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单词 obvious
释义 Word family  noun obviousness adjective obvious adverb obviously  ob·vi·ous /ˈɒbviəs $ ˈɑːb-/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL adjective  1  OBVIOUSeasy to notice or understand 显然的,明显的;易理解的 The obvious way of reducing pollution is to use cars less. 减少污染显而易见的办法就是少用汽车。it is obvious (that) It was obvious that Gina was lying. 吉娜显然是在撒谎。obvious to It might be obvious to you, but it isn’t to me. 这对你来说也许很容易理解,但对我却并非如此。2  behaving in a way that shows you want something very badly, when other people think this behaviour is not suitable 露骨的,不加掩饰的 I know you really like him, but you don’t have to be so obvious about it. 我知道你很喜欢他,但你也不必表露得如此明显。3  the/an obvious choice CHOOSEthe person or thing that you would expect everyone to choose 当然的选择 Teaching is an obvious choice of career if you like working with children. 如果你喜欢和孩子打交道,那么教书就是当然的选择。4  the obvious thing (to do) BESTwhat clearly seems the best thing to do 显然最好的做法 The obvious thing is to speak to her before you make a decision. 最好的办法显然是在你作决定前和她谈一谈。5  state the obvious OBVIOUSto say something that is already obvious so it is not necessary to say it 说出明摆着的事,此话可能多余 It is stating the obvious, but regular measurement of blood pressure is essential in older people. 可能不说大家也知道,定期给老人量血压十分必要。 —obviousness noun [uncountable] COLLOCATIONSverbsseem/appear obvious 看上去明显It seems obvious to me that he is guilty. 我看他显然有罪。sound obvious 听上去明显This may sound obvious, but don’t forget to put your name on your paper. 这听起来谁都知道,可还是别忘了在卷子上写好名字。become obvious 变得明显It soon became obvious that the boy was not really interested. 很快就明显看出那男孩并不感兴趣。nounsan obvious reason 显而易见的原因The plan, for obvious reasons, was being kept secret. 出于显而易见的原因,该计划一直保密。an obvious example 明显的例子 This case is an obvious example of what can go wrong. 这件事是说明会出现什么问题的明显例子。an obvious question 明摆着的问题The obvious question is: why? 明摆着的问题是: 为什么?the obvious answer 显而易见的答案nThere is no obvious answer to their problem.adverbsglaringly/blindingly obvious (=extremely obvious) 极为明显的The cause of her problems is glaringly obvious. 她那些问题的原因极其明显。transparently/patently/blatantly obvious (=clearly obvious) 显而易见的His interest in her was blatantly obvious. 他对她的兴趣是非常明显的。painfully obvious (=very obvious, and embarrassing or upsetting) 明显而令人不快的It became painfully obvious that she and Edward had nothing in common. 不幸的是,她和爱德华显然毫无共同点。immediately obvious 立刻就能看出的The cause of the pain was not immediately obvious. 疼痛的原因暂时还不清楚。fairly/quite obvious (also pretty obvious spoken) 相当明显的nThere are some fairly obvious signs of a poor diet. THESAURUSobvious something that is obvious is very easy to notice or understand – used especially when you are surprised that other people cannot notice it 明显的;易理解的〔尤用以表示因别人未加注意而惊讶〕There is an obvious connection between the two murders. 两宗谋杀案之间有明显关联。It was obvious that something was wrong. 显然哪里出问题了。clear easy to notice that something is true, so that you feel sure about it and have no doubts 清楚的,明确的It was clear to me that my father was dying. 我很清楚父亲快死了。There are clear signs of an economic recovery. 有明确迹象显示经济正在复苏。noticeable very easy to notice, especially because you can see, hear, smell, or feel something 显著的〔尤指感官能够感知的〕Steroid drugs cause a noticeable change in someone’s behaviour. 类固醇药物可导致人的行为发生显著变化。Road noise tends to be more noticeable in certain weather conditions. 在某些天气情况下,道路噪声往往会更加明显。conspicuous very easy to notice, because of being different from things around them 〔因与周围事物不同〕显眼的,引人注目的a conspicuous white spot on the bird’s wings 鸟翼上醒目的白色斑点She tried to make herself look less conspicuous. 她尽量让自己不那么惹人注意。nDon’t leave your valuables in a conspicuous place.unmistakable extremely obvious, so that you cannot possibly confuse something with something else 清楚明白的,确定无疑的the unmistakable sound of gunfire 确定无疑的枪炮声The flower’s scent is unmistakable. 这花的香气绝不会搞错。self-evident formal facts, ideas etc that are self-evident are obvious and true, although some people may not accept them or know about them 不证自明的;显而易见的The facts in this case are self-evident and cannot be denied. 本案的事实显而易见,无法否认。We hold these truths to be self-evident (=we believe that they are obvious and true – from the American Declaration of Independence). 我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的(引自美国《独立宣言》)。blatant use this about something that someone does which is clearly bad, but which they do not seem to be ashamed of 公然的,恬不知耻的a blatant lie 无耻的谎言The bill is a blatant attempt to limit our right to free speech. 该法案公然妄图限制我们的言论自由。can tell to know that something must be true because you can see signs that show this 看得出Even though it was dark, she could tell it was him. 尽管天很黑,她还是认出来是他。How can you tell if you’ve broken your arm? 你怎么知道自己的胳膊有没有断?Examples from the Corpusobvious• The benefits of truth-telling are obvious.• She tried to look grateful, but her disappointment was obvious.• There is an obvious connection between the two murders.• It was obvious from the start that my parents disliked Nancy.• But the instability of the political structures and other weaknesses were obvious in the struggles between the factions within the party.• They expressed their surprise since they, like the doctors who treated them, associated obvious injury with obvious pain.• "Why is she leaving?" "Well, it's obvious, isn't it?"• an obvious mistake• The solution is also obvious - please check envelopes are not too tightly packed, if in doubt use a bigger envelope!• There are obvious problems for the stability of the state if these different groups are in conflict with each other.• There was no obvious reason for their behavior.• For obvious reasons, we've had to cancel tonight's performance.• It's obvious that Paul is in love with Liz.• It's obvious that something is wrong.• From the moment they joined the others outside the shop, it was obvious that the twins were sulking.• It should be obvious to everyone that we need to make some is obvious (that)• The fish-feeders' dependence on it is obvious.• In a sense it is obvious - most people have an intuitive idea of what complexity means.• If we have only rapid successions of frenetic emotive surges, it is obvious that a short piece will result.• Yet it is obvious that an election is the last thing the current leaders want.• From his later writings it is obvious that he was quite fascinated by the entire operation and its execution.• While man thinks he is already awake it is obvious that the much-needed awakening which Esotericism requires will never be forthcoming.• From watching raindrops, bubbles and insects walking on ponds it is obvious that water and other liquids have a surface tension.• But it is obvious when this will occur.Origin obvious (1500-1600) Latin obvius, from obviam; → OBVIATEob·vi·ous adjective →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  notice or easy to Corpus understand




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