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单词 crosswise
释义  Related topics: Shapes, patternscross·wise /ˈkrɒsˌwaɪz $ ˈkrɒːs-/ adverb  1  CROSSfrom one corner of something to the opposite corner 对角地,斜向地 Halve the potatoes crosswise. 把马铃薯斜向地切成两半。2. CFtwo things that are placed crosswise are arranged to form the shape of an ‘x’ 交叉地,呈十字形地Examples from the Corpuscrosswise• If it is cut crosswise, across the bias of the cloth, which gives fluidity and firmness it will hang straight.• Cut eight or nine slices crosswise from each half, about the thickness of two pennies.• Put each half flat side down and cut crosswise into half-moon slices the same thickness as the onion slices.cross·wise adverbChineseSyllable  something Corpus of opposite from the one corner to




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