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单词 Howling
1. We got stuck in a howling blizzard.
2. I haven't heard wolves howling for a long time.
3. The baby was howling all the time I was there.
4. The howling of wild animals kept him awake night after night.
5. The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls .
6. She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
7. We got caught in a howling gale.
8. We could hear wolves howling in the distance.
9. The dog was howling its paw was hurt.
10. Neither film was a howling success.
11. She flew into a howling rage.
12. It sank in a howling gale.
13. The dog was howling like a soul in torment.
14. The wind was howling around the house.
15. Shut the door there's a howling draught in here!
16. We were howling with laughter.
17. Republicans have been howling for military intervention.
18. Somewhere, someone was howling in pain.
19. Watching soccer fans howling racist remarks was not an edifying sight.
20. The baby is howling.
21. The wolves have been howling away on the edge of the forest for hours.
22. Molly leapt to her feet, spluttering and howling with rage.
23. Do not be put off if some are howling.
24. The dog jumped the gate and ran away howling.
25. A howling gale and torrential rain lashed the windows.
26. I can hear their dog howling.
27. Is there someone outside( ), or is it just the wind howling in the trees?
28. He was battering the door with his fists and howling.
29. An injured dog lay in the middle of the road, howling with/in pain.
30. They crossed the bay in the teeth of a howling gale.
1. We got stuck in a howling blizzard.
2. I haven't heard wolves howling for a long time.
3. The baby was howling all the time I was there.
4. The howling of wild animals kept him awake night after night.
5. The howling wind sounded like the wailing of lost souls .
6. She heard the eerie noise of the wind howling through the trees.
7. The wolves have been howling away on the edge of the forest for hours.
31. At night you can hear coyotes howling.
32. And suddenly wolves were howling in her head.
33. Then I began to weep, howling with tears.
34. The dogs started racing toward us, howling and slavering.
35. If he starts growling and howling, leg it, quick!
36. Later, the woman came through the driving snow, staggering before the howling wind, huddled in upon herself.
37. We were side-slipping, starboard wing down, falling to earth with our engines howling.
38. The train was still inside the tunnel, the wind howling like a mad banshee through the open windows.
39. Many remonstrated with him for a howling storm was raging outside, it was night and the journey was a dangerous one.
40. Alan left him howling in the cot again while he went for a bowl of water.
41. This was different: these were the sounds of distress - short staccato yelps broken by prolonged baleful howling.
42. You were drunk and howling it out like a banshee.
43. The wind was howling and the temperature was dropping fast.
44. The howling wind outside sounded like the wailing of lost souls.
45. Immediately the howling wind caught him, nearly pitching him over.
46. The howling wind kept firing salvos of rain against the windows, but after a while she stirred reluctantly.
47. Their world became a blinding wall of white, howling towards them, too fast for thought or action.
48. In a thrilling climactic scene during a howling blizzard in the mountains, he and Umegawa do kill themselves.
49. Thoroughly braced, desperately consuming carbohydrates against the howling winds of the North Sea, I changed shape.
50. Then he was running down the office, howling like a bereaved dog.
51. All I can do is lie in bed, listening to the howling wind and staring at the grey northern sky.
52. The Tans immediately began to prance around him, laughing and howling.
53. Of course they began howling and describing me as the villain and the enemy of peace.
54. We could hear it whistling down the chimney,(http:///howling.html) and howling all around the house.
55. In the terrible battle that followed many Dark Elves were driven howling with hatred and fear off the cliff tops.
56. A new voice has interrupted and is howling slogans like a revivalist preacher.
57. She suddenly saw herself and her comrades not as prophets but as a howling and marauding mob.
58. The wind came howling down the street full of rain and incipient snow.
59. We have all felt the howling wind of that great communal sigh which emanates from the queue behind you.
60. Suddenly through the howling gale he heard a yodel from below.
61. The engine coughed and we lurched out forward as a painful howling rose from under the chrome bumper.
62. This is pure, vulgar class warfare without a howling proletariat.
63. Clouds drifted over to veil the almost full moon, and I heard somewhere from Gammon Ridge a deep, howling wail.
64. Many businesses are howling that they will not be able to operate efficiently under the new regulations.
65. Tumblejack's howling voice rose to a final ascension around her; her heart leapt in hope and renewed faith.
66. Dogs began to bark, triggering a rallying cry, a droning chorus broken occasionally by one or other's high-pitched howling.
67. Mark Wohlers has a howling fastball and a big body.
68. And when I hummed old tunes that soothed my baby sister something in them spiked your grief to howling.
69. Howling and spitting, they threw down their ladies and ran off across the prairie.
70. I could feel the howling echo of the hospital walls, its hot searing pulses battering against my skull.
71. With the cactus and the petrified tree Crouch numbed by a wind howling all Visible horizons equally empty.
72. Wholesalers and retailers in each state are howling about losing business and state revenue watchdogs are missing tax revenues.
73. She would walk, in lashing rain, a howling wind, rather than pay a bus fare.
74. The wind began howling as if it were a living thing some one was tearing apart in the sky above them.
75. Plastered to tiny projections on the chalk face, the majority survive howling gales and tempestuous spray-lashings.
76. What is surprising about the Metro is its reluctance to being screaming and howling when you start working the engine hard.
77. A howling snowstorm blanketed the whole field with white.
78. The howling of the wolves made my flesh creep.
79. Through howling winds and fringing rains.
80. A north wind is howling.
81. The howling monster with his outcry filled the cavern.
82. Winter, northwest wind howling like a sharp knife.
83. The most famous element is the musical scene where Red performs and "Wolfie" reacts with lusty howling and exaggerated amorousness .
84. One cold and blustery night when the wind was howling,(/howling.html) a swallow flew over the city.
85. The wind comes howling in off the lake and gosh only knows if they've ever heard of Lobster Newburg.
86. Next he attempted the tiny front porch, until a howling southeaster drenched the wheel a night-long.
87. It also seems like you can use this card as a win condition in Howling Mine / Font of Mythos decks.
88. Nearly all joined in singing this hymn, which swelled high above the howling of the storm.
89. Bastille Day is the French national holiday, celebrated on July 14th of each year, On July 14, 1789, a howling Parisian mob stormed the Bastille, overthrowing the monarch regime.
90. His mirth hoarse and ghastly, like a raven's and the sick wolf joined him, howling lugubriously.
91. Napoleon appeared to change countenance, and sharply ordered Boxer to let the dog go, whereat Boxer lifted his hoof, and the dog slunk away, bruised and howling.
92. Howling Banshee Exarchs get access to a pair of Mirrorswords, a paired set of power weapons.
93. In the early morning of 23 January 2009, the most powerful hurricane-force storm to hit France in a decade came howling in from the Bay of Biscay.
94. In the scow the cowering fowl scowled at the howling owl.
95. With siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital, Knoxville, Tennessee.
96. Howling is used as a means of long-range communication in many different circumstances.
97. Timeless, classic songs wrecked by tuneless, howling drunks: the karaoke machine is the most annoying gadget in Britain, a survey for the government found.
98. Torrential rain and a howling tempest cut a swathe of destruction across the country.
99. The acoustic feedback even howling is a well - known problem in sound reinforcement system.
100. Any of several monkeys of the genus Alouatta of tropical America, having a long, prehensile tail and an extremely loud, howling call.
101. For the Horde, in Howling Fjord, you enter an area with brand new Forsaken architecture.
102. Skills: Due to its incessant howling , a gloom golem takes a - 10 penalty on Move Silently checks.
103. If howling occurs, reposition the speakers or turn down the volume on the amplifier.
104. We use a floorless Scott tent as our outhouse, which helps provide a shelter to make this basic function much more pleasant, especially when the wind is howling and the snow is blowing.
105. Though he was by a howling crowd of demonstrators, the ambassador kept a stiff upper lip.
106. And when the finish line approaches , he starts howling like a wounded beagle.
107. MOSCOW – A Russian icebreaker labored Monday through howling winds and heavy snow as it tried to reach icebound ships in the Sea of Okhotsk where more than 500 seamen are trapped.
108. A violent wind was howling and dark clouds were scudding across the sky.
109. One synonym that has fallen out of usage was katzenjammer only about 50 years older, that comes from German meaning "cats howling."
110. On July 14,1789, a howling Parisian mob stormed the Bastille, killing the guards.
111. He had set up a wordless howling, like an animal.
112. How could I not find myself howling at such perversion in the universe?
113. Its white fur is the perfect camouflage, and the howling Hoth winds mask its approach until it is too late.
114. It's as if, hidden among all the jibber and twitch, obscured by the smoke and howling, there's a little charm of amnesia.
115. Double rune abilities damage increased: Obliterate, Howling Blast, Scourge Strike, Death Strike.
116. Jas . 5:1 Come now , you rich, weep, howling over your miseries, which are coming upon you!
117. With siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushes the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary's Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee.
118. This howling wind cuts to the bone and you're not even shaking. Milord are you alright?




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