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单词 rest
释义 Word family  noun rest unrest restlessness adjective restless rested restful verb rest adverb restlessly restfully  Related topics: Musicrest1 /rest/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  relaxing 放松 [countable, uncountable]REST a period of time when you are not doing anything tiring and you can relax or sleep 休息(时间) You look exhausted! Why don’t you take a rest? 你看上去累坏了! 为什么不休息一下呢?2  the rest REMAIN/BE LEFTwhat is left after everything or everyone else has gone or been used, dealt with, or mentioned 剩余部分;余下的人[物] → remainder, leftovers You carry these two bags, and I’ll bring the rest. 你拿这两个包,剩下的我来拿。 Two of the attackers were killed, and the rest escaped. 有两名袭击者被杀死,其余的逃掉了。the rest of Does anyone want the rest of this pizza? 剩下的比萨饼谁要? He’ll be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. 他的余生将在轮椅上度过。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Use a singular verb after the rest if you are referring to an amount of something or a thing. 指某物中的一定数量或一件东西,the rest后用动词的单数形式The rest of the money was used to pay for the wedding.余下的钱用于支付婚礼费用。• Use a plural verb if you are referring to a group of people or things. 指一群人或一批物品,则用动词的复数形式One child goes out of the room while the rest sit in a circle.一个小孩走出房间,其余的则围坐成一圈。 GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?n• You use a singular verb after the rest when referring to an uncountable noun: nThe rest of the money is for you.nI’ve eaten some cheese – the rest is in the fridge.• You use a plural verb after the rest when referring to a group of people or things: 指一群人或一批物品,则用动词的复数形式Two of the terrorists were captured and the rest were killed. 有两名袭击者被杀死,其余的逃掉了。3  put/set somebody’s mind at rest WORRIEDto make someone feel less anxious or worried 使某人放心 Why don’t you talk to him, and put his mind at rest. 你为什么不和他谈谈,好让他放心呢?4  come to rest a) STOP MOVINGto stop moving 停止运动 The aircraft skidded across the runway and finally came to rest in a cornfield. 飞机滑过跑道,最后在玉米地里停了下来。 b) LOOK ATif your eyes come to rest on something, you stop looking around and look at that one thing 〔目光〕停留come to rest on My eyes came to rest on a photograph of a young man. 我的目光停留在一个年轻人的照片上。5  give it a rest spoken especially British EnglishQUIET used to tell someone to stop talking about something because they are annoying you 安静一下〔用于因受到烦扰而叫对方停止说话〕 Give it a rest, Jack! 别烦了,杰克!6  give something a rest spoken to stop doing an activity 暂停某事,暂时不做某事 I gave the acting a rest for a while. 我把演出工作暂停了一段时间。7  at rest a) MXDEADan expression meaning dead, and free from pain and problems 安息,长眠 b) technicalNOT MOVING not moving 静止的,不动的8  and all the rest of it British English spokenADD used at the end of a short list to mean other things of a similar type 诸如此类,不一而足 I was paying the rent and the bills and all the rest of it. 我要付房租,付账单等等。9  and the rest British English spokenFALSE used to emphasize in a humorous way that a number or amount is really much higher than someone thinks 不止吧,何止〔幽默用法〕 ‘I’d say she’s about 40.’ ‘Yeah, and the rest!’ “我说她40岁左右。” “噢,不止吧!”10  lay/put something to rest GET RID OF formal to stop people from worrying about or believing something 使某事平息下来 The minister resigned, and the government hoped that the scandal would finally be laid to rest. 部长辞了职,政府希望这下丑闻终于要平息了。11  lay somebody to rest MXDEADan expression meaning to bury someone, used when you want to avoid saying this directly 安葬某人〔委婉说法〕 She was laid to rest beside her husband. 她被安葬在她丈夫身边。12  music 音乐 [countable] a) APMa period of silence of a particular length in a piece of music 〔音乐作品中的〕休止 b) APMa written sign that shows how long the period of silence should be 休止符 → headrest, footrest, backrest, → and the rest is history at history(10) COLLOCATIONSverbshave/take a rest 休息I’m going upstairs to have a rest. 我要上楼去休息一下。get some rest 休息You’d better get some rest if you’re driving back tonight. 要是你今晚开车回来的话,最好休息一下。deserve a rest 应该休息I think we deserve a rest after all that hard work. 那么辛苦地工作之后,我想我们该休息一下了。adjectivesa well-earned/well-deserved rest (=a rest after working hard) 应有的休息Our players are taking a well-earned rest before the start of the new season. 新赛季开始之前,我们的队员正在享受理所应当的休息。a complete rest 充分的休息The doctor had advised a complete rest for a fortnight. 医生建议彻底休息两周。a little/short rest 短暂休息nHe decided to stop and take a short rest.a long rest 长时间休息nWhat I need is a nice long rest.a good rest (=a complete rest that relaxes you) 好好的休息nI’m sure you need a good + NOUNa rest day/period 休息日/时间The crew had a three hour rest period before their next flight. 下一个航班起飞之前,机组人员有三个小时休息时间。Examples from the Corpusrest• Try and give your ankle a rest so it will heal better.• By the fourth day, we were all in need of a rest.• Is it present with the limb at rest or mainly on movement?• He eats a lot of junk food, and he doesn't get enough rest.• Make sure you have a good rest this weekend.• They decided to stop driving and take a short rest.• In the lounge Lord Beddington was taking a short rest after the exigencies of luncheon.• One hour later, the circuit breakers shut down the markets for the rest of the day.• He was fully responsible for the rest of his life.• Performances have been added throughout the rest of the month.• It almost went out with the rest of the junk mail.• The rest of this chapter relies extensively upon the research the writer undertook in 1986 and 87.Related topics: Deathrest2 ●●● S3 W3 verb  1  relax 放松 [intransitive]REST to stop working or doing an activity for a time and sit down or lie down to relax 休息,歇息 If you’re tired, we’ll stop and rest for a while. 如果你累了,我们就停下来歇一会儿。2  support STH 支撑某物 [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]SUPPORT/HOLD UP to support an object or part of your body by putting it on or against something, or to be supported in this way (被)支撑,(使)倚靠 → leanrest (something) against/on something Rest your head on my shoulder. 把你的头靠在我的肩上。 Brassard rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward. 布拉萨德把胳膊肘支在桌子上,身体前倾。 Their bikes were resting against the wall. 他们的自行车靠在墙上。3  rest your feet/legs/eyes etc STOP DOING somethingto stop using a part of your body because it is feeling sore or tired 歇歇脚/腿/眼睛等 I need to sit down and rest my legs. 我需要坐下来歇歇腿。4  let the matter rest  (also let it rest)FINISH DOING something to stop discussing or dealing with something 让事情结束〔指不再讨论或处理〕 The man apologized, but Aunt Matilda refused to let the matter rest. 那个男人道歉了,但玛蒂尔达姑妈却不肯就此罢休。5  rest assured (that) formalWORRIED used to tell someone not to worry, because what you say about a situation is true 尽管放心〔表示叙述的事属实〕 You may rest assured that it will be ready on time. 你放心,到时候会准备好的。6  somebody will not rest until ... SATISFIEDif you will not rest until something happens, you will not be satisfied until it happens 直到…某人才罢休 We will not rest until the murderer is found. 找不到凶手我们决不罢休。7  dead person 死者MXDEAD [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] literary if a dead person rests somewhere, they are buried there 安息,长眠 My mother rests beside my father in the family graveyard. 我母亲长眠在家族墓地里我父亲的身边。somebody’s last/final resting place (=the place where someone is buried) 某人的长眠之处rest in peace (=often written on a grave) 安息〔常刻于墓碑上〕8. rest on your laurels SATISFIEDto be satisfied with what you have done, so that you do not make any further effort 满足于既得的成就,安于小成,不再求上进9  I rest my case spoken a) formalSCT used by a lawyer when they have finished trying to prove something in a court of law 本人举证完毕;本人停止举证 〔律师出庭用语〕 b) RIGHT/JUSTIFIEDused when something happens or is said which proves that you were right – used humorously 我不用多说了,还用我多说吗〔幽默用法,表示发生的事或所说的话证明自己是正确的〕10  rest easy to relax and stop worrying 放心 I can rest easy, knowing everything’s under control. 知道一切都在掌控之中,我就放心了。11 rest on/upon something phrasal verb a) formalDEPEND/IT DEPENDS to depend on something 依赖 Success in management ultimately rests on good judgment. 管理的成功最终有赖于良好的判断力。b) formal to be based on a particular idea or set of facts 根据,以…为基础 The case against my client rests entirely on circumstantial evidence. 用于指控我的当事人的证据都是间接证据。c) LOOK ATif your eyes rest on something, you notice it and look at it 〔目光〕落在…上 His eyes rested on a small figure in the distance. 他的目光落在远处一个小小的身影上。12 rest with somebody phrasal verb DECIDEif a decision rests with someone, they are responsible for it 由〔某人〕负责 The final decision rests with the president. 得由总统作最后的决定。n THESAURUSrest to stop working or stop being active, and sit down or lie down so that you become less tiredIf you’re tired, we’ll stop and rest for a while.The doctor told me to take some time off work and try to rest.take a rest (also have a rest especially British English) to stop what you are doing for a period of time so that you can relaxMurray will now take a rest before the competition next month.There was a TV in the hotel room, and sometimes I escaped up there to have a rest.A spokesman said that the Senator needed to take a rest from the campaign activity.take a break (also have a break especially British English) to stop what you are doing for a short time, so that you can rest or do something else – often used about stopping a meeting, class etc for a short timeIs it all right if we have a short break at about 10:30?I spoke to the actor as he was taking a break from rehearsals.Let’s take a break now for coffee.take it easy (also take things easy) to do things gently and with less effort than usual, in order to avoid becoming worried or tired, especially because you are not feeling strong or healthyAfter the operation, she decided to take things easy for a month or two.I thought I’d take it easy tonight.put your feet up informal to rest for a short time after a tiring activity, especially by sitting with your feet resting on somethingKate poured herself a drink and put her feet up.When you’re pregnant and doing a full-time job, you must find time to put your feet up.chill/chill out informal to spend time relaxing and doing things that do not need a lot of effort – used by young peopleWe chilled out in front of the TV with a couple of beers.I like chilling with the guys and playing pool or watching movies.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrest• The doctor told me to take some time off work and try to rest.• Even in its blackness, the sky did not rest.• I rested against a wall for a minute in order to tie up my shoe laces.• We stopped and rested for a while at the top of the hill.• Her head rested gently on his shoulder.• She slid down in her chair and rested her head on the back of the seat.• John rested his head on the back of the car-seat.• Resting his spade against the wall, he went to help Michael light the fire.• Sometimes I wonder about those three laid to rest in the old garden.• Finally, and fatally, it rests on a flawed understanding of the relevant medical facts.• Political theory rests on the assumption that these activities are central to the functioning of a democratic society.• With the arm resting on the couch the force needed to accelerate the arm is coming from the material of the couch.• My head, resting on the tile, was only a few inches from the phone.• The wedding platform was made of slats which rested on top of neatly stacked in peace• Ashamed of your old man, want the whole gruesome mess to rest in peace?• But the pensioners won't let him rest in peace.• He hopes to give relatives peace of mind while their loved ones rest in peace.• He was buried in Auchinleck kirkyard but, even in death, he was not allowed to rest in peace.• So much for the residents being allowed to rest in peace.• They need to find the killers of Peter and Gwenda so they can rest in peace.• For Tony, that he may rest in peace, and for his family for their strengthening and peace.• But resting in peace is not always easy.From Longman Business Dictionaryrestrest /rest/ verb → rest with somebody→ See Verb tableOrigin rest1 1. (1400-1500) French reste, from rester “to remain”, from Latin restare2. Old English “rest, bed”rest1 noun →5 GRAMMAR1 →GRAMMAR2 →COLLOCATIONS1rest2 verb →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  doing anything period you when time not of Corpus a are Business




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