随便看 |
- with a human face
- with a jump
- with (all) due respect
- with all due respect
- with all guns blazing
- with all the trimmings
- with all your heart
- with an eye to
- with an eye to doing
- with an eye to (doing) something
- with an eye to doing something
- with an eye to doing sth
- with an eye to something
- with an eye to sth
- with any luck
- with (any) luck/with a bit of luck
- with aplomb
- (with) arms akimbo
- with arms akimbo
- with a stroke of the pen
- with/at a stroke of the pen
- with/at the touch of a button/key
- with a vengeance
- with a view to
- with a view to doing
- Find what
- It is no surprise that
- Repacking
- Reloading
- Hypnogenesis
- Economic dynamics
- Refolding
- Heuristic knowledge
- Financial lease
- Present times
- 《学不至于圣贤,只是有不诚处.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不至道,而日以规规小智穿凿傅会,如蛆蠹如蟊(mao矛)贼以自适.由君子观之,政(正)可怜悼耳!》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不贵博,贵于正而已,正则博.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不贵博,贵于正而已,正则博.言不贵文,贵于当而已,当则文.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不贵谈话而贵躬行,不尚知解而尚体验.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不足以修己治人,则为无用之学.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不足以修己治人,则为无用之学.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不进,率由于因循.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不进,率由于因循.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学不长者无他术,惟是与朋友讲治,多识前言往行以畜其德,非礼勿言,非礼勿动,即是养心之术也.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学为圣贤,不专在读书.》出自哪里,什么意思,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学为文章,先谋亲友,得其评裁,知可施行,然后出手;慎勿师心自任,取笑旁人也.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学举则道举,道污则政污.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学之不勤者,正犹七年之病不蓄三年之艾.今之于学,加工数年,自是享之无穷.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《学之为利 桓荣 桓元卿》
- Porphyrin句子
- Electrotome句子
- Blood corpuscle句子
- Potter's field句子
- Foaming agent句子
- Scope of business句子
- Instruction pointer句子
- Enumeration type句子
- Instruction book句子
- Battery acid句子
- Sending data句子
- Perennial ryegrass句子
- Red deer句子
- Metallurgical coke句子
- Covariance matrix句子