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单词 derisive
释义  de·ri·sive /dɪˈraɪsɪv/ adjective  INSULTshowing that you think someone or something is stupid or silly 嘲弄的,讥讽的 derisive laughter 嘲讽的笑 —derisively adverbExamples from the Corpusderisive• Did they, too, intend it as derisive?• Jimmy gave a quiet, derisive laugh.• Fenton's remark drew derisive laughs.• It inspired derisive laughter and never improved my station.• This notion merely induced derisive laughter.• The missionaries could have laughed last, had that derisive sentiment been in them.• Usually she did not care that they drove away me or anyone else younger with derisive shouts.• Yet that brief derisive stare pierced her to her soul.• Such derisive superiority is attractive, and you see people give into it everywhere you·ri·sive adjectiveChineseSyllable  is that or you think Corpus someone showing something




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