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单词 Immune
1. The vaccination doesn't necessarily make you completely immune.
2. Once we've had the disease, we're immune for life.
3. Our business is far from immune to economic conditions.
4. The immune system is our body's shield against infection.
5. You'll eventually become immune to criticism.
6. I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.
7. Most adults are immune to Rubella.
8. Few men are immune to her charms.
9. I am immune from the disease(), for I had it once.
10. The nature of promises is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
11. Most people who've had chicken pox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives.
12. No one should be immune from prosecution.
13. The immune system is the body's defence against infection.
14. Many people are immune to this disease.
15. The cure works by boosting the body's immune system.
16. The immune system is our main defence against disease.
17. The Labour Party is not immune to new ideas.
18. Football is not immune to economic recession.
19. AIDS is an acronym for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome".
20. She's quite immune to criticism.
21. AIDS attacks the body's immune system.
22. Adults are often immune to German measles.
23. He was immune to the criticisms of his assailants.
24. The virus suppresses the body's immune system.
25. The virus attacks the immune system, leaving your body vulnerable to infections.
26. Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.
27. The immune system interacts with both the nervous system and the hormones.
28. Members of the Bundestag are immune from prosecution for corruption.
29. The two sides solemnly declared, " The region must be made immune from any foreign interference.
30. In the effort to understand AIDS, attention is moving from the virus to the immune system.
1. The vaccination doesn't necessarily make you completely immune.
2. Once we've had the disease, we're immune for life.
3. Our business is far from immune to economic conditions.
4. The immune system is our body's shield against infection.
5. You'll eventually become immune to criticism.
6. Most adults are immune to Rubella.
7. Few men are immune to her charms.
8. The two sides solemnly declared, " The region must be made immune from any foreign interference.
9. Most people who've had chicken pox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives.
10. Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.
31. The press had criticised her so often that in the end she had become immune .
32. The immune system enables the body to fight off illness.
33. The disease attacks the immune system in a similar way to Aids.
34. Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now.
35. The senior members of the group appeared to be immune from arrest.
36. Being the only son in the family, the young man was immune from military service.
37. The virus affects the body's immune system so that it cannot fight infection.
37. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
38. The criminal was told he would be immune from punishment if he helped the police.
39. This flu is a warning to me that my immune system is not as strong as it ought to be.
40. He seems to be immune to colds - he just never gets them.
41. Children are far from immune to the virus of cruelty that is latent in all human beings.
42. Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.
43. HIV is a progressive disease which the immune response ultimately fails to control.
44. No one knows why a foetus is not automatically rejected by the mother's immune system.
45. No one knows why a fetus is not automatically rejected by the mother's immune system.
46. The average man or woman in the street doesn't know very much about immune disorders.
47. Not even the President's wife was immune from criticism by the press.
48. Furthermore, immune responses to tubercle bacilli are extraordinarily complicated.
49. Even those with children were not immune from this.
50. The immune system provides another example.
51. The virus attacks the body's immune system.
52. Other molecules, the happens, also generate an immune response.
53. Some people are immune to the virus.
54. The governor is popular, but not immune from criticism.
55. Neither were the higher ranks immune.
56. The conference is not immune to symbolic protests itself.
57. The dictatorship seems immune to economic pressures.
58. Then, the immune system begins to collapse.
59. One big problem may be the human immune system.
60. From that fate no trader was immune.
61. It is possible, however, that synthetic chemicals might affect the immune response in some way.
62. Hormonally active synthetic chemicals can damage the reproductive system, alter the nervous system and brain, and impair the immune system.
63. Instead, the question before the justices is whether a sitting president is immune from a civil lawsuit until he leaves office.
64. In addition, they increase the number of immune system cells previously depleted by the virus.
65. Might not that message been taken up by my immune system?
66. I was by no means immune from this brand of humour.
67. The bacteria can enter the bloodstream, but are usually quickly destroyed when antibodies and the immune system function properly.
68. Music is the promoter of psychological and physical health. Listening to music elevates mood, reduces depression, and strengthens the immune system, improves physical performance, reduces the feeling of fatigue and enhances body movement and coordination. Dr T.P.Chia 
69. When triggered, the alarm seems to call in squads of immune cells that surround tuberculosis bacteria and keep them from spreading.
70. People with depressed immune systems also tend to experience major problems with infections caused by ordinary fungi.
71. Some theorized that repeated rectal exposure to the semen of different partners might be leading to an immune breakdown.
72. Among the discoveries made in psychoneuroimmunology is that stressful events can make the immune cells far less responsive to infection.
73. Further evidence of immune mediation has come from the finding of circulating, non-organ specific and organ specific antibodies.
74. Carly suffers from an immune system deficiency which killed her 14-month-old brother Greig four days before she was born.
75. Many patients have a strong family history of allergies, which are genetic and involve excessive immune reaction.
76. These cells form part of the immune system and help to prevent the body from getting diseases.
77. Not just resistant to the pitter patter of bored kiddie feet but immune to assaults from the outside as well.
78. Professor Murray believes the root of the problem lies in a fault with the child's immune cells in the brain.
79. Such infections may leave people more vulnerable to the risk of infection by weakening their immune system.
80. However, other subjects may not be immune from corresponding limitations.
81. About $ 5 billion of plasma products are used each year by hemophiliacs and patients with diseases of the immune system.
82. Both humoral and cellular immune responses are important in clearing the parasite and providing immunity.
83. Activation of such immune mechanisms may hence reflect increased antigenic load caused by the immune mediated lesion in the gut mucosa.
84. Treatment was geared to boosting John's immune system which was being battered by various systemic fungi and intestinal parasites.
85. The transgenic mouse lines also provide a source for future studies on early developmental stages of the immune system.
86. Real diamonds have a quite distinctive, soapy texture to the surface and are immune from water.
87. Now they know a two-pronged approach is needed: blocking the virus and rebuilding the damaged immune system.
88. It will be made of a string of cocaine molecules that triggers an immune antibody response.
89. Nevertheless there is considerable evidence that the immune system interacts with both the nervous system and the hormones.
90. This could not be happening if the brain and immune system were separate entities.
91. Its cause is unknown, although it may be linked to a very long-delayed immune reaction to a virus infection years previously.
92. In her work with survivors of the 1989 San Francisco earthquake, she also administered tests of subjects' peripheral immune function.
93. Not even his own had been immune: Peter Wildeblood, members of the aristocracy, people within the most ancient university.
94. Qigong is said to improve the immune system and restore physical energy.
95. Countries with initially low environmental standards are not immune to pressures to raise them.
96. Paul is known for his discovery of interleukin-4, a primary chemical regulator of the immune system.
97. Conversely,(http://) mediators produced by immune cells can influence nerve cells - histamine and prostaglandins both have this effect.
98. We do not claim that our business is immune to economic conditions.
99. However, the complex life cycle and the effects of the virus on the immune system make this a very difficult task.
100. Then her immune system, crushed by Aids, fell to a wild angry thrush that invaded her body.
101. Continually feeling bad about how your body looks limits your self-esteem, which eventually undercuts your immune power.
102. As the allegations have come out over the past six months, neither party seems immune.
103. This final, preferred mode of response is much more likely to keep your immune system functioning well.
104. Thus, there is some suggestion of variation in the immune response within Crohn's disease.
105. The vaccine teaches the immune system to attack nicotine by producing antibodies that neutralise the addictive chemicals before they reach the brain.
106. These plans are immune from the changes and will continue to benefit from carry-forward rules.
107. Carly Todd, from Lennoxtown, Stirlingshire, is suffering from a condition called adenosine deaminase deficiency which inhibits her immune system.
108. Discussion Coeliac disease probably represents an aberrant immune response by antigen specific T cells of the small intestine to certain cereal peptides.
109. My social worker says that I shouldn't be gettin' high, because it damages the immune system.
110. If we are exposed to a measles virus, the immune system will develop antibodies specifically designed to attack measles viruses.
111. Elsewhere he considers everything from laughter's part in boosting the immune system to the role of laughter in speech evolution.
112. Graves's disease is a malfunction of the body's immune system whereby antibodies mistakenly attack the thyroid gland.
113. What happens to your body then is that feelings of helplessness and hopelessness soon translate into depressed immune function.
114. Within several months of initial infection, however, the immune system mounts a more effective response.
115. A very specific antibody will be produced by the immune system for each disease to which we have been exposed.
116. The site of the original interaction between antigen and the immune system presumably determines the distribution of the granulomatous inflammation seen.
117. We have been passing homeless beggars on the streets for so long we have become immune to their plight.
118. They were fairly certain he was immune; certain enough to consider it worth the risk, at any rate.
119. The immune system has evolved to defend the individual against a diverse array of micro-organisms.
120. Significant numbers of larvae reach the lungs and migrate to the bronchioles where they are killed by the animal's immune response.
121. It operates through the agencies of the different control systems such as the autonomic nervous system, hormonal system, immune system etc.
122. Cryptosporidium is a cause of chronic diarrhoea and a proximal small intestinal mucosal enteropathy in children without immune deficiency.
123. The collapse of her immune system means even her bedsores are infected.
124. Their immune systems are so damaged that colds and bugs which normally take a few days to clear can take weeks or months.
125. Boltwood rubbed a little on the forehead of a four year-old who immune system was severely depressed.
126. Like arthritis, multiple sclerosis and diabetes, lupus is a disease of the immune system gone awry.
127. The immune system is depressed during such reactions, lowering your ability to combat diseases.
128. Some chemical treatments can affect foam media, but a filter pad is immune.
129. A biopsy of brain tissue detected the presence of toxoplasmosis, which is relatively harmless in people with normally functioning immune systems.
130. This you claim happens because gays have poorer immune systems through earlier exposure to diseases such as hepatitis.
131. As intriguing as these results are, much remains unclear about the impact of low doses of alcohol on the immune sys-tem.
132. Jack, already immune to death, let their white faces drift from his memory.
133. They may catch other infections such as measles or chicken-pox, with serious consequences due to their deficient immune system.
134. Any infant protected by an amulet bearing the names of the angels would be immune from her attentions.
135. This attacks the body's immune system, which is its defence against infection, and at present there is no known cure.
136. We're terrible animals. I think that the Earth's immune system is trying to get rid of us, as well it should. Kurt Vonnegut 
137. Although H pylori does not invade the mucosa, bacterial proteins may activate monocytes with a local T-cell mediated immune response.
138. But the peculiar ape is not immune to those principles.
139. In this way, the immune system learns to recognise and attack regions of real HIV if infection occurs.
140. This hormone helps to control growth of muscle, bone and the cells of the immune system.
141. He suggests that the trigger may cause an imbalance and that the immune system may play a role.
142. All allergies are inappropriate responses by the body's immune system to a substance which is not normally harmful.
143. Why should biblical scholarship, which is pertinent to so many lives, be thus immune to evolution and development?
144. But even he is not immune from the fate which worries every recreational punter.
145. Perhaps in people with a genetic predisposition, the trigger sends the immune system into permanent overdrive and disarray.
146. If he is inspired by his appetite, he is immune to the Influence of Messrs.
147. Music is magically powerful, soulfully rich, spiritually resourceful, emotionally versatile, psychologically and physically therapeutic. Music makes people feel, think, act and change. Music makes people feel good, relaxes and improves the soul, heart and mind, boosts the immune system, and reduces emotional and physical pains. Dr T.P.Chia 
148. They also provide some zinc, helpful to the immune system for fighting infection, and a wide array of B vitamins.
149. Raw garlic is said to be preferable to kill bacteria and boost immune functioning.
150. Understanding the Role of Antibodies Antibodies are protein substances manufactured by the human immune system to help defend us against diseases.
151. Indeed, a political belief that is widely held might be particularly immune to careful assessment.
152. Since then, she has gained 80 pounds and begun to show an improved immune system and responsiveness.
153. The incoming immune adults then graze the lower more fibrous echelons of the herbage which contain the majority of the L3.
154. As a member of parliament Mr Berezovsky is theoretically immune from prosecution, but he described this guarantee as worthless.
155. Smiling has the power of relaxing the mind, delighting the heart, boosting the immune system, slowing the heartbeat and breathing rate. Dr T.P.Chia 
156. Election to the Congress meant that Kalugin was now immune from prosecution.
157. This immune response leads to the destruction of the beta cells that make insulin.
158. Thus a balance of forces can result from a weakened infection which induces a weakened immune response,(sentence dictionary) leading to persistence.
159. The insulation from the immune system is substantial, but not sufficient to overcome the drastic incompatibility.
160. Not even the quest for scientific knowledge is immune from the ravages of extremists in the environmental movement.
161. The children now have normal immune cell counts and live at home, without treatment.
162. Fixed-interest securities would be immune at least to some of the difficulties that might affect companies' trading performance.
163. Looked at closely, is there any human grouping that is immune from the difficulties inherent in life itself?
164. People with normal, healthy immune systems generally can fight off enterococcus without drugs, and might not even feel sick.
165. The patient's immune system has been compromised by cancer treatments.
166. The reason: The vitamin is involved in raising a healthy immune response.
167. They are eager to try anything they hear will boost their immune system,() vitality and libido.
168. Since receiving the baboon marrow, Getty has had moderate increases in his immune cell numbers, Deeks said.
169. But this remedy fails to confront the reality of a male youth culture nearly immune to all the blandishments of established society.
170. It arises when an immune animal is suddenly exposed to a massive larval challenge, usually from a heavily contaminated field.
171. For instance, one medication, derived from bitter almonds, claims to boost the immune system.
172. At the same time, however, Pozarevac has not been immune from the political upheavals sweeping the rest of the country.
173. The average viewer should, of course, by now be immune to the trivialisation of religion.
174. The immune system withers under the viral attack, leaving the body extremely vulnerable to other painful and life-threatening diseases.
175. I'd seen them being put through the mill in this way several times, but always considered myself somehow immune.
176. The third is an immune system, used only by the descendants of reptiles.
177. And those who were immune to such uneasiness had another reason for disquiet.
178. Your immune sys-tem can be likened to a Patriot missile defense system, detecting incoming dangers and destroying them.
179. There is evidence that they damage the immune system and cause cancer in animals; the effects on humans are disputed.
180. Their egos and self-confidence are such that they feel immune to dangers that will overcome other mortals.
181. Gardeners and herders were mostly immune from controls on marketing since they marketed relatively little, often only on a casual basis.
182. You get used to seeing so many things, you become immune to what would normally be considered perversions.
183. Because histoplasmosis can mount an immune response, skin tests are often done.
184. Their resistance developed too rapidly and disappeared long before ordinary immune reactions could appear.
185. It is known which specific immune responses are required for therapeutic benefit, so we have proceeded cautiously.
186. I thought hard about my actual immune system and the white cells of which it is largely composed.
187. It may be that most of the time our immune system is able to control the development of abnormal cells.
188. Antibody production occurs naturally when the body's immune system combats disease.
189. Since the faeces produced by the immune adults contains few if any O. ostertagi eggs the pasture contamination is greatly reduced.
190. The immune system is a fairly recent invention in geological terms.
191. Hence the delay between the onset of flu and the immune response that cures it.
192. This is an awesome power that, even when exercised arbitrarily,(/immune.html) will be immune from judicial review.
193. Physical stimulation releases healing growth hormones into the immune sys-tem.
194. I must have become immune to tear gas, she repeated(), with an ironic smile.
195. Infections in the bloodstream, urinary tract or lungs usually are dangerous only to people with other illnesses and weakened immune systems.
196. Keiko suffers from skin lesions, malnutrition and a weak immune system, biologists say.
197. Our hypothesis is that the dolphins ate contaminated fish, and this affected the dolphins' immune system.
198. In Houston, people with compromised immune systems are being warned about the fruit.
199. This immune reaction can be deadly.
200. Conclusion:Shengkangyuan Capsule can potentiate immune function in mice.
201. The FM band has indeed proven itself to be immune to F 2 layer interference ( so far ).
202. Objective: To study the applied value of detecting specific antibodies in saliva of trichinosis immune diagnosis.
203. To explore the dynamic changes of cellular immune function in children with infectious mononucleosis .
204. As an important leucoprotease, myeloperoxidase (MPO) has many effects in mediating inflammation, regulating immune response and so on, which also takes part in the genesis and development of diseases.
205. Mexico is not immune from the paedophilia scandals that are enveloping the Catholic church.
206. Objective To assess the clinical effects of infliximab in experimental immune myositis(EIM).
207. With Sj?gren's, the body's immune system mistakenly attacks tear ducts and saliva glands, leading to chronically dry eyes and dry mouth (called xerostomia).
208. It is highly sensitive and specific, and will not be affected by the subject's immune status and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination.
209. Human acquired immune deficiency syndrome has not been yet cured in medicine.
210. Teleost is of the lowest vertebrates which possesses the innate and adaptive immune system.
211. However, the primary cause of Crohn's disease is thought to be a dysregulated immune response to gut bacteria.
212. Even the president's undoubted charisma has not rendered him immune.
213. Objective To investigate the cellular immune function in human epidemic hemorrhagic fever (EHF).
214. "Dendritic" (treelike) immune cells send branches into the respiratory and digestive tracts, where they sample all the microbes we inhale or swallow.
215. Both studies are published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
216. In addition, the study showed lisinopril treatment spurred proliferation of an important class of immune cells known as regulatory T cells that help prevent immune diseases.
217. Conclusion Low energy laser irradiation unite Solanum nigrum polysaccharide may obviously enhance immune function of the body and inhibit the growth of the liver cancer in mouse.
218. A nutritional deficiency of co-enzyme Q10 can affect muscle status, circulation, cardiovascular health, blood pressure and severely deplete the immune system.
219. Microglia are the resident immune cells in the brain, in mature brains, Resting microglia exhibit a characteristic ramified morphology and serve the critical role of immune surveillance.
220. Bay Laurel essential oil's physical qualities can stimulate immune system and clean up lymphatic, is a great antiseptic and anti-infectious oil.
221. A pathogen must prevent one of three stages of immune function: detection, activation, or effector function.
222. Conclusion The AK gene of Blattella germanica has been cloned and the recombinant AK protein has been confirmed with immune activity.
223. Without such early instruction, the immune system may go haywire and overreact with allergies to foods, pollen and pet dander or turn on the body's own tissue, setting off autoimmune disorders.
224. Coriaceous steroid also commonly used at treating obstacle of second birth of pure red blood cell, this kind of anaemia also has immune function constantly disorder.
225. Effects of Kanglaite on cachexia and immune function of the patients with advanced cancer.
226. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, astragalus can increase the's immune system.
227. He's got a dodgy immune system at the best of times.
228. The immune system has all kinds of substances absorbed in cytophagy and cell decomposition.
229. To study the effects of a primary immune response to T-cell dependent antigens on central serotonin(-HT)metabolism, keyhole limpet hemocyanin(KLH)was administered intraperitoneally to F male rats.
230. Black Elderberry Immune System Support Liquid, For Kids, Berry Flavored.
231. Conclusions: Mastoplasia is caused by the interactions among multi factors in which the neuroendocrine immune network plays a key role in the pathogenesis of mastoplasia.
232. ConclusionFRCL had the action in treating children syncytial viral pneumonia without any adverse reaction, one of its mechanisms might be related to its regulation on immune function.
233. Many components of ESA have potent immunogenicity, and induce protective cell - mediated and humoral immune responses.
234. Because these islets carried the kind of peptide that spleen cells use to reeducate the immune system, they were able both to control blood sugar and to end the autoimmune response.
235. The immune system either kills the germs, or "walls off" the TB bacilli where they can lie dormant for years.
236. DXM would promote the carcinogenesis and the proliferate in the mouse's forestomach. The low function of the immune is related to the metabolic inhibition cf the cells.
237. Summary of Background Data. Human MSC are multipotent mesenchymal adult stem cells that have a potential for autologous transplantation, obviating the need for immune suppression.
238. HIV is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ).
239. Objective: To study the antitumor activity and immune modulation of extract from Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick. (CE).
240. Immune functions were detected in 70 workers exposed to chlorobutadiene(CBD) and 30 workers unexposed to any kind of poison(the control group).
241. In fact, is an immune organ tonsil is part of the immune system, it has its raison d'etre.
242. Serum HS-CRP was measured with full automatic immune scattered nephelometry. Ambulatory blood pressure was detected with American ABPM-04 blood pressure monitor.
243. You're not alone. Even Warren Buffett isn't immune to the financial downdraft.
243. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
244. Conclusion Hepatitis A vaccine with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium as vector can induce immune response.
245. Purpose To observe an immune response to acupoint injection of pertussis vaccine.
246. Have you been given immune globulin, IFN, thymic peptide, TF, immunodepressant , etc. within 3 months?
247. Many drugs used for chemotherapy cause temporarily impaired blood cell production in the marrow and depressed immune system functions.
248. Objective To evaluate the effects of a Maca healthy product compounded with ginsenosides on cell-mediated immune function, humoral immune function, macrophage phago-function and NKC activity of mice.
249. The results indicated that the level of cellular and humoral immune response of probiotical chicks after immunizing with ND vaccine could be enhanced .
250. AIM: To compare the immune protective effects of the mice immunized by antigens derived from adult worms and muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis.




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