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单词 obtrusive
释义  ob·tru·sive /əbˈtruːsɪv/ adjective  noticeable in an unpleasant or annoying way 突兀的,过分显眼的 OPP unobtrusive obtrusive TV antennas 碍眼的电视天线 The waiters were friendly and not obtrusive. 服务员态度友好,举止得体。Examples from the Corpusobtrusive• Environmentalists are complaining that the amusement park is ugly and obtrusive.• Our waitress was friendly, but never obtrusive.• As a conciliatory gesture, the restaurant was built like a large shack, so as not to be too obtrusive.• Its tone is obtrusive and difficult to subdue.• The moving human body is large, obtrusive and highly visible.• In spite of our obtrusive entry he made us welcome, inviting us in and lighting a fire.• The signals can be rounded to give a less obtrusive signal.• Their obtrusive stir repels discriminating people.• The smell was certainly less obtrusive than it must have been earlier.• Something more obtrusive than last night's supper.ob·tru·sive adjectiveChineseSyllable  in unpleasant Corpus way an noticeable annoying or




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