way out is to adopt low-cost technologies, which local manufacturers can produce and which villagers can maintain.
124, He had boxed her into a corner there had been no other way out of.
125, Being fit and healthy is especially important if you have to fight your way out of trouble or run for home.
126, I backed around in a semicircle, looking for a way out.
127, Our first thought might be that the easy way out is to develop a subject-orientated curriculum.
128, Diana Macias, then 15, recounted later how she ran through her smoke-filled house trying to find a way out.
129, The whole restaurant cheered me on as I fought my way out into the night.
130, Two men feeling their way out on to the bridge.
131, Reynolds felt gritty and smeared, at an unhappy disadvantage if he should have to lie his way out of an embarrassing situation.
132, Excusing himself with a bow he made his way out to find Richie waiting behind the stand.
133, Realising that something had gone wrong, the alarmed miner was making his way out of the pit.
134, Oh, and don't forget to turn off the lights on your way out.
135, The company said licensing would give it a way out of selling very low-cost systems.
136, It must never be thought that a convicted criminal can buy his way out of imprisonment.
137, The mixture of gases in the atmosphere of the Earth are way out of whack.
138, Boy-scout amateurishness, they claim, is on the way out; a professional command-and-control centre on the way in.
139, It came and sniffed around the edges, and gradually came all the way out.
140, As Mike pushed his way into the canteen, Adrian and Carol were on their way out.
141, On the way out I had a quiet word with young Anna from the other golf magazine.
142, I tried to read the report, but I was way out of my depth.
143, But his lordship's grandfather was a cautious man,(http:///way out.html) and provided himself with a secret way out at need.
144, Bowman glanced back only once at Whitehead, as he fought his way out of the cubicle.
145, But others want to limit Washington's ability to buy its way out of its domestic obligations.
146, She was still clawing her way out of her first marriage, not thinking about the next, as I was.
147, All I know is that I am on my way out.
148, A small irony: the postcard from Cob in my mailbox on the way out.
149, By stating her views on the way out she could not be accused of empire building on her own behalf.
150, There was no Caterpillar Club yet, no way out of a doomed plane.
151, The way out of this predicament was to alter their own environment through their own metabolism.
152, You will find that your writing becomes thinner, poorer, less convincing if you take this easy way out.
153, One of the pods was inching its way out into space.
154, Individuals may see alcohol as an acceptable way out of their problems.
155, On my way out of the compound one morning, I bumped into Sara.
156, I leave my umbrella in a convenient spot by the door so I don't forget it on the way out.
157, On my way out the door I took a minute to look up a listing in the White Pages.
158, Brooke Knapp, a trail-blazing pilot and businesswoman, also fought her way out of the mold.
159, Stepping high in the light gravity and brandishing the bag before her, she ploughed her way out into the open air.
160, Not surprisingly they take the easy way out when food is put out for them each day.
161, Without this intimidating ring of fire the herd might easily smash its way out.
162, If your expenses are even one percent higher than your revenues, you are on your way out of business.
163, She set the mugs down and gave me a quick smile on her way out.
164, I can't see any way out but a subscription list, to be organised as soon as possible.
165, When they returned Jenkins again led the way out into the side alley behind the bar.
166, If he is in the middle of an engram, the only way out of it is through it.
167, On his way out of town, Steve Forbes was programmed to opine that the race has become him versus Dole.
168, The baby suddenly revealed its head and thrust its way out of her, so that she gave a great agonised cry.
169, On his way out, Jack stole the goose that laid the golden eggs.
170, He switched off the kitchen light on his way out.
171, But if Mr Mugabe is on the way out, he has little incentive to drop his assault on the farms.
172, As he lunged for her she threw herself out of the way and looked desperately for a way out.
173, Nevertheless,(http://) he somehow bribed his way out of hospital to shoot down an impudent intruder strafing his base.
174, The line at the bank snaked its way out on to the street.
175, Finding a way out of this mess does not require rocket science.
176, The boys in the institution had all been on their guard, searching for a way out.
177, Hencke's eyes searched desperately around the room, for a way out, a means of escape.
178, The assistants know what they are doing, and never try to sell you barley sugar on the way out.
179, I was looking for a way out into the aisle.
180, The prime minister will only resign if he perceives there is no other way out of the crisis.
181, The authoritarian parent or dutiful child attitudes that so often characterized these relationships in previous generations are thankfully on the way out.
182, Above all, there seemed no way out: the State budget was on the brink of bankruptcy.
183, With Fiver beside him, he led the way out of the ditch and down the slope.
184, Then he had to fight his way out of her pages.
185, He has crossed the line and is locked into a sequence of events that are by now way out of his control.
186, She explains why these girls need love, direction, education, a way out of the lures of gang life.
187, On the way out I noticed a photograph of a benign-looking chap and read about his gifts to charity.
188, Doing the splits Others think they may have found a clever way out of their troubles: breaking themselves up.
189, There were the violent outbursts, way out of proportion to any wrong done, and constant verbal abuse.
190, She then attempted a drowsy recap on the Royal Family but I shouldered my way out of there as soon as I could.
191, Ironically, one way out of this problem is to employ paid workers to fulfil some roles in a club.
192, The second was not looking at the Golden Tube material I picked up on the way out until several weeks later.
193, The scroll they have with them allows entrance to that Tower, and is the only way out of this room.
194, One way out of the dilemma would be to change the composition of the second chamber by having it elected in some form.
195, Lydia and Betty pushed their way out on to the road and sat on the wall that protected the customers from passing cars.
196, One man found twenty dollars on the sidewalk on his way out.
197, There is now no easy way out of the economic problems which face Britain.
198, Bills of this size will have a devastating impact on families still struggling to fight their way out of the recession.
199, About a year later a most peculiar way out of the difficulty was found by Max Planck.
200, The only way out is to be Dennis's lover forever and ever.
201, No one even noticed her as she slipped out into the dance-floor, and made her way out down the rickety steps.
202, She soon realises that her power over men can be used to buy her way out of the kitchen.
203, There was no way out. Mission half accomplished, we went for an evening walk.
203, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
204, Pemberton hit the post from a long way out for Leeds.
205, There is still a way out of this economic mess, if Mr Gorbachev can summon up the courage to take it.
206, If you have to buy a customer with lavish entertainment, you might as well buy your way out of every problem.
207, I think also that three other Hearthwares shall come, in case we need to fight our way out of some tight spot.
208, But there is a growing consensus that there is no quick, painless or cheap way out of the morass.
209, And the other women, sensing trouble, immediately began to edge their way out of the picture.
210, Tricia backed her way out, never taking her eyes off me or letting her bearings slip.
211, I don't see any way out of the present deadlock.
212, And I don't propose to consider here whether Labour should lurch to the left to find its way out of the wilderness.
213, On the way out, he admired the long line of brilliant carriages which he had never seen before.
214, They pushed and squeezed their way out of the jute field.
215, Folly reached for the towelling bathrobe that hung behind the door, and made her way out into the corridor.
216, The three of us shrieked hysterically as one lobster tried to crawl his way out up the sides.
217, And they knew that learning was a way out of the trap, a major step toward self-expression.
218, On the psychiatric ward, Muetzel and the others gathered themselves and then the patients to search for a way out.
219, A group of soldiers pushed past him on their way out.
220, He had to beat his wings painfully against obstructions to fight his way out again.
221, Sometimes an abortion seems like the only way out of an impossible situation.
222, The Republicans responded like Pavlovian dogs(), panting and salivating over a face-saving way out of a political mess.
223, The best place to be in Camden Yards Sunday was the Yankee bullpen, way out in left-center field.
224, I've never taken the easy way out, I 'll have you know.
225, At night there were no longer any bonfires to be seen, either on the hill or way out on the surrounding plain.
226, Once an avalanche of bills has you buried, it seems impossible to dig your way out again.
227, I need a new designer and you need to find a way out of a considerable financial mess.
228, If he had kept his mouth shut I would still be eating rancid meat and plotting my own way out of Paris.
229, The long-stay ward is very slowly on its way out.
230, This healthy, realistic fear helps the organization resist the temptation to take the easy way out of a problematic situation.
231, To help them find a way out of the morass they had jumped into.
232, I fixed an interview time with Sylvia on my way out. 7 Emily Lightbody came back to work the following Monday.
233, This is the shattered arrowhead working its way out, making all kinds of trouble.
234, Denying or repressing sorrow often seems the easiest way out when confronted with death.
235, But these days, if it looks as if it's going to be nasty, I take the easy way out.
236, As the General had so clearly foreseen, there was no way out.
237, My father a chemical engineer way out ahead of most of his peers.
238, Too many people take the easy way out of financial trouble by declaring bankruptcy.
239, But others looked as though they were desperately trying to find a way out, gazing to the ceiling deep in thought.
240, On his way out he cocked a leg swiftly and directed a powerful jet against an immaculate trouser leg.
241, We are faced with a very difficult situation, but there must be a way out.
242, He jerked his head for Langford to follow, and led the way out of the office.
243, I was looking for a way out of the monotonous routine at the factory.
244, He'd tried to bluff and bully his way out of his terrible mistake, but Volkov wouldn't be intimidated.
245, We drove way out past Reno, to the old Fielding place.
246, Eventually the driver and two older children dug their way out.
247, As October 18 dawned,() Joe felt confident that Stilwell was on his way out.
248, You would carry this in your sock and give it back to the man, reclaiming your clothes on your way out.
249, The initial estimate was way out, ie very inaccurate.
250, Please move your car; it's blocking my way out.
251, The best way out is for neither of us to get involved in Cambodia.
252, One year, Rudolph sailed all the way out to Iceland.
253, You do realize that she is a cartoon,(http:///way out.html) and way out of your league?
254, It was apathy with Hurstwood, resulting from his inability to see his way out.
255, He is rumoured to be on the way out of professional cycling following a disastrous season.
256, Organized abandonment gives them a way out of the morass.
257, Because the way out in whatever dimension -- economic, social, political -- must happen first in man.
258, The only way out was divorce; the only grounds were adultery.
259, He may try to blast his way out of trouble, playing attacking shots to balls he would not normally contemplate hitting.
260, Gino clawed his way out of underworld obscurity to become a millionaire hotelier.
261, With diplomatic skill, the man from Montreal had offered him a way out.
262, They try to find a way out of their dilemma.




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