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单词 X-ray
1) The X-ray showed a slight irregularity in one lung.
2) The X-ray showed a crack in one rib.
3) She was advised to have an abdominal X-ray.
4) The X-ray showed that the boy's leg was broken.
5) The X-ray showed that her leg was not broken.
6) The X-ray showed that the bone was broken in two places.
7) It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment.
8) The dentist took an X-ray of my jaw.
9) Gibbs had an X-ray which revealed no broken bones.
10) Follow the arrows to the X-ray department.
11) I had to go for an X-ray.
12) I had to go to hospital for an X-ray.
13) The airline had been screening baggage on X-ray machines.
14) to X-ray the charge of treason against sb.
15) They're going to take an X-ray.
16) I haven't had the X-ray results yet.
17) I had to have an X-ray on my knee.
18) They can't tell till they X-ray.
19) The X-ray was very revealing.
20) You might still want to go for an X-ray, however,(http:///x-ray.html) just to be on the safe side.
21) The machine directs an X-ray beam at the patient's body.
22) She had an X-ray to see if any of her ribs were broken.
23) The X-ray operator works at a safe remove in a separate room.
24) The result of the X-ray gave no cause for concern.
25) The X-ray showed there was no break in his leg.
26) The benefit of an x-ray far outweighs the minutely increased risk of cancer.
27) The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray.
28) A stupid medical clerk had slipped the wrong tab on his X-ray.
29) I suggested that he rest, and sent him for an X-ray.
30) an injection to articulate arteries so that obstructions can be observed by x-ray.
1) The X-ray showed a slight irregularity in one lung.
2) The X-ray showed a crack in one rib.
3) She was advised to have an abdominal X-ray.
4) The X-ray showed that the boy's leg was broken.
5) The X-ray showed that her leg was not broken.
6) The hospital staff held off taking Rosenbaum in for an X-ray.
7) The X-ray showed that the bone was broken in two places.
8) A stupid medical clerk had slipped the wrong tab on his X-ray.
31) This requirement includes a chest X-ray examination.
32) They show an X-ray of the skeleton.
33) The X-ray revealed that she had several fractured ribs.
34) A potential X-ray hazard could then exist.
35) This unprotected window provides an X-ray hazard.
36) They can take an X-ray photograph of you.
37) He got as far as the X-ray machine.
38) We took him for an X-ray.
39) How could the bomb go through the X-ray machine undetected?
40) Kathleen swallowed a lump in her throat(http:///x-ray.html), Ben coughed discreetly and Jack busied himself at the X-ray box.
41) One of the simplest is an ionic crystal like sodium chloride, the first mineral analyzed after the discovery of x-ray diffraction.
42) Baggage is placed on the conveyor belt to go through the X-ray machine.
43) It was not clear whether the two other bombs discovered Monday also had been subject to earlier X-ray.
44) However, if the patient required an X-ray he or she had to be seen by one of the consultants or registrars.
45) A cervical spine x-ray should always be done to rule out fracture and / or subluxation.
46) One way is to take a cross-sectional X-ray picture of the tree with computer tomography.
47) The X-ray showed several cracks in the bone of her left leg.
48) In the meantime, I've cabled for an X-ray report on the fellow's chest.
49) The panel also includes an X-ray viewing screen and a wipe-clean board for surgeons to describe procedures to students.
50) Two of the pioneers of X-ray diffraction were William Bragg and his elder son, Lawrence.
51) X-ray diffraction and spectroscopic techniques continue to provide important clues, leading towards an understanding of the remarkable specificity of enzymatic catalysis.
52) As a result the X-ray absorption spectrum contains a precise signature of the atomic environment of a particular element.
53) Think of a medical student attending a course in the X-ray diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.
54) When the granulomas infiltrate the root of the lungs, nearby lymph nodes swell and produce the X-ray abnormality your doctor saw.
55) In such cases, the X-ray leads to unnecessary discomfort, expense and emotional distress.
56) You can see his bones through his warty hide, like a jellyfish, like an X-ray.
57) John, the stage manager, went with her to the X-ray department.
58) The Super Cosmos system is capable of scanning an X-ray plate in minutes and will eliminate inconsistency in diagnosis.
59) From 1969 to 1977 he worked as an X-ray technician in Jerusalem, and then studied history at Beirut University.
60) The invention of the X-ray was a classic case of discovering something by accident.
61) The X-ray and casualty departments on the ground floor were closed during the height of the storm on Thursday evening.
62) The division makes and sells copiers, X-ray film, microfilm and professional products.
63) So I went to see a man in Devonshire Place and he sent me down the road for a barium meal X-ray.
64) Rebus had the same smile as when he'd repossessed the Hotel Oscar Tango X-Ray and its flush toilets.
65) At this time the Yohkoh images showed faint X-ray emission from a large closed magnetic field structure above the prominence.
66) The X-ray device sits at the end of an articulated arm.
67) Over the past 10 years Philips Analytical has grown and diversified away from its core technologies of X-ray analysis and electron microscopy.
68) He foresees truck-mounted accelerator X-ray units being driven to contaminated sites.
69) One application for the X-ray destruction method could be in the politically sensitive area of destroying chemical weapons.
70) Today crystal structures are analyzed by computer-controlled x-ray diffraction equipment.
71) The therapy delivers hundreds of high-energy X-ray bursts of varying intensity,() determined by a firing pattern calculated to disintegrate the tumor.
72) The doctor sent her to hospital where she stayed some time, and had X-ray examinations, and I was so worried.
73) The ground floor of the new building will accommodate physiotherapy and hydrotherapy departments, orthopaedic clinic and an x-ray room.
74) I took an X-ray of her hips ... and couldn't believe what I saw!
75) It is worth nothing that the X-ray emission from Cygnus X-1 is irregular and flickers on a millisecond time-scale.
76) The local hospital has launched a campaign to raise money for new X-ray equipment.
77) Q: After a recent chest X-ray, my doctor told me I might have sarcoidosis.
78) We have our own dental surgery, physio department, dispensary, X-ray unit.
79) An X-ray showed that's lungs hadn't fully matured and that he was suffering respiratory distress syndrome.
80) However, for Coma at least, one must reconcile this with the fact that the X-ray emission seems to be rather smooth.
81) And there are just four X-ray portals at the main entrance to Olympic Park.
82) I had a second X-ray on my injury last week and it showed that the crack had healed.
83) However, X-ray analysis has shown that all these forms of carbon consist of small graphite-like crystals.
84) In a CAT scan, an X-ray source is rotated around a patient.
85) Every industrial X-ray analyst should have this reasonably priced book on his / her shelf.
86) Doctors can usually hear pneumonia, he says, and an X-ray can confirm the diagnosis.
87) The X-ray spectrometer thus directs a beam of X-rays at a crystal mounted on a turntable.
88) The device takes X-ray pictures from many angles, under the control of an inevitable microprocessor.
89) McCann had no explanation Monday for how the bomb went through the X-ray undetected.
90) Facilities for X-ray were installed, and a new operating table and lamp were obtained at a total cost of £150.
91) You beat the holy hell out of me and we lied at the X-ray lab and said I fell off a bike.
92) Perhaps most important, they are not easily spotted by metal detectors or traditional X-ray machines.
93) He had already seen the report on the X-ray done at Drymen, and had requested clarification of one point.
94) It will include a sophisticated x-ray machine to check all in-coming mail and courier packages.
95) Opened in 1875, it now provides physiotherapy, x-ray, a casualty service and minor operations.
95) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
96) The local hospital even sets up a Hallowe'en candy X-ray service.
97) So he hopes to come up with a special X-ray stain binding to human nerve endings.
98) X-ray technology, the machines, in scanning for contraband, produce a crude image of visitors' bodies without clothing.
99) A final covering of aluminium foil or carbon paper reduces the risk of detection by X-ray machines.
100) I gave thanks to the priestess of that oracle and left the X-ray Department in a state of exhausted exultation.
101) This creates a pronounced visual luminosity and shows up on the X-ray as strong white.
102) Middle, the 96 X-ray detected non-binary stars showing the cut-off of coronal emission at the dividing line.
103) I mean, they've made such strides ... We were sent to X-ray.
104) The amount of explosive hidden in the radio cassette player which destroyed the aircraft was not detectable by any X-ray equipment.
105) But a chest X-ray, spinal tap and urinalysis failed to confirm that.
106) Patients in the x-ray group tended to be more satisfied with their care, however.
107) The products after ignition were examined through X-ray diffractometer.
108) Digital X-ray photography; Computer X-ray photography; Skeletal system.
109) Objective:To discuss the digital X-ray findings of mycotic esophagitis.
110) Objective To probe criteria for diagnosing mucopolysaccharidosis using X-ray.
111) The energy band of hard x-ray, with strong penetrability, is an important astrophysical wave band.
112) In the closeup view on the lower left, also color coded by X-ray energies, the point sources have been taken out to emphasize the hot gas clouds in the central regions of The Antennae.
113) A rotational X-ray device (10) generates projections of said joint from different directions while the simultaneous periodic movement of the joint (1) is recorded by a monitoring device (20).
114) Objective To study the method of fixing wrist X-ray photography center.
115) Different rayon based carbon fiber precursors are studied by means of scanning electron microscope(SEM), Thermal Mechanical Tester and X-ray diffractometer.
116) The levels of lead and several other metal elements in cerebrum, cerebella , hippocampus, liver, kidneys and blood of the rats are measured by X-ray fluorescence method.
117) X-RAY Powder analysis, X-RAY single crystal analysis, ir analysis, mossbauer spectrometer analysis, age determination by mass spectrometer, etc.
118) This composite image of the Crab Nebula combines a Chandra X-ray image in light blue with the Spitzer Space Telescope infrared image in red and Hubble Space Telescope’s optical image.
119) The idea of standard field building by developed rep - rate fast pulse hard x-ray generator was advanced.
120) This paper proposes a calibration method for X-ray machine combining with the visual system of a medical bone-setting robotic system.
121) Results The experiment demonstrated that the circuit was efficient for the rotating anode X-ray tube.
122) Hospital X-ray machines work by passing an X-ray pulse through a body onto radiographic film.
123) A technician places your breast on a platform that holds the X-ray film and positions the platform to match your height.
124) soft x-ray microscopy has unique advantages in the study of biological specimens.
125) X-ray cephalometry films were taken before and after treatment,(http:///x-ray.html) The position of the incisors and sclerous tissues and soft tissues were analyzed.
126) An x-ray of the arteries (arteriogram or angiogram) or an ultrasound scan are usually performed first to provide more information about the disease in the arteries.
127) Radiographic examination was performed with portable X-ray fault detector appling the special radiographic technique for fillet weld of heat exchange tube-tubeplate.
128) In this paper, a very simple micro-computerized upgrading method for old model x-ray diffractometer , as well as its data collection and analysis system (XRDS) are recommended.
129) Objective:To evaluate the accuracy of cervical pedicle screw pilot holes placement by bilateral oblique X-ray films with the spiral wires as the guide pin.
130) By using electronic probe analysis, SEM analysis, x-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence analysis, we can determine the main types of pores in the reservoir.
131) The morphology and structure of the powders were investigated by scanning electron micrography (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
132) The mini X - ray diode ( M - XRD ) was developed, and was used in mini soft x-ray spectrometer.
133) This paper describes the results of X-ray study of imperfection in the single crystal of large area synthetic fluorophlogopite.
134) If the hospital was caught short-handed because it hired too few nurses to staff the X-ray room, management relied on insufficient data.
135) Chest X-ray on admission revealed pneumothorax on the right lung , multiple fibronodular lesions over bilateral lung fields , and egg-shell type lymphadenopathy at hili .
136) The as-prepared composites were characterized with regard to their components, size, structure by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), differential thermal analyzer(DTA-TG).
137) Methods Before spiral CT scanning, the preparation was similar to the conventional X-ray oral cholecystography.
138) Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA), scanning electron microscopy, and bone biomechanical test were used to assess comprehensively bone quantity and quality of ovariectomized rats.
139) Objective To observe the clinic effect of bellows shield model in carpale X-ray photographing.
140) The superposition of an appropriate sub-plateau can give single attosecond soft X-ray pulse, and the effect of HHG from ion has been eliminated through the band selection.
141) The penetrability is different between hard x-ray and soft X-ray.
142) Objective:To discuss the X-ray signs and its diagnosis for synovial chondromatosis.
143) Objective To study the relationship between x-ray tube potential and patient dose, and to explore the way to reduce the dose.
144) During hospitalization, upright chest x-ray was normal for two times and B ultrasoundshowed no abnormality in liver, bile duct, spleen, kidney, uterine tube, bladder and thyroid.
145) When accelerating voltage is maintained, the influence of surface rough degree of specimen on intensity of characteristic X-ray is one of main resons of analysis errors.
146) Would you please spell the word "X-ray film" in full?
147) Broad-band X-ray images of the sun are to be reduced and calculated, aiming at measuring exactly the solar coronal plasma parameters.
148) The bend angle of the flyer plate was determined by flash X-ray photography during explosive welding and the value coincides with that obtained in the semicylinder test.
149) The change of the crystalline structure of UHMWPE fiber was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) , wide angle X-ray diffraction ( WAXD) and Raman spectroscopy.
150) The zeolite HZSM-12 was synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, electron micrography and adsorption.
151) Common X-ray basic magnification, miliary shadow, small node patch shadow, large node mass shadow, circular of circular-like shadow and nrix type.
152) Objective To study the value of X-ray photography for the treatment of LCC.
153) Methods After the study of functional anatomy of wrist joint and intra-lunate micro-structure and wrist X-ray, we put forward the factors contributing to lunate avascular necrosis.
154) Introduce a method of analyzing ferro alloy test piece by fluorescent x-ray.
155) At the same time, some signal processing for our X-ray spectrum data were completed, such as display smoothing, Max finding and power scale.
155) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
156) Radiation temperature in hohlraums is diagnosed using two soft X-ray spectrometers and multi-pinhole soft X-ray streak camera.
157) He is trying to decide if he should save time for talking to a guard near the X-ray machines when he is appalled-and elated-to see the black-haired girl.
158) The nematic thermotropic liquid crystalline behaviour of ten kinds of PEAs obtained was studied by polarizing microscope, DSC and X-ray diffraction.
159) Based on A- P view geometry and lateral view geometry X-Ray Photograph, upper geometric curves of intermedulla are measured from each bone in 84 femur specimens of Chinese people.
160) X-ray diffraction (XRD) field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) was employed to characterize product which was synthesized by flux method.
161) If a small child swallows a coin or some other hard thing, as sometimes happens, the doctor will take an X-ray photograph.
162) Through clinical observation and X-ray film examination of 116 congenital polydactylymalformations in 111 patients, on the base of which, a new classification for congenitalpolydactyly was proposed.
163) Methods: Using x-ray spectrum and the atom spectrum analysis technique in medicine research's method.
164) The structure of an amorphous inorganic ion exchanger-stannic hexametaphosphate is postulated with radial distribution function (RDF) by X-ray diffraction.
165) Objective To study the value of clinical application for X-ray diagnosis in myodystrophy followed by osteoarticular change such as scapula, etc.
166) This is achieved by first crystallizing the purified biomolecule into ordered arrays and then using X-ray diffraction to analyze the crystals.
167) X-ray real time imaging for weld inspection using the X-ray industrial television detecting system, then, is a promising d...
168) A method detecting and measuring the intensity of spectrum from laser plasma soft X-ray source is presented.
169) The Polycrystalline structure and the phase composition of cordierite kiln furniture are deter-mined by means of X-ray and electron microscope.
170) This paper outlined the principle, types and development of soft X-ray microscopy.
171) The diluting mechanism of organic and inorganic diluents for porcelain clay containing montmorillonite slip have been explored by X-Ray Diffractometer and Transmission Electron Microscope.
172) The elemental contents were analyzed by proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE).
173) At the progressive stage, X-ray manifestations showed "white lung" in 3 cases, "frosted glass" in 1 case and "frosted glass" with patchy infiltration in 3 cases.
174) The bone healing and the chondrogenesis of the implant with the receptors were observed with X-ray, electron and optical microscopes 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after operation.
175) Objective To analyze the coefficient of variation(CV) by measurements of bone mineral density with the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometer(DXA, Prodigy).
176) Objective To analyze the role of periosteum in guided bone regeneration by means of undecalcified sections and X-ray films.
177) The compatibility, crystalline structure, transitions and some mechanical properties of PEK-C/PEEK blends were studied by DMS, DSC, X-ray diffraction and Instron.
178) These results are in accordance with the X-ray diffraction data of La(98)HY.
179) When X-ray eradiate into flash piece, a number of visible photons are engendered in flash piece, and the number of visible photons is in direct ratio with the energy of X-ray photons.
180) The Loma stand will also incorporate the X4 X-ray machine, which the company states is able to detect non-metallic contaminants, together with monitoring the weight, size and shape of products.
181) Horizontal gonad protector can replace the traditional lead-rubber suit, skirt and plate to be used in X-ray examinations and treatments with the patient in lying or sitting positions.
182) The principle and experimental results of hard X-ray phase-contrast imaging are presented in the paper.
183) The B ultrasonic wave inspection demonstrated an ovary cyst at left side in pelvis cavity, X-ray picture of left thighbone conformed to the fibrous dysplasia.
184) Methods X-ray posteroanterior, lateral, double-oblique and dynamic lateral overflexional and overextensive views were performed on 21 patients.
185) A low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) is a celestial system in which a relatively normal star is being eaten alive by a nearby stellar corpse, either a neutron star or a black hole.
185) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
186) The dependence of the intensity of grazing emission X-ray fluorescence on the anode voltage of X-ray tube has been investigated.
187) By examinations of metallograph, microhardness, X-ray diffraction, the author determines the boriding layer's microstructure and hardness curve.
188) In the cooling storage ring absolute value of charge mean root radius of Lithium-like nuclei will be measured by the X-ray laser.
189) The chemical structures of the films which are prepared under different conditions are analyzed with X-ray photoemission spectroscopy.
190) Wide application has been conducted in military, medical and computer science fields, such as precise targeting weapons, computer-aided diagnosis and X-ray medical image of human spines systems.
191) Methods The clinical and X-ray findings of mycetoma in 18 cases were analyzed with the review of literatures.
192) The poll, one of the events marking the museum's centenary year, singled out the X-ray machine as the scientific advance with the greatest impact.
193) The investigators "successfully and consistently generated the basic alpha-keratin X-ray diffraction pattern in every hair sample."
194) Objective To evaluate the influence of ankle positioning On X-ray diagnosis of the Tibiofibular syndesmosis Injury. To improve X-ray diagnosis of the Tibiofibular syndesmosis injury.
195) This avoids ion bombardment on an electron emitter (111) of the X-ray tube (100).
196) The attosecond X-ray pulses strong field electronic dynamics of both bound and continuum electrons can be characterized by measuring the high energy photoelectron spectra yielded by recollision.
197) Iridium can also be found in crystals in computer memory devices, deep-water pipes, X-ray telescopes and the equipment that makes rayon fibers.
198) In this paper, the high-speed phenomenon of the cavity growth are observed by means of the flash X-ray photograph when a strip-shaped explosive charge explodes inside unbounded medium (soil).
199) Results The typical X-ray signs of PPCM were as follows: heart enlargement, diminished heart pulsation and pulmonary congestion.
200) It is singularly cased. Although, she was examined by X-ray spinal canal graph, CT scan and enhanced scan image diagnosis, our hospital and others still diagnose it is tuberculosis of the spine.
201) Phases constitution, microstructure and element distribution of the coating were studied by X-ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM) and electron probe microanalysis(EPMA).
202) This paper introduced the application of x-ray spectrum in the researching of superconductors briefly.
203) The structures of the serial copper(I) complexes contained derivative bipyridine ligands have been determined and studied by X-ray diffraction.
204) Proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) technique is an effective method for the chemical composition analysis of ancient glass samples without destruction.
205) The hard X-ray signal is observed while the diamagnetism signal appears.
206) The hardness gradient, depth , microstructure and phases of nitrided layers were measured with Microhardness Apparatus, Microcopy and X-ray diffractometer .
207) Impedance, charge and discharge performance. The crystal structure of calcium zincate composed by ourselves was verified by X-ray diffraction.
208) The paper introduces related research on judging age by X-ray picture of forensic anthropology from fusion time of stem epiphyseal and the change of humerus marrow cavity respectively.
209) The result shows:compared with ordinary process method , this improved method is more adaptable and has better effect, and will have wide application to X-ray picture processing.
210) The applications of soft X-ray microscopy in study of alkali-aggregate reaction and calcium distribution in cement were introduced.
211) Dark rooms were equipped with a UV transilluminator and an X-ray processor to create autoradiograms of the developed gels.
212) Sure enough, the size of the fleeting high and low-densityregions seen in Nilsson and Pettersson's X-ray scattering experimentsare consistent with his theory's predictions.
213) The roasting kinetics of copper sulfide concentrate is investigated with the differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermo-gravimetry (TG) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
214) The gas flow detector for X-Ray spectrometer detects mainly soft X-rays.
215) One is x-ray, the other is thermal imagery; with these new modes(), you can literally see inside buildings.
216) The dynamic changes of cell wall ultrastructures of cotton fiber (Gossypium hirsutum L. Daizi-15) during development were studied by X-ray diffraction technique.
217) By means of experiment and study, analyzing conditions of using X-ray fluorescent spectrometer to analyze the content of all elements in light burnt dolomite were determined.
218) A serials of complexes of chrysin and its sulfonate derivates were synthesized. And the structures were characterized by spectra and X-ray single-crystal diffraction analysis.
219) A simple measuring method for effective value of pulse frequency modulation(PFM)is presented against on the needs of designation and analysis of high frequency X-ray generator.
220) The X-ray photographs of 400 cases of mandbular impacted third molar were observed and the impacted molar types and relations between impacted types and complications of impacted tooth were analysed.
221) As a hohlraum character, the soft X-ray diagnostic system can measure X-ray radiated by hohlraum and give radiation temperature vs. time curve.
222) X-ray equipment used to inspect carry-on baggage uses a very low level of x-radiation that will not cause noticeable damage to most films.
223) In 2005, however, the Argonne National Laboratory installed a powerful new x-ray beam(), so the researchers took their samples to Chicago.
224) Materials and Methods: The clinic and X-ray features of 29 cases with esophageal submucosal hematoma proved by esophagoscopy were analyzed retrospectively.
225) Methods 18 cases of thoracolumbar fractures and spondylolisthesis were treated with SF internal fixations . The entrance point was determined according to the vertebral arch position in X-ray.
226) The features of X-ray examination revealed that the mass was found to be located in the lateral ventricle over the basal ganglion.
227) Through analysis of the field scale samples in Wuqi oilfield by X-ray diffraction method, scaling causes and scale control measures are studied in downhole and gathering system.
228) On the one hand, ICCD extends the spectral response, through proper input window and photocathode, from visible light to X-Ray, ultra-violet and near infrared for different applications.
229) Combined diagnosis by abdominal X-Ray, serum AFP assay , liver ultrasound and isotope scan, arteriogram and CT may be helpful in the identification of the tumor nature.
230) Methods: Locating by lumbar vertebrae X-ray, 201 patients with PLID received collagenase injection through lateral angles of canalis vertbralis into epidural cavity.
231) The physical properties of WO3 thin films were tested by scanning electron microscope X-ray diffraction and electron prober microanalysis measurements respectively.
232) The absolute intensity of the soft x-ray spectrum from laser plasma has bean measured.
233) The idea of standard field building by developed rep-rate fast pulse hard X-ray generator was advanced.
234) Conclusions As for patients with thoracolumbar spine and spinal cord trauma complicated by thoracoabdominal viscera injury, a comprehensive clinical examination including X-ray or CT is necessary.
235) Three main factors, layer thickness fluctuation, interfacial roughness and interdiffusion of non-ideal soft X-ray optical multilayers were characterized quantitatively.
236) Purpose:To analyze X-ray manifestation of congenital defect of gastric parietal muscularis with gastric perforation and to find its early diagnostic methods.
237) The principle and development for two kinds of hard x-ray holography is presented in this paper.
238) The measuring method and results of the ECR plasma properties taken from hard X-ray pinhole camera on the MM-2 magnetic mirror are presented.
239) Objective To discuss the applying value of X-ray protecting device in mobile X-ray photographing for endemic disease .
240) Diffraction, scattering or absorption experiments on materials using synchrotron X-radiation can provide new and more detailed structural information than using conventional X-ray sources.
241) The correspondence between thermospheric neutral densities and broadband measurements of the total solar soft x-ray flux.
242) The image includes X-ray data from Chandra (colored purple), optical and ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble (red and orange), and radio emission from the Very Large Array (VLA) and MERLIN (blue).
243) CT was inferior in diagnosing injury which couldn't form X-ray density difference such as the entorrhagia of soft tissue and organ rupture.
244) There, two bright sources at the center of this composite x-ray (blue)/radio (pink) image are thought to be co-orbiting supermassive black holes powering the giant radio source 3C 75.




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