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单词 Management decisions
1. The workers want a voice in management decisions.
2. Computer system users can not control risk management decisions, but suffer big losses when inadequate protection fails to avert catastrophe.
3. I have a reputation for shrewd management decisions.
4. The agreement encourages worker participation in management decisions.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
5. Poor and outdated management decisions have caused problem.
6. Most desert soil management decisions are based on quantitative measurements of the biomass of the dominant plant species.
7. The future fo operations research applied to management decisions warrants enthusiasm.
8. Base your management decisions on a long - term philosophy, even at expense of short - term financial goals.
9. In a well-run company there will be no question of simply rubber-stamping management decisions when a grievance or appeal is pursued.
10. They need to check that all cultural factors and management decisions are right.
11. Clean technology - assessing the benefits Quantitative risk assessment has been employed to aid safety management decisions for many years.
12. The message which emerges is clearly one of forward planning to avoid any undesirable over-involvement in management decisions.
13. One of fundamental purposes for upward communication is to provide information for management decisions.
14. at Polaroid, one-hour photo labs and then digital photography began to encroach, helped along by some management decisions that ultimately backfired.
15. To ensure an efficient traffic operation during the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, it is important to develop an information system for better traffic management decisions during the Expo.
16. Estimates production times, labor requirements, capacities and related process costs to provide information for management decisions.
17. EXAMPLE : Several major shareholders want to oust the corporation's president because of his poor management decisions.
18. They cannot be changed much by month - to - month or even year - to - year management decisions.
19. Only a single window into this process may be available when critical management decisions must be made.
20. Management Model Management Model algorithm design and quantitative factors is the management methods through the application of scientific aid management decisions and a science.
21. The alternative model set up here could be used as a references in making management decisions in that region.




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